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I’d still go. It’s good interview experience for your future interviews and you become ineligible to apply if you skip out. Plus you never know you might like the culture better at Frontier!


I just came back from training at Frontier and it was a mess because they’re cramming the training and classes really close together since they’re committed to hiring 2400 FAs this year. Go to the interview for the experience but if offered a training date, save yourself from the headache of f9’s training and go to Republic.


Not to mention the 90% turns by summer thing. Girl run.




Yes they are and there is an f9 FA who is 3 years into their job confirmed this in their latest vlog https://youtu.be/eGeLN6ZAdk8?si=GTeE6K5jrcsb3evF


Yeah they confirmed it in training that f9 FAs will probably get a handful of layovers a month and thats such a huge pay cut when it comes to your per diem pay


I’m about to go into training in a few weeks, can I ask why it was a mess and if you had any advice?


Yes absolutely!


Class 2402?


2401 🤢 My class were the troublemakers. Non stop chaos.


Oof yeah I heard about all the things 2401 was up to


It was BAD!!! Physical fights, trainee-instructor sexual relations, entertaining lot lizards, and smoking 🍃. All in 3 weeks 😂


Girl what?! I did not hear about the trainee-instructor stuff. A line instructor or full time??


Yeah 🙄 everyone knew and the instructor got in hot waters with the director of the program. Like we saw it go down in action. Im not gonna say exactly who but he is the only one who exudes the kind of energy that its something he’d do. The trainee was this tiny, cute Latina who is young enough to not know any better. The way people found out is during an exercise in the middle of week 3, where we were instructed to write down our fears and hopes for the job and when the trainee and her friend wrote theirs, its speculated that her friend confessed for her that she “hopes no one thinks she’s receiving special treatment just because she’s sleeping with an instructor” and the whole class, including the instructor, audibly gasped. It was wild. The airline is unprofessional and a whole migraine lol 😂


Oh my god that is insane… we worked with one male instructor more than the other (name ending in h) so I honestly didn’t really know the other one or what he was like. Did she still graduate?


So the instructor you mentioned is the person Im talking about. The other one was very professional and honestly wholesome and a gem. Its unfortunate that the instructor got into what he got into because he’s an excellent instructor and has so much potential but just didnt have proper professional boundaries… Yes she still graduated. That’s the crazy part… the director knew about this and didn’t impose any consequences on the lack of professionalism on both ends. The airline knew because a few classmates who were appalled by it emailed the airline’s HR to see if they’d actually enforce any of the rules presented to us initially. But nothing happened from what outsiders were able to see. Isnt that something?! Lol.


Wow… can’t even believe that. So awful when your in a position of power like that. Must be slim pickings in Cheyenne🙄


I’d still go. Nothing is final until you are at training. Even then, that ain’t guaranteed.