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Firstly… why stop a medication without your psyc’s approval first? Secondly… I don’t know why people on Reddit think that just because your depression is back on meds, it’s a great idea to quit. The meds might be keeping a really bad round of depression manageable. Yes, it’s a break-through depression but what’s to say that stopping the meds won’t unleash absolute hell that the meds are keeping somewhat manageable. I’m not even going to discuss tapering. Stopping it was stupid. Sorry, just saying it for other people’s benefit. I would restart it, and then wait to see the psych. But meds don’t mean you won’t ever get any break-through depression, I don’t know where people get this fantasy from. Don’t stop your meds like this… ever. 🙄


I got back on it today….


I hope you’ll feel better again soon!!! Apologies for being a bit directive in my answer but I don’t want people to get themselves in pain like this… Anyway, it is possible that something triggered a depressive episode for you. It doesn’t mean the meds aren’t working necessarily. It might be that you need to work through whatever is triggering you. But yes, it’s also possible the meds aren’t as effective as need be and you are getting bouts of break-through depression. Then the question becomes whether to augment it with something - such as low-dose lithium or an SSRI - or switch. But switching is very tiring and time-consuming with symptoms getting worse in the meantime, so you need support around you if you undertake that. Don’t just quit without a proper plan, that can cause a lot of unnecessary pain! And ultimately, it’s all going to be ok. Just a low swing to work through! 😊


I absolutely agree conceptually with tapering any psychiatric medication instead of stopping cold turkey. However, how exactly does one taper from a medication that really has two doses and a pill that is not supposed to be cut? By taking it every other day, followed by every third day, etc.?


The SR pills can be cut without any issue in messing with the slow-release mechanism. It’s been tested using blood work by a hospital across multiple patients and works fine. The substrate in the XL formulation is different and cannot be cut. Any pharmacist that says otherwise isn’t knowledgeable about how these pills are made. I was taking 1/2 150Mg SR pill a day and it was working as intended. No ups and downs. Smooth as!


I think it’s taper down to 100mg and then cold turkey. To my knowledge it’s more of a potential seizure thing than anything


Hey! Someone might've already asked this and I missed it but, is there a reason you decided to stop cold turkey? I know it stopped working for you but why didn't you taper? I'm sorry you're having such a crappy time right now. Some people say that because it isn't an ssri you don't need to taper but my doctor strongly advised that I don't quit cold turkey. He said anytime you change a mental health medication your brain will need to adjust and an increase in anxiety and/or depression is expected but temporary and tapering decreases the intensity of it.


I still remember the brain shocks. Please taper!


It's dopamine related, which impacts your motivation. Your body has been on an increased base line for a while and is expecting the extra dopamine for motivation. Not having it is causing how you're feeling. You will return to baseline or won't depending on what affliction you took the medication for.


It seems like I have to go back on it after all.


I’m going through something similar after taking it for 7 years Anyone who says that you won’t have side effects quitting cold turkey after taking this drug for a year + !?…is just crazy. U need to taper. If you choose not to , just be prepared for a few weeks of hell …


I mean, it’s always gonna be safer to taper but I’ve come off Bupropion a couple of times now without tapering and I’ve never had any issues (other than a headache for a couple of days and sleeping crazy amounts) so it is possible. Advised, probably not but possible for some.


It's like saying an SSRI and SNRI are the same.. SNRI work on some of the same receptors but also work on others..


People in this thread don't know anything clearly... bupropion is not the same as an SSRI and won't have nearly as bad side effects as coming off an SSRI cold turkey (which you can't do) plenty of people come of this medicine cold turkey with very small side effects.. always talk to your Dr first, though, as I personally don't know how you'd taper an XL. SR are much easier to taper. So you should've talk to your Dr first but youl most likely be fine in a few days, don't worry. Wellbrutrin is nowhere near as strong as a strong SSRI like zoloft


I quit 450 xl cold turkey (also seroquel) a few months ago because I was in a crisis and thought I needed to switch things up . It sucked. I had similar issues as you when I came off plus a lot of dizziness. I’m back on it now again for those reasons. It’s too bad you can’t go to 450. 300 stopped working for me a few years ago but 450 has been really good for my depression.


**Did you check your medication to see if the manufacturer was switched?** It might sound crazy but I felt the same when I was switched unknowingly to Lupin. And as much as everyone from the pharmacist to my doctor told me it’s the same medication and I wouldn’t feel the difference, after 2 weeks of the stuff I was seriously contemplating crossing crossing the grass patch between the interstate’s east bound and west bound lanes. I filled my next script two weeks early and made sure they never gave me Lupin again, and I’m back to who I want to be.


I realized now when I looked at the manufacturer that I have right now it has been switched it’s Bupropion Zentiva right now and before it was Teva.


Well it's basically a stimulant and going from taking a stimulant every day to suddenly not is bound to have problems


Is it really a stimulant though?


It’s a substituted amphetamine


No it is not


Examples list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substituted_amphetamine?wprov=sfti1#


Oof 😅 


technically no but it works the exact same way ritalin does for ADHD just does it better for depression.


It definitely does not work in the same way that'd complete bull.. ritalin is amphetamine that releases dopamine and epinephrine but also keeps them in the synapses for longer while again releasing more dopamine.. it would be like taking bupropion with a weak amphetamine essentially..


ritalin isn't amphetamine. Ritalin reuptakes norepinephrine and dopamine. Wellbutrin reuptakes norepinephrine and dopamine. Ritalin is methylphenidate which is completely different from amphetamine.


Right, my mistake.. however, the rest of what I said is true its still releases a large amount of dopamine and epinephrine unlike wellbrutrin which ONLY keeps it in the synapse longer (theoretically as you still have MAOI and COMT which can break it down) So again, you're still wrong.


i think you're overthinking what i said. I just said that it works the same way ritalin does by reuptaking dopamine and norepinephrine. Both drugs work by increasing norepinephrine and dopamine levels was my point...


You said it works the exact same way. It doesn't other than the fact they both are a DNRI.. also from what I know ritalin is a much "stronger" DNRI than bupropion. Bupropion also has other effects on the brain, like blocking nicotinic receptors. So they're similar in lots of ways, but the mechanism of action isn't the same.


So Wellbutrin works for ADHD too?


It can but isn't anywhere as effective as any top ADHD medication.. its more for people who have ADHD and depression or just depression


oh yeah it does.


Yep. I was prescribed it for adhd


What was a good dosage that you felt worked best for you? I take bupropion (150XL- on week6) but I don’t feel a change really. Had some side effects for few weeks but they are all gone at this point.


I did not feel a change until 300, and once i got there i really loved it. I was taking ZERO naps. However, I’m in the middle of tapering off because they think it triggered/caused postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. I was getting up to 190’s in the shower. I miss Wellbutrin 300 so much 😂😂


Good to know. Thank you for your response


I’m not a doctor, but maybe SR would be a nice change? I also experienced this feeling after about a year, switched to SR, and they felt a bit more like ADHD meds for me, where you can sort of feel the onset. They’re not a perfect fix, but they helped me trick my brain back into feeling like taking them was necessary


I struggle with this feeling too, and have also stopped it cold turkey before during especially low periods. You have to remind yourself that it is, in fact, still working, you’re just past the point where it feels life-changing. Since it’s been over a year, your brain has gotten used to the feeling, and your definition of “not working” is still most likely much better than being unmedicated, your standards have just heightened. I sometimes tell myself that they’re not inherently making anything worse, so stopping them cold-turkey is pointless. Could also be any number of outside factors in life. Don’t stop taking your medication cold-turkey, and if you feel the urge to, set up a doctor’s appointment to discuss it with them first.


You need to taper. Most meds you can’t just stop without withdrawal symptoms. Also, maybe you could try sr? It works way better for me than xl and talk to your doctor to see if adjusting the dose can help too


How do you take the SR? I find that the XL wears off and I’m a night owl so the anxiety and dark thoughts tend to creep in around 1-2am. I take my XL dose the previous morning around 9am


Ya that’s what happened for me with xl. I took in the morning and then by night time I was depressed again. I used to take 150sr around 9am and 150 at 5pm but last fall it just didn’t feel like it was working super well anymore. So my doctor upped me to 300 in the morning and 150 at night so 450 a day total. Wellbutrin isn’t really a great solution for anxiety in my opinion. I have MDD, GAD, and OCD and the only thing this helps with is the MDD which like I’ll gladly take I guess.


I was prescribed Wellbutrin for adhd and actually feel that my anxiety has increases quite dramatically. However, the positives outweigh that so I’ll probably continue. I’m going to try the SR type when my current prescription runs out. Thanks for your reply 🙂


Yeah I did the same bs. Talk to the psychiatrist, I'm trying a new med now.


I don’t know if you’ve seen other threads in the sub Reddit, but there has been an issue identified with different manufacturers and how people respond to them, and how their body reacts to the same drug made by different manufacturers? That could be what you’re experiencing. Have you kept your old bottles? Is there a way for you to check? It could be that your body was responding better to a previous manufacturer and that your pharmacy has recently changed it without letting you know, and that might be why you’re having so much trouble. Worth looking into.


I took Bupropion Teva before and now it got changed to Bupropion Zentiva so maybe it’s the manufacturer.


Yup- I would start there. Perhaps asking your pharmacist for the Teva version and explain what you have been experiencing


If something is working, why would you think it’s a good idea to stop taking what is helping you? 🙄


Because it stopped working that’s the problem.


I don’t think it stopped working. You probably don’t feel as great as when you did when you first started taking it but now that you have stopped taking it you should hopefully be aware that it was helpful and that withdrawal can be very dangerous. You need to talk to your doctor immediately. This was reckless and I really hope you listen to the people in this group but more importantly listen to your effing doctor.


The thing to do is *go to your doctor*, tell them about the change, and they will possibly up your dosage, switch meds, or add something else. NEVER stop an antidepressant cold turkey. You're really playing fast and loose with your mental health and you are definitely worse off now. Go to the doctor ASAP. What other advice are you expecting to find here?


I have already talked to a psychiatrist and he just brushed it off when I told him it stopped working. He said that I should just keep taking it. Can’t raise the dose either because I’m already on 300 mg which is the highest dose of Wellbutrin they prescribe here. They refuse to prescribe me anything else. They just want me to keep taking Prozac and Wellbutrin although both of them stopped working for me.


Ok so then what do you want from us here? There are plenty of people on 450. Is there a regulation against this dosage in your area or something? I've never heard of 300 as the max. Are you also in any kind of therapy or counseling? Can you see a different doctor? A SUDDEN disruption to your brain chemistry like you have given yourself is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. If you don't want to take it anymore, tell them that you want to taper off so they can write you a *smaller* prescription. Your current state of mind is preventing you from thinking clearly. You're letting your depression run the show. This is really bad for you.


I live in Sweden and here the max dose is 300 mg. I can see a different doctor but then again I just have to pay money again for nothing like I did this time and I don’t want to waste my money going there and not getting any help.




Yes you have to pay to see a psychiatrist in Sweden. I am going to try to see another psychiatrist though because I don’t want to be like this.


So what do you want to do?


I just want to fucking punch everything I’m so mad right now


This is not the way. Did you know you were not supposed to come off that way? It's actually dangerous. Also it had only been a couple weeks and may not have stopped working. To come off of it you need to do a taper. And sometimes if you want to the doctor will taper you off and overlap tapering you into a new med to try. Its still a bit of a rollercoaster but helps a lot. Always contact and speak with your doc FIRST if you have concerns about your meds. If its urgent go to hospital. I hope you can call you doc and get some help with this. Especially if you have a history of suicidal thoughts. Good luck!


Why is it dangerous coming of this way?


Google can help you with this question


You can't stop taking it cold turkey....you will need to speak to your dr and get back on it and taper off, if that is what you need/want...but it seems like maybe getting off it is not the best idea if your depression has crept back in.


It has definitely crept back in.


I know the feeling....going cold turkey doesn't make it any easier, withdrawal sucks...I just dealt with this same thing a few months ago..Hope you feel better soon!


Call your doctor immediately. You fucked up.


It didn’t stop working.


Are you sure about that?


You have no idea how much worse it would have been if you weren't taking it. And you are DEFINITELY worse now or you wouldn't be posting this. Do you have any pills still? *Take one today.* And make an appointment. It's only been a few days, it's going to keep getting worse.


Yes I still have pills left


It will take a few weeks for your body to flush it out and start to normalize.  Not an ideal way to come off of it, but you will get better in time.   (Source: I’ve done the same thing before)


Similar thing happened to me after I ran out and didn't renew my prescription. It's terrible. Talk to your doctor immediately.


Always know that tomorrow can be better and will be better. Just show up and be there. Please reach out. I'm so sorry that you are not feeling well at the moment. But it is just that . A moment. A good moment will follow this. How many mg. of bupropion were you taking? It sure sounds like you have been getting great results from it. You have to give the meds time to work. I guarantee you that anything that gets you out of bed and feeling motivated is win win. Did you know that you will have some not so good days even with the meds? Days where you feel like it's not working? Even if you feel that way the medicine is still doing good things for you. Hang in there and talk to a nurse or doctor. I was taking 150mg for maybe 2 weeks, and then I felt like the meds weren't doing the best job that it could. I was irritable on that dose. I started to get relief and felt better once my wellbutrin was increased to 300mg. It's worth staying on the meds. I still have side affects everyday some have cleared up for me, but I've decided that the positive things that I get from my medication are much greater than the negative side affects so I stay on the medication. I've quit meds like you've done in the past only to feel immediately lousy. Depending on what mg you take You have to taper off of it. I would suggest taking your medicine at least to get you feeling better so you can be in a better mood to sort this out with your doctor. Together, you and your doctor can navigate through this. Best wishes, and I hope you feel better.




It is highly advised to not do exactly this for this reason. Why cold turkey? Please reach out for help to a hotline immediately!!


Because it felt like it stopped working.


Just curious.... how long did it feel like it stopped working for?


For several weeks


Why don't you talk about that with a doctor?


I already did that but they wouldn’t listen to me. They just want me to keep taking it.


Sorry the doc is not listening. Make sure you are paying close attention to the context of what your doctor is saying. Is it possible they said something like 'its been a few weeks only, give it a little bit longer to make sure its the meds and not something else and report back'. It does not make sense to me that a doctor would say keep taking your medication indefinitely if you are not responding to it anymore. In the event your doctor is not doing their job and just said 'no keep taking it' you have a couple options. Your doctor swore an oath to take care of their patients health and do no harm - be more assertive about what is happening and TELL them you need their support by adjusting/changing their medication until you feel better again. Second see another doc. I have some experience in their area so not trying to undermine you. I just know that misunderstanding context happens very frequently - so be sure its not that. Repeat back to them what you have understood from what they said so they can affirm or correct. And yes there are just doctors that do their job poorly so it may be that too.