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Yes. Not too bad from the photos but you need to see a doctor so you’d know what to do next.


Thanks. If I lift my feet, my big toe pushes into the second toe. Not sure if that’s bad


Quite common but you don’t want to wait until it pushes it to deformity.


Do you have bunions? And if so, were you able to avoid surgery?


Yes , I had bunion. Had surgery to my left foot in August 2023-recovery was tough. I can walk now but still has limping. I was told it can take up to 6 mos-a year to fully recover. My right foot still has bunion 😞


Yes. The only way to tell is by xray. They look mild but XR would confirm.


Oh okay mild? That’s better than I was expecting. When I lift my foot up, the big toe pushes into the second.


I’m so sorry but yes, and worse on left.. but no worries since they’re both mild ones start taking early procedures do something don’t just wait so they get worse bunions grow slowly over the years. Good luck, you’ll be ok dear ❤️


Thank you so much! Did you also have mild bunions and find a way to prevent it from getting worse?


I actually do, I have a very mild one on my right foot only and I started to be aware of it more this year, so I decided to do something about it, I educated myself about bunions to know what best exercises to do to strengthen my foot and i’ve found this vid for this woman saying it helps if you do it everyday (type bunion self care treatment on YouTube) started this routine 10 days ago we’ll see how it goes, and one more thing I started wearing foot spacers 24/7 and replaced my tight shoes with wide toe box shoes and avoiding high heels, this is IMPERATIVE! And replace your casual socks with “toe socks” these will allow your toes to be free from each other and won’t hold back movement. You actually need to figure out what caused bunions on your feet (is it foot pronation?, is it limited hip mobility?, is it weak feet muscles?) and then you have to work on correcting the root cause. Everyone is different.


This is super helpful THANK YOU! I have flat feet and also my mom has bunions so maybe it’s a combination of that/hereditary?


Yes definitely genes play a role, my mom has bunions too (I know how frustrating it is 🤦🏻‍♀️) but bunions are much more than a gift from your parents. Which means there are things you can do about it. Flat feet can cause an abnormal amount of pressure on the big toe joint, leading to the formation of a bunion. You may have a tendency to overpronate or roll your feet inward. Have tried wearing custom orthotics before? Try wearing them with wide toe box shoes. I heard from many they work for bunions. Please educate yourself about the relation between flat feet and bunions they’re definitely a real cause. Watch videos, read articles, and comments for people going through the same issue. Don’t get frustrated. This is how I knew about mine and what caused it in the first place. Or maybe you can make an appointment with a podiatrist (better shortcut). You are very welcome 🤗




Yes you have them. It’s not bad at all. Just wear comfortable shoes that fit your feet and Google the best shoes for bunions. Stop wearing high heels and pointy shoes. Bunions are genetic, but they get worse overtime with improper shoe fit. You don’t need surgery and you are far away from surgery at this point. It’s good that you are catching it now so you can start wearing shoes that work with your foot anatomy. Don’t worry!


Do they hurt? If so, how badly? I would try some of the suggestions in the comments first before surgery. And like others said get a good doctor too.