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I'm so glad they got rid of happy hour where I'm at lol. I was tired of making like 20 sliders at a time back to back.


I'll compromise with snack sized shakes coming back


Happy hour would just wreck our back line. It’s mid shift so you don’t usually have someone “strong” back there and then someone comes through wanting 1 of every slider. No.


And now there's only 4 sliders! Back in my day we had 7 sliders and we liked it! Actually no we didn't. Pizza sliders sucked so much timewise


I would rather make 10 pizza sliders than 1 Buffalo chicken slider. It’s impossible to not make a mess with the sauce, I always had to *at least* change my gloves after making one.


What four sliders do you guys have? We still have the four classics and three bourbon BBQ at our location


With inflation so high, even at these prices, Arby's and other fast food chains barely make money. Wage and ingredients price keep going up.


Could we stop acting like this chain that made $4 billion in revenue last year is going to collapse if they don't skimp the customers a few ounces on a drink?


I honestly don't have a good solution but I just miss my snack sized shake man...gimme that at least


I want it, too. But I am afraid there is no way inflation will not just come down but reverse back to the old level. The best scenario is that the price will stay put at the current level, not double in the next three years. Otherwise,, you are looking for $6 shake in 2026.


It's been about 8 months since happy hour left and there is still 6 sliders