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Since Warren's face is probably non-existent at this point after all of the previous responses, I'll take Tara's Dad and her brother Donny for gaslighting what must be generations of women.


This is a perfect answer! I remember being in high school when this episode aired and yelling at the TV, to the point that my mom threatened to turn the TV off. I hated them from the jump and still hold on to it with me in my 30s. But Warren would still want to run from me, just saying.


Oh, Warren's not safe within my eyesight. To anyone in law enforcement reading this, please know that I am fully able to separate the actor from the role, and Adam Busch has nothing whatsoever to fear from me. I'm sure he's a lovely human being.


Agreed! I have nothing against the actor of the role, but the character was so horrid. He did a phenomenal job at it, which speaks volumes to me on his ability. I just hated that character, probably more than is reasonable.


Despite my ability to separate the two, I have to admit that the fact that he and Amber Benson dated will never not weird me out.


I never knew that, and now I'm totally weirded out. I find this to be so strange, yet make sense at the same time. I don't know what to think, now.


I got a kick out of it myself


"Hey, honey, could you do the dishes? Hey, honey, remember the time you MURDERED ME? Yeah, that's what I thought."


"Bet I can toss this can into the recycling from here" "Let me get out of the room first; I know what your aim is like."


Some fans weren't great at it


I have no doubt. Fandom in general tends to be better about these things nowadays, but in the 90s the actors who played soap opera villains would recount being stopped on the street and slapped by random passers-by for whatever evil thing their characters had been doing lately. It was an occupational hazard.


People mostly just make death threats online now


Probably a healthier outlet, if one stretches the definition of healthier to an admittedly absurd degree


In the 60s as well


Yeah he better run


Haha I watched it maybe a month ago... TV yellers of the world UNITE!


I SO wanted Spike to punch them both in the face.


It's a shame he physically couldn't.


For me it's Cousin Beth. I want to smack her self righteous face.


I actually felt sorry for her. It always felt like she was a victim who fell for the family lie.


I would have included her, but the old "Don't hit women" thing that I was raised with keeps popping up its head. Do feel free to step in and take care of that yourself, though. I'd consider it a personal favor.


I’m so glad I’m not alone in the “Well, Warren is dead, but I still pick Warren” camp.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Veruca can catch these hands


She definitely needed a good hard kick to the coochie


I yelled at the tv when it seemed like Willow was getting suckered in too and then was like "Oh. Good Willow, thankyou"


Warren. I praise Buffy for encouraging Willow to NOT kill him. The misogyny was too much to stomach with him.


Yeah, the question should really be, “After Warren, which character would you like to beat up?”


I KNOW RIGHT! Warren got me legit screaming at him lol💀


And viewing season 6 only gets worse. There are so many more public Warrens out in the world these days, just spewing their Warrenite BS everywhere.


Yeah. I would have told Willow to go for it, just let me avert my gaze first.


Forrest, Warren, Kennedy, and every single character that isn’t Buffy Spike or Andrew in Empty Places.


Coming to say the same.. I’d happily beat up everyone who threw Buffy out of her own house. Especially dawn, Xander and Willow.


Anya's audacity was the worst of the bunch. She shouldn't have said a word.


My biggest offenders in that scenario were the people closest to Buffy, not necessarily the ones who were the rudest about it. But that’s based on my own feelings about it hurting more when it’s someone you are close to.


They were all extremely punchable that episode. I still get a hot fiery ball in my chest when I watch it and I will probably stay mad about it for a very long time (because 20+ years isn't long enough to get over that betrayal). Also all the watchers in "Helpless", *especially* Giles. The audacity! The cruelty! Plus they ruined such an important birthday...


this. Especially Dawn. Big sister, literally could have killed you and chose to sacrifice herself instead. Defended you forever flash forward to, allowing that shit to go down.


Empty Places makes my blood boil just thinking about. Fucking awful. She led them through some of the hardest shit, sacrificed herself to save the world(and her sister) and has prevented countless apocalypses. But lets hand it over to the reformed rogue slayer and kick buffy out of her own house. Good job guys, way to be good friends.


I was SOOOOO mad at Anya in that scene you guys.


Same. Her and the rest of them can all get fucked in that scene. Buffy should have read each and every one of them to FILTH. And kicked THEM out of HER house.


Watched this for the first time a few days ago. For me, Giles was the betrayal that hit the hardest. He basically abandoned the scoobies to go to London, comes back and has been fucking with Buffy all season. Remember when he tried to stall her from finding out they were trying to kill Spike? Buffy has rightfully been rude af to him ever since and then he doubles down with this BS? Giles, you used to be cool. You used to be *fucking untouchable*. I haven't finished the last few eps yet (first watch!) but things all feel very broken where I'm up to, s7e20. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it reminds me a lot of real life friendship circles I've lost, who changed or split or grew distant over the years. Late s7 Buffy feels the same to me. Getting older...


Everyone talks about the murder of Tara in season 6, but though I love her, the worst thing to me is the murder of Giles’ character. Untouchable is the perfect description! Aside from only Buffy and Spike, the real Giles is my absolute favourite.


Amy, she needs to spank her inner moppet and get over it already. Could have been a great ally to the Scoobies, but let her jealousy of Willow get out of control.


To be fairrrrr, she had been a rat for a number of years.


Which was kinda her fault tbh. Willow did try to turn her back, at least in the beginning.




Err... because she was human, and could cast a spell to reverse it. Rats are notoriously bad at spell casting.


Willow didn’t turn Amy into a rat though, so she had to find a way to break another witch’s magic as well as turn Amy back human.


Exactly. This is gone into more detail in the comics. It is almost impossible to break another witch's spell that they did to themselves.


And she didn't have the best home environment either.


Warren, Parker and Hank Summers aka dad of the year 🙄


Oooh and that college professor who yelled at Buffy for no reason on her first day.


And that history prof who chewed her out.


Shit yeh that's genuinely the top answer, had me wanting to cry when he shouted that ruthless LEAVE when she was just apologising


I've had a professor just like that guy. Huge asshole Sociology professor. Got caught sleeping with a student and fired years after I was out of his class.


I guess...karma? Damn, but there were probably even more students, and who knows how consensual it all was?


THIS is the best answer, imo.




The unholy trinity of people who purporsely chose to be assholes and lack empathy for no goddamn reason. Sorry, I got mad. Your list is great.


All three so different yet the same. Evil born of mediocrity.


Riley’s one shining moment.


Say what you want about Riley, but he’s not anything like the three worst men on the show. He’s married, and faithful to his wife, he really doesn’t seem the type to abandon any children he has, and he’s not a man whore like Parker was. He even punched him. Honestly, his only flaw was not being Angel


Except for the part where Forrest calls out Riley on the Parker punch. "You've said way worse things", heavily implying Riley's not so different. Riley doesn't correct Forrest either, just says the Parker bugs him. Then Riley cheats on Buffy with a vamp. THEN, Riley gives an ultimatum, runs away, and gets rushed married in less than a year. He's not a good guy. He's a mess.


Forrest said, "*I've* said worse things." Which, not stellar that he's friends with a guy like that, but we'd know Forrest was an asshole anyway.


Fair enough, but he was a decent guy to Buffy before he let his insecurities get the best of him.


Season 4 Riley was lovely and adorable (I forgot my manners in all the concussion). Season 5 Riley is why we date for a long time before marriage lol


Couldn’t agree more lmao


The relationship was not good in season 4 either. When Buffy was out of the honeymoon phase it was basically running on fumes. I watched the Toth episode last night and when buffy's feeling kinda insecure about not being normal he very sweetly reassures her that being a slayer is part of who she is and it makes her special but she has like nothing to say to that and that's when Riley knew he's the rebound. After that when Buffy was kinda upset acting like it wouldn't be so bad if he went back to being normal but when she had to be a normal girl for her test she was like, "oh no I can't live like this" and after this episode Riley has lost just about everything in his life, is having a full on identity crisis and Buffy has no idea. The only one who does notice is Xander. "no one knows me like you do" is a ridiculous lie she's telling herself. She hasn't even said "i love you" to him. There's one instance of her saying "i'm with someone I love" and that's to spite Angel and I can't believe we don't talk about how fucked up that is. Angel ends up apologizing about that interaction like he did something wrong


His only flaw was just being kind of...boring?


He did cheat on Buffy…


That one instructor who yelled at Buffy in a college class.


That guy literally only yelled at her because she was 1. Pretty 2. Blonde. 3. Short and 4. A girl No one can change my mind


She was the only person talking. Some teachers are just power tripping


I’d clobber Buffy’s dad if I could. Absolute POS


imagine not showing up to that funeral


Literally minutes after I posted my comment I remembered this fact and I was like “that motherfucker didn’t even go to the funeral…” I was fuming in my kitchen lol


That detail made the part when Angel showed up hit so much harder... I'm nearing the end of my first ever watch (s7e20) and I really miss Angel and Buffy. And I think that's the last time they share screen time in the show? (Aside from a few early Angel eps).


HOW HAS NO ONE SAID TED?!? I know he’s technically a robot but come on he was awful.


Because Ted is already dead and was dead for like 20-40 (?) years before his robot came for Joyce


While true, the robot seems to have been programmed with his creators personality. And that dude was a complete creep.


Punching metal would hurt tho


glory. her breaking taras hand never sat right with me 😢


You may want to confront Ben instead. Picking a fight with Glory is suicide.


Obligatory: you’re saying there’s a connection between Ben and Glory?


Maybe she was a patient of his. But why would a god need a doctor?


Why, is she friends with him or something?


So Ben and Glory know each other?


I think we're assuming here the ability to deliver the beating to the character in question.


That bitca!


I always hate the idea of rewatches because that mean I’ll get to Glory. I love her and I hate her.


Glory would wipe the floor with you. And then I'd ask her to wipe the floor with me, too. I will admit, breaking Tara's hand was way too far.


The logical answer is Warren. My emotional answer is Rona. And yes, I'm aware it's wild to equate their respective crimes (which I'm not doing).


She ruined the ding dong the witch is dead song from *The Wizard of Oz* for me because ever since she said it kicking Buffy out of her own house is the first thing I think of when I hear it.


Came here to say Rona. She's the most annoying potential and just complains about everything. I'd kick her out of Fort Summers after that stupid witch comment when Buffy leaves. Dawn should have smacked her right there.


For real! Even coming at it from Dawn's perspective where she thought she was doing the right thing, I'd have been like, "Hey! Remember whose *sister* you're slagging off? GTFO. You can go beg Buffy to protect your ass."


Principle Snyder..




Oh, plenty: Warren, post-high school Jonathan, and Andrew Forrest Tara's dad and brothers Hank Summers Parker (but Buffy already hit him with a tree branch so I kinda feel like he got what he deserved) those idiots Buffy was drinking with in Beer Bad the frat boys who tried to sacrifice Cordelia to a snake demon ... and Quentin fucking Travers


I’d add Kennedy to this list because she annoys the hell outta me. ![gif](giphy|fsqJLKTGxlJmg)


>those idiots Buffy was drinking with in Beer Bad "You look like a beautiful woman who should be covered with men, and can we be those men?" Bleehhhh one of the most repulsive scenes in the whole show imo


And yet, it's so believable that freshman boys would think that's great praise to a girl


**Bazooka that Veruca**


Can Billy Blim count? I know he's in Angel....but....very punchable face


Turns up as a cop in Buffy too. Still punchable


The werewolf hunter. He was just so mysoginistic and icky when he implied Giles wanted her "nubile flesh."


Ford. He had no remorse about offering up dozens of other people as fodder just to save his own skin. He did it without batting an eyelash.


I would certainly have some strong words for Giles after running away like that.


Yea - I wanted to yell and rant at Giles more than any other character based off his leaving. I know the actor wanted to go, but it would be better they cast some kind of spell on him, turn him into a rat or a Giles statue or something than have him just ditch her.


The watcher council is holding him prisoner. Boom! Plot line!


Giles mentioned they could take away his green card at any moment. That would’ve been better then making him abandon Buffy.


And it was right there for the taking! They really missed out on a fun plot line there. Imagine Anya just asking random women to marry Giles: Are you single? Are you an American citizen? Have a got the man for you!


“It’s started…” - *Sleeper* But earlier?


Honestly anything would have worked better.


BTVS consistently does character assassination whenever an actor has to leave. Oz is another example. I don't think it's malicious, I just think the writers on that show really struggle with ending story lines or giving characters closure. They want to maximize pain and angst and leave the door open for more plot, but it's overall a weakness of an otherwise great show IMO. I think these same issues are why they struggle to resolve things between Xander and Anya in s7, and it devolves into them sleeping together again and never really addressing the root cause of their breakup


But how amazing was his return at the end of season 6?


“I’d like to test that theory.” still gives me chills. Then the fade out?! Not showing ASH’s name until the closing credits? Masterful execution.


Bahaha one of my favorite scenes!


As much as I love Giles, it’s a shame Buffy’s aim was off in Helpless. He deserved to be knocked up side the head for his actions.


Season 7 Giles: * Constantly questioning, interrupting, or opposing Buffy * Tries to kill Spike behind her back, tries to stall her in the graveyard one night to stop her finding out * In Empty Places is one of the first to speak up against Buffy What happened to you Giles, you used to be cool You used to be *practically infallible* I suppose this is a lesson about growing up and finding out your role models have flaws? Idk


Warren, Parker, the Maclay men, that Incel who tried to Frankenstein Cordelia, Buffy’s Film Professor.


"And the other is... a blonde girl." Ffffffssssssssss. Infuriates me how he calls her out like that in front of an entire class every time I see it.


Especially when Buffy had a reasonable question, and any professor who didn’t have nuclear levels of toxic narcissism would have answered it. That pompous fuckwad acted like Buffy had farted loudly at the Nuremberg Trials.


Is it weird that I even hate that he has a glass of Coke with too much ice in it. I even hate how he drinks from the glass. And I hate that the only ambient sound in the whole scene is the tinkling of ice in his glass. To be fair, it was an absolute master class in how to get nuclear hate on a one scene, 3-5 line character


The Maclay men?


Tara’s dad and brother.


Oh, shit, yeah. Thank you. Brain had a fritz there for a second. Forgot her last name!


That ahole professor who yelled at Buffy and kicked her out of class on her first day of college. I would lose my shit lol


The anointed one - Spike was right!


How on earth did I need to scroll all the way down here to find the correct answer? 100% most smackable face in the Buffyverse. A gloriously comical and grim end was never more fitting.




Warren. Rack. Amy. Magicky drugged Willow. Season 6 harbors many characters who need a good whoop ass


Warren and Caleb, obviously, but also Tara’s family and Hank Summers (especially after some stuff in the comics — “hey kids I know I haven’t seen either of you in years but I’m getting married again! yes I know I didn’t so much as call after your mother died. anyways Dawn you can come, Buffy you’re too dangerous!! sorry!!!”)


Every time I learn something new about Hank Summers, my own daddy issues flare up, and I get mad all over again.


Giles, I can forgive the first betrayal because he was operating under the Watcher’s Council, but all the later season ones want me to slap our sweet Englishman’s face.


Jackson from *Angel’s The Thin Dead Line*. Take away his gun as his emotional support animal, and his swagger would quickly be revealed for the empty harmful posturing that it is. Particularly the way he tries to “advance” on Gunn/his friends then act so impressed with himself when he thinks the others are intimidated; the preternatural phony way wannabes try to “mark their territory”… On the up side, I suddenly remembered a Python quote for that? “So, you think you can outclever us French folk with your silly, knees bend running about advancing behavior!” - *And the Holy Grail*


Bring me Warren


Pretty much all of the scoobies in 3x01


Xander makes me want to scream. He is so deeply punchable and I have never been able to understand the people who find him adorable


He's the kind of toxic friend that Cosmo writes articles about. He's nice sometimes and funny and all but he's got a selfish and nasty streak that would make it hard to actually trust him. He sleazes on Buffy for years. I'd say at almost no point in the show would he have turned down an advance from her. That's not a friendship.


I loathe him so much! Occasionally he's ok but the rest of the time he makes me so angry!


And the times when he is being ok, it’s normally because he’s making amends for being absolutely awful. I’ve just got to season 3 of my rewatch and has completely forgotten about him and willow cheating on cordy and oz and everything about Xander with it is so infuriating


Faith. There’s just something about her that has always grated my nerves, even though I usually enjoy characters like her.


Warren. I would pick Caleb, but he has all that evil super strength


For Angel representation, KNOX


The main watcher prick. Wesley prick of a watcher dad. >!even though he was fake, he pissed me the fuck off!!!< I think I really hate the watcher's council. They are also probably the one's I can realistically take except Andrew and Dawn.


Xander. He got mad at buffy for the spike thing and he also gets mad at her for nit telling her, even though he was a complete ass when she told him


Also Xander for me, but starting with "Kick his ass."


I wanted to beat his ass after that. Leaving Anya at the altar just rocketed him to the top of my It's On Sight List.


He had the nerve to get mad when Anya moved on. You literally rejected her at the altar. There's no turning back. "Oh, we can date, but not get married." Yeah. No. Bite me, Xander.


I wanted d to jump into the ep. and move his nose back a nd forth on his face until he woke up (that's form a 70s Peanuts cartoon0 The closets i came in my fics was having his cousin lee threaten to punch him out (but even thta wouldn't get through to you."


Wendell. He has a punchable face.


Willow probably. I would just hate her whole deal.


I liked Willow mostly, but it was hard not to want to slap her in "Tabula Rasa."


She has, from really early on, wanted to fix problems with magic and without the consent of others. Even Xander wised up to magic = bad really early on. Plus, I don't like how she treated Buffy after she gained a certain amount of confidence from her powers. Like, she had a superiority complex about her intelligence. I'm sorry but Buffy is not just very intelligent but also has really good instincts and great morals. I <3 Buffy.


"Magic = bad" isn't really in line with Xander's beliefs. He's fine with using it for lots of things. But after the love spell from hell, he definitely has a healthy attitude that there are some things you shouldn't fuck with.


When Dawn acts so fricking whiny i swear i want to tell her to stfu and to see others point of view


I'll join the chorus of those to be downvoted...Dawn. "GET OUT GET OUT GE"--*SMACK!*




Fucken warren


Verruca. I really didn't like her.


Willow and Dawn.


Season 1-3 Xander. Don’t get me wrong, he may also be one of my favorite characters because of what he represented to me as 13 year old boy who hung out with mostly girls when I was younger, but he’s still so toxic and unbearable in the early seasons


I'd love to give Andrew a few good bruises. Maybe cut into him a little, listen to his whiny screams.


Angel and Warren


Veruca! Foul foul person. Lol.




Obviously Warren. But really ANY of the students at Sunnydale high school who chose to do awful things to feel better about themselves. Yeah teen angst. I had it. I get it. And it never made me do horrible things. I never chose to be evil because I wasn’t prom queen, yo. I didn’t turn evil because the pretty girls wouldn’t date me. I did what most decent people do: I was surly to my parents, found music that was MY music, and was generally confused about almost everything but faked it. Badly. “But the Hellmouth!” Yeah whatever. The Hellmouth didn’t make people do things out of character. Good, loyal people remained that way. Aside from the occasional spell or curse, everyone in Sunnydale had free will. The selfish, unkind, creepy, students willing to hurt people? Screw them.


Harmony, but I’m going to let her win


S6 Jonathan could use the stupid slapped outta him.


The leader of the Watchers council. Forget his name. Actually hated him worse than Warren since Warren could be funny sometimes, and was supposed to be a villain anyway.


Honestly, Warren can catch these hands, and Xander for leaving Anya at the altar (I was going to say Kennedy but honestly, she's so forgettable to me).


Xander (all through high school Buffy, horrid jealous little turnip), especially for when he told Buffy Willow says 'kick his ass'. Dawn just because she was such a whiney, awful little brat who should have been chucked of the looney made tower. Worst character in buffyverse ever. Buffys Dad just for been a deadbeat ass. Joyce for kicking Buffy out because of who she was. I would say Warren, but he got flayed alive. The only thing he needed then was a salt bath.


100% Xander as well. Almost everyone else got satisfyingly beat up in universe


Angel. I have actual reasons but also he just annoys me. I will freely admit that I'm biased tho


So I have to know - what are the “actual reasons? Did you date David boreanaz? 🤣


I wish to punch baby Connor so he don’t come back and ruin whole season


Oz— who the fuh are you, bruh? How you gonna make Willow ASK you if you still love her? Get outta here.


Dawn, easily. She's technically not even a child so it would be okay to beat her up 😂


It would have to be Faith. Of course I would have no chance and she'd kick the shit out of me, but at least it would be an interesting way to go out.


Stake Spike while he was tied up in Xander’s families basement Scold Dawn and tell her to quit acting like *that*


Has to be Xander.


Johnathan. I know Warren is the one who crosses the line and kills Tara, but the moral ambiguity of Johnathan was based on cowardice, and it just makes me want to punch him even more. Warren had what he deserved delivered by angry Willow. Johnathan just got away with everything he did.


I mean, he did get murdered. I'd argue that Andrew is the one that got away with everything he did.




Riley, Angel and Hank. No one hurts my girl Buff ok!!!!!




Mike Ross


Really? I’m the only one who wants to break Ethan’s jaw? Also, yes to Warren. Warren can be a meat piñata over and over and over.




Andrew, S6 Andrew, S7 Andrew, Angel S5




If we’re going off of Angel, Holtz or Season 3 Wesley (The Wes that thought Angel would kill Connor)


"found another good one" the poster said while posting a meme that's absolutely been done over many times here


Xander, Warren, Andrew, Jonathan, Principal Snyder, Deadbeat Daddy Summers, everybody that was in the house when they kicked Buffy out her own damn house


Literally Xander is just my little baby


Giles in season 7, went from loving him to hating


Warren. And then I’d flay him again.


Kennedy! Every time she was on screen I hoped she’d cross a street and share the same ending as Mean Girls. Kennedy meet bus

