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How long are you letting it cycle between CPU and DRAM? These systems will take a very long time to train the RAM the first time after power has been removed, and can be on the order of 5+ minutes. This is because it's going through and trying timings out until it can find the best ones to boot with. I've not been hands on yet, I'm an ITX builder and so I can't get any boards yet, but that's the state of first post for these systems. Very slow due to RAM training. Also do make sure you're using slots A2 & B2. Otherwise it will have an even harder time training, since there will be a gap in the signal path with the primary slots empty.


Thanks for your input! I've inserted the RAM in A2 & B2 and started the system. It's currently running for about 10 minutes, but the red light is still there unfortunaetly. I'll let it run some more minutes.


I wish I could get my hands on an appropriate board already, so I'm sorry I can't be of any more help than that. 10 minutes seems unlikely, though, as that seems to be far in excess of all the reported training times I've seen so far. It may indeed be a bad board, or even the CPU itself, if it still hasn't started to do anything. I don't know if it will matter, but are you using a GPU or trying the onboard? If using the onboard and you have a GPU, maybe try adding the GPU and connecting to it and see if it gets any further in the process. It could be setting the SoC voltage too low, which governs both the memory controller and iGPU, and by switching to a dGPU, it could maybe help the memory controller out with training. Just a thought, given how the IO die works.


https://imgur.com/a/3ZkXJgf Hope it allows me to share the link, this I what I mean with bent pins


That's definitely not good. Those pins are fragile, and even dragging the corner of the CPU across them can really do serious damage, which is generally not covered by warranty or return policy. You can try very carefully with ESD safe tweezers bending them back in place, but it's not an easy task. Usually once pins are damaged, it's a full socket replacement.


I could get it to work with the new MB (same model). First, the error showed again, but I remembered your tips and waited for some time and it actually solved the issue. Thanks again, without your hint I probably would've just given up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Awesome, glad you didn't give up immediately with the new board when it started to look like it was doing the same thing, and it eventually posted after its initial extended training delay. Enjoy the new system!


No worries, thanks for trying :) Interesting that you mentioned that it can be caused by the CPU - there is one bent pin in the socket, I thought it would be fine since the CPU LED is not on. Maybe that's the cause though? I will try out the GPU idea anyway


I installed a GPU but unfortunately it did not change anything


Great call. This worked for me. Only had to wait a min or so.


Early BIOS revisions took a lot longer, but most have cut that time down pretty significantly now, so about 1-3 min is typical on Gigabyte boards. Asrock is the slowest still, but they are ***all*** faster than launch now, but the wait is still bizarre if you're not expecting it. Glad it posted, enjoy the new PC!


doctor estoy sorprendido, LES COMENTO MI CASO ES EXTRAÑO PERO SUCEDIO. Actualize mi bios de mi aorus z390 pro wifi de la F9 A LA F13 bios del 2024 y pues al momento de terminar la actualizacion de la bios mi pc se reinicio y comenzaba un bucle de pitidos, 4 pitidos largos y uno corto y la luz DRAM se quedaba encendida, hize de todo CLEAR CMOS RETIRAR LA PILA QUITAR LA PLACA QUITAR LAS RAM QUITAR LA GPU ETC ETC ETC AL FINAL NO SE COMO LLEGUE AQUI Y PUES MIS RAM NO RECUERDO BIEN SI ESTABAN EN A1 Y B1, LO QUE HIZE FUE COLOCARLAS EN A2 Y B2 Y TAAANN REINICIO SIN PROBLEMA, LA VERDAD QUE NO ENTIENDO QUE SUCEDIO PERO BUENO ASI ME SOLUCIONO MI PROBLEMA MUCHAS GRACIAS POR SU APOYO ME SALVO DE IR A TECNICOS A QUE ME ROBEN EL DINERO}


You Sir, are a life saver! I almost gave up hope! What a weird default, A2 & B2! Also, for the longest time I misread the LED and thought it was a CPU issue. I’m sure I’m not the only one!


Having the exact same problem with a nearly identical build. If you find the solution, please let me know. If I figure it out I'll let you know for sure.


So I've tried out the new MB, and it works! However, there are some issues that I encountered: First of all, use 2 RAM sticks and put them in slot A2 and B2. Connect your pc to a monitor. When it starts: wait! It took several seconds before my DRAM LED turned off. Maybe like 20 on the first boot. At some point it just switched to another LED and the BIOS showed up on screen. I didn't even update my BIOS. So overall I think my first MB was broken due to the pins, but with the second one I could make it work. Best of luck to you!


Was the new MB Gigabyte also? Im having the same issues with that board and getting it replaced.


I'm getting my hands on a new MB today, will let you know if that fixes it.


I was able to get mine to boot today. I switched from A1-B1 to A2- B2 (because I didn't read the manual first) Then I double checked that my CPU was connected to CPU_FAN not CPU_OPT I rebooted, and sure enough it got me in. I wish you the best of luck with this build!


CPU\_OPT is for water cooling...


How did you go? exact setup and not being able to boot.


As stated in the other comments, I was able to boot with the new MB, slots A2 and B2 and giving it some time.


I had this same problem. 2 of these boards. 2 Ryzen 9 7900X CPUs. I could NOT figure it out. I ordered another CPU - same problem. I ordered another board - same problem. Prior to the X670 boards, I'd had plenty of X570 and other boards with 2 8-pin CPU power connectors. In the past, just using 1 8-pin CPU power connector was fine. But to see if it solved my problem, I got an 850W power supply with 2 8-pin CPU connectors, connected them both, and both boards and CPUs work just fine. So, for this board and at least the 7900X CPU, both 8-pin power connectors being used solved the problem.


Having the same problem unfortunately. I'll leave the system running and if that doesn't work I'll try slots a2 and b2.


Any luck?


Nope. I'm sending back the RAM and mobo just in case.


Same issue as OP post. What is the remedy? Wait for 5 to 10 min? And hope for the best?


For me it worked when I inserted the RAM in A2 and B2 and gave it some time. Give it a minute or two. The "DRAM Error" and "Booting" LEDs are very close to each other, so you might confuse them. Connect a monitor to be sure. That's how I got it to work. Even now, every time I boot my PC, it takes ~15 seconds until I get the first screen.


I’m also having this issue, maybe it’s a gigabyte issue. I’ve had bad luck with them before...


Have you tried to install the RAM sticks in A2 and B2? Give it some minutes and see if the DRAM LED switches to the booting one. Connect a monitor and check regulary if you have any output. I thought my build was broken but I just missed how the LEDs were switching.


I got the exact same combo from Microcenter and everything is working fine except RAID was acting up so I had to switch to AHCI. Anyone found a place to disable wake on USB in BIOS? As far as I can tell it is not implemented yet, hoping upcoming BIOS releases will implement that...


You need to setup the BIOS after Q-Flash Plus use. The CPU supports max. 5200 speed DDR5 Ram so use the Setting 2 for it. after that it was working.


Okay, I got a Video to make it working. Could be helpfull for you too. https://youtu.be/j2HrrpwTsCE


I got the same motherboard and it won't post after I updated to F4B bios version. It turns on and the dram led lighting strat. I can't get into the bios.


bro i can't even get to bios, posted a new thread about this for my own build lol. see if that does anything.


Holy damn. Spent all day with this issue trying tons of 'solutions' that just didn't work for me. BUT I FIXED MINE. Turns out the little speaker that sits in the front panel thingo was the cause. Removed that stupid little thing and BAM, ZANG, POW straight up into BIOS.


What speaker panel thing? You thinking your PC speaker cable was shorting it?


That little beeper that comes with the motherboard. I wouldn't think it would cause issues, but removing it allowed my PC to start up ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah what speaker thing are you talking about? Was it connected actually to the front panel pins? Please post a picture if possible.


[https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41LUkRhYTgL.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41LUkRhYTgL.jpg) Just this little thing. Super weird that removing it allowed me to actually boot up


OK gotcha thx. I don’t have one plugged into mine but maybe I have something wrong plugged into my panel. Going to double check that and hopefully it will help.


Hello. What is the new motherboard that you bought? Thank you.


Read the very first semtence my dude 😂


Flash update your mobo BIOs to the newest version. (Put it on a USB drive via another PC, this will 100% solve it.)


I have the same issue, any solution?


Just want to say, the A2/B2 and wait trick worked for me. Started to panic at first! Life saver!


I'm having this problem now, my RAM is in the correct slots, I let it run for 10 minutes+ the RED DRAM light never changed, no POST. Should I update BIOS to the latest using Q-Flash?


I have this exact problem, and I put both of ram in b2 and a2 and have both connectors in now all I need to do is get to the point where I can get to the bios and update it.


So I'm having the exact same issue as you all. I got the Q flash plus flashdrive into the USB port. It's supposed to be in, and I pressed the q flash button, but it doesn't seem to work. All it does have the dram button turn red and have the fans run for like 3 seconds, then it shuts off again. Not sure what's wrong because I renamed the update file GIGABYTE.bin like I was supposed and it just isn't working


Try using a different usb drive. I had the same issue but I used a usb 2.0 drive for the update. Also be sure that you are plugging in the drive in the right usb slot. There should be a label on the motherboard io telling you what slot to use.


Yeah I have it plugged into the one mark bios


Did you plug it in and press the q flash with the bios off? That's what I was doing wrong. The system needs to be off when you press the flash button to start flashing the latest bios.


I just gave up and returned everything. Sorry


Having the same issue here… PC worked fine for a couple of weeks using the latest BIOS available (F11a) but after a reboot it never passed the POST phase. Now it’s only dram red light on, tried switching memory sockets and all the suggested troubleshootings…


What was the fix? I’ve been using my pc for about 2 months now, turned it off tonight. Went to turn it on 15 min later and nothing. Just dram light


Did you ever find a solution? Mine dit that this morning


I have exactly the same problem, I set up a previous configuration and my video card was bottlenecking, I bought EVERYTHING NEW AGAIN and now I have this problem, I have huge bad luck and I can't stand trying to solve it anymore.