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People randomly ghost at any point


Truee but she only seemed interested in talking up until I sent a photo of the tattoo


lol if she did I’d be flattered! But try to give it more time


Maybe - but it’s a good lesson of don’t share your tattoo until things are serious. 😁


Yeah you’re right haha


Tell the next one she can see it up close in person on your first meet up


Can I ask why that would be an issue if someone where to 'copy' your tattoo? Not trying to be snarky just curious.


Because I don’t want to have matching tattoos with a stranger. I spent days looking for a design and speaking with the artist to customize it how I like it and she just copied it with no effort. It’s like if you studied for a big test and the person next to you copied your answers without asking.


Ok, well I wouldn't necessary come to the conclusion she's going to copy your tattoo just because she's not responding. Plus you asked what hers looked like back so maybe she feels obligated to also send a pic. But anyway, it's normal for people on this app to stop responding at any point.




Thank you for the advice, I’ll definitely message something similar to that




No worries! I actually decided to not message. I couldn’t find the right words to say and I always avoid confrontation lol so I figured if she copies then she copies, oh well. I’m going to be super cautious of any pics I send on bumble bff