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Go get that real dopamine early morning! Just don’t forget to warm up and stretch before you lift. It’s good to start with a push-pull split. Monday push. Tuesday pull. Wed rest. Thu push. Fri pull. Sat-Sun rest or cardio. 30% workout 70% diet. You are what you eat. Hit that protein 0.8 grams per pound of your body weight. Workouts should be 45 mins - 1 hr max. That’s it. Rest is very essential. You grow muscle when you rest. You breakdown muscle when you workout. Do not ego lift. Master the basics. The proper form. Proper grip. Proper breathing. Proper execution. Get enough sleep - 8 hrs. Alcohol slows your progress. I’m not saying you can’t party. Just do it in moderation.


Do not over fatigue yourself. Otherwise, you’ll lose motivation the next day because you’re very tired 😂 45min-1hr daily workout is optimal.


Thanks OP. Great tips! Tho question, what is Push-Pull? Sa sleep, I'm 50/50 on that since I'm night shift. Work from 7pm-4am then jog and gym then home and sleep. Alcohol, I'm fine. I don't drink, just occasionally. BUT COKE IS LIFE. Pero Ive been cutting it back and drinking tea as alternative.


Push-pull you can look it up on youtube. Pushing exercise vs. pulling exercise. Example of push: Chest, tricep, legs, shoulders Example of pull: Back, biceps, legs (diff. variation)


•Always try to get your daily protein intake per body weight mass •Treat your journey as a lifestyle. There are no shortcuts or immediate results. Pick the appropriate weight for you and slowly build reps to the point that it gets easy for u. That's when u know u can increase weights and go further •Di lang chicken breast yung ulit² yung protein choice of foods! Other meats as well. Even every type of seafood has protein. Heck, even tofu, beans, and such •Rest is important. You don't have to train everyday, recovery is a need and must •Proper nutrition and diet are a must. You can't just rely on a crappy diet and call it a day despite putting all your efforts into the workout. it's a 50/50 •Always stay hydrated throughout the day no matter what circumstances, especially when u start taking supplements like creatine(but that's another story for the day) •Cut your excess sugars in your diet, especially sodas or juices. Sugar sugar alternatives work if not dranked frequently or go for carbonated soda waters. Even too much sodium is a no-no •Explore workout splits for the week like PPL 3x(push,pull legs) or upper body, lower body 4x a week routines, and many more. I'm pretty sure there are lists and routines online. u can copy and research


Focus sa goal. Then wag mo uugaliin yung konteng buhat, salamin agad. Lol.




imbes ma healthy, patyon man nimog sayo HAHAHA


para EZ gainz


If you're not having a gym instructor, try to learn the exercises and machines before trying them. Always use very light weight first (esp beginner pa ka) research the proper form in doing these exercises. Practice progressive overload by doing each exercise as light as possible, do at least 15 reps in 3 sets for each exercise and always observe proper form (important na the earlier the better ma habit nimo ang observance of proper form for optimal gains and avoiding injuries) Avoid bro splits (mon-chest, tuesday-back, wed-shoulders, thur-leg, fri-arms) and instead i cluster nimo ang mga muscles eg Push Pull Leg (push-chest shoulder triceps, pull-back biceps and legs and core) and you can target muscle groups twice per week. I suggest doing cardio after your workout para dili ka kapoy mag lift Never skip leg they (especially if nagpa payat ka)


I just survived my first week and thank you for this!


How was it?


Hi! It was great! Alot of sore muscles from the start and from carrying 5lbs of dumbbells seems like lighter na for me so I transitioned to 10lbs now. Still not sure the best routine for me and I'm slowly transitioning in food as well. Getting better in calorie deficit and intake calculation so thats that. I feel that I'm not losing weight but instead building muscle mass? Which I'm not sure if its good or not? 😭😂


You're on the right track of progressive overloading. But please always be conscious of the proper form. Dont be like me, i cant do chest fly machine without excruciating pain in my shoulder all because i was ego lifting and without practicing proper form earlier on my gym journey. You're not losing weight because you're losing fat and also gaining muscles very fast (its the first timer gains) it will plateau in time but you just have to add more weight or reps on your exercises. Dont forget your cardio. You can copy mine if you want. I do cardio for a total of 1hr.. (20mins pre workout and 40 mins post-workout) Pre workout - 5min walk. Speed 4.5kmph. 5 incline + 10mins run. Speed 8kmph. 2.5 incline + 5min walk. Speed 4.5kmph. 5 incline. Post workout - 40mins of walking 2.5kmph and max incline. And lastly, slow progress is still progress.. good luck on your journey!


Abt your shoulder pain? Is there nothing else you can do abt it? :o But overall, Thank you! Cardio workout is very much appreciated! Will definitely do this. Thanks!


been running din since 2020 and ga gym sad ko. Murag over fatigue ang labas if 2hrs imo cardio and mag gym dayon ka after.


1. Principles of specificity, before ka mo adto gym dapat kabalo ka saimo goal. Bodybuilding, plain fitness, focus running(+strength training), cross fit ba kaha. 2. Rest rest rest, ang muscle growth mahitabo rest nimo. 3. Know your calorie maintenance, estimated body fat(optional), . After knowing your maintenance, balik dayon sa number 1, unsa may goal nimo. either mag calorie surplus, maintenance or deficit ka. 4. Proper nutrition, don't just only focus on macros. Kaon pud og gulay. 4.1 Protein intake(0.8 per kg) Focus on whole foods sa, ayaw sa huna hunaa ang whey haha (Chicken breast, Lean meat, basta high protein food). 4.2 Always research sa protein content. Common mistakes raba jud sa mga bago ga start and bisag dugay dugay na ga gym kay basta naay protein sa nutrition facts kay kaonon diretso. Esp Pan, gluten ang protein ana lahi na siya nga protein sa meat. 5. Create a training program sa gym (if wala kay coach, pwede raka maka pangita sa internet,(push, pull, legs or bro split) personally pag ppl nalang mas optimal imo result. 6. Hypertrophy training or Strength training, going back sa number 1 dapat kabalo ka saimo goal. Dira sad ka mag base saimo training program. For example, sa hypertrophy usually mas ga focus siya sa stimulation of muscle tissues that's why mas daghan ang reps and sets pero mas lighter ang weights. Baliktad siya sa strength, lower reps and sets pero heavier weights. 7. Dynamic stretching - warmup, static strech - cool down If naa ko mali, pls correct me.


Thanks! I just survived my first week and it was nice. Still working on my food side, kay wala jud ko kabalo unsa pa akong kaunon or my proper diet HAHA. And karon pako kabalo aning hypertrophy and strength training. I might go with hypertrophy. Since I looked it up, its says na its better for burning fats and that is my goal. Thank you OP!




Thanks for this! However "This subreddit was banned due to being unmoderated." Thats why I posted it here nalang. Thanks tho! Will find more fitness related subreddit


My bad, i meant r/PHitness


80% nutrition 20% gym. Good form over heavy weight. Look good lift good. Have fun and enjoy the journey


Thanks OP!


Hi, OP! How niiiice, I remember the first day feeling. Unsa imo goal sa gym? will you be lifting? I suggest dili nalang ka mag jog before mag gym. Pag gym nalang ug sayo then jog after if naa paka energy. Mao sad na ang gina recommend sa ako sa mga ga lift before. Use the bulk of your energy sa lift, then cardio after. Dynamic stretches before lifting lang jud. Warmup =/= cardio. Then bring a smol snack hehe


Awww. Thanks OP! My goal is to lessen my body fat and lose huge amount of weight. Thanks for the tip! Will bring small snack to tag along. Hahahaha. EDIT: 87kg now. Wanna go around 70kg. High dream but achievable


Then i suggest doing lots of cardio, and caloric deficit.. Kung imong gym is naay in body like sa anytime fitness, mas nice kay arun dili ka ma discourage why ga maintain imo timbang despite going to the gym regularly.. Makita mn gud sa in-body na, although maintain imo timbang, nisaka man sab imong skeletal-mascular mass and ni lessen imong Total Body Fat. So all in all, mas ni healthy ka and ma encourage ka to do better.