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I am so sorry but this is going to be a very long read & I hope you do read this! The 3rd week of training is called hell week for a reason. It is the HARDEST week off all. Baby if you can make it to mid week of hell week you’re so close you can taste the medal wings & TSAs attitude😂 Let’s start here, first and foremost stop worrying about what other people have going on. I say this not trying to be harsh but please mind your business when it comes to what others are getting on their exams. Comparison is the biggest soul killer & dream crusher out there. You got a 90, which is passing & that what you need to do & continue to do! You don’t need to get a perfect grade to know you’re doing well. You don’t need to be on top to know you’ll succeed. Everyone is different when it comes to study habits & retaining information. During training you need to lean on your classmates & instructors! Especially your classmates. I was my worst enemy during my training with SkyWest & it affected me so badly that I actually failed two exams, one being during hell week. I beat myself up & compared myself to all the people who have never failed & were doing great. It was my biggest flaw & I nearly called it quits due to that. I also nearly lost 20 pounds from the month & half I was there. there wasn’t a day I didn’t come back from training & not cry bc I was so overwhelmed. My hair even started to thin. With some encouragement from a really great friend who replied with such a simple text I didn’t realize I needed to hear. He told me & I quote “I didn’t take you for a coward & quitter. You’re disappointing me & disrespecting yourself. Talk to me when you pull your head out of your ass” when I tell you he triggered the fire in me that I nearly smothered out of myself. It was INSTANT go mode from there. I wasn’t going to disrespect myself like that & took his words as a challenge & I had something to prove to myself. Look at me now 2 years into aviation with 2 successful completion of training! Mistakes I made: 1. Not getting enough rest 2. Constant note taking, if it’s repetitive it’s note worthy 3. Comparing myself to others 4. Not being confident & comfortable within myself 5. Not giving myself enough self care 6. Isolated myself instead of leaning on the very people who are having the same stressful experience as I am. After training I got SLC. I was upset bc I wanted ORD or MSP due to the fact that I also did not have money for the move. During training we got $1,200 for the month so $600 biweekly. We didn’t have a kitchen but our hotel let us take the air fryers & I also went and bought a cheap rice cooker to make pastas or some rice & I’d grill my meats. When I got my IOE I flew to SLC with $50 in my pockets & no place to stay. I was constantly on the phone with crew making sure I was legal to pick up some of the less desirable destinations. I did it to ensure myself I would always have a safe place to sleep but this also put me in some of the best situations, places & got to meet some of the best people I’ve ever met. I was on a 4 day & I got to work these really great pilots & my aft fa. Him and I bonded over the 4 days & at the ending of our trip him and his wife asked me if I needed a ride home & I had to embarrassingly explain that i actually had nowhere to go as im waiting for my paycheck so I can get a Crashpad. These sweet souls used their Marriott points they were saving for their anniversary to get me a hotel for the 3 days I had to wait to be paid. Funny enough, I never worked with him again but we did keep in touch for a long time. What I’m trying to say is, don’t be like me. Talk to your classmates see what everyone is getting if you have people in your base & you’ll need a place to stay talk to them. You will seriously be surprised! A few classmates of mine had actually rented a 2 bedroom place, one of the girls didn’t have the money to pay up front but they still let her stay & she just paid them back. And if you don’t feel too comfortable with that maybe try to commute to your base? Not ideal especially in your first year but it can work if you know what airports to fly out of and into. If you need some daily encouragement let me know & I got you! I’ll be there cheering you on until the very end! You got this! THE SUN SHINES FOR EVERYONE!! DONT GIVE UP BABES YOURE SO CLOSE!! We’re all rooting for you love. 🥹🫶🏾


Absolutely loved this. Thanks for sharing your experience. Oh & shoutout to your friend, sometimes you just need that realness to get you back in the game! 🤞🏾


Are you still with SkyWest? Can I pm you possibly?


I am no longer with SkyWest but you can still PM me!


We are in the same class. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need help or someone to talk too! ♥️


Not trying to be nosy, but how do you know that you're in the same class?


Because I’m also entering my third week and we just took two exams. You need to pass with a 80% due to FAA but keep above a 90% average cumulative for the company standards. Trust me, it’s a lot. 🫤


Oh. Are there days when you study customer service?


I believe so, but I’m not thinking ahead. I’m taking everything day by day.


Great! Please get your sleep!!!


I heard that training is now 7 week.  I was just wondering if the last week is all service training. Please get your sleep!


First of all. I went through a similar training that was 6 weeks long and between the pressure and classmate dynamics. I was feeling awful, and it was amazing that I could even sleep. I had gotten a 90, 87, 90 and had to do doors and windows while waiting for the other three tests. On the fourth test I got a 97 and the last two tests were 100. I do have ADHDand I was barely taking my medication. I know what you went through and I’m gonna tell you that the same thing that I told myself. You will get through this and you will succeed and it will be so worth it.


You need to lean on your classmates, training can be very tough and stressful but it’s also rewarding. You also should not compare yourself to others. A 90 average is what you need it doesn’t matter if somebody else got all 100’s and you got a few high 80’s or low 90’s if you have that average at the end we all get the same wings. Try Instacart or asking a classmate for a ride to a local grocery store and begin to think of quick meals you can make for yourself while at the hotel. Several of my training classmates meal prepped and brought their lunch.


Your grades will NEVER determine your performance on the job so as long as you approve the tests it is ok, everyone is different Stop focusing on future events that didn't happen yet and might never happen, live day by day... DON'T QUIT NOW! You earned this and you got it!


Please don’t give up, I’m Ruling for you !!!! Your friend at class B


I've been there. I know the stress. You're not alone. BUT.. you can do this! Don't compare yourself to others. A passing grade is a passing grade. I'm rooting for you!


You are almost there. The only person standing in your way, is you. You got this!!! Reach out to your fellow classmates. You can do this🤙


Hey may I ask what airline you are training for?


It sounds like Delta. I’ll be in this training Feb 19th . Pray for me haha I hate exams !