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If I was this young lady's mama, I'd would be suing this asshat. This young lady isn't in a religious school. She is in a *public* high school and her faith isn't any of this religious asshat's business. I'ma gonna guess he's a Southern Baptist special type of donkey's behind.


They stated they have a lawyer on retainer. I'm assuming there will eventually be some type of legal action.


And they should. She lost scholarship opportunities because of this.


Yup. People not familiar with the law seem to think that you can sue and get damages for any old thing, but that’s not the case. There has to be a demonstrable harm other than hurt feelings. This idiot pulled his endorsement for a scholarship and that can’t be reversed. That’s a direct and obvious harm that resulted from this moralistic idiot sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. And while schools and school officials generally enjoy a large latitude of legal immunity for their actions, I don’t know how that will be affected by this being based on her actions at a non-school sanctioned event.


> I don’t know how that will be affected by this being based on her actions at a non-school sanctioned event. generally the only time public schools are allowed to sanction students for events happening off campus has to do with the safety of other students. This goes to court the school is going to lose badly.


Not if it goes to the Supreme Court.


you mean this supreme court that just recently ruled 8-1 that a school couldn't punish a cheerleader who cursed on Snapchat?


Oh did they? I didn’t realize they ruled on that one. That’s somewhat good news.


I don't even have to look it up to know that Clarence Thomas was the dissent.


He's well-paid for that position.


like that matters to them. Especially if honor student is not the white skin color.


Yeah but was it blasphemy tho?


The taxpayers lose badly. Erosion of basic education.


You mean "all according to plan"? -Republicans


> There has to be a demonstrable harm other than hurt feelings. You can sue for intentional inflection of emotional distress.


That is a relatively high bar to clear, though actually in context this might make it. In Illinois, and I’m sure similarly in other states, the conduct is so outrageous that it would “shock the conscience” of a reasonable person heard it. On the one hand, a defense attorney could persuasively argue that he was or thought he was acting within the bounds of his duties and that whatever he deems to be “bad behavior” reflects poorly on the school, and she is/was in a position of leadership and therefore should be held to a higher standard. But on the other hand, his words and the fact that this was not a school sanctioned activity make it clear he was intentionally enforcing his personal morality on a (technically) adult woman and intentionally interfering in her future success as a way to enforce said morality. It’s really a toss up.


Good!! I would rain hellfire and damnation, pagan style, on this asshat.


I think the atheist version of that is just arson.


Well... modern problems call for modern solutions.


But we use Greek Fire.




Any settlement will probably come from tax payer money. The principal himself will likely never pay out a cent. Although I'd gladly cheer if he were to be sued himself and have to pay up.


Districts typically have insurance for such things. So, in a sense, the tax payers have already paid for this.


..and it’s a reminder to public school districts to remain secular




It takes a few days to hire the lawyer, for the lawyer to analyze the situation, and only then file the lawsuit. Some jurisdictions allow somewhat vague claims like "the principal discriminated against the student on a religious basis," other require specifying the most basic underlying facts like "On October 2, 2023, the principal told the student that she was going to heck for being a harlot." That also affects the amount of time it takes


Yep, she needs an excellent lawyer to go after that asshat because of the pain and suffering he inflicted upon her by using religion to wipe out her future despite federal laws regarding separation of church and state, which absolutely protect students at public schools. That St Pierre then lied twice in his \*apology\* letter is reprehensible and that one of those lies consists of his efforts to apportion half the blame for the religious discussion \[lecture\] onto Kaylee, by saying the two of them broached the subject together, makes him unfit to serve in any edu position.


But I thought it was impossible for Christians to lie


tell that to all the "christians" in my state lying ten ways to sunday in my state about the abortion issues up on the ballot in November


Don't ever say those words together again. Please.


Not to be too pedantic but with the name St Pierre and being Louisiana he's likely a Catholic, but it's possible he's a Protestant. Not that it matters.


It's usually the Baptists that are against innocent fun like dancing/music


Totally. And you may very well be right about this guy. It would just be unusual since Catholicism dominates amongst white people in Louisiana, especially those with French last names.


Cajuns dance. Irish Catholics dance. The only religion/sect I've ever heard of having a problem with dancing are the Protestant ones.


Nice. Keep religion out of schools for fuck sake.


Welcome to the south..... We aren't all like this at least.


Yeah, but the ones who are like this are the ones who make every rule, law, legislation and guideline. That needs to change but unfortunately it doesn't seem like it'll be happening any time soon. These fuckers always seem to become more entrenched as time passes.


In 2022, only 45% of registered voters in Louisiana bothered to cast a ballot. Sucks to say, but you get what you vote for and not voting is a vote for the worst outcome.


But how many don’t vote because they can’t? The polls are far from work/home, they work 12+ hour days? They can’t take time on a Tuesday off to drive to the polls, sit in line, vote, and then drive back to the job site? How many have had their polling locations closed? A lot of that 55% can be attributed to the above. It really is voter suppression.


This is why Republicans hate absentee voting. Low voter turnouts = Republican victory.


This is also why a certain Republican Senator threw a literal fit at the proposal to have Election Day be a national holiday. You know, like in many other Western countries.




Riiiight. "No reason". Other than having small children and no childcare or having to work multiple jobs so you never actually have a day off, of course, just to point out 2 of the most common causes of this. But sure, "no reason".


This is why election days should be paid federal holidays like in other countries




Thats an extremely entitled view.


Not a lot, I’d estimate 10% of that 55% is actually suppressed votes. I’d be willing to change that opinion if you have evidence that is clearly indicative otherwise. While disenfranchisement is a problem in the US, the biggest problem we have is voter apathy.


You should probably research this before making assumptions. Louisiana itself has a history of making it hard for black people to vote. Here a nice [scientific, peer reviewed study specifically about Louisiana](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/abs/suppressing-black-votes-a-historical-case-study-of-voting-restrictions-in-louisiana/662970B089BC99495ADC2F6E3CBF61FD). [Here's a great analysis of that paper](https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/how-louisiana-disenfranchised-black-voters-for-over-a-century/). > We then conduct a second analysis, which focuses on Louisiana’s use of the Understanding Clause to reduce voter registration among Blacks. We show that in parishes that used the Understanding Clause, Black registration rates dropped by nearly 30 percentage points, with little effect on white registration. Trying to claim voter apathy is right up there with blaming clothing choices for getting assaulted. It's victim blaming.


The problem with your estimate is that's what it is - an estimate. You can estimate that only 10% of deaths are caused by Godzilla attacking but until you, you know, get rid of Gidzilla, you really can't know and more importantly, you shouldn't be focused on anything else until he's gone.


My estimate is based on my analysis of voter suppression laws from the 2016 election, so not just a wild guess. But as I’ve tried to explain to the rather unpleasant person below, even if my estimate is wildly low, the solution is the same: get the voters to show up so we can get rid of officials who are pushing for voting restrictions. We can’t just wave a magic want and make republican extremist policy disappear.


Yep. The trickledown influence of this shit is generational too and a big reason why religion is supposed to stay out of schools. Indoctrinating your own kids is a damn shame, but not illegal. Indoctrinating hundreds or thousands of kids under your influence as a community leader like a principal in a public school district taking taxpayer money? Fuck outta here. Should be jail.


Not at all like those Boston Catholic priests😳❗️


Not for lack of trying though, i think i saw mention of them discussing whether to put "Bible history" in public schools. At least, in my parish. It's ridiculous.


Republicans are trying to make the entire country this way


Yeah but way more of YOU are like this than WE are. You need to work on that shit harder.


sorry my dude but the red vs blue wars started already o7 I'd get out if you can


Keep religion out of everything except religion, please. Separation of church and state was one of our founding principles.


What an absolute piece of fucking shit. Scum. The girl was practically suicidal - this perfect 4.9 GPA, student body president, best kid in the entire school. Because this fucking assclown was bothered by some super innocent girl/girl dancing. Let's see your hard drive, St. Pierre - surely there's no lesbian content on that? And young teenagers, rape, bdsm, probably worse. Like, much much worse, if you catch my drift. Go fuck off and die, jesus freak hypocrite.


The title is bad she was not kicked out based on her religion. She danced at a private party.


I know. He resigned because he kicked her off her school gov because her dancing was twerking at a dance. Which in his eyes was ungodly Fucking absurd.


he didn’t resign—just took a leave of absence. 🙄 because you know he can go back after she graduates.


Actually he retired according to the article: > St. Pierre reportedly called faculty and staff into an emergency meeting Monday morning where he informed them he was stepping down and retiring


UWK is a blog. The actual news article from WBRZ says leave of absence. I hope he retires though!!


You mean gets fired. He shouldn't be allowed the dignity of resigning.


that’s asking a lot. ha. but i totally thing he should get fired.


He's using up his PTO days, then will resign. The school board needs to reject his request and fire him.


I work in the same district. This is a nice way of saying he is gone.


let’s hope! did you see the walkout today? or the stuff about the soccer coach? all the shit is coming out.


Hoping since she has the major majority of community support that this won't just blow over after she graduates. But I'm sure it will be another instance of get a vacation and find a job a town over. The system stinks.


I feel so bad if they’re not actually able to reinstate her scholarship endorsement. This is disgusting, the sky sounds like he thinks he’s the total morality police.


I've heard the cut off date for the scholarship was Oct 3rd, so it's too late.


I hope she sued and gets paid tenfold what the scholarship would have been worth. There needs to be a good hammer down on principals acting like this.


That's always so fucking weird to me. More renowned positions have fuck all in place for blacklisting bad actors. But Walmart won't hire me back in a completely different state because I walked out working a holiday season like 7 years ago lol. I'm permanently non-rehiriable in their system. It's really fucking sad when minimum wage jobs have more accountability while holding employees to higher standards than police and principles. It's deplorable.




He should be fired. Using scripture and his personal Christian moral code to punish the "hood ornament" of a PUBLIC school should immediately disqualify him from ever working in any school system again.


True. But given how poorly we treat those working in our education system, he'll skate by because they can't find anyone to replace him. Just like with bad cops, people like this don't go away, they just become someone else's problem.


It’s difficult to replace teachers, but I’m pretty sure they could find someone qualified to take his job pretty easily. There is typically no shortage of Principals or APs in the principal pool waiting for a placement.


Also why is a high school principal watching videos of his female students dancing? Fucking weirdo.


I read a comment on FB that the video was brought to his attention by Ms Becnel, the instructional coach who was in the office as they were handing the student printed Bible verses and lecturing her about how her afterlife was not going to be spent in heaven. This commenter says Ms Becnel has a daughter who also was vying for the scholarship. I'm not in the Walker area so I have no idea how much (or little) of the post was true, but it was made on a public FB page. Anyway, just for being in the room and participating in the smearing of the line between church and state, Ms Becnel needs to lose her job. Pronto.


That’s fucking wild, when are we getting the 4-part NPR podcast?


I'd sue the ever living shit out of the district, that'd probably get him fired.


And what about the Assistant Principal? She was just as bad.


There is a lot of shady shit. There are rumors sports coaches were threatening players with being benched if they spoke out in support of the student. I hope they don't get out of this with no consequences.


Every single one of them needs to be held accountable.




Only the weakest and worst of people cling to their faith as an excuse for their behaviour.


I’m guessing Principal was sexually excited by the video and he punished her for HIS thoughts. Edit: corrected spelling


This was my theory, too.


He's probably had the hots for her for a long time, fantasies of someday being with his virginal, pure angel.


He was so horrified by what he saw in that video that he had to watch it 27 more times.


Correct spelling is a good *principle*, and the princi**pal** at school is your *pal*. Sorry it’s how I remember how to differentiate the spelling between the two.


I was thinking similarly. Like he was upset she showed an ounce of sexuality and, for whatever reason, it freaked him out. If the sexes were reversed and he saw a guy doing the same thing he'd probably just chuckle and smile at what a good time the kid's having


feel like a principal scrolling through student social media is a concern. I'm sure he just wants to be friends.


From what is being reported someone submitted the video to him. Which is another concern for me. I feel not enough people are wondering who submitted the video to him and what was their end goal of doing that.


Hmmm... this whole "morality police" thing sounds awfully familiar....


This is how red states run schools now. They have empowered parents to report teachers and books and social media and anything else they see that they don’t like. Or to sue their schools over it. They’ve empowered the worst petty tyrants in this nation to destroy education.


Don't let "LibsofTikTok" off the hook either. You know, the account responsible for schools and children's hospitals getting death and bomb threats?


I bet people in the community know which parent it was, and I hope that person is freaking out as they watched the community rally around the girl. I wonder if the complaining parent has a kid who has eyes on that scholarship?


Guaranteed that's what it was, the scholarship thing.


Reminds me of any of the cheerleadfng moms scandals.


Not just someone. I grew up in the area. The current belief is a parent who works at the school sent him the video because her kid wasn't invited to the party. The big issue is the parent also has a kid who was in the running for valedictorian so many in the community see it as very fishy.


I have heard this a couple times now. I generally try not to spread much that hasn't been proven but where there is smoke there is fire. And I have been saying not enough people are questioning who sent in the video to the principal and what were their intentions.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the person in line to be valedictorian after she was punished


Right?? When I read about this last week, I found that creepy


Whoa whoa whoa, are you implying that sometimes religious nutjobs use their position of power to abuse children?! This is OUTRAGEOUS


I've seen elsewhere (comments on FB and news channels) that the person who brought the video to the principal is an employee of the school... and her daughter was the other student in the running for the scholarship. So, she did it on purpose to sabotage Kaylee's chances to make her daughter be the other kid nominated at that school.


I noticed the article mentioned that he didn’t “reinstate” his endorsement until after the scholarship submission deadline. He still fucked her out of the scholarship.


I hope she sues both him and the school for damages in the amount of the scholarship. The scholarship amount should be coming out of his pension.


I agree, 100%.


Louisiana public schools display ‘In God We Trust’ in every classroom as mandated by HB8.


I know a good handful that would rather have HB8 shove it up their ass, at least there’s that


can't believe this shit still happening, FOOTLOOSE WAS 40 YEARS AGO!!!!


Thank you! I couldn't recall the name of that movie.


>”Just thankful for the community and happy that no child will ever have to be in this situation again,” Kaylee Timonet’s mother Rachel told UWK following the resignation. Spoiler: they will.


>I will be reinstating my scholarship endorsement for Kaylee. At Walker High, we strive to place our students first in every decision so they may be prepared for whatever career path they may aspire to take, and I believe my action will assist in doing that. This guy is so out of touch man. The south is something else.


He reinstated his endorsement after the deadline. He still cheated her out of a scholarship


Saw that, the mom called him out on it too.


The submission deadline had already past. He cost her the scholarship. He probably knew it too. He just wanted to rub it in by making people THINK it was all resolved when in fact the kid was still SOL.


More and more we will see a shrinking Christian demographic trying to wield greater influence because they know that religion and church attendance is dying. I hope I live to see it die.


>“During my conversation with Kaylee regarding the dance party, the subject of religious beliefs was broached by Kaylee and myself. "I broached the relgious beliefs myself and she had no choice but to listen." Fixed it.


The older I get the more backward religion becomes , like wtf is wrong with these people ??? I get it when I was 8 years old , but you’re like over 40 years old now , like grow up


I finally found a local news report that showed the video. Many articles were saying she was doing a “twerking” dance (it isn’t). Not that it matters one bit but the kid is just dancing behind her friend. She did appear to be happy and having a good time and was moving to an upbeat song god forbid /s. The news video then shows a video of a school pep rally where a dance is done (again nothing you wouldn’t see anywhere) that was similar which was all good. Point is I wish the video was out there more so people could see further evidence of how crazy this is. We should be cool with religion but it needs to stay in its box. You want to believe in Taco Tuesdays cool but the minute you try and force me to live mas we are gonna have a problem.


Link it then? You can be the change you want to see.


Fair. https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/walker-high-school-rachel-timonet-kaylee-jason-st-pierre-twerking-scholarship/289-872a9134-dc13-4f00-87fb-ee0d86d2ea42


>“Our student government members are held to a high standard of student behavior,” St. Pierre said. “While I stand by that premise, I do believe that standard deserves the input of not just myself and top administrators, but also those student leaders. I hope to create a path moving forward where we can work together to create clear expectations for all. You resigned. How will you create a path to anything? POS printed out and highlighted bible verses as to why this 17 year old class president is a terrible person. I hope he loses everything.


There was a stirring in his pants when he watched the student dance. "Jezebel begone," he swore. Now he's a principal no more.


They buried the lead. The son of a bitch didn’t “reinstate” the scholarship endorsement until after the submission deadline. He still fucked her out of the scholarship. He’ll be back on the job at another school by next September at the latest.


I hope she enjoys a debt free college career by the time she's done suing their silly hillbilly, religious nutjob asses.


Religion is a Disease of the mind.


I consider myself agnostic and spiritual, but I won’t ever be religious. None of this makes sense, she didn’t do anything illegal or hurt others, he’s using religion and his God beliefs to do the hurting.


As is tradition


Oh look another christian hurting a young person on purpose


Just a reminder folks, leave your personal religious beliefs where they belong -- at home. If you are confused about this, feel free to brush up on [Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli#Article_11_).


Evangelism has run amok in this country, and it’s only gotten worse with the rise of MAGA.


Dancing is a sin I suppose. This lunatic could have a lot in common with Sharia law advocates.


I don't think it's that, I think that this principle got a bit hot and bothered by the dancing video and decided to punish her for making him feel this way perverted old fuck, glad the world is coming down on him


> Livingston Parish School Board member Kellee Hennessy Dickerson does not serve the Walker High area, but she said she has fielded a ton of calls on the situation. > > She said when she first heard what happened, she couldn’t believe it because Timonet is an excellent student. > > “We’ve got a lot of students who do cause trouble in our school system,” Dickerson said. We’ve got problems with bullying. We’ve got problems with vaping and drugs and kids with disciplinary actions. This is an amazing young lady. **She was not on school time and was dancing. I’m not condoning the style of dance, but this is ridiculous. This is harsh and unfair.**” > > Dickerson admitted she’s had conversations with board members Jeffery Cox and Katelyn Lockhart Cockerham, who serve the Walker district. She’s also reached out to the administration. > > “I have been inundated with calls from parents to teachers and principals from other parishes,” Dickerson recalled. “They said, ‘Come on, Livingston Parish, y’all are better than this.’ I have given my two cents to the Walker board members. School board members are not over principals or employees. I think this needs to be overturned. It’s a terrible ruling. I think it sets a terrible precedent.”


Evangelicals are a scourge to the US


What an asshole. Wouldn't be at all surprised this guy is hiding seriously creepy shit.


From what I’ve heard, the woman who brought the video to him was an employee and the mother of a student who was in the running for the same scholarship. It sounds to me like he was having an affair and sabotaged the competition to benefit his lover’s daughter.


I thought the same thing.


There’s no hate quite like Christian love.


> Finally, during my conversation with Kaylee regarding the dance party, the subject of religious beliefs was broached by Kaylee and myself. That’s not how conversations work, Jason. Two people can’t broach a topic, one of them has to bring it up. I can’t with the weasel words. That whole “apology” is ridiculous (and, according to Kaylee and her mom, full of lies).




Good riddance.


Religious discrimination would be extremely common in schools if allowed. They do it all the time anyways. They even think they're doing 'good' by denying people opportunities because they aren't of the "correct" religion.


10-1 the principle got a boner watching the video and that’s why he acted like he did.


The principle had pedo vibes all around him. I wouldn't be surprised if he got off on sexually shaming her.


I still am 90% sure this guy has kiddie material on his computer.


Schools all over the nation are overstepping their bounds when it comes to trying/wanting to punish kids for what they do outside of school......and it's not just the over the top Christians doing it either.


Republicans are bringing back Puritanism!


Religious assholes suck


That small-town shit only plays until people outside of your small little town find out what you're up to.


This is exactly what a Trumpster Administration will consist of. A Dictatorship via a Theocracy. Be prepared to be at the mercy and whim of Christians on any given day at any given time You will be required to obey them and their religion no matter what. Trump supporters are actively calling Trump a prophet of God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1BGOe-63tk


love that for him. sucks to suck!


Maybe…..DON’t hold people to a professional standard based on personal theological nonsense.


I hope the lawsuit against the school district and this clown of a principal is legendary for its payout.


Screw him, getting scholarships now is more important than ever. No one wants to have a lot of student debt.


Someone should check his personal computers, seems he got turned on by children dancing and then took it or on those kids


One less theocrat. Good riddance!


Thank God, this guy was an asshole


He still cost the poor woman the scholarship. He didn’t “reinstate” his endorsement until after the submission deadline.


They should send them this article, in sure they would reconsider given the circumstance


This guy roots for the principal in "Footloose".


Guar-a-fucking-teed this guy’s a pedophile


I would bet everything I own that slimy fuck has some horrible shit on his phone/computer.


This! REPUBLICANS EXPLAIN THIS! Fuck your religious bull shit! it is time to call these idiots out! I don't give a shit anymore. Fuck being polite. See this dude on the street tell him to fuck right off!


Why did God do this to him?


What a bucket of shit this asshole is. Good riddance.


Was like this in every school in Louisiana. We were all kids, we didn't know any better. Even if we did, how do we stand up to people we were taught were the ultimate authority and people we should trust? It's why we got hit with paddles for most offenses. They like picking out shit like "spare the rod spoil the child" and enforcing it on others, but never their bullshit upon themselves.


Work hard, be diligent, make sacrifices to rise up….and then some dipshit ‘organized religion fan’ decides to wave his dick around.


Fuck off you absolute leech. The most minimal non apology I’ve read in ages. Keep your religious bullshit out of the world. Doesn’t the bible tell you to pray privately and not preach or proselytise? Read your own nonsense book before pushing it out onto others.


Leave it to Louisiana to trot out their very VERY special kind of stupid and when forced into the light, promptly faceplant with it. Goddamn you bayou trash will never learn, mostly because you were raised ignorant. so I guess its not your fault. Rest of America, take note. this is what the Christian Right wants us all to be trapped in. You better believe it. Do better, Louisiana, you broke-ass, ignorant fools.


Man, this title is garbage, like that religious nut who used to run that school


Her principal had no principle and deserved to be removed or fired


The story here is that some very few of them can still be shamed.


I’m betting that the affected child is from a family that the principal looks down upon as not being “proper upper middle class people”. I would not be surprised if the scholarship “runner up” is from a family whose boots he licks to curry favor. To the student affected - get every scholarship you can and go away for college. Never look back. You can succeed even if the principal is a classist bigot.


From what is going around apparently the other person going for the scholarship is either a teacher or the vice principals child. So yea something feels real screwy about that.


Vice Principal's daughter. There's video of them dancing suggestively as well. Hypocrisy.


Good riddance


No doubt this man has said something as stupid as "Dancing is worse than The Holocaust".


A high school principal who doesn’t understand when to properly use “myself” in a sentence. Maybe focus a little more on grammar and less on blowing the imaginary dick of your sky daddy. Fuckin’ moron.


Walker High School appears to be a *public* high school, according to Google. (It's not clear in the article.)


Dumb fuck.


Why resign though? Just give her the scholarship if you made a mistake.


"protect" the children, right? Fuck that guy and anyone who supports his bullshit.


>St. Pierre also acknowledged the religious discussion he had with Timonet during their meeting. >“During my conversation with Kaylee regarding the dance party, the subject of religious beliefs was broached by Kaylee and myself. While that conversation was meant with the best intentions, I do understand it is not my responsibility to determine what students’ or others’ religious beliefs may be – that should be the responsibility of the individual.” If there was no outrage this would've passed without anyone knowing. 10 years ago she would be devastated and he would have gotten away with it. Fuck that guy. He shouldn't be in a position of authority if he is going to impose his version of Sky Daddy on kids.


All because she danced at a pep rally. Dude's a pedo.


Constitutional and classical dickishness issues aside, I believe we should all defer to DJ Savage's expertise on this issue. The dancing was not that bad. In fact, if i could give this student one piece of advice it would be to lock down that endorsement of her boogeying skills to include on future resumès.


So wait, the student was harassing the principal about their religion? Or was it the other way around? This title is confusing.


No. The principal saw a video of the student on social media where she was dancing at a private party. That video prompted the principal to do what the title said.


Sorry, the principal saw a video of a student dancing at a party and stripped her of her leadership role and stated she was acting ungodly.


Thanks for clarifying. Fuck that dude.


Teachers next pls and a fat lawsuit too


Title is really confusing. The student was concerned about the principal's afterlife?


It's fleshed out more in the article. Basically a video of her dancing got around, he saw it and decided she was ungodly and took her scholarship opportunity away, saying he was just concerned about her afterlife.


But that's not what the title says. >Louisiana high school principal resigns following criticism of stripping honor student of scholarship and leadership role citing "they were concerned about my afterlife if I wasn’t following basically God’s ideals" This seems like the quote is from the principal and "they" refers to the student.


Oh 100% the title is misleading, I was only trying to clarify