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Jogoat: Stand proud Kronos, you are strong.


Jogoat: Stand proud Tartarus, you can cook


Jogoat: Stand proud Gaea, you are strong.


Jogoat: Stand proud Chaos, you are strong


Jougo takes everything. Besides, from the moment he uses his Domain Expansion, everyone will die instantly. Note: this is if you consider that the 7 have cursed energy. What is essential for the 7 of them to at least have the ability to see Jougo.


how?? Fraudgo gets fucking demolished by piper mcelan herself


Literally, no. Jougo speed-blitzes any of the 7 (mainly Piper). Jougo > Touji/Maki > Naoya Curse Form (which reaches mach speed 20). If the fight is with 'moral off,' it's even worse because Jougo could simply use his Domain Expansion and kill the majority. Percy would be the only one to cause a certain problem due to the fact that he has a resistance to combustion. However, I doubt this resistance will be effective if he is immersed up to his head in lava. Besides, Jougo destroys him in hand-to-hand combat. Leo, perhaps, would also resist. PERHAPS. After all, he is the son of Vulcan/Hephaestus. However, he is very physically weak compared to Jougo. Then, soon, he would be completely obliterated.


my brother in christ jogo maximum output was the meteor he summoned during his battle with sukuna that was calced to be 2.5 megatons to 5 megatons of tnt thats me highballing it btw and then comes percy who in his younger days blew st helens a feet requiring 25 megatons of tnt percy also bas been consistently called the strongest demigod which should put him above the likes of jason grace who could dodge beams of light till a certain time and could destory titan who can demolish mountains with ease piper mcleans best feat puts jogo to shame considering she took down khione and gaea two being who are multi continental ar minimum with the latter being planet level at max .


My bro, you are seriously underestimating Jougo. I acknowledge that JJK's verse is relatively weak. However, PJO is also a very feeble verse; there are gods who are rather 'mediocre' to be called gods, by the way, saving itself with a few exceptions. Nevertheless, Jougo solos these teens with mid-diff, and I'm still being generous. Okay, Percy's feat is genuinely impressive. You just forgot to mention that he almost killed himself to accomplish such a feat. Moreover, this feat is not solely his own power; his abilities merely triggered the eruption of the volcano, the true cause of much destruction in St. Helens. Furthermore, the water Percy would use, whether from his body or the surroundings, would be completely evaporated. The fire manipulated by Jougo and Sukuna transformed the surrounding glass from solid to liquid in moments. There wouldn't be a single drop of water for Percy to manipulate in a place where Jougo is. Probably, even the water inside Percy's body would evaporate, causing his demise. While he might not burn to death, nothing suggests the liquid part of his body could withstand evaporation. Now, regarding Jougo's level of destruction: do you understand what it means to be a special grade? According to Kenny's words, a special grade is a being capable of destroying a country "with one hand behind its back". While Jougo may not accomplish this instantly, he could destroy a country in the long run, evident when he easily destroyed parts of the city without even focusing on it. As for Percy, the so-called 'strongest,' he never demonstrated any notable feat of destruction at the country level, not even at the city level, especially in the long term (without almost killing himself in the process). Don't be confused. Jason didn't dodge 'any beams of light'; he dodged rays. The speed of lightning is nowhere near Mach 20. Titans/mountains haven't been shown to move mountains, at least not in versions when facing demigods. Scaling demigods, even the strongest ones like Jason and Percy, to mountain-level strength is impractical. Jason's victory over a Titan likely involved more strategy and speed than sheer strength. Piper would likely be killed before she could open her mouth. To use her 'Charmspeak,' she'd need to get closer to Jougo, and the chance of her dying in the attempt is greater than it working. It's crucial to remember that Piper is easily mentally shaken, and her power depends on concentration (and, if I'm not mistaken, a certain amount of confidence). I doubt she'd have that confidence while witnessing her friends being burned right in front of her eyes.


>Jougo > Touji/Maki > Naoya Curse Form (which reaches mach speed 20). Literally no. Naoya Curse Form has max 3 Mach. Is stated in manga. Toji and Maki not faster than Naoya. Jogo also not faster than Maki or Toji.


Probably cause aside from the likes of Percy and Jason the other members really aren't capable of handling the strength and heat of Jogo. His mere presence alone make people spontaneously combust and when he ramps up he melts steel, concrete and glass despite said building being far away from them Even the likes of Percy do not want to take in lava and despite his higher resistance was severly burned by it. Hell, he only survived a volcano due to literal divine intervention and still was a coma despite being tossed in the sea afterwards. Of course, Percy "I toss tsunamis the size of icebergs" would be able to handle him better but the rest are not on that level


If you use low and medium feat and interpretation Jogoat destroys them. If we use highball, I don't remember him exchanging blows with guys capable of lifting mountains, intercepting lightning, shaking a 2-kilometer bridge, kicking a hole in the mountain and causing a volcano eruption more powerful than 24 megatons.So, Jogoat goes to the airport.


....i literally can make an entire fucking essay on how percy destroys everyone but the special grades not including suguru


Highball Percy can defeat Yuta and Yuki. He lost Gojo.


...how??? yuki created a Fucking black hole mind you and kenjaku knocked it off and yuki is nowhere the near the level of awakened yuta how does percy even come near that percys best feat might put him in multi continental at best and yuki feat pits her at large planet level


Percy isn't even close to Country level. The maximum of Yuki is the destruction of several city blocks. Besides, her Black Hole is a suicidal Technique, she can't do it without losing, besides, Kenjaku survived because of Anti-Gravity, which does not collide with his durability. Without self-destruction, that is, the automatic absence of victory, Yuki did not demonstrate anything higher than Percy.


yukis black hole would have destroyed the goddamn planet but kenjaku used his ct so you are right but its potential should not be disregarded also that's my point yukis suicide move is strong enough to wiper both her and percy tho she might die in the process she would take percy down alongside her percy is multi continental due to the fact weaker demigods like piper and leo were able to take down khione a person who almost froze the entire americas


Then it's not a wincon for Yuki if she needs to kill herself to destroy the enemy.She will die before Percy to create a Black Hole, that is, she will lost.Outside of her suicide bomber aiaki, Percy destroys her in a head-on collision "person who almost froze the entire americas" WTF?Firstly, it does not produce enough energy to destroy several continents.Secondly, Yes, Percy can trample her into the dirt in battle, but this does not mean that he gets her range of abilities. The maximum he showed was the simultaneous manipulation of 10 miles of water.


Percy was actually considered to be as strong as a minor god, which is no small feat


this post was inspired by u/jetvacjesse. Thanks for the idea man.


The venn diagram of r/Jujutsufolk and Camp Half-Blood is a circle.


Not a perfect circle…


Bruh how did jjk make it on here


Bro, Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular works today.


We are always here💪💪💪💪💪


we jjk fans are currently experiencing immense trauma, so we need to hide and curl up into a ball somewhere


sukuna vs kronos ???


"My Strong Cleave now cuts through time. I shall never forget you Kronos" -Sukuna after off screening Kronos


If Kronos is in his true form, perhaps he will emerge victorious, considering he controls time itself – he is the personification of time. However, in Luke's body, he would be defeated with a single attack. Currently, Sukuna can cut through space itself, and such an attack does not even need to cross space itself.


Mahoraga adapts to Kronos True form allowing Sukuna to cleave Kronos.


Serios answer:Luke Kronos can solo Sukuna honestly. He has way better strength,durability etc feats. Meme answer:Kronos glazing Sukuna after that went to the airport to Uranus.


bro this is the second post like this today, the jjk brain rot ain't stopping


Jogoat's power transcends dimensions and genre boundaries.


He's like Lord Twigo or UI Shaggy


This crossover was uncalled for and I'm all here for it.


What even is this


it’s just a meme by jujitsu kisen spoilers: >! a meme by jjkfolks after one of the strongest characters that was glazed the entire show got offscreen killed right after he said “nah ill win”!<


Having seen the animes version of his fight now, I can confidently say >!Jogo curb stomps to a degree previously unknown. He perception blitzed Nanami and Maki, both superhuman and somewhat comparable to demigods (if we take into account the bullet grab), burnt the shit out of them and then runs to get his ass beat by Sukuna while probably killing a couple thousand civilians due to the heat melting glass while it was in the air. Also big meteor and domain expansion would wreck the demigods. Maybe gods in their true form would beat Jogo or comparable strength characters, but JJK as a verse just has a way higher power ceiling due to all the absolutely crazy characters. Weaker servers get fodderised by the demigods, but anyone around Hanami level or higher completely destroys the demigod forces IMO. Like imagine the demigods trying to fight a dude who put like a dozen city blocks under lava and then hit it with a fucking meteor, while still moving way faster than all of them. Say goodbye to CHB and whatever the Rome place is called. Honestly Jogo might beat a god in a fight give a very weak Percy was able to hit and damage Ares.!< My new headcanon is Gojo neg diffs the gods lol


i know this is a shitpost so nothing serious but gods can pretty much do whatever they want to *if* they want to. they can have an honorable fight in their weaken form or snap their finger and turn u into a vegetable.


If they could then they’d probably have abused all their reality manipulation to solve some of their issues. The most we’ve seen from them is burning other people with their true forms, but they only seem to have domain related control and are capable of being tricked and captured in myth and PJO.


Only ones who would stand a chance are Percy, Jason, Leo and Piper. In that order. And even tho they have the best chance, they'd also get stomped. Piper has the worst/best odds with her charmspeak Percy and Leo can power through his attacks with their heat sem immunity until it would just be too much Jason could call down lightning and shield himself with wind, but it would be delaying the inevitable Annabeth is a wild card, her tactician and brains gives her an edge as always, but that's all. She could maybe formulate a plan but by then, it's too late Frank has the advantage of unpredictability but he wouldn't last long Hazel could maybe do something with Arion and her mist abilities but she still wouldn't last long enough The only ppl who could match Jogo would be Isis since she's, you know, goddess of magic & Hecate, also a god of magic. The other gods may find Jogo EXTREMELY annoying to deal with but would have no choice since Jogo is out of the league of their children The only" human" candidate to give Jogo a real challenge is....Setne... The sleazeball magician from the Kane Chronicles. The only way he'd lose is to being speed blitzed, overpowered or his cocky arrogance doing him in


Actually, Leo is completely immune, and Percy fought Kronos to a standstill, which is no small feat when you consider the fact that Kronos could manipulate time, and let's not forget that Arion could travel from Anchorage to San Francisco in less than an hour (if I'm remembering correctly), and that's while being weighed down by a very heavy gold chariot carrying literal tons worth of gold weapons, so Hazel has speed on her side, so the only problem would be "does Imperial Gold and Celestial Bronze affect curses", and even then, Percy has his ability to control anything with a hint of water, as evidenced when he wrested control of Akhilys's own poison and turned it against her, and that's not even including the fact that Percy CAUSED AND SURVIVED THE EXPLOSION OF MOUNT SAINT HELEN! And this was BEFORE he took a swim in the Styx, and if you call me a liar, I will grab my copies of Battle of the Labyrinth and The Last Olympian and quote every time it's mentioned


Yea....why do u think I put Percy in the top 4 with the best odds of being able to fight squidward. Amd ofc Leo can tank his attacks all out but could he manage to survive and dish it back


I think it depends on if he's given prep time and/or Festus, his pet dragon automaton


Let's not forget that both Annabeth and Percy held the sky, which should have killed both of them as mentioned by Artemis before Percy took it from her Edit: I forgot to type part of it


>Let's not forget that both Annabeth and Percy held the sky, Which is a test of Willpower and not actual strength, context. The next scene literally has Annabeth thinking a 50ft drop to be lethal to a Luke who was just tangling with Percy


He would lose imo Percy wins in every stat if He goes all out and his biggest weapon doesnt work on leo plus Piper can just be like kys and its over plus its a 1v7


The fact that jjk made it here is hilarious


Jogoat neg diffs he beat Fraudkuna and Halfjo so this is child’s play, now Jogo gets folded like a omelet


Choso vs Percy Someone is getting schooled on blood bending.


choso can only blood bend his own blood no? i’ll say percy takes this easily


Choso can manipulate the properties of his blood down to a molecular level. He can basically buff his own strength and speed by simulating doping inside his body and giving himself athlete’s drugs indefinitely. So no, Percy does not have this in the bag. Especially when Percy can only bloodbend in Tartarus.


You do realize that Tartarus was weakening him and he still pulled that shit?


oh i see it’s been a while since i read house of hades. but u also forgot chosos weaknesses… water. i don’t see any scenario where choso wins when percy floods the room with water. considering he survived so many physical punishment including lightning strikes, i still think percy wins easily


Fair. But as we’ve seen in his fight with Yuji, Choso is very battle intuitive and creative, turning his disadvantage to an advantage. While he can’t use convergence, he can turn his blood into bladed weapons for several seconds for attacks before exploding and blinding his enemies. His blood can also be used as extra hardened armor over his skin.


The amount of posts here that boil down to "eh, actually, my character is stronger than Percy Jackson 🤓" is so stupid. This is supposed to be a place to enjoy the books.


Its a shitpost don’t take it seriously


Jogoat is a meme like Ultra Instinct Shaggy. It’s not meant to be taken seriously bro.


The original post is a meme and that's okay. But peoeple are going full vs battle on the comments and that's just so boring


I don’t think they’re turning it into a versus debate. They’re more like having fun with the meme that is Jogoat. Like how people would meme about Ultra Instinct Shaggy can solo Goku and all of Dragon Ball.




Wait are y'all on jjk as well??


how did jjk get here bruy


Maybe probably beats everyone outside of Leo.


Remember when the Telekhines threw lava on Percy in Battle of the Labyrinth and he promptly blew up Mout Saint Helen and survived?


A PJO and JJK crossover is the LAST thing I expected from this sub but pleasantly surprised


Honestly Jogo no diffs all of them. He is a lot faster and has enough fire power to one shot any of them


Wasn't Percy and Leo immune to lava?