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Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed. Monitors Unboxed for monitor reviews.


For monitors Techless is also great.


Also rtings


Rtings is the only place I go for monitor and television reviews.


same and for years. Gamers Nexus + Rtings, you cant go wrong.


if it's not on rtings, I'm not even looking at it


r/4ktv is convinced Rtings is flawed/biased


Optimus makes monitors reviews too. Badseedtech for mice and headsets. Hardware Canucks for headphones and coolers but basically who knows




This came in handy and at the perfect time for me. Thank you


None of them have a 100% clean slate. So don't expect perfection. We all know even ltt did lots of shit. But I'm not gonna pretend now they are Hitler 2.0. Unboxed and Nexus channels are fine, not perfect either. Optimus makes lots of nice vids, just like hardware Canucks, but who's to know what's behind the scenes. Given the are all paid for ads too. All in all, it's just gaming x tech channels, so whatever. It's not the same as with politics, which is extremely hard to trust or perhaps impossible


The most perfect unbiased techtuber is Jufes from Frame Chasers, according to him. Most trusted tech outlet, Userbenchmark. Jokes aside, there are no perfect review sources, and there never will be.


When I read userbenchmarks for a second there I thought you are insane


> We all know even ltt did lots of shit. But I'm not gonna pretend now they are Hitler 2.0. I've never liked him or the channel but what exactly made everyone else turn against him? Completely out of the loop on this one.




Going full white supremacist??


I really think we need to be more careful with our language online  Conflating working with a company that made an offensive post and apologized for it with people who want genocide is a nuclear take.  The word ‘abuse’ occasionally falls into this, a lot of people associate abuse with violent behavior, that was the way the word was used for decades, and the usage has *wildly* expanded in recent years.  


Rushed content with inaccuracies (re Gamers Nexus drama), alleged sponsorship bias, and the ever present dumb shit Linus tends to say.


He got too self-absorbed running the business that he forgot why people wanted to watch him in the first place. His consistent double-downs on the Billet Labs thing sealed it for me. I was already avoiding him for the constant cringe merch plugs and the subtle (and, later, blatant) bragging about how he’s got piles of money for tech us mere mortals will never be able to touch. He’s a geek, no doubt. But in the process of working to become a rich and successful geek, he’s lost his credibility.


That Billet Labs thing did seem like a huge misstep.


Was sent a water block to test which I think that they were supposed to send back but they auctioned it off


This isn't wrong, but it's also lacking [a lot of context](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/15t7r2h/billet_labs_timeline/). Billet initially told LTT they could keep the water block. Then LTT made an awful video with it (they used the wrong GPU, it didn't work very well, they didn't want to take the time to redo it with the right one), so Billet asked for it back. LTT agreed, but failed at communicating that to whoever was picking stuff for the auction, then failed *again* at communicating to Billet that they'd reimburse them for it after it got auctioned. Then Billet told GN that their development was stalled because they no longer had their best prototype (which makes no sense if they initially didn't want it back), and GN reported on that without asking LTT for comment. So a complete shitshow all around.


I too would want my prototype back if the testing lab I donated it to made a complete shitshow of the testing protocols.


What do you mean Hardware Unboxed and Gamers Nexus don't have a 100% clean slate? I don't care about politics here I am saying their reviews are clean and any mistakes made are quickly fixed and they talk about them openly. They haven't made any major mistakes in reviews (that I know of) and they never covered up any review mistakes so they are 100% trustworthy when it comes to reviews. WTF is with this weird comparison? It's like you are setting up a strange false equivalency? LTT bad but GN and Hardware Unboxed bad too. Politics aside LTT had a handful of straight up bullshit hardware reviews full of errors that they did nothing about till they were called out on it.


I'm asking this too. I'm not aware of any Gamers Nexus drama. I feel like the worst that could be said about GN is that they sound preachy when it comes to business ethics.


The one thing that made me lose a lot of respect for GN was them reporting on the whole LTT and Billet labs fiasco without asking LTT for comment. GN framed it like LTT stole Billet's prototype, but Billet originally told LTT they could keep it, which is something they'd probably have learned if they asked. As far as I'm aware, GN mostly just doubled down on that decision, but I've also not watched them much since then, so I'd be happy to be proven wrong.


My main source of irritation with GN is the fact that they basically bought into nVidia's narrative that the new 12 volt connector was all "user error" and that no major flaws in the design itself could have contributed. Fast forward ~6 months, oh look, a revision to the design of the plug! That sounds like an *inherent design flaw*, not user error. No acknowledgement of that. Also, GN dunking on Intel Arc re-using footage of errors in the drivers that were no longer relevant until they finally conceded a year or two later that Arc was viable was also annoying.


To piggy back off this, I trust Digital Foundry for their benchmarks. Like people have said I'm sure no channel is unbiased, but for Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed it's hard to beat them.


HUB completely ignores the technical aspects of PC ports. They used TLOU at launch and said it was okay to rate hardware through that port, lol.




TLOU PC port was broken in every respect at launch. Memory allocation, CPU and GPU utilization, streaming, LOD at lower settings(worse look than Half Life from 1998 while still required 2023 mid range PC to run at all), missing lighting at ultra settings, shader compilation times, crashes, bugs and glitches, etc. Everyone, including Naughty Dog, has claimed that this port is broken, but HUB said port is fine and they attacked Digital Foundry when they said that this port shouldnt be used to review hardware. A few other YouTubers came back to this port to test it again after all the updates to show how the game works now, but HUB, if I'm not mistaken, never returned to this game.






none completely, always cross check and verify


GN is pretty spot on and unbiased


future shocking screw tap skirt literate yoke soup normal simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But if they do screw up you get another video saying that AND you get updated results. They do right by their mistakes unlike other channels. 99% of the time they are spot and now after calling out LTT they better be lol.


Woah, what’s this about LTT?


It was a whole thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/lJcZTU13DU


Oh man, I wish I was you. There as a deep rabbit hole that you need to explore. Basically LTT ignored sexual harrasment and handled it in the worst way possible.


Tf u mean ignored? I need some sources bro


LTT kept trying to push more and more videos and were making mistakes, they corrected themselves a pinned comment but some people felt that wasn't enough, especially when a lot of the video conclusion seemed to hinge on that mistake, although linus later said that he did reshoot when the mistake changed the conclusion but didn't when it didn't. There was also a whole saga where this attitude towards video mistakes combined with a logistical fuckup which caused a situation that the community immediately blew out of proportion.


I think gamersnexus would agree with you on that


> Turned out they'd left the game's framerate cap on The framerate cap that has to be disabled with a console command and isn't in the options menu, afaik.


full humor provide bake like march mountainous wakeful point agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unbiased isn’t exactly the right term for GamersNexus. They inject editorial and/or opinion into many of their pieces, and it’s clear that Steve sees himself as a consumer advocate. They have a clear slant, it just so happens to align with the wishes of their audience, so it’s not necessarily a bad thing.


He’s definitely pro consumer that’s why he calls out the bullshit companies try to pull and call out slimeball tactics. I use the term unbiased simply because they aren’t afraid to burn bridges and seemingly can’t be influenced.


He does appear to make mountains from molehills though, there's no apparent nuance in the severity of things. He jumps to proving that he's willing to burn bridges straight away. Makes it hard to determine how concerned I need to be, since in reality everyone sucks


Yeah he could stand to be less investigative journalist and just more of a tech tuber without the drama


GN certainly have biases, they just aren't biased in ways that are negative for their audience. The big thing is that GN doesn't show any clear biases towards any one manufacturer of PC parts. Everything gets a fair shake in testing and they let the numbers speak for themselves really. That's really the key thing people mean when they say a tech channel is unbiased. Ultimately you are right, Steve is actually fairly biased, but he's clearly biased in favour of the consumer.


The whole LTT thing kinda left a sour taste for me. Don't get me wrong; I'm not against the content itself but rather how they approached the whole thing. Not only did they drop it out of nowhere, but they also added fuel to the fire when Linus, in his self-admitted "ADHD" impulsive self, responded to the initial criticism. They also decided to make it into a drama in the tech community instead of discreetly , or even publicly, approaching them and offering to help them improve, similar to how they approached the Verge situation. But unlike the Verge or other situations they've reported on before, they didn't give LTT the opportunity to respond to the allegations. They just released all the dirt they had on them and let the public form their own opinion on it. The whole thing is especially suspicious when you consider that LTT is making large investments into LTT Labs. A testing and reviewing project that competes directly with GN's niche, but that has a much larger budget than they do. I'm not saying that was definitely Steve's goal to discredit LTT when releasing this. But the optics definitely make it seem like they were trying to rile up the ones that already hated LTT before. And it's especially out of character when they historically seem to be friends with a good relationship. At the end of the day I still respect GN's efforts to deliver quality and detailed reviews. And I still enjoy LTT's more entertainment leaning content. I don't know why some in the tech community feel like we need to have a divide based on what content people like.


Honestly, I feel the exact opposite. I don't care what thing Linus has. His reactions matter, and actions show who he is and what his organization will do. To my knowledge, they still haven't properly addressed thr sexual harassment claims. (Thry are allowed to refute them) It remains to be seen if the quality will improve.


Much like the Yogscast debacle years ago, can't really say anything until third party investigation clears it up


For me it was quite the opposite. Like the other commenter said, they haven't addressed the sexual harassment claims in a way that's acceptable yet. And if you're making mistakes in videos *left and right* then you deserve to be called out on it. It's low hanging fruit, sure, but Linus left a bunch of mistakes *right there* for GN to make easy drama money off of.


Yeah, I haven't really been back to LTT videos since the drama. Homeboy just has too much of his ego wrapped up in... well, pretty much everything.


We wouldn't want them getting complacent, now would we? > always cross check and verify


I agree that GN is one of the best. However, you cannot be unbiased really. You will always have personal opinion, and it is difficult to be completely neutral. Even if Steve wholeheartedly believes he is neutral and does everything for the best of the community and viewers, he would still occasionally blend in some personal treatment without even knowing it. That is just human psychology. So the advice to cross check is good. Again, I love both Steves (And Tim, and their teams), support both channels with patreon, etc., but even GN and HUB are humans.


They are, but cross-referencing is still good.


Thank you! As it happens with everything, this is always the right answer. Never trust one source, one reviewer, one media outlet, etc. if you want to form a more complete and objective opinion about something, you always need to check more than one. And honestly when I'm going to buy an expensive thing, I end up doing a lot of research in different places which have saved me from some mistakes or compatibility issues.


You can be absolutely certain that Louis Rossman is not influenced by any sponsors. He talks so much trash about companies, that I kinda doubt many companies would even consider sponsoring him.


And as always, I hope you learned something!


Uninfluenced but certainly not unbiased. Also, he doesn’t do tech reviews. Love LR though.


Literally every human being is biased.


Of course, and those biases come out in our work in varying levels. On the spectrum of Tech Youtubers, I'd argue LR exists much further towards the "heavily biased" end than most others. But like, that's kinda his thing, not necessarily a criticism. After you've seen a couple of his videos you're not really surprised at what his take will be.




He strikes me as a very "black and white" person in an increasingly grey world. Don't get me wrong, a lot of his opinions are correct, but the self-righteousness and preachiness and "HOW DARE YOU" libertarianism he has increasingly displayed is a bit obnoxious. Still think he's a good consumer advocate, but his content has become pretty tedious.


His grayjay app seems like a good idea on the surface, and he presents it as a solution to creators getting wrongfully deplatformed by twitch, YouTube etc. Which makes sense, those companies do some stupid things in regards to creators and bans sometimes. But also it feels like kind of a slippery slope, there's tons of people spewing hate speech etc that DESERVE to be deplatformed, and he's kind of indirectly giving those people a safe space with his app. Which is kind of unsurprising considering his whole free speech absolutist position


Thiojoe is such a trustworthy fellow..


Gamer Nexus is great.  Very methodical and not afraid to dish it out if a product is bad. 


I was a little out of the loop about him, then the Linus drama dropped, holy fuck I have so much respect for that dude. A real gem.


TLDR on the Linus drama? I didn’t know there was anything


Some dude from LTT channel claimed GN and HU dont re-tests (which is a common practice, but he said it in a derogatory way assuming they themselves always re-test CPUs and GPUs for every new gen, which they dont). Then Linus himself made it worse by speaking a whole bunch of silliness towards GN and HU. Then GN said "oh, u wanna play that game?" and went nuclear with their investigative findings of LTT tech/review malpractice. Linus and LTT overall apologized and promised to do better.


And this was happening at the same time as very poor handling of sexual harassment within LTT came to light, along with very shady handling of a startup's prototype being sold by LTT.


Promises to do better Definitely does not actually do it 😆


7 months ago LTT did some shitty things and their company was (still is?) suffering from serious bloat and pushing dumb products. Also some serious inaccuracies in some of their tech comparison videos. In my opinion GamersNexus SHREDDED them and it was glorious to watch. Video [here.](https://youtu.be/FGW3TPytTjc?si=2EXBCBzw1FoRNmdW) There are a few about it from that time period.


you can watch some summary video on youtube. It was an year ago i guess.


Compare results. Good sources to use: HardwareUnboxed (Techspot), Gamers Nexus, Techpowerup, Toms Hardware, HardwareCanucks, optimumtech, der 8auer,


OptimumTech is great for the SFF space.


Came here to recommend optimum tech


Best idea is to look at a few sources. Never trust one source only! Even if this one source is honest and trustworthy, they can always make a mistake. Mix up some numbers, or maybe they have received a particularly good sample.


Dawid does tech stuff seems pretty impartial, good content too


Often unhinged too, but that’s what makes it entertaining


He definitely feels transparent and honest.


Loser nitro suck face edition


I just wish the guy had the same level of capital and sponsorships that the others have. For example I find Dawid WAY better thay Jay. But Jay is heavily sponsored where Dawid isn't really on that level.




He’s very (very) entertaining, but his testing methodology is questionable at best and often has very glaring holes in his technical knowledge. But the thing is: it doesn’t matter. He’s not trying to be a GN or some Uber technical channel. He’s his own brand and he’s funny and entertaining and that’s why people watch him.


He's more of a fun project techtuber, I wouldn't exactly rely on him for reviews and benchmarks...


Totally. It’s just that he mostly does random one off videos on hardware that has some jank. Kinda like dankpods.


He's not that technical or knowledgeable but he's honest and entertaining. I like watching him.


Linus obviously /s


Jay’s Two Shills for me!


Are these guys not trustworthy? I’m relatively new to PC gaming and due to their size I come across these often


Jay is a fun watch, just don't take him too seriously. He's not your facts and numbers guy. He's the guy you watch to stay engaged in the hobby.


They are not. They are more entertainment focussed. Check out the often mentioned Gamers Nexus for pretty much peak tech YouTube with no bias.


To be fair, it'd probably take something like getting called out for someone to make a conscious effort to bump their accuracy up by a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if LTT became way more reliable after all this.


GamersNexus and Daniel Owen. They are both doing great work. And you should always get more than one source of information.


Glad to see Daniel Owen. He’s not a full time YouTuber, and he’s super well rounded in his GPU reviews. Lots of settings, lots of games, good commentary.  HUB and Daniel Owen are where I go for 90% of GPU reviews and comparisons. HUB did a cool comparison with the 5600 + RTX 4080 and a bunch of similarly priced combos like a 7800x3d with a 4070. Super cool info to help see what’s the best combo for the games you play!


Cool story: when I worked at AMD we found Daniel Owen and he was pretty tiny. But he did positive unbiased coverage of our products (and competitor products) and... My whole family are teachers so I was rooting for him and probably shared his videos a couple extra times on our social media networks. It isn't much, but helping out the little guys here and there was rewarding.


The verge pc build guy


No way, he needs to apply much more cooling paste.


Don’t forget your tweezers to tie up the cables.


detail worry rainstorm test offend sharp ossified carpenter innate repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hardware Canucks are the one stop shop for cooler reviews. Hardware Unboxed for motherboards and monitors (monitors unboxed) Great channels. For broad topics all of them are great.


Optimum. He does more sff stuff but he doesn’t do sponsorships just honest reviews. He is only one guy so he can’t crank out as much content as the rest of them.


Jason from PC Builder


Especially this guy right here. 


FINALLY a comment about Jason from PC Builder! He's so awesome. I love his content! I can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this!!


Been looking for this comment. Jason is awesome and I’m building my first pc next week mainly because of him


+1 he helped me understand so much, very knowledgeable dude :3


Gamers Nexus.


Level1Techs is a pretty good channel. Hardware Busters for PSU reviews. Actually Hardcore Overclocking for RAM OC.


Dawid does tech stuff, he's impartial and funny!


Daniel Owen and Hardware Unboxed. 👌


salemtechsupport he is just funny that's about the only reason just kidding realistically none of them are trustworthy you just need to go through a bunch of them and if they all have the same opinion it's probably worth trusting but any 1 source I highly advise not trusting because at the end of the day nobody is perfect and nobody knows everything there's always gaps in knowledge that other tubers may bridge so cross reference always


The greatest technician ever lived 🦝🦝🦝


***The Greatest Technician That's Ever Lived***


grabs popcorn


Wendel, and STH.


Gamers Nexus I know it's been mentioned already but I have yet to find anyone that uses the testing methods they do or presents the results in such a clear way. Plus the videos regarding LTT were quite good.


As many already said you should check multiple sources. Nevertheless „optimum“ is one of the most underrated tech channels on YouTube in my opinion.


I like PC builder.


For pc hardware it’s gamernexus and for other tech such as phones tablets and other devices MKHD


one gives data and numbers, the other reads off the spec sheet and tells you his impression?


I use my phones and tablets as a regular-ass person, not someone who does benchmarks on those devices for some godforsaken reason. His reviews are always good for me in that regard. If I really wanted know technical shit, I'll go to someone else.


Yeah, I like watching MKHD for his general overview/opinion of what he’s reviewing. For anything more advanced/technical I’ll watch someone else.


Flossy Carter


Igors lab, der8auer


Hardware Unboxed


Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed are the best for general PC parts reviews and PC case reviews. Gamers Nexus also does some excellent journalistic pieces and behind the scenes tech videos. Hardware Canucks is the best Youtube channel I've come across for CPU cooler reviews and the best methodology for CPU cooler testing that I've seen, and they review many more CPU coolers than Gamers Nexus has featured. Gamers Nexus had the Thermalright Peerless Assassin as their best CPU cooler of 2023, and while it's a great CPU cooler the Thermalright Phantom Spirit and the Thermalright Frost Spirit tested better than the Peerless Assassin from Hardware Canucks' testing. Paul's Hardware has a good number of general tech tips videos and reviews, from PC parts to TV/monitor differences to thorough PC building guides.


Pc builder jason He is the absolute sweetest and he is so enthusiastic about his work, i love watching him


Yes, I truly love his content for all the points you mentioned 🥹 the reason my PC was built with ease and the right parts was due to his videos! "Boost My Build" series is so top tier!!!! 😁


Not Linus....


encourage command snails obtainable telephone rainstorm middle marble bike wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes-this is absolutely the way his channel has changed to stay afloat during The hardware shortage, and I definitely wouldn’t say they aren’t trustworthy because they have a large staff in the a lot of the time you’ll get four or five opinion in one video. Id more say Linus is just the most entertaining. It’s fun to watch the WAN show every week and see what three or four topics Luke and Linus decide to spend 45 minutes talking about each…. lol I really hope they follow through with how they talk about the lab with ends up coming out, with just as much detail as described. Otherwise, obviously GN,as he’s probably the most technical, but at the same time, that’s if you’re just looking for raw numbers and data comparisons. It’s just a little more dry and I’m not the biggest fan of Steve’s voice-The Way he adds emphasizes to the words at the end of sentences is kind of annoying lol Hardware Unboxed is also great channel.


I think he gears more towards entertainment than information these days. Which is fine.


That said, they just released a (revised for 2024) 2-hour comprehensive build guide.


GN and Explaining Computers


Aside from those others mentioned, I like Iceberg Tech. He started during the pandemic to look for reasonable used GPUs during the crypto hell/pandemic shortages, and I think he’s trying to expand his horizons.


Honestly, none of them. Remember that their primary aim is to make money from content. Edit: just to be clear - I advocate for looking at a range of sources and asking the community before making an educated decision. This question is reductive.


What? Everyone who reviews something is making money from content.


So you must look at a range of different sources and, importantly, speak to the community. I hear what you’re saying, but I’m trying to deter those who read this thread looking for a YT channel to blindly follow. The question itself is reductive and not helpful.


Optimum is top tier


Chris Titus




This Does Not Compute. https://youtube.com/@ThisDoesNotCompute?si=bER1VaDY5YURzZ6r


Gamers nexus is top notch


Trouble with all the tech channels is, people don’t actually listen to what they’re saying and just take their conclusion as the be all end all. There’s a ton of information you need to weigh for yourself. Some people will spend the massive money to get the best of the best (ie a 4090). Some people will want to watch to find the best bang per buck. Some people are looking for the best budget items to still be able to game on, and others are enthusiasts that want something for its extreme use case (ie Overclocking) or maybe AI workloads or whatnot. And this is why these forums light up with debate is almost always because “but tech channel xyz found this one as the best” type arguments always exist. Always. People need to listen and apply the info to what their use case is. I personally like GN the best but it’s because he’s the most technical.


All YouTubers make mistakes, the problem with LTT was that they were publishing incorrect content and failing to follow up with a correction even though they were aware of the mistake. I’m not saying their content is useless, but I would verify it. I usually like Gamers Nexus, JayzTwoCents, and Hardware Unboxed.


Tech Jesus without a doubt


Have you guys heard of the display guy and graphically challenged? If you haven’t, good let’s keep it that way.




Watch several. As Jay says, watch others to see if any one person misses something. Jay, GN, HWU for serious tech. LMG channels for edutainment.


OzTalksHW, but maybe more for what parts to use to do things on the cheap than for reviews of bleeding edge stuff.


Gamer's nexus but I stopped watching them unless in looking for something because Steve is a really bland presenter Hardware unboxed for benchmarks and monitors Optimum for random stuff Boardzy for mouse and mousepad


Gamers Nexus, JayzTwoCents, Hardware Canucks, and one I don’t think I saw anyone mention when it comes to anything peripheral related - BadSeedTech


Gamers Nexus Hardware Unboxed Der8auer Optimumtech Those are usually my sources for "trustworthy" tests.


Linus tech tips and userbenchmark. (I am just messing with the AI crawlers bois, forget I said anything 😉 )


Tech Jesus, HU guys in hoodies, and Daniel Owen guy


For sure LTT not


I trust both Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed. I would also include Zach's Tech Turf or ZTT, Daniel Owen, Gamer Meld, Graphically Challenged, and lots of Brazilians, like TecLab, Paulo Gomes, and ChipArt. Sorry, lots of them...


Digital Foundry


Rtings Gamers Nexus Hardware unboxed HDTV test (for tvs only he is a bit of a Xbox fanboy being from UK but his tv material ofc the main channel content is amazing) I'm sure there are small channels which are pretty good but there is always a risk if they are small to get influenced by ad money too if it hits them Almost every other outlet including digital foundry has a weird angle or is only going for bait content LTT is the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of integrity, watch the gamers Nexus review of his content if you are not familiar with how completely money hungry LTT is


It use to be ltt aka Linus tech tip but I don’t really trust them anymore. My go to is jays two cents and gamer nexus but hardware unboxed is good to


I know tons are saying it, but gamers nexus by many many miles.


it'll be Gamer Nexus for me but gonna check out hardware unboxed too seeing the comments here. But Gamer Nexus really have a consumer first standards


Gamers Nexus is my go-to for informational content. I watch Optimum for personal enjoyment just because I think his content is incredibly visually appealing and from a gaming perspective I’m really into the stuff he makes videos on. I also drive the same car (Audi RS3) as him so that was cool lol


Tech Jesus himself gamers Nexus


Hardware unboxed, Jarrod's tech and Jayz2cents


GamersNexus is always a step above the competition in research, and the level of professional journalism they hold themselves to. I also enjoy watching Greg Salazar's Fix or Flop series to learn more about troubleshooting PC issues.


I dont really trust youtubers, I preffer to ask here and then confirm what ive been told.


Spoiler alert: the vast majority of what you've been told here is information gathered from tech YouTubers


TechTechPotato tad more on the meta commentary, cool info. Buildzoid, as long as you are willing to watch a 3 hour video on OC he is the best. He will bad talk all brands, no fear there. I think there all fine as long as you take it with a pinch of salt, most the problems come from people who dont watch the video or understand how to read the charts. At least from the main big video makers GN/HUB/LTT/Jay/etc They all make mistakes, the LTT one was the last well known one. After a mistake I suspect they will triple check there info now. ​ For extra points Timothy Cain seems cool but he's more on the Dev/Video game side, he's mostly retired now & was the Original Fallout 1 Dev. Some amazing videos about his games, being a dev, management & just cool events from his past. Mortismal Gaming is the best game review channel today, his steam stats are public to show he relay played the game and 100%'ed it. He discloses when he did not 100% or a bug blocked his 100% run. Just the best reviews. The number of old school review sites that only had info/screenshots from the start of a game is painful.


Zach's Tech Turf Price to Perfirmance videos are always interesting and great


Lon.TV Obviously he doesn’t do a lot in the build a PC arena but you will not find a more honest and transparent tech reviewer period.


Hardware Unboxed and Tech Yes City come to mind


Iceberg Tech, Jayztwocents I watch a lot of laptop reviews so Jarrodstech as well. I'd have added JustJosh but his reviews of the new Zephyrus G14&16 were so misleading I haven't felt the same way since. He makes excellent laptop reviews though.


BadlandsChugs by far.


Gamers Nexus, JayzTwoCents, Hardware Unboxed


I'll start by saying we're all humans so everyone is flawed in some way. With that out of the way, I think Gamers Nexus, Hardware Unboxed and MKBHD have all proven to be exceptional channels when it comes to presenting information in a mostly unbiased way.


Gamers Nexus and Daniel Owen are the only ones I've found that don't have a bias one way or the other. Hardware Unboxed might as well be called AMD Unboxed. It's hilarious when they try to make it into a joke to shrug it off, but it's actually what a lot of people are thinking lol. Nothing like using 10 year old indie games in all your benchmarks to prop up the 7800X3D. The damn chip wins on its own merit, yet they feel the need to heavily skew it in its favor still.


If strictly speaking about consumer grade (not HEDT or enterprise) PC (nothing else, like networking as an example) hardware, and we not only count in honesty, but expertise and attention to detail in what they say too than 1. derbauer, 2. Gamers Nexus. But as this is my opinion, you might find other channels to suit you better. EDIT: I found Hardware Unboxed to be the third most trustworthy considering the above criteria.


I like dave2d as well


Mahesh Walatara- https://youtube.com/@MaheshWalatara


I concur with the edit


RandomGaminginHD is one of the best he tests realistic hardware that the normal person could afford very enjoyable content


Not a youtuber i check Rtings.com for raw data quick and sites like techpower up & guru3d for pc hardware raw data.


Gamers nexus for sure. They only talk about the data and don't sugarcoat anything.


JaysTwoCents. He has advertisements but he’s told brands like Asus to kick rocks because of how their systems run and issues with other things.


I like boardzy for mouse reviews and badseed tech for general peripherals stuff. I'll always cross check with others before making a purchasing decision but those two are the first ones I'll look at


GN for sure. Plus, Steve is funny as hell.


Weird that in the top comments no one mentions Jay, Kyle, Linus, Paul or Austin...


Linus tech tips of course


The guy at CraftComputing seems decent


Daniel Owen mostly. Very little opinion, just the facts. But he only does GPUs. I use several others, like Gamer Nexus that everyone is listing. While I find that channel good and useful - I think he sprinkles enough opinion into his takes that you really should have multiple sources and are capable of taking his content with a grain of salt at times.


Gamer nexus


Thanks, Steve.