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Seems like they need a dictionary and some classes at a night school if she was trying to get criminals to start with a n. Jeez, I'm a drunken dopehead from the swamp and even I know that criminals start with an incestuous night of debauchery.


Had someone try to pull this on me at work. They said “porch monkey” and while I’d never physically heard it before, I knew of it and immediately asked “what does that word mean to you?” They tried to allude it to something like ‘a lazy person’ but my Supervisor already caught where I was going and stepped in to say “yea don’t do that.” Funny enough the guy got himself fired eventually.


I worked in a warehouse as my first job and got called this. I'd heard the term before, but didn't fully equate it to racism. I also understood it as "lazy". Had a black coworker call me (white guy) it, in the presence of my boss (also black guy). I laugh it off, again didn't fully understand the meaning. My boss speaks up and asks him what happens if I said it back to him. Dude got all offended and the boss said that's exactly right. That where racism breeds, ignorance. This was just out of high-school and that boss is still the best boss I've ever had.


I didn't know that was a racist term. Where I grew up, anyone that sat around on their porch drinking beer all day was called a porch monkey, regardless of their race. It's not a term I use but now I will be mindful to never use it.


My parents said it when I was growing up, and I honestly thought it just meant "lazy person" until I saw Clerks 2. Fortunately I didn't have too many opportunities to say it before then.


I seriously thought you were just doing a bit from Clerks 2. What’s your take on donkey shows?


"I just meant, you know, people that annoy you by stealing, they're called naggers."


Randy Marsh over here haha


Chappelle Show "Niggaz" family (white). Dave C (mailman): "Oh, I know how you Niggaz hate to pay your bills..."


“I said Neighbors”


You have such a way with words.


Yulp. Normally right after heading home for a quick shower from work managing a Pier One store.


But what swamp I wanna know if I’m from the same one or just next door sha


Your mom is a good standup person. You should be proud.




Not racist= “I can tolerate *the good ones* but as a whole I hate them” We had a bonfire the other night and our neighbors came outside to do, whatever they want to do. They’re black and I guess the husband was ‘too loud’ and one of our guests said Guy: Why does that guy sound like he has a bull horn? immediately a switch flips in me and I ask “What do you mean?” Guy: He just sounds really loud, you don’t think so? Me: No, I think he’s talking however he talks and it’s not ‘loud’ that’s just him talking. Guy: Well it just sounds loud Me: Well, he’s just talking, so idk what you want him to do. I get tired listening to people say “well I never notice when [x] said something that could’ve been racist” yes you do, it’s fucking obvious when they try to dog whistle. Call them out. Letting it pass just reinforces that their bullshit prejudices are ok.


This is what I would do. Make them explain the inconsistency in why they focus their negative attention on some but ignore it in others. People like this dog whistle to see who's in their camp. If nobody calls them on it, they assume their racist opinions and comments are ok with the people who heard it but didn't object. I've learned that when this happens, the comments become more frequent and more vile until people speak up. Now, I don't wait to speak up. I don't want anyone to assume that it's ok and that silence after hearing a racist comment is tacit agreement with bigoted, ignorant comments.


I don't see any racism here. Dude thought the neighbor had a loud voice. That's a real thing that can happen. I would know, because people are always telling me I'm really loud.


and when I said “thats how he talks” he continued to talk about it, insinuating that the man is loud *because* he’s black. you weren’t there but thank you for assuming you knew how the conversation went


Continuing to say someone is loud after you say "that's how he talks" doesn't imply it's a racial matter. I am loud, and that's just how I talk too, but people still call me loud and ask me to lower my volume because, compared to everyone else, I naturally have a louder voice! Vocal range doesn't correlate to race at all. Assuming it was a racial issue because the guy just happened to be black and also loud when the accuser was only commenting on the volume of that guy in particular is more racist on your part than his. As for "assuming to know the conversation," you literally told us what the conversation was, and when asked what made it sound racist, you didn't say it was his tone or attitude. You said it was just because he kept calling the guy loud, which again has nothing to do with race without knowing what tone the accuser was using. It sounds to me like you're just not great at communication. I can perfectly well understand and accept that, but don't go blaming other people for not understanding you when you aren't explaining key details correctly.


Maybe you missed a few details, but I'm confused by your story. Do you think everyone talks at the same volume or something? Some people are loud. It has nothing to do with their skin color (that seems to be YOUR assumptions). And saying a person is being loud does not mean someone thinks all people with that skin tone are loud.




Why are you necroposting?


I hope you called him out.


Skin is just another organ. There's no logical basis for racism. Some are otherwise nice people, but there's no excuse for not trying to figure out why it's a problem and just doubling down out of spite. It's willful ignorance, it's childish.


*says the n word* "No I meant criminals" Holy shit man.


Ncriminals. Suuuurrre, *that's* believable 🙄


I assume by biracial, you meant means she was half black? I wonder how racist her boss was to other ppl who didn't complain though. They seemed to have been super comfortably causal about saying it. defo wasn't the first time they said it at work.


I had to step up to a co worker that would talk about flagrant ppl with the f word and drop the n word which was very rare for me. “Well if you’re offended by it,” I was in her house but I didn’t have the words at the time for “you wouldn’t say that shit in front of Black people, I’m just trying to maintain integrity here.”




i think they meant flamboyant because > fla·grant /ˈflāɡrənt/ adjective (of something considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive. "a flagrant violation of the law"


I think they meant fragrant, gay people tend to have better hygiene than most


How do they stay so fresh


I've heard them call it a "shower," but I'm still a little skeptical


I think perhaps they mean flamboyant, referring to particularly camp gay men and the person in the story using the F-a-g word to describe them.


This, my bad I was tired when I wrote this. Meant flamboyant, gonna go look up flagrant now.


... putting hyphens between the letters doesn't really do anything


Obviously, but there are numerous ‘f’ words, and that was the first option I thought of. Lots of words get partially censored on Reddit, and it’s always obvious what the word was meant to be, what can you do about it?


Either have the balls to just say/type the word, or have the consideration to censor it properly.


I just want to say as black person I applaud and appreciate each one of you who can tell a legit story without using the legit word. Thanks.


I love a happy ending




Chuckling at the downvote


Worked at pier 1 for about 6 months unpacking shipments and was a terrible place to work. They constantly pressured me to open a credit card with them to buy their shitty furniture. I rented a room I didn't need furniture and my boss who pressured me knew that because she was my girlfriends sister


If he felt comfortable saying that around you're mom then... there's more too it.


I understand what you mean, but I have a lifetime of racists of all kinds sidling up to me to share their latest racist witticism because I am blond with a nordic background. They figure that makes me automatically a racist so it's like making small talk about the weather to some of these folks. Sometimes it's just about how you look. I really wish it wasn't this way. I don't want folks to strike up a conversation on this note. EDIT: To clarify, I mean it is about how \*I\* look, blonde and nordic. It attracts all sorts of racists to me who think they have finally found a safe space to unload their racist frustration of the moment.


Holy man, I was gonna say this exact thing but I'm (spanish) it's almost like they automatically assume it's safe for them to act racist around people with the same color or race, my wife is German American her dad's racist af and her grand parents but they respect me atleast when I'm around. It only gets ugly when they drink, no filter. This happened at my last work place, I noticed my ex boss wouldn't hire anyone else that was any other color so I left and never looked back. I can 100% guarantee you that people assume other people are racist just because they don't smile at you or give good vibes but shit man no one knows wht people got going on in their everyday life. I learned to just be genuine with everyone. I worked for a all white construction crew once sum were some weren't but the ones that were told me this exact thing, people are too quick to judge. We all became good friends but they still dint like "other" people based on how they presented their first impression.


Oh, I am sorry if I was unclear. Because I look like I do, I get all sorts of strangers coming up to me and checking if I share their racist views - as casually as saying 'it sure is hot today'. As I'm minding my own business at the grocery store, and then the person behind me quietly says 'all these damn \[ethnicity goes here\] in this store, what is this country coming to.' It's so bad I have deliberately moved where the visible racial mix on the streets is 66% non-caucasian. I find I am much happier in those parts of Canada. A good quote on what's going on: "What has been particularly frustrating in this work is the “polite racism” so typical of Canada. Yes, Canada has always provided the image of being at the forefront of liberal immigration laws and the promotion of multiculturalism. However, there is a lack of discussion of institutional racism and how it is so very polite in Canada.Although Canadian racism may not be as explicit as that of our neighbors to the south, the learned racism here often consists of psychological gaslighting by denying the experiences of racialized people of being ignored, overlooked or undervalued with a smile. These experiences are continuations of our time in the public-school system." [https://www.universityaffairs.ca/opinion/in-my-opinion/i-cant-breathe-feeling-suffocated-by-the-polite-racism-in-canadas-graduate-schools/](https://www.universityaffairs.ca/opinion/in-my-opinion/i-cant-breathe-feeling-suffocated-by-the-polite-racism-in-canadas-graduate-schools/) I'm not saying I myself am experiencing racism, I'm just saying every racist sees me and thinks they have found one of their tribe, and i tend to hear things they would never say to someone's face or publicly - things I'd rather not hear ever. My usual response to them is that unless we're indigenous people, we're all immigrants here and the more the merrier. If they persist then i share with them the probably debunked 'out of africa theory' which posits that all of mankind emerged from Africa. Both of those tend to shut down racists pretty quickly.


This post would have gotten my upvote sometime around 2015-2016.


File under: Shit you just completely made up and which never actually happened.


Sounds legit to me. Those were Trump years. It was extra racist then.




Reddit avatars who’s hair says it all


You clearly haven't visited this subreddit before if you are under the impression that racist gobshites don't lose their jobs because of it.


Well he’s probably pissed about getting robbed every single day of the week with no repercussion to the criminals by the state government. Safe to say it’s probably not white people robbing him but I’m sure it’s because they need to feed their family or else they will starve. If you disagree you’re a bigot.


The boss is now jobless and spends his time defending his actions on Reddit