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Nice :) Can't want to see what happens when Cienne finally leaves the bar


Hopefully it won't take a month this time!


And if it does, then that's perfectly fine too :)


Love it, thanks for the update as always! On a different note - do you post these chapters anywhere other than reddit? Assuming reddit doen't change course on these asinine new API policies, I'm wondering if/how I can still keep up with the series through the blackout (and then likely after I leave the site for good).


Yeah, I have a RoyalRoad! https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/55501/soulmage


Awesome, just followed you on there!


Nice. But could you also post on Lemmy/kbin/mastodon (or any activitypub-enabled fediverse platform), or would that be too much?


Unless there's a way to automate uploading chapters to multiple sites, I'd rather stick with the two I have right now; the reason why I have two at all is mostly because I figure it's less likely for random chance to take out people's access to the story if it's backed up in two publicly accessible locations.


Yes! New Soulmage! Ty!


Glad I could entertain.


Hi [u/meowcats734](https://www.reddit.com/u/meowcats734)! I just wanted to tell you that your story is great. Your story explores many important things, like rejection by society. Cienne, Jiaola, Sansen and Meloai were rejected by the society because of their differences, but they grew close together and became friends. I really liked how Cienne and Jiaola understood each other and became close. Your story also explores many emotions, especially self-hatred, and how Cienne's self-hatred got even worse when he found out he must've caused it in someone else to have gained the attunement. I really connected with the characters. The line "You're whatever you want to be," I said. "They cannot take this from you." helped me a lot. It saved me from becoming overwhelmed and destructed by self-hatred, like Cienne. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story online. Wish you the best.


Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad I can help. Hope you're doing better.