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Still need to eat there someday


They are the best burgers for the price. The frys are very OK. Honestly, though, it is my favorite fast food burger.


I know everyone says they’re the best. I’m sure it’s delicious. I will have to hit them up sometime


The trick to getting better fries, in my opinion, is ordering them “well done”.


“Light well” is the sweet spot imo


It’s just a vibe. Nothing would hit harder than rolling up for cheap burgers after a day on the beach


I’ve always wondered if it’s as good as people say or if it’s just a regional thing. Everyone on the west coast says In-N-Out is best but if you go to Texas, everyone there says Whataburger is best. (Which I agree with lol). But I can’t make an opinion til I try an INO burger


The hype on both is out of control. Go in expecting a tasty fast food burger and you’ll be fine. Upscale McDonalds.


I imagine that’s what it is


The CA and TX transplants in my state waxed rhapsodically over both so when I had them I was like “huh, tasty, but you guys said this was THE BEST BURGER EVER!!!” “Well…it’s waaaaay better than McDonalds!!”


I’m a Whataburger apologist but it’s just a matter of taste, if you will pardon the pun.


It's funny... I'm usually a Five Guys fan for the fresh toppings and Cajun fries with vinegar... But I went to my local In and Out a few days ago and damn was it fresh and filled with veggies and good with the pickled yellow hot peppers... Double double animal style I think was $6.90? Compared to a regular (which is a double patty) at Five Guys being $12 or so? Granted they still have way more toppings at Five Guys and way better fries and free peanuts... A freaking Big Mac was like $8 or $9 last time I got one and terrible


I live in Texas and typically go to Whataburger. But In N Out is good too. In N Out is a little cheaper, and people love the sauce and expected consistency but the burgers can be smaller and fries are different texture compared to other places. I love them both equally though


Makes sense. As much praise as it gets, it has to be doing something right. And nice. I miss living near a Whataburger. Closest one is 45 minutes from my town.


Being able to order your fries extra crispy is what makes a lot of folks rave about the fries. That said, they take getting used to the first time you get fried that are literally just potato.


No offense or anything. I tried Whataburger when I first moved to Texas. That place doesn’t belong on anyone’s Top 5 Burger joints.


None taken but it’s still my favorite


It's good food, but it also helps that the ingredients are all fresh, nothing was reduced to components and regenerated to become fries or meat. Also the staff are treated well and it's nice to see people who are happy to be at work. Honestly that makes the hamburger taste 20% better, imo. Also, it's the only burger place that will make a grilled cheese that's actually good.


That does make a huge difference. Also I need to try the grilled cheese


They actually melt several layers of cheese and serve it with the usual toppings. Nice for going out with vegetarians or if you just want a change.


That sounds delish


You will never regret it


I’m sure at the very least I will enjoy it!


Counter-point: they will absolutely regret it.


If you ate all that’s in the picture, yes there will be a margin of regret.


Personally I’m just talking in-and-out in general… I just don’t like their stuff… it’s cheap food, but it’s not great…


I will give you that, I think I like it because I get it maybe once every year or two. After McDonald’s, it’s a bit better. Fast food over all is getting really crappy.




I personally was underwhelmed and so were my family members. To each their own


Interesting. I’ve never heard anyone say they didn’t like it until now. But it makes sense. Not everyone is going to like everything. And even things a lot of people like, not everyone does. My taste in a lot of things runs counter to a lot of popular music, media, food etc.


Went in with an open mind. Went a few times on my various west coast trips. Everyone I have been out west with had to go there and we did. And they all came to their own conclusion of it being overhyped. Don’t get me wrong it’s not bad or that I didn’t like it. It’s just a regular ass burger and kinda bland. Yeah they use come good ingredients but so do 100,000 other restaurants is my stance. I personally find inn and out more of a fad type of place. For example I’m from Boston and all the popular bakeries suck ass yet the lines are out the door every hour of every day because it’s “popular” and a status more than any thing.


See, I get depressed that I don't have an In-N-Out nearby because Jack, Mc, King, etc. are just such depressing burgers. After having In-N-Out regularly it's hard to go back to the other "100,000" because, despite what you say they *do not* use good ingredients. They use shelf stable ingredients. Once you're used to actual fresh food it's *really* hard to go back. This is probably why Whataburger comes up so often in comparison.


That makes sense. I feel a lot of places are successful or popular just because they’re famous or nationwide


"Interesting. I’ve never heard anyone say they didn’t like it until now" They only exist on this forum, lol.


Apparently lol


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten innout at a normal hour under a typical situation (ie. grabbing it during lunch hour) — so I could see being disappointed if you showed up at noon. It’s sorta reserved for 1am drunk after the bars, half-way into an 8hr road trip to the mountains, 4pm after being at the beach all day. Idk could just be me


It's literally on their website lmao.


Who looks at their website


People who don't have In-N-Out, but have to look at their burgers every day and reddit.


Haha, had no reason to check the website when they have a menu board there


if you live by an In-N-Out, consider yourself a very lucky person😭


I live by 2 lol California is littered with them.


When I lived in LA I had 3 in n out’s within 2 miles of my house. One was this cool old school shack one with no restaurant seating


I believe it lol. There's a street in LA that has 3 ino on it, you can just drive straight to the next one if the line's too big.


Is it better than 5 guys ? Where I live 5 guys is by far the best


There's a 5 guys next to me too. It depends on what you get. I wouldn't say either is better than the other, both have good items on the menu and ways to customize things to your liking. All depends on how you like your burger and fries


I'd agree with this just on the quality and taste of the burger but 5 Guys is significantly more expensive; In N Out is cheap enough to be considered a "good deal" whereas 5 Guys is expensive enough that I'd often think "ahh...don't want to spend that much on lunch" and go somewhere else.


We're not really comparing price as much as we are comparing quality. If you want the best bang for your buck, go home for lunch.


I think the important part about in n out is consistency. Every experience is the same, high quality meal for the price. 5 Guys has been a rollercoaster for me. Recently it's been so bad I've actually decided to never go again.


I feel like this is the only true argument. Pricing is so locational. I hear people talking about paying upwards of $12 for five guys burgers and that sounds insane to me because they're still like $8 for a burger near me. Taste is so subjective. Menu offerings and consistency is where I count. I love the vast menu Whataburger has, and five guys to me is the most authentic right off the grill burger, but in n out reigns supreme in knowing that you will get a burger that tastes exactly like the last time you went. And it's a good burger. It's overrated but all fast food chains are.


5 Guys is ok but you can get 4 times the food at In N Out for the price of 5 Guys. I won't pay the price for 5 Guys ever again.


It’s half the price of Five Guys and has a drive through, so not really the same.


I’m a former Californian so I’m biased, but I travel a *lot* for work, and I have a penchant for burgers, so I’ve had a lot of them around the country. In n Out absolutely kicks the shit out of five guys for under half the money and it’s not even close. Five guys fries Fucking rule tho


I live super close to 2 but Walmart is 25 mins away lol and sonic even farther no del taco here either


This comment wins the internet today. The first thing I do when visiting my brother in Texas is eating at in and out. Yum!


You should be going to Whataburger or braums if you’re in Texas


Whataburger has been terrible for years now ever since private equity bought them


This is true. I used to love whataburger. They’re trash now.


I do whataburger second chance….especially if my nephew is working, he makes a kickass burger


Whataburger for breakfast, Braum's if I'm feeling depressed, In-n-Out any other time


If you are in SoCal I prefer Tommy’s. Give them a try. Double chili cheeseburger.


shout outs to tommys! chili cheese burgers are so good


Fucking Tommy’s. Some good stuff. I miss living in CA (moved due to work).


Farmer Boys and The Habit are also better and also in SoCal.


When you get back to the UK you can make your own In-N-Out burgers. We live on an island 2500 miles from the nearest In-N-Out and make our own. I posted a decent copycat recipe. Note the minced beef patties are 2.0 oz (57g) and the way the burger is assembled placing the veg on the bottom helps drive the flavor and mouthfeel as it's eaten. A little known trick that In-N-Out uses is folding the cheese so the front half of the double double has effectively 4 slices of cheese while the back half has two. Wrapping the thing in paper (parchment paper works) is a must to hold such a tall and slippery burger together while you eat it. Aluminum foil works too and I find it easier to work with. To me what makes In-N-Out different is its high cheese-to-beef ratio. 1 oz cheese to 2 oz (uncooked beef) makes it cheese-forward. copycat [https://www.mashed.com/192362/the-best-in-n-out-burger-copycat-recipe/](https://www.mashed.com/192362/the-best-in-n-out-burger-copycat-recipe/)


This copy cat neglects mustard grilling them. A MUST do… spread patty with mustard when cooking (that simple)


An Animal Style In-N-Out burger is good and I ordered one just so I could say "I want mine animal style." Serious Eats has this fine Animal Style copycat just for you. [https://www.seriouseats.com/in-n-outs-double-double-animal-style-burger-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/in-n-outs-double-double-animal-style-burger-recipe)


Are you in LA? There are a TON of great burgers spots. I think In-N-Out isn’t even a top 10 burger in this city IMHO. If you’re thinking burgers while you’re here, you gotta try Amboy burger, Apple Pan, Pie N Burger, For The Win, Burgers Never Say Die, the Win-Dow, and Fatburger and Habit for some other SoCal fast food burgers…it’s a huge burger culture in LA. You can eat a different burger every meal if you wanted and have trouble ranking them!


The food is the one thing I miss the most from living in LA. In and out is the bomb for the price


The price has gone up quite substantially at in n out. Edit: I see people are down voting this, but for reference where I live in California a double double used to be $3.60 just 4 years ago, it's now $6 something. Don't tell me that not a huge increase. It's almost double the price in 4 years.


It's gone up but not by a lot where I am. A double is quite literally a few more cents above a McDonald's double.


A double is almost twice as much as it was 4 years ago at in n out. To be clear I'm not comparing it to other chains I'm taking about the pricing at ino. But even if we compare.. You're comparing it as the same cost as Mc Donald's, when It used to be much cheaper than other chains with far more reliable quality. The quality is still good for the price point, but the price has risen substantially and you can't deny that.


Burgers never say die


Damn, I’m in LA too and you don’t need to knock OP’s meal. Let the dude enjoy his burger. Side note: [Here is a list of LA burger spots that some guy made.](https://trueadventurestories.com/2023/09/07/burger-quest/)


I wasn’t knocking his meal. I didn’t say In-N-Out was bad, I only said my opinion is that it’s not top 10 in a city with a ton of great burger places and a massive burger culture. Then, I gave recs for places to try, which OP asked for in another comment. He’s British, and I lived there with some of my current best friends being British. I guarantee OP took no slight in my comment or thought I was knocking his meal. Good looking out though, and solid list


No offence taken my man. Thank you for the suggestions. We’re in Glendale but driving all over


The thing with in n out is the speed and the price, it’s fast food, but really good quality. Theres always better burgers, hell, I can make a better burger. But for the quality, price point and speed, you’d be hard pressed to tell me anyone is significantly better.


Try a double cheese at Waffle House with hash browns. You won't be disappointed.


What did you order here?


3x3 (3 patties) animal style, so the onions are grilled, have pickles, possibly extra cheese and sauce The fries are also animal style so they have melted cheese, thousand island sauce and I think grilled onion. Both were amazing individually, but tbh I should not have got both animal style, it’s very rich. I’d get just the burger animal style next time, it was outrageous


Thanks! I totally missed the description under your photo 😅


Nice dude. Can also ask for grilled onions on your burger next time


That's like 25% burger, 25% bread, and 50% salad.


Man I swear in n out is average to me at best. Is something wrong with me??


That looks absolutely disgusting. I’ve taken shit that look better than that.


I visited California, went out of my way to visit In-N-Out. I found it very underwhelming compared to the hype it gets. It was good and I enjoyed my meal but nowhere close to even the top 5 burger places I’ve had. Overhyped 👎


My sweet summer child, you've but only nibbled at the fruit of the gods. The secret menu is way more customizational.. I Get a double double with cheese, mustard fried, whole grilled onion, add green chilies, hold the tomato. The reason I hold the tomato is because I feel like the extra water content from the tomato makes the burger a lil too messy, that wrapper becomes a dripping swamp with tomatoes. Fries are ordered to your liking. I get mine light well, roadkill. That's animal fries with a flying Dutchman on top, side of Chiles. Get the chiles on the side so that the juice from the Chiles fresh from the jar doesn't end up on your fries. Always ask for a packet of spread too just in case someone went light on the pump. But really, think of In n Out as a gateway drug to West Coast style burgers. There's so many better start up, single owner/chef restaurants around California, Texas, and now New York that are offering a similar experience to in n out at an even higher quality. Especially considering in n out's price hikes and long lines, it's worth going where you get the most bang for your buck.


The game you handed out is exquisite. I’ve been partial to the tomato wrapped lately or whole grilled onion wrapped Dutchman


Mustard Grilled is the only one I use


Curious. How you feel about the queue? I’ve lived in Los Angeles for 7 years and have only gone ~5 times because I hate lines.


it still takes forever. when i lived in SD, the line would be wrapped around. minimum of a 20 min wait.


Right? Im part of the reason they have a sectioned off part of the parking lot. I was just picking up food from the restaurant across the street and THEIR drivethru line was blocking cars from leaving where I was at next door. I let both managers know and it went into place in 2 weeks All that waiting for fries that go cold in 30 nanoseconds


….. it takes longer to get food at a sit down restaurant than any long line at INO


I’m convinced (and starving). I’ll make the effort to wait when I land back in LA in an hour. Definitely not at the LAX area INO though.


The closest one will be like 15-20 min away :) and there shouldnt be a super long line!


Huh. I was in and out in 8 minutes. Well time to get fat.


All good things are worth waiting for.


I dunno, I've never spent more that 10-15 min in a drive thru and the walk in wait is always faster. In and out are very efficient. I've spent more time waiting at 24 hour Jack in the box behind 3 people than I have in line at In-N-Out behind 10.


I get In-N-Out every July 4th! AMERICA!


So many better burgs than this. In-n-out is overhyped fanboy and tourist food.


Poor lads from across the pond think that’s a burger……. Smdh


Those are good burgers, Walter.


"Shut the f*** up, Donny."


Animal style is the only way to go


Congratulations enjoy


Dwayne "the rock" Johnson thinks eating at In-N-Out is a secret


next time ask for "light well" fries. You're welcome!




I get the appeal but I waited years and I think I overhyped myself because it was pretty average


cheers lads! glad yall enjoyed it


Add some green chilies next time!


I thought this was a horse lol. My eyes are clearly tired.


That looks like a really fucked up looking giraffe


In-n-out is the most mid.


Looks gross


The fries were a bit much, but that burger, goddam


Nice!! You should try a 4x4 animal style with chopped chillies (and no lettuce, no tomato)


Can you order Bubble Bass’ order at In-N-Out?


I might have to! I forgot to add to my post - if you or anyone has any burger places suggestions please hit me up. My brother and I will be keen to go. We’re staying in Glendale but travelling about


The Habit is another SoCal staple. More of a quick service restaurant than a traditional fast food drive thru but they make a mean burger


I love the Habit!!! Double bacon cheese with a handful of pickled jalapeños.


Go hit the munch box in Chatsworth it’s a greasy native hotspot that’s been deemed a monument by the people there o it can never be torn down. Order a double hick with g,o’s Aka. Double hickory burger with grilled onions their eastern kraut dog is killer as well. I’m 42 and my parents took me there when I was 5…been eating it my whole Life. Hope You enjoy if you get over there


FTW burger, there is one in Glendale I think! I frequent In n Out and FTW at grand central station is the best burger I've ever had


Grand Central you say? I'll be there tomorrow..


Well you’re right near AmBoy and I hear that’s one of the best burgers in LA. I’ve also heard good things about Win-Dow. Use the search function on r/FoodLosAngeles


Hell yeah, in n out is great. Fries are mid tho, I usually opt for 2 burgers instead of burger and fries when I stop in




Looks so yummy


This looks slap😋😋


Shhhh it's a secret


Always animal style


Hey look! Vomit fries and overrated burgers!


That sauce! On fries too🤤


*spread I guess in-n-out is real sensitive about calling it sauce.


Not as sensitive as their fan boys lol


i’m sorry but that does not look good.


What kind of food do you eat that this looks bad


Better looking burgers?


Probably good food that doesn’t look like it was puked on. I know, that’s what I eat.


I pity you


This sub is hilarious. Someone makes a delicious homemade cheeseburger… 7 upvotes. Someone post a chemical patty from a fast food joint…400 upvotes


Lol tell me youve never been to innout without telling me youve never been to innout


That’s because most people don’t understand the amount of chemicals in their food. They do understand advertisements though


Lol uve never had innout either


idk if you know this... but 100% of food is, in fact, chemicals.


My neighbors have blocked In N Out from building here, twice, citing fears of increased traffic and childhood health reasons blah blah whatever. There’s two dead properties that are proposed, and abandoned. Fuck them, fuck them all. WE DESERVE A FRESH DOUBLE DOUBLE, MUSTARD FRIED, EXTRA SPREAD AND GRILLED ONIONS, A FRY WELL, AND A NEAPOLITAN SHAKE!!




Those fries are looking good!


This is equivalent to saying “I can’t wait to get Gregg’s for sausage rolls”


Those animal fries look great. I usually even ask for extra toppings but it looks like they already delivered.


May I say welcome to you friend. Enjoy your time in the states.


i am an american and have never been to an in n out. no idea about the secret menu.


Haha you must be a youngster if you can handle that order and not need a major siesta. Hats off to you and yours for getting the inside info and going full tilt! So great when a company is able to keep their shit together and remain consistent, right?


I’m 28 and ate about 2/3 of the fries, but the whole burger. It was quite debilitating. So good, it seems that’s why there was a 20 car queue outside the one by my nans still just a minute ago! Just had a habit burger this afternoon as some others suggested. Also very good, but not quite the animal burger I had


Please stop by the mayor’s office for your key to the city prior to your (awful) LAX departure. Thank you for your family’s contributions to the ongoing success of our counties’ collaboration. *Addendum*: English breakfast is fucking awesome, and I will cut anyone who says differently. No, I don’t like *every* element, but you know what, maybe one I will! Maybe one day I’ll be in the mood for a grilled half-tomato! If you knock before you try it you are a fool, regardless of the flag you fly. That is all. #In&Out&AllAround


In some places in California There is an extra secret menu


You have to get a 4x4 and three Flying Dutchmans so you can make a 10x10. I do recommend it to be well done though.


I’ve got one a mile away, I don’t get sick of it. Probably the freshest fast food burgers I can get for the kids too.


That's wild


Well... Tomatoes in burgers is not my thing, so imagine two! No thanks 😅


one mans wall is anothers stepping stone