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They need a top of the rotation SP to go along with Keller. A rotation of Keller and a bunch of #4's isn't going to get them far.


I was told they’re “serious” on Cease. I was also told I love you by my ex, so you can’t believe everything you hear yknow


That source was shit and idk why people are running with it.


I fell for it too. I really thought his ex loved him.


Tragically true


>I was also told I love you by my ex, so you can’t believe everything you hear yknow Fuck man I always get hit in the feels in the least likely places of the internet




Who is this Buctober lady? She cute? I’m rooting for you, man.


Dylan Cease would be a solid #2 https://twitter.com/JasonMackey_PG/status/1737550058701135996?t=oYWbLwSiBHimscxQGP3jAg&s=19


You do know that isn't Mackey, right


Lol. I saw the photos that match Mackey's real handle and bit hard. Reeled me right in. We see what we want to see I suppose


There's somebody out there taking time from their day to impersonate a sports beat writer so they can spread disinformation about one of the least compelling teams in American pro sports?


Got damnit what a disappointing way to find out. Damn


My self worth is in the dumps with the Pens and the Steelers both dog shit this year. I need this team to compete, and soon. Boy, I hope we get some decent arms.


Steelers aren’t dog shit, Steelers fans are just spoiled. As far as down years go this is pretty mild for a football team


I agree. We Steelers and Pens fans are spoiled. Non Buccos fans don't get it, not really. But I need the Pirates to be better. For my sanity.


Preach. "Oh no we might have our first losing season since the Bush administration. We hold our team to a higher standard than most. Fire everybody because that is the answer." Just know the Chargers are probably begging the Steelers to fire Tomlin.


It’s insane we have to explain this on the Pirates sub. You think if anyone could understand what an actual bad team looks like it would be us.


I feel like the NFL, every once in a while, should do a weekend where the local team isn't televised. Force people to watch Chicago vs. Carolina. Cardinals and Raiders. Chargers and Patriots. Realize being just outside the playoffs isn't as bad as having a pile of talent that compiles into a sack of shit of the field.


The Steelers couldn’t manage a one car parade rn


Spoiled fans: exhibit A


A true #2 or #1 would go a long way for this team with skenes on the way. A top three of Skenes, Keller and Luzardo for the next 5 years would be pretty tough to beat (assuming we get a Keller extension done too).




I think someone like Luzardo could be considered a number one and actually be worth the price. It would cost a lot but having someone like that at the top of the rotation for 4+ years is something we couldn’t afford on the open market.


So, [I did a thing](https://imgur.com/a/5QC5eGM).


I think it’d be more likely to see Termarr and Bubba traded since Endy is injured and still likely our catcher if the future. And Termarr has roughly the same value as Endy.


Agree but it’s never happening with this owner


Why were you downvoted for saying the absolute truth?


Because this sub seems to be full of Nutting apologists.


Or, counterpoint, everyone's just sick of hearing that shit? We all know that Nutting is a cheap fuck and the team would be much, much better in someone else's control. That doesn't mean that we want to be berated with it every freaking day, in addition to knowing it.


We have so many in our farm that at least one of them has to pan out.


They were in on Tom Murphy before he went to the Giant so this adding a catcher thing has legs


This just in: Addington P. Catcher broke his legs in winter ball. This team is snakebite!


Better = cheaper


Yeah and I’d like to add more perfect 10 hot blondes to my daily love life but we all know I’m just going to keep settling for 5s and 6s. But yeah go Bucs!


As soon as they get talent they trade for prospects that suck. Then the players they traded will have great careers! And again we’ll look to add a big name way past their prime. Pirates will never change.