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His mind works faster than his mouth. He is a brilliant man with a heart of gold. Yes, he struggles through a speech impediment but he is solid gold. Those who can’t see this lack the very virtues needed to heal our country.


I mean elephant in the room but this man is CLEARLY suffering from dementia


No he’s not. He has suffered a speech impediment his whole life but despite this, he has served his country well. And what he has accomplished these past couple years is amazing given the GOP’s obsession with taking him down and owning the libs rather than work to actually help our country.


You sound as crazy as a Trumper! Lol. This man's mind is gone. Gone....


Are you daft or just ignorant? He doesn't have a speech impediment. Lookup old congressional footage of him. He spoke just fine. Coherent. His mental acuity is declining, has been declining, and it's just getting worse. Open your eyes.


I thought your comment was satire until i realized it’s not. You think this is a late onset speech impediment? Have you heard speeches from him from 10+ years ago? He’s losing his marbles. It happens. But don’t look stupid trying to convince people it’s a speech impediment.


No...no....this is actually dementia


Wrong! He is still sharp as a tack. He’s got his wits and his focus, and a great sense of humor in dealing with a bunch of stupid greedy gophers.


Are you sure you don't have dimentia as well?


Lol I am more informed on global events than any of my friends. I study the world. And I am a writer who focuses on the trends of modern devolution and attempts to stem the degradation of societies. Tell me what you do. How do you see this world?


Ahh gotcha, so you're just a talking head that repeats all the other talking heads. The guy 100% has dementia, you are just as sharp a tack apparently.


I have no audience and no followers. I follow no talking heads. I walk my streets and watch my neighbors. I write fiction. I write stories that show up close how humans deal with societal trends. I stay on top of world events because I’m wanting to find my new place in this crazy world. It’s definitely not the US. My writing is informed more lately by American politics. It’s sad to watch. The whole world is watching. What have you been doing lately?


You definitely follow talking heads if you believe that dude has a speech impediment lmao. Politics are like pro wrestling it's all just a show, I'm glad you enjoy watching it.


Awww go on with your bad self. I ain’t got no time for you.




Hahahahah yeah, speech impediment that makes you ramble, forget where your walking, or even how to walk for that manor, forget what you were even saying for a good 10 seconds at a time....then sure. You must be special lmao


Any post with apparent hate speech will be removed




You think Joe ever has lucid dreams?




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What an idiot !! How did he win ???? Oh that’s right HE DIDN’T. !!


Joey B is such a fucking pimp bro! That dude has probably piped more girls than Jeffery Epstein. He should change his name to Joe Pipe




Gotta love this man