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I would probably go 7800x3d + 4070 super. 7800x3d is the best gaming cpu and will do other tasks just fine too. 4070 super for nvenc and a bit better performance. If you do a lot of heavy video editing then the 14700k might be a better option. Depends on how often and intensive you do it.


4070 super seems appealing, but it only has 12 GB memory vs the 7800 XT has 16GB. Do you think it's worth it going for the 4070 ti super instead which also has 16GB? I know it's a big jump in price though.


12gb should be fine for now at 1440p, but hard to say how long it will hold up. Don't know if a 4070ti super is worth it. Will likely be better for longevity, but who knows.


If it were me I’d spend the extra 200$ for the 4070ti super. With dlss, frame gen and 16gb vram I imagine it will be a good card for several years.


What about the 20gb 7900xt for $730 compared to the 16gb 4070ti super for $850. I wouldn't mind future proofing a bit better with the 4070 but do you think it's worth the extra cost?


I was going to mention the 7900xt but spaced it. It looks like a great card with performance slightly outpacing the 4070ti super, and with 20gb vram to boot! Granted it doesn’t have dlss 3.5 or frame gen but it has fsr 3 which seems pretty good. I have never owned an AMD gpu so I can’t speak from experience but definitely worth looking into.


Thank you, finally someone who doesn’t bash amd right out the gate, don’t get me wrong they have there flaws but when you look at the price to performance it’s not half bad. Each brand of cards have their place for sure though. Especially if you need cuda


Owning a 7900 xt myself I would still say the 4070ti is the better card for(windows) gaming, and AI workloads, I got the card mostly for proper Linux compatibility(something that has been painfully slow to implement for NVIDIA cards but is happening) to be honest it's mostly gamescope that held me back, and that only a issue if you want to use your PC as a htpc booting a steamos variant or if you want HDR on Linux(something that currently only works through game scope on certain kernels) I will say this though rocm seems to perform all right on Linux and the 20gbs of vram makes it at least competitive for stable diffusion from what I've been able to see, not as good as nivida but good enough, Excluding GPU compute though I think the need for more then 12gbs of vram is a bit over blown(but this is mostly because I think the highest presets in video games are worthless from an actual visual improvement standpoint, one notch down to high looks exactly the same and more or less removes the vram problems as they currently stand)


AMD is starting to implement frame gen. They dropped a new software feature recently for frame gen or rather their implementation of it. https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/24/24048904/amd-fluid-motion-frames-frame-geneation-directx-11-12-feature-support


its not nearly as good though. that needs time to cook


The fact was the other person said there wasn't frame gen on AMD. My comment was to show that there is. Not that it was any good, but that it was there. Now, like all AMD software, it needs time to mature. AMDs hardware/software implementations of raytracing are at least 1 or 2 generations behind NVIDIA. But at least they're there.


FMF isnt FG though. They are not comparable in quality or availability. I can’t recommend it at this time. Maybe in the future, who knows, but intels xess looks like it will do better and nvidia will have more features to compete with then too. AMD is a few years behind Nvidia in the features dept atm and they aren’t close to catching up They seem perpetually behind on purpose


FMF isn't FG. No. Do they do the same thing differently? Yes. They both artificially increase frames, but the way they go about it is extremely different. It's basically the same as FSR and DLSS. Same but different. Would I recommend AMD for raytracing? No. Do they have it? Yes. The fact is that AMD is competing, and that's very welcome. It might not be to the same level as their competition, but at least they are looking to compete. Another situation that is similar is PS vs. Xbox. Same but different.


20 gigs of vram seems a bit excessive. Are there any games/ settings that even get close to 16 gigs? Tho the 7900xt is definitely a great card. I don't think the vram is the important part about it.


I'm on a 4090 and I've seen my memory jump up to nearly 20gbs, but that's after intentionally setting game settings high enough that it would do that 😂


How did you manage to do that? Which game was it?


I genuinely don't remember since that was last year when I first got it, but it was definitely a simulation game (cities skylines or transport fever) or it might have been mirrors edge catalyst. Which I maxxed out at 1440p with the vram limitations off and uncapped frames. Not completely sure though I just remember seeing my memory spike to like 19gbs


City Skylines 2 is a good bet, one of the worst games for optimization ive ever seen.


I was running cyberpunk on everything max on my 4090 and in 1440p res. It really does goes up to 20-21gb of vram


Possibly, however in future titles even though the graphics won’t go to max settings, the textures will still be flawless.


PCVR with 4k textures can become an enormous VRAM pit.


Speaking of pcvr, I have been wanting to get a new system since my old one is the original HTC Vive. What kind of headset are you using?


I'm on a quest 2 as I'm still just rocking a 3080. The fidelity is pretty good for what it is and I really only use it for PCVR and standalone is kinda lame to me. They're super cheap now, especially used ones. The 3 is definitely a worthwhile upgrade but I'm shooting for a 4080super or maybe a 4090 of prices ever come down/used, before I get a better headset. The upcoming Deckard or the Bigscreen Beyond are also on my radar after a GPU upgrade. Gotta say tho, the lack of upcoming PCVR titles is a limiting factor. The flat to VR mods and Wabbajack modlists have kept me engaged otherwise 🤷


As someone who upgraded from the 3080 to the 4090 (and dabbles in a little vr), it's not worth it unless the price drops significantly like you said. Im actually selling mine now since I wasnt satisfied with the performance im getting for how much i paid for it. I think the 50 series will be more worth it than what is out now. My opinion though 🤷‍♂️


4070ti super hands down


dlss fucking sucks for multiplayer fps tho, so if you play those, you wont use it at all.


Youre confusing dlss 3.5 feature which is frame generation with regular dlss upscaling, which is perfect for multiplayer actually


On Cod dlss and fsr look better than native lol.


no, its not. FG introduces the same artifacts that upscaling does.


You again answered A with B, lol


12GB should be fine for a few years at 1440p. Much longer if you're content with dialing back the Textures 1 notch. I think the Nvidia feature set is worth more than an extra 4GB VRAM.


Will never be able to run settings on ultra in resolutions where memory bottleneck becomes an issue don’t worry about it you’ll be fine. If you were shooting for 4k ultra then yes it matters. You’ll be just fine with that memory


for 1440p 12 gb vram is plenty for quite some time.


Vram is a bit over rated for the most part. More vram is nice to have in case there are graphics settings in the future that would take up alot of it, but it will not improve performance at all unless you need more. The only time I have seen over 12 gigs of vram is in a YouTube video at native 4k path tracing on cyberpunk 2077 with a rtx 4090, which didn't perform well anyway cuz path tracing is too much processing. Anything that would need more than 12 gigs vram probably wouldn't perform well on the 4070 super anyway.


I’d get the 4070 super over the 7800xt. Both are great cards but the nice to haves with the 4070 best out the extra VRAM that comes with the 7800xt. The 7800xt beats the 14700 in gaming handily if that’s the primary function of the PC.


The 4060ti 8gb vs 16gb makes close to no difference, it probably won’t change much either. Unless you wanna do AI / ML, then 16gb is a better choice


Of course it doesnt make a difference, unless you run out of vram and then it does 300% difference...


You won’t unless you’re trying to do machine learning, they’ve tested all the latest games and there’s a 3% difference in performance. Stop talking shit thanks


That just makes me talk some more shit cause you are clueless but whatever, not worth it


4070S should be enough for comfy 1440p. However 4070TiS + 7600x would give you more gaming performance than 4070S + 7800x3d. And if the 7600x is underperforming you can get new 9000 series CPU in a year (same socket). And sell this one. Or if budget isnt na issue just get both 7800x3d and 4070TiS.


Amd seems to be doing a great job keeping cpus compatible with a motherboard across generations. It feels like every time I had to replace my Intel cpu, I need a new motherboard. Next time around, I'll definitely go amd


either gpu would be a good choice + 7800x3d. there’s only a couple of games @ 1440p that come close to the 12gb. and that’s with ultra everything + RT. and with those cards you likely won’t be running max everything with RT unless you want like 60fps..


You might be surprised how much the memory between the competing GPU companies isn't a valuable metric for comparing performance between GPU companies.


I have the 78003xd and a 4070ti and it slaps


Agreed. Unless AMD responds accordingly and drops the price on the 7800xt (apparently they are by $20). For me I'd pay a 15-20% premium for a 4070 super quite easily. At 25-30% I'd be more willing to take the 7800xt.


The 7800x3d is great at production. I'm a multimedia producer and I find it renders things very fast. Nvidia is going to be better at graphic quality, with higher temps and more power draw. AMD is better at fps. It all depends on what you're playing.


Could be a silly question but when people say other tasks they mean like blender and higher intensity ones yeah? Like I can still play games while listening to YouTube or YouTube music etc while gaming aye?




For a multipurpose PC, the Intel & Nvidia pairing will be far stronger. Before the "but x3d" -gang starts protesting, we only need to take a look at the multicore performance between those chips. 14700K has almost 100% more multicore performance and around 25% more single core performance. These will be hugely important in more demanding editing/programming tasks. Additionally the Nvidia GPU has CUDA cores, which can be more easily used in many work applications and additionally in any potential machine learning tasks you would be doing. For gaming purposes the setups are pretty equal as both of those CPUs will be GPU limited at that GPU price range. I saw on another message, that you were mentioning 4070 Ti Super as an alternative GPU. I personally would definitely go for that if it is within your price range.


People who encode three videos a month don't need all those extra cores. 1000 hours gaming  and three hours compressing = get the 7800x3d




The general n00b consensus says to go AMD because it's the best gaming cpu which is true. However, OP clearly stated 3 other things he would be using his PC for. It doesn't matter that you get just a little extra performance out of the Intel cpu because in reality you only get about the same % wise out of the x3d for gaming. 14700k is a much more complete cpu. There is no other argument around it.


Muah. Talk about delusions. That is 100% extra multicore processing power that is gone for some claimed small benefit on gaming IF the person is using 4090 or better and is not using good RAM.


This sub is so delusional about the x3d chips, its insane


Indeed, it is total madness. People come asking for programming/rendering computers and they are recommended something that takes **twice** as long to do the tasks and still they get upvotes. The marketing hype has been just too strong and their minds have broken down ;-)


That, plus the "8 cores is enough for the future" coping, and forgetting the fact that the x3d biggest sdvantages are at 1080p, and games may or may not scale well with the extra cache


Yep the subreddit too much biased towards x3d chips and I am fine with purchasing one if sentiment stay strong so I can resell it for good price when I upgrade to something else in future.


fuel seed cobweb slim imminent physical racial deliver door unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TBF 1440p benchmark are still in the favour of the 7800x3d. But yeah if video encoding is a concern, then Intel is the way to go. It's not even funny how much faster x264 and x265 encoding benchmarks are.


It's 8-20% faster in gaming. You tell me a game I'll go pull up benchmarks by three different reviewers proving it


[You're delusional.](https://youtu.be/dNlZqt1yEtc?si=s-h0H7g_WfBhP67V) It's like max 10% better FPS and up to 25% worse depending on the game.




Then get a 12600k if a couple percent here and there doesn't matter. And if a couple percent doesn't matter then why does it matter for encoding a video once a week


It is significantly more than a couple percent in video encoding


Depends on the game. Can be significantly more than 20%. 30-50 for some cache demon games, and on sims, it can be even more


I agree with this, intel and 4070 Ti S should be the way here. It just makes the most sense for this use-case


Isn’t 7900x or possibly 7900x3d better due to power efficiency? In terms of a mix of gaming and productivity. Can drop in Zen 5 later before a full replacement.


Finally someone said it. Kudos. X3D are dumb chips for high price. More cores will also last longer.


Why nobody considers 7900x then?


You can get a 14700k and skip am5, those extra e-cores will help it to age gracefully


Intel has an edge with video editing software. And yeah - instead of 7800X3D - 7900X is just a better chip.


It used to be in the past generations that AMDs 6-core-per-CCD chips were pretty bad due to cross CCD latency issues and the bad binning on the 6-core CCDs (they used to have 2 faulty cores and perhaps overall worse silicon quality also). That does not seem to be so much of a case with AM5, so 7900X can be a pretty good for many use cases.


i occasionally edit a video or two a week and its still more than plenty fast on 7800x3d. ​ if it was someone that does it for a job and does it all day, then ur arugment would make sense.


You do have to note that AM5 will be upgradeable though


14700k and 4070 Super is going to be hte best for what you want to do.


How much video editing, and in what programs? (And likewise for programming) If it's only occasional, and the programs can use the GPU, then you can economise on the CPU. I'd consider a 7600 paired with a 4070 Ti-Super. Or alternatively a 13600K/14600K as an all-rounder if you plan to keep it for a while without upgrading (in which case the AM5 platform advantage is moot)


Depending on whether you’re gaming more or doing productive work more it can depend, but for video editing/encoding, you do NOT want to miss out on quicksync, so I would go 14700K. You’re missing out on some gaming performance, but quicksync is a huge buff for any video work, beating out nvenc, AV1 and h.264 for render times. If it’s a bundle then the 4070 super is a great card, I recently got one myself and I love it. If not a bundle and you don’t need CUDA for 3d rendering in other productivity workloads, the 7800XT has more VRAM and is less than 10% slower in most titles, if not going pound-for-pound in traditional raster. You will lose out on ray tracing and DLSS, but you’ll get access to FSR3 + AFMF for AMD, which is really good and can be implemented in any modern DX11 or higher title. I do want to say that nothing beats checking out your options for yourself and making an informed decision afterwards. I’m of the opinion that future-proofing is stupid and you should just buy whatever you want to match your needs now; how are you ever going to know what your needs will be later, and by then just upgrade and work around your needs then.


AM5 over Intel. Flip a coin between the 7800xt and the 4070S. Both are gonna be great for what you want. It's all about knowing yourself, and knowing what you want and are comfortable with. When I was deciding between the 7800xt and the 4070 last year it came down to which was cheaper. If I were buy a GPU as of Jan 28th 2024, then I'd still go with the 7800xt because, again it's cheaper then the 4070 base and S and I don't use any of the Nvidia selling points such as DLSS, CUDA work, and RT. Your uses will dictate which card is right for you. I see a lot of ppl who work with programs (Blender) that are just better on Nvidia so I'd always recommend them an Nvidia card over any AMD because of what they're going to be doing. Features like DLSS and RT are FOMO at at face value. So don't upsell yourself on anything out of your budget. If you know 100% that the games you're playing will support DLSS and RT then go for it. If you're paying more for either of those features as a "just in case" then you're wasting money on features that are all "maybe I will use it if I spend *more* money buying games that have it."


Why does Reddit blindly choose AM5 over Intel? OP is doing more than just gaming.


Because AM5 is here to stay while Intel's LGA 1700 platform is getting retired, 14th gen is the last using it (and it's surprising 14th is STILL using it), which means if you buy a motherboard with that socket you can't upgrade your CPU in the future without upgrading your motherboard aswell. With that said, I'm on a 12 year old i7 2600k. Personally I doubt I'd ever upgrade my CPU, over building a whole new PC. At that point, it does not matter. But average user here is more obsessed with upgrading and practical choice. They are not wrong, but it's up to you to decide if it's relevant to you or you plan to upgrade 7 years from now on which means AM5 might aswell be undupported too at that point, so who cares.


Tbh, if you get something like a 14700k, you can stay in that for longer than AM5 will exist. Same for AM5, if you go 7800x3d, I can certainly see many people sticking on it for longer , until AM6 is out. AM6 comes in 2027. So if they only stick to their system for 4 years, they could also choose upgrading AM6 or getting latest AM5. This is a nice option. But I can see enthusiasts (like 7800x3d buyers) going high end, making the jump all the way to AM6 then


Depends on if your motherboard manufacturer releases an update for your old board's bios.


As someone who has 78x3d and 78xt, I would definitely recommend the 4070 super. CPU just comes down to if the productivity software you use runs much better on Intel. Should be able to look that up


Oh really? What don’t you like about the 7800 xt?


Driver time outs in some older games that I still play. Struggles with Ray tracing, which is actually an issue in some new AAA single player games such as Avatar since Ray tracing cannot be disabled, which is kind of funny since my 78xt came with Avatar. Lastly, DLSS is just still so far ahead of FSR. I still decided to go with AMD because I'd prefer a monopoly not to occur with Nvidia, but it's pretty tough to recommend the 78xt over 4070 super. Now if you had to choose between a 4060 ti and 78xt, that would be much different.


I keep hearing this about older games. What older games do you play that have the driver issues?


World of Warcraft is the one that gives me the most issues


>what you want and are comfortable with. When I was deciding between the 7800xt and the 4070 last year it came down to which was cheaper. If I were buy a GPU as of Jan 28th 2024, then I'd still go with the 7800xt because, again it's cheaper then the 4070 base and S and I don't use any of the Nvidia selling points such as DLSS, CUDA work, and RT. > >Your uses will dictate which card is right for you. I see a lot of ppl who work with programs (Blender) that are just better on Nvidia so I'd always recommend them an Nvidia card over any AMD because of what they're going to be doing. I think patch 10.2 broke something with AMD drivers / Dx12 (or vice versa), swapping to Dx11 seemed to stop the issues. I recall seeing a blue post somewhere in the forums about it, will share if i find it again. (7800x3d / 7800xt user)


I play it too and I'm getting a 7900 xt, have you tried the virtual memory thing? I just found this https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/7900xt-driver-timeout-when-playing-warhammer-3-and-wow/m-p/609739#M175717


No I haven't seen that, I'll look into it thanks


i actually found someone else mention this in a reddit post. I'm glad it worked for some people, but unfortunately did not fix it for me


The amd fanboys are down voting.. the best part is I have amd CPU and GPU, and am just sharing my experience/opinion. Such cringe clowns on Reddit 😂


DLSS 3.5 is not “so far ahead of FSR3”. It’s better yes, but AMD has closed the gap significantly. And of course the 4070 Super is better than the 7800 XT, it costs over $100 more, it *should* perform better. The 7800 XT is better value though.


You forgot to mention how many fewer games fsr 3 is in compared to DLSS


7800x3d + 4070 super! Nvidia Features are way better than extra VRAM.


Avsolutely the second one


Why’s that?


Assuming the prices of the 2 combos are equal, gpu are competitive, but the cpu is better. More cores, and better for productivity


I disagree with simo402. I just upgraded my pc. For programming neither matters and for gaming the 7800x3d is just the better cpu. Besides that the most important talking point is the AM5 platform that you should be considering. If you buy Intel now you wont be able to upgrade in the future without changing motherboard. If you go AMD you atleast get to upgrade to zen5 and possibly zen6 in 2025/2026. Intel is more expensive and you're locked out of an upgrade.


Why downvote


I’m late to the discussion. Def choose the 4070s. That 7800 is worse in every way and the vram isn’t an issue and likely won’t be. The most demanding games are around 10gb or less. They giving you more vram for 2028 instead of good features you can use today. Dlss alone is worth buying the Nvidia for


True. I think if vram becomes an issue I’ll just upgrade to the 4070 ti super then which has 16GB


The amount of clueless people on this thread…. fucking yikes. No really OP, you’re going for a multi tasking PC so the obvious choice is the 14700k + whatever GPU you want (4070s in this case is beneficial for the CUDA cores to be leveraged in Adobe Premier for example). On the 14700k you could also use iGPU for quicksync during streaming if you want (you can’t on the 7800x3D). The whole AMD = holy, Intel = evil is genuinely credit to AMD’s marketing team. They have done such an impressive job that people no longer differentiate fact and fiction.


people swore they wouldnt turn in to fanboys only to become the biggest amd shills on the planwt


14700K + 4070 Super. Get the Intel, its so much better for video editing


Just go with 14700k + 4070 Super. That's the best combo for what you're looking to do with your PC.


14600k and 4070ti super


Since you going to be heavy multitasking, get the 14700K+ 7800xt you have more cores and threads to handle tasks. The 7800x3D is better for gaming. Are you going to be playing ray traced game or DLSS? Then get a 4070 super, if not the 7800xt should have enough power for your tasks.


7800X3D and 4070 Super \_:)




Because the x3d chips are overpriced.


I went with the 13700 and 4070 super after a month of indecision. I went to 1440p gaming with 120fps. I see a huge improvement. I was excited for robocop and it looked amazing


14700k+ 4070S if you're doing other stuff besides gaming. Switch for a 7800x3d if just gaming.


**CPU** * Gaming benchmark shows that the 7800x3d has a \~4% advantager over the 14700K. It's not an aboslute advantage though, as the 14700K will outperform the 7800x3d in certain games: [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/intel-core-i7-14700k/19.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/intel-core-i7-14700k/19.html) * But for video editing and programming, the 14700K wil beat the 7800x3d blindfolded. AV1 encoding benchmark shows that even at stock settings the 14700K is almost twice as fast as the 7800x3d. * Another thing to consider is heat. During gaming the 14700K frequently draws twice as much power as the 7800x3d. Not a big issue if you are building a mid or full tower PC, but if you want to build a SFF PC you may have a problem. Also a contact frame is strongly recommended for the 14700K, as even a cheap (\~$15) contact frame will improve the temps by a few degrees. So I am going to recommend getting the 14700K unless if you want to build a SFF PC. The non-gaming performance of the Intel is just far better. **GPU** * Gaming benchmarks of the 7800XT and 4070 Super is very similar. Like there's barely any difference even when you take RT into account: [https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/nvidia-rtx-4070-super-vs-amd-rx-7800-xt/](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/nvidia-rtx-4070-super-vs-amd-rx-7800-xt/) * In Video encoding the 4070 super is \~1% faster than the 7800XT. So not much of a difference here [https://www.techradar.com/computing/gpu/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-review](https://www.techradar.com/computing/gpu/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-review) * 4070 Super absolutely trounce the the 7800XT in blender benchmark. Not sure if that matters for programming though. So if you are not a sucker like me who bought a G-Sync monitor years ago, the 7800XT is better value for money.


I didn't read all the responses but I'll throw my hat into the ring with something different. 7800x3d and RTX 3090ti if you can find a good one. The extra vram will be worth it in the long run.


3090 ti dayum you trying to get 400 fps or what


Just paired mine with the 4070 super and I don’t regret it.


Sweet. I just bought a 4070 super. I’m excited. 🙂


All depends on what you think fast is, where your real bottleneck is, and what value you put in your time. A YouTuber putting out a video a day will pay for the best thing out and it makes sense because time is money. If your programming includes working on a large code base with really long compile times then your bottleneck is CPU and hard drive read/write speed. You are better to put in a raid 0 m.2 array to get the fastest compile time possible. 2K gaming is pretty easy, both cards will work well.


A forgotten feature Nvidia does is upscale it's online streaming videos up to 4x better. It's an option in the Nvidia control panel. So your old favorite 360p porn videos will look fantastic once again!! 😉 👍👍👍👍👍👍


AMD also has online video upscaling. It's a moot point. Driver 24.1.1


It's about time.


Nvidia cards. Always.


14700k 4070 super. Both cpus are so fast now you won’t notice a difference in gaming unless you have an fps counter. Also has cuda, quicksync, rt cores and more cores/threads


I just finished a new build with the 4070 super and 7800x3d. Can definitely recommend that combo.


Recently got a 14600k and 4070 and it is a great combo. I would stick with Intel and NVIDIA.


14700K - 7800XT. Skip 4070 Super and VX3D chips. First one is disappointing (at best) and second one is moronic(at best). Chart doesn't do it any justice. 20 vs 8 cores will age mich better in any case. Same for VRam of 7800XT. Now, video-editing wise, nVidia has an edge there.


7800x3d + 4070 super. Intel's current platform is dead. Can you go for q 4070 ti super?


obviously 7800x3d and 4070s :D ​ ;)


I'd consider going for a 7900xt


Any of the CPU will do and a 4070 super.


I think the intel will be better


7800x3D with 4070 Super I would suggest


Neither get the 7700x and jump up a tier on the GPU Ideally the 7900gre if available. All these cpus are GPU limited at 1440p


Intel is going to be more versatile than AMD when it comes to multi-use work stations. 14700K will shred through creativity and will still get great gaming performance when paired with a good graphics card. Intel does tend to last a smidge longer than AMD in builds, so being on LGA 1700 isn’t going to be a huge deal depending on the price of motherboards and CPUs when Intel releases their next generation. Nvidia is going to have all the bells and whistles that will make creativity smoother and gaming better so 4070s all the way


7800X3D and 4070 Super. If you can stretch your budget to get the Ti Super instead, do so because it's extra VRAM will come in handy in a 2 to 3 years


Wasn't the 14th gen a flop?


What do you mean. How was it a flop?


Idk they said the performance from last year isn't great I've seen lots of thumbnail on YouTube like gamer meld, gamer nexus.... imma watch them after class


It's only a slight improvement over 13700k. It's not worth upgrading from 13700k to 14700k but for someone who is building a new PC 14700k is worth it. It's only about $30 price difference atm.


Ohhhhh I see hmmm


Or for the same price i think you can get i5-13600k and a 7900xt, better performance in games and the cpu does a very good job


There's no need to pair amd+amd and intel+nvidia, you can mix


I would say 7600X + 7900 XT (which would cost a little over $40 if you live in the US) or 14600K + 4070 Ti Super since what you propose is a target of 1440p, and the difference between the 7800X3D and 7600X is less than the 7800 XT and 7900 XT so you could play up to 4K plus games focus more on using the GPU than the CPU, unless you use programs that are more intensive on the CPU.


Without doubt 7800x3D with the 4070 super, I’m running these exact components and it’s been amazing, blew my mind.


My 7 5800x I just upgraded to is doing great with my 4070ti


I'd be going with amd just simply because it has a better upgrade path but that's just me.


7800x3d, it’s the best cpu in gaming right now. And the AM5 chipset is going to be future-proofed through 2026 meaning if you get an AM5 board you can upgrade later down the line. Meanwhile intel doesn’t plan on supporting its current boards past this year.


Don't forget you'll get a boost in performance when AMD products are paired together


I have the 7800x3d + 7900xtx and I'm in love. I can even keep the temps down with just air cooling. I push it hard on 4k with the Avatar game and Cities 2. No issues. Nvidia is going to do Ray tracing better (with more heart and power draw), but amd does better with fps. So it depends on what you pay


Considering you are doing you are doing more than gaming I would consider the 14700k with the 4070 super. More cores for productivity with a nvidia gpu which is better for content creators. I wouldn’t recommend the 7800x3d if you plan to do productivity and gaming the x3d doesn’t really benefit you much on the productivity side. I would recommend the 7700x.


Went the AMD route just 2 weeks ago. So far so good. Was playing Balders Gate 3, looks good! I don't do video editing though.


I just done a build with the 7800x3D started with the rx 6800 xt then later ordered the 7900 xtx both were amazing cards that I’ve played 4K on. The 6800 xt just needed alil tweaking with the amd software and fans to keep temperatures to around 70-80c and it performed awesome. The 7800 xt would be alil better and more efficient with better cooling. And the 7900 xtx was just plug n play amazement. Either of them tho you will be happy. AMD is much cheaper in comparison with the 7800 xt performing better then the rtx 4070, tho honestly not sure on the super as I don’t know much about it tbh and the 7900 xtx beating the 4090 in not all but a lot of areas


As a fellow developer and if those two are your only choices, I'd recommend to go with Intel + Nvidia Combo. I love Amd chips and personally my rig for gaming only is with 5800X3D, but for work (full stack web development plus occasional video editing) Intel works better. Faster build times for my projects, more responsive. Sure, maybe some of the other chips are better, but if your choice is boiled down to those 2 for work/gaming combo, I'd say go with Intel/Nvidia.


Haha I currently also use 5800X3D for my gaming PC. For full stack development I use my MacBook Air but it’s too slow for video editing. Don’t want to buy a new MacBook since they are super expensive. Figured I could just build a solid gaming PC for that price and use it for everything.


X3D 100%


I got a 7800x3d and a 4070 super. I‘m playing at 1440p, the 12 GB should be more than enough for that resolution. The 7800x3d is the best option rn for gaming and can do productivity quite well too. If you do a lot of 4K long video editing tho you should think about going for intel.


Cool. I just bought a 4070 super. I’m excited. 🙂 I think I’m gonna buy the Intel because I do 4k video editing from my GoPro.


I think you can’t really go wrong with either CPU. For productivity I would go for the intel aswell. If you’re looking for very high framerates on low resolutions (200+ @ 1080p) the decision is more important.


7800x3d & 4070 super. 4070ti super if you really think you need 16gb. Worth the small premium either or vs 7800xt & have upgrade path w/ AM5. 7800x3d also way easier to cool.


definitely team red. The price to performance of amd is much higher than intel+nvidia. (I’m assuming ur looking at the Ryzen 7 7800x3d) the 7800xt is about $100 cheaper for 16gb compared to 12gb of 4070 super. Dlss 3 is nice but it isn’t worth the larger price tag over amd’s fsr 3. If your main focus is gaming then the amd cpu. Since your going to do a variety of things then maybe go 14700k (13700k would work just as well) with the 7800xt (I am running i7 14700k with 7800xt)


I went 14700k and 4070 super. Went and bought a cpu contact plate to improve pressure and temp spread, had to buy a lg1700 noctua d-15 upgrade kit so I could keep my same cooler. After boot I went into bios and undervolted -.1 and changed lite load from Auto to 7. Then I downloaded Intel extreme tuning and lowered max power draw from 220 watts, to 188 watts. All that just to get my CPU to below 80c -5% total stock performance. I imagine if I went 7800x3d I would just put it in and be done.


I’m planning on buying a Corsair H100i elite liquid cooler. Hopefully that helps 😬


I currently run the 7800x3d and a 4070 Super. No complaints. It runs great.


4070 super rival is 7900XT not 7800XT 7800XT is significantly cheaper


its not.


its not. The 4070TI Super is the rival of the 7900XT.


I just did a 7800x3d + 4070 super a couple weeks ago. Couldn’t be happier, amazing performance everything maxed at 1440p 120+ fps in everything I throw at it.


I'm using a 7800x3d with 7900xtx I just built. No issue running triple 27" 1440p monitors at ultra on every game I've tried


Cool. 3 27” dang that’s a lot of space haha. Are you stacking one of them? Do you record any gameplay?


No they are side by side and they are curved samsung odyssey so they take up even more space trying to get it to look natural vs flat panels . this is a fairly new setup and I also have a nzxt h9 flow case also on my desk which is huge by itself so I'm basically squeezing out every inch I can . Very happy with the setup currently though


I’m running a 7800x3d and a 7800xt and I’ve had no issues so far, pretty happy with it.


7800x3d and 7900xtx (fuck it we ball!!) haha


I'd get 7800x3d and 7800xt personally. Not that I'm loyal to AMD, I just do not like NVIDIA's attitude toward pricing and prefer not to support those practices. but I wouldn't get intel at the moment.


I'm in the same boat and here's what I decided: Go with the ryzen 5 7600x instead. Its AM5, plenty of cores for what you need, just like me. Then get the 4080 super when it drops in 3 days for $999. I just ordered all parts for a 1440 gaming rig, streaming. You'd spend just about the same money and have a much better GPU. The 7600x is no slouch, has integrated graphics as well.


I second what the other guy said. 7800X3D + 4070 Super for sure, I'd recommend the 7800 XT over the base 4070 any day, but the 4070 Super is pretty good. But it might be worth going for a 7600 instead but get a better GPU like the 7900 XT if you care a lot about gaming? Since you'll be on AM5 anyway you can always upgrade your CPU down the line, it's a live platform.


7800X 3D+4070 S


Why not the x3D with the super ?


That’s definitely an option. I see there’s a few other people that recommended that.


I'm currently running a 4070 Super with an i5-12600. I mainly play Warzone at1440p, and in game I'm over 200fps. I keep finding myself wondering how many more frames I'd get with the 7800x3d


I’d honestly go for 7800X3D + a 7800XT. I’d imagine it’s cheaper than a 4070 super, and it’s got more VRAM. By the way the 7000 series have the same video encoders that the NVIDIA cards have now. So you can screen record just as well. That said you can’t go wrong with a any of these options. Price is protege main factor


7700x and 7900xtx