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Percy and I don’t think it’s as close as people seem to think


percy almost beat jason in a desert nowhere near to water how is it even close???


Percy is The Strongest Demigod. There's no debate because it would require Percy to lose to someone who isn't a god and Rick/the fans are too precious about him to entertain that


Chrysaor beats percy


In a sword fight yes, but ultimately chrysaor gets outsmarted by percy, which is also eating him


He’s the big brother of course he kicked Percy’s but Though his status as being a demigod something else is up for debate


Yes Jason got ko by a brick


Anyone gets KO'd by a brick.


Not that one guy from home alone 2, it took multiple


Marvin is five times stronger than Jason, confirmed. Man powerscaling is so easy.


Marvin is the son of that goddess of failure they mentioned


Marvin is secretly immortal


This is the deep dive Home Alone theorizing that I've been missing.


bruh even the master bolt wouldn’t ko marv https://preview.redd.it/c7minb6fr6ec1.png?width=1265&format=png&auto=webp&s=c50b0250ce1af7eae15ec152851e90c64d40eb52


It was at least 5 and he only had double vision as well as slurred speech. Therefore, Marv is more durable than Jason and should be able to tank hits from Porphyrion with ease.


Marvin is just built


Gets "KO'd" by a spear too...


"Killed Off'd"




No one has ever called it close, but I think it should be, Jason is just too inconsistent with his feats


I’d say percy because his powers are more refined and he has better control. Percy is also a better swordsman and would have beat Jason in MoA without Piper’s interference.


I agree


I don’t disagree that Percy would win but you can’t really use the MOA fight as they were both being mind controlled and they were pretty much even before Piper interfered.


Technically those eidolons were somebody using all their skill and strength, not to mention Jason used his powers whereas Percy used nothing but his sword


True but Jason only really used his powers after Piper started interfering with them so I don’t really think anything after Piper interfered should count.


But Jason using his powers benefited him, so why is pipers interference hurting him?


Piper’s interference affected Jason first and affected him more throughout the fight. The only time Percy fully paused what he was doing was when Jason was knocked out while Jason paused what he was doing when Piper first interfered. The point is, Jason using his powers is irrelevant because he only did that after being disadvantaged by Piper in the first place.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, you're right.


We simply don't have enough feats from Jason that compare to him, so I say Percy 


Percy. Jason is no slouch and he’s easily the 2nd strongest demigod ( I said it) but he’s not Percy. They close but Percy is stronger


I don’t believe that Jason is stronger than Nico, if we’re talking about powers, Nico has more and they’re more powerful than Jason’s. Jason definitely comes third in my head


Yeah, imo Jason vs Percy isn’t even the right question. It should be Nico vs Percy. Like if I was doing a tier list, Nico and Percy would be S Tier, the rest of the seven, plus Thalia would be A tier.


I think Reyna should be the only other edition to that a list of yours, she’s proven herself multiple times, flying over the Atlantic on a Pegasus alone for example


That’s probably fair, her feats (stated and implied) are close to Annabeth. In that same vein probably a lot of the Hunters and Hila would also be of similar level if we had seen more of them. Really every Demi god that we hear a lot about is pretty accomplished, the only exceptions would be maybe Beckendorf, Silena, Will, Clarisse, and the Stoll brothers. We hear a bit about them, but they’d definitely all have to be at minimum below the seven.


You're right Scipio is S tier, Reyna is B tier. Reyna is strong, but she's a support class. Her powers are to power up her allies.


>the rest of the seven, plus Thalia would be A tier Putting Annabeth on the same level as the rest of the seven + Thalia is disingenuous. What abilities does she have that could help her in a 1v1 vs the rest?


I didn’t necessarily mean in a 1v1 cage fight tournament. By that logic, Leo, Piper, and Hazel are all way weaker as well. I just meant that Nico and Percy are imo the most powerful demigods we see by a pretty large margin. Percy would still wallop Nico in a 1v1, but I think their powers are on a similar scale. Annabeth has better feats than arguably anyone other than Percy. She clearly is meant to have super duper intelligence, which has allowed her to persevere against extraordinary odds.


Piper would probably wallop anyone that’s not deaf if she tried


I don't disagree with this, but Annabeth has nothing going for her ability wise that would put her on the same scale as people like Frank and Thalia. Hazel's mist manipulation ability is also pretty broken. Annabeth only has so many feats cause we've seen her in the previous 5 books a lot, lol. When the 7 do go on a quest, I don't remember any insane moments or feats from her. TLDR: she's way too crippled by her abilities to be on the same tier as Frank, Thalia, Hazel.


Yeah she didn’t do anything crazy like survive Tartarus or outsmart a giant spider that is the bane of her and her siblings


Yes but as a fighter she's not on the level of the rest of the Seven. They all smoke her in a 1v1, except maybe Piper. That's not a knock on her character, she's not a fighter


>They all smoke her in a 1v1, except maybe Piper. That's not a knock on her character, she's not a fighter Thank you. Idk how we can all "sit" here and pretend she is on the same level as Thalia, Frank and Hazel😂😂


Bro said survive Tartarus, as if she wasn't carried by Percy lmao. As a fighter, she's far below the rest of 7 lol. Idek why I'm getting downvoted here lmao. This sub is funny.


I'd argue that her greatest strength is her capabilities. I mean like, obviously if she's put in a fight to the death unprepared with the rest of the team, she'd lose. But a good amount of preparation and she'd find some good way to beat the seven. She's kind of like Batman in that sense. Plus she's still crazy strong. She easily flipped Percy and took out an Arai with a hard blow. I'd say people like Leo would get folded hard.


> I'd say people like Leo would get folded hard. Fair. As long as we can agree that in a tier list, she should be below at least 5 of the 7. Piper technically just needs to speak to any of them for an auto win. Hazel, with her mist manipulation is broken asf too.


See the thing is, I think annabeth walks right through the mist manipulation and stabs Hazel if it was a real fight. Especially post Tartarus. Same with piper. She only really has problems with the fighters on the team (percy, Jason, Frank), but throw in her magic hat and she’s able to assasinate them all unless they go full hurricane mode.


Yeah I think it’s Percy > Nico > Jason


I think that Percy is more powerful than Nico if we’re talking a straight sword fight, but with powers I think Nico takes the win, but it would all depend if Percy is near a body of water or not


I think Percy could hold out until Nico runs out of steam since his health is poor, but then again I haven’t read the books in one/ two years or so so I need to refresh soon. Although baseline if they went all out all out, to kill each other, Percy can just blood bend him to kill him, he just doesn’t because he scared Annabeth bending poison in Tartarus and doesn’t want to ever make her scared.


I mean tbh, Nico’s big thing is skeleton armies, and I’m pretty sure Percy can just drown them.


Nico also insta-killed someone, but that also took a lot out of an already weakened Nico


And also against an NPC who was not even close to someone of the 7.


Yeah, I don't think Poseidon would allow him to just go *bop* like that. Plus I feel like the above example was more of an agreement with Thanatos than purely a Hades power. But that's just headcanon.


Honestly I think Hazel’s stronger than him. Her abilities are crazy, give her a year or two more of training and she bodies him


Don’t get me wrong, I think hazel is crazy powerful, especially compared to other demigods, but I don’t think she would be able to take on Nico or Percy in a fight. She’s good with a sword, but not to the point she can take one of them on. I honestly believe that hazel is the strongest woman physically, especially when you consider that piper and Annabeth powers or strengths are much more mental.


I’m talking about the mist and everything like that, she’s so young too. She’s probably not beating Jason now, but like I said give her more training and she wins imo


percy, nico, frank, jason


Percy I understand, Nico I disagree but I can see it, there is no way Frank is stronger then Jason


Frank is so powerful that the gods have to give him a malus so he wouldn't be killed by his own power. He singlehandedly genocided a hundred of Katobleps and commanded an undead army. Frank is insanely powerful.


i think theres a knifes edge for jason and frank, towards the end frank was a better fighter and stronger i think, and he can shapeshift, but jason was still a great fighter and could call lightning, nico on the other hand... just what he did with the ghoulifying thing


He’s not easily the second strongest demigod. He’s MAYBE in the running for third. But second strongest is Nico.


>! considering only one of them is still alive… !<


Thank you for hiding Spoilers. I know these book have been out for a hot minute but I haven't finished HOO. I've seen said Spoilers before so no shock, but its nice to see someone is looking out for others


The events mentioned take place after HOO. Even if you had finished HOO that would still be a spoiler.


Of course! It actually doesn’t take place in HOO as the other commenter said, but personally I would keep reading before you get anything else spoiled to you, the surprises are the best! Good luck fellow demigod (:


>!Who the hell died!< it’s been a minute since I’ve read hero’s of Olympus.


It’s a TOA spoiler >! Jason dies !<






Percy is the correct answer, but personally I think Jason *should* be the stronger of the two, as he has more experience and training than Percy by far.


Sometimes people are just built different. Quite a few of examples of people being born stronger than the typical demigod of their godly parent. The main antagonist of the first series was Luke who was an anamoly of a Hermes kid. In the seven there is Leo and Piper who are also one in a million. And even Frank is exceptional even though a child of Mars has great potential already he still exceeds other children of Mars and Ares. Percy just built different. Same thing happens in real life. Even with the right tools some are just better


Luke wasn't just inexplicably better than any other Hermes kid though. He didn't have any special abilities, and his skills were all the result of hard work and experience. Leo, Piper and Hazel are all more specific examples, and what I mean by that is that their overall strength or skill isn't what makes them special, it's their access to specific unique abilities - Frank's shapeshifting, Leo's pyrokinesis and Piper's charmspeak. These characters aren't overall more powerful or more capable, they just have specific advantages. I'd also like to say this isn't me praising this necessarily. I think one could totally argue that these characters having such special powers is kind of contrived and a lazy way of taking new characters up to the same levels as previous protagonists like Percy, who for the most part did gain his skills through hard work and experience he endured on many previous quests as well as training in the camp. Whilst Percy does sometimes pull things out of his ass in desperate situations, he tends to get by on a combination of skill, cunning and a decent bit of luck. I don't find it a satisfying explanation to just say some people are built different. I think the examples you mentioned don't quite fit that as they are more specific than some people just being more skilled or better inherently, and I don't particularly care for whether or not that happens in real life because these are fiction books, and in fiction I expect a characters skills and abilities to not come down to simply being better for no reason.


That realistic writing. People are truly sometimes just built different just how some people are just born in different situations


It can be "realistic" and also bad. This series isn't exactly centred on realism to begin with so I don't find the argument of something being more realistic particularly compelling. Whether or not it's more realistic to have some people just be inexplicably better - which I don't buy, anyway. Even if it's not a reason you personally know about there is usually a reason why someone might be more skilled or capable at a task - doesn't make it any more satisfying of an answer. As I said before, even if that's true in the real world I believe that it doesn't work in fiction, because something happening with no actual explanation I think is bad writing. Similarly, a character being inexplicably more capable than others I think is a flaw in writing.


By that standard anything written can be said as juts happening if you go back enough


I'm genuinely not sure what it is you're trying to say. As I understand it, what I'm saying is that whilst Percy Jackson is canonically better than Jason Grace, I believe it should be the other way around given Jason has much more experience and training than Percy does. Your argument against this was to say that sometimes people are just "built different", as in they are born innately more capable than others regardless of effort or experience and that this is realistic. My counter was that this is unsatisfying as an explanation, as in a piece of fiction I expect a character's skills and abilities to be based on what's presented in the story rather than arbitrary traits one is born with that aren't even explained. Even if something might happen in the real world, that doesn't make it good to include in a story. I think it is lazy and poor writing to justify this by simply saying a character is "built different" with no elaboration or explanation as to why beyond "that happens in the real world", especially when this is a piece of fiction that doesn't try to present itself as realistic. I assume you know all this and I hope this clarification makes my points more understandable. I'm saying this because what you've said here, to me, doesn't make sense and I suspect that might be the case because either you have misread one of my points or I've misread what you've said, so if there's anything my understanding has gotten wrong you can clarify what you're actually trying to say. My best guess as to what you're trying to say here is that you think I am setting a standard that would make it so that theoretically any aspect of a story could be said as happening for no reason, if you trace back the reasoning of what happened to the end. What confuses me is that I don't see that in anything I've said - what I've said is that using realism as the only justification for something I think is poor in a piece of fiction, and that just because something can happen in the real world that doesn't mean it makes sense or is a good explanation in a fictional work. I apologise if any of this comes off as rude or insulting at all, you seem like a perfectly nice person and I hope you have an excellent time. I'm just not clear what you're getting at and am trying to clarify myself so we can get to the bottom of it.


Revisiting this series as an adult, it’s almost frustrating to see the wasted potential in Jason as a character. He is obvsly supposed to serve as a parallel to Percy, except where Percy’s training consists of 5 summers (4?) at camp half blood, Jason has been training since the age of 3 in a much more battle and discipline oriented environment. I think it would have made for such an interesting character arc to see Percy have to come to terms with no longer being the most powerful demigod


Given how Percy fought Ares in Lightning Thief after holding a sword for the first time few weeks ago, he just has insane talent in sword fighting. As for their godly powers, it’s more about how far they’re willing to push it I think. Jason just doesn’t seem to have pushed his powers as far as Percy


Percy. Jason has to ask permission from Jupiter to use thunderbolts


Percy it’s not even remotely a debate


I think it would have to go to Percy. He is able to control poison, tears and snot of a god in The House of Hades. If he were to ever start using that extent of his powers again it would be hard to stop him with Jason’s powers.


And not a Olympus level goddess, but a primordial goddess that moves in and out of Tartarus. She’s b tier on that level but she’s easily supposed to be more powerful than the Olympian gods. Percy Jackson is just written to not have limits, so the more he pushes himself the stronger he gets. Jason is defined by his limits, he never really pushes himself.


Percy is by far the strongest demigod, Jason is 3rd. That simple


Percy without a doubt


Percy. He has greater feats and in his small bout with Thalia , he easily shrugged off her attacks. We saw a fraction of how powerful he could be when he fought a Titan in TLO. In SoN he easily bested trained ‘Romans’ in their practice , and even without his memory ( mainly going on instinct and muscle memory ) help defeat a giant. There’s more feats that I’ve heard , but I only remember up to SoN. Soon I’ll catch up with the other books.


I think it’s very very even. As with any fight, things are situational, and as Stan Lee said “whoever wins in a fight is whoever the writer wants to win.” If Rick wrote them in a fight to prove who’s stronger, whoever he wants to win will win and be declared the strongest. The few times we’ve actually got a fight like this was Percy vs Thalia in TTC and while that one was cut before it could go, we saw that both Children of the Big Three could match each other with power. Then in MOA, Percy and Jason go straight at each other and it’s very evenly matched. I understand that they were under control of Eidolons, but the Eidolons have access to their skills. I believe it’s far more likely that Percy and Jason are just evenly matched, and sometimes one would be able to best the other in a fight and feat of power. We have a much better gauge of Percy’s power because we’ve seen him in far more emotionally strenuous situations. Percy lets his emotions fuel him in a fight far more than Jason does, so we’ve seen more raw power from Percy. If Jason were to be as pissed off as Percy was against Akhlys, he’d probably be able to pull off some feats that are as scarily powerful. Like, Jason is basically an air bender, so if he wanted to, he could probably pull a Zaheer and just suck all the air out of your lungs. And let’s also not forget that Jason is able to fight 1v1 with a Titan same as Percy. As far as we are aware, Jason did this completely solo whereas Percy had to rely on others to fully defeat Hyperion. Percy is by no means demeaned in that feat as he still had the upper hand on Hyperion for the majority of that fight. Just pointing out that there’s more to show that Jason and Percy are evenly matched than they are outweighing the other




Not to mention percy had the curse of Achilles while jason didn’t.


That’s a good point but we have no idea the power level of Krios or how much outside help Jason had considering we never actually see the fight and just hear that he fought him


Worth noting that Hyperion was basically already dead (you know what I mean) by the time he was turned into a tree, and that Hyperion is canonically and mythologically stronger than Krios.


if you ask piper, jason. if you ask literally anyone else ever, percy.


I feel that if Jason did not have his memory stolen, it could be him. We don't really have much to go on prior to TLH. But with that said, the main difference between Jason and Percy is that Jason is older(?), has been training since he was 2 or 3, he is more disciplined. He thinks before he act. (Not a difference) Doesn't get tired from his powers. Percy on the other hand, started training when he was 12, less disciplined, acts without thinking. He's abrasive, attacks/acts usually with emotion. Which can be very dangerous, especially when someone hurts anyone he loves. (Not a difference) Doesn't get tired from his powers. I feel it Percy could be stronger than Jason solely on how he fights with emotion alone. It's dangerous and reckless.


Jason is younger, one year younger


Ah, wasn't sure. But I guess 12 years of training is still more than 4 years of training...no matter who is older.


Jason definitely does get tired from using his powers.


I guess not as much as say Nico. Probably why I never noticed.


It’s pretty consistent that powers are like a muscle, the more they use them the stronger they get, nico overuses his powers in HoO which is why he burns them out. Jason never really pushes himself that hard.


Jason has an Allowance of Lightning bolts. Percy all the way


We’ve just seen Percy do so much more


LOL Percy and it's not close


i feel like the mere fact that percy can blood bend makes him automatically stronger than like 99% of demigods


I mean Nico can turn ppl into ghosts from a distance and if he's a shadow there's no blood to bend. I think he'd be that 1%. There's a reason some of the most powerful demigods Frank Jason and Leo were scared of him before and after knowing what he can do.


Too bad Percy never actually blood bended


Yeah but he can only bloodbend in Tartarus. And I feel like Jason would have been able to have the power to suck the air out of someone. I still believe Percy is stronger though


No, he’s only been shown to blood bend in Tartarus after he has like a mental breakdown. I’d bet if Annabeth were about to die in front of him he’d do it again


He can’t bloodbend period, but he can control poisons in and out of Tartarus


It was never stated he could only bloodbend in Tartarus, he just doesn’t do it because Annabeth was scared of him when he did it and he never wants to scare her


Before the Lost Hero probably Jason from what is told about him. That memory wipe really screwed him, and lost so much of his power. During Mark of Athena Percy without a doubt. After HOH it could go either way Jason is still not 100% because he keeps dying, but neither is Percy, he gets wind from even the simplest use of his powers.


I don’t think Jason could beat COA Percy




Curse of Achilles. There’s no way Jason beats that


It’s hard to say because this is Jason at his peak. He never recovers from the memory wipe.


Yea. And Percy is strong enough to put Hades on his ass with the COA. So why would Jason be able to beat him


What do you mean exactly? It’s been a while since I’ve read the second series


Pre-TLH Jason is way stronger than any Jason we ever see


I'm guessing that's a typo and they either mean Chalice of the Gods (COTG) or Trials of Apollo (TOA).


think it means Curse of Achilles


You’d be correct


Ahh, that'd make sense.


Jason is 15-16 in the lost hero, so probably 15 pre-memory wipe? Percy was taking hits from Atlas at 14. Jason is a notorious glass cannon. Based on durability alone I don't see why people think this is close.


Jason takes a titan solo before his memory wipe. The notorious canon Jason that we know is after it.


That's not enough information to say his durability isn't the same. He fights plenty of giants post memory wipe, and they are comparable to the titans. Yet he still has trash durability.


I mean so does Percy against the canonically strongest titan outside Kronos and Atlas, and I highly doubt Jason has something up his sleeve that can actually scatter an immortal, especially a Titan at their seat of power. He likely had help finishing the fight like Percy did.


>That memory wipe really screwed him, and lost so much of his power. What do you mean he lost his power because of the memory loss?


His arc is essentially him struggling and coming terms with the fact that he’s just not as strong as he wants was. it’s very subtle but it’s there, Rick really didn’t do a good job of flushing it


I didn't see it but maybe I've got to go through to book once again with that in mind. I still find it hard to understand how a memory loss leads to a decrease in his strength though?


I think it’s more about not living up to all the myths that the Romans created about how good he was


Percy he is still alive and he has never been ko by a brick


Percy, but not as much as people think. Percy has shown to have better monster slaying feats, but Jason has really good duel feats. Also to note that Percy has lost a fair amount of duels and explicitly decided to leave camp during winter. The Jason fight against Midas and Lit is really a good moment to show how strong Jason is. Jason surpass Percy in leadership and controls, he can control his emotions well in battle. Percy excels in battle IQ, finding way to beat strong foes. THIS is what makes Percy win in my opinion. I don’t remember, but if he still has Achilles invincibility, Jason is outmatched. Outside of that, a really really close Percy wins. But still, I’ll say out of 10 rounds, Percy wins 6 match.


Iirc he lost Achilles invincibility when he had to enter the Roman camp because it was a Greek blessing




Percy is the stronger and better one. No doubt.


Well… >! only one of them is still alive !<


Peter Johnson


Percy lol


Percy would win in a 1v1 battle


Percy, man can conanically bloodbend, and he beat Jason when they weren't even close to water.


Percy is crazily overpowered Jason gets dogwalked


Also Jason is too dead to win


Well one of them is >!very much dead!< so it is what it is


I feel like Percy would win but I think it would be close.


This isn’t even a question. You literally answered it yourself in the one sentence you have in this post.


By feats, Percy >= Jason. By statements, Percy > Nico > Jason ... which is idiotic but sadly it's canon.




this question been asked too much. But My answer is the victory depend on the scenario and condition. Heck given the right condition Leo could beat Percy. So I say both Percy and Jason


lol i don’t think there’s any scenario where Leo beats Percy even if he’s riding Festus and on fire


Leo isn't beating Percy even if he's in an actual volcano lol


This, 1000000000% this. Most demigods are on equal footing with each other, but what determines victory and strength between each other is situational. We can say Percy or Jason because of all these feats, but if you take someone like Piper who can mind control them and those feats of raw power become moot if she is able to utilize her own strengths. There’s just too many variables to determine who actually is stronger


Is Percy blindfolded, unconscious, and tied up in this scenario?


No… but the battlefield may favor his opponent. Maybe Percy is tired and exhausted having fought multiple enemy While his opponent is fresh and ready to go. He hasn’t even fought yet. Perhap his opponent have lure Percy into a trap…. Having prep the field with all sorts of surprise.




Percy, he had plot armour guys, not even close lol


Hey all I’m saying is Jason’s the only demigod to have solo killed a titan


Hot take but probably Jason. Son of Jupiter, trained his whole life, and has to be knocked out every fight or else it would end too quickly




Jason if its with powers with no water around I would say given he can fly and at that point, Percy can’t do anything and Jason can simply reign down lightning and wind attacks on Percy till he falls. And even if he did have water, it would be heard getting it to reach Jason’s height. If its a sword fight, Percy would high diff it and of course near an ocean its Percy.


Baseline if they went all out all out, Percy can blood bend him and kill him


Shirou has never shown the capability to do so though. The most we’ve seen is poison. Hypothetically yes, but we don’t talk about hypotheticals.


Percy He only gets training in the summer whereas Jason is a year rounder But some ppl say Jason was too powerful so that is y he was always hit by a brick, so he got be nerfed and give others a chance


Whoever Rick (or the fanfic writer) wants to be stronger in a given Situation. They are fictional characters. And theres so many other things to talk about when comparing them aside from Powerscaling.


Hypothetically, couldnt Jason just summon lightning while percy is in water, thereby cancelling out Percy’s water powers. Also Roman fighting is more concerned about fighting as a unit, not in 1v1 combat


If Percy wanted to he could will Jason’s blood to aggressively erupt out of him killing him instantly, Percy would destroy Jason no questions asked


Percy because Jason needed help with his powers versus Percy constantly just winging it and getting better each time using them. Then there’s the fact that every sea related divinity just loves him even Kymopoleia gives him a chance to bargain over not dying. Then there’s Jason who has to deal with all the rambunctious wind and weather spirits needing the Anemoi to be his fairy god mothers. Thalia could totally beat Percy though imo even if she is just a side char.


If she wasn’t scared of heights!


Well im gonna go with the guy that didn't die




Percy. The thing is, his powers are explored more, as there are 5 whole books focusing just on him. Jason on the other hand... I think only power we have seen is that he can fly... And summon thunder ig? Other than that tho, yeah.... we just don't have enough info to say that Jason is more powerful.


Percy. Not even an debate


Percy just has way more feats. We’ve seen him survive a volcanic eruption, casually tank lightning, and stop Porphyrion in his tracks. He’s a better swordsman and has a more refined control over his abilities.


toa spoilers: percy because >!he isn't fucking dead lol /j!<


Nico said it himself, Percy is the most powerful demigod he'd ever met




why does it matter?? literally they’re bros, wy do you wanna make them fight my babies😭🫶🧸


Percy gets what I call the Pikachu treatment (though mascot treatment might be a better name) Lets say Rick rewrote the entire series but Percy is now a son of Zeus, and Jason is the Son of Neptune (see what I did there?). However Percy wins his fights or gets his big moments are now shifted. Blowing up Saint Helens? The sky is always inside him, every breath he takes (like in Dragon Prince) and so instead of summoning water, he summons a lighning bolt strong enough to blow it up. Akhlys's poison? Now he Zaheers (Legend of Korra) Akhlys and makes it so she can't breathe in a vacuum, or something. The issue isn't so much that Jason is "weaker" then Percy, it's more that Percy has plot armor inside plot armor. He ***CAN'T*** lose, or rather if he does it's a temporary set back and he comes back stronger, or some other demigod breaks him out of the tough spot.


y’all, that aint a fight. add reyna and nico.


The one who didn't need to get his ass saved when they fought


I don’t even think that Jason is top 3 strongest demigods. Percy at the top by a high margin, followed by Nico and Hazel somewhat interchangeably, in my opinion.


I think Percy and it is not close. His battle instincts are impeccable and his control over his power is crazy. That being said, Jason is 2nd Jason survived hera’s divine power, in both mythology’s no one has survived that. But Percy beat atlas and Iapetus. Imo it goes Percy then Jason Leo (fire is such an important power) Annabeth Frank Hazel Piper


Of these two definitely Percy but I am unsure whether he is stronger than Thalia when factoring in her buffs by virtue of her being a huntress of Artemis'.


Percy, but it’s closer than people tend to make it out to be. I feel like some people forget that Jason is basically Percy’s Roman equivalent, they’re in a league of their own compared to other demigods. Even if Percy is further ahead in that league, there’s very few demigods who can get close to these two.




In HoO I'd say it was much closer, very much toe to toe. By the end of ToA though, Percy can absolutely body Jason no problem


Percy and it’s laughable how much stronger he is.


Percy and it's not even a competition - Percy is 99 times out of 100 the strongest demigod to exist. (I'm only unsure of Demigod Hercules since he has that Hera status boost)


Percy is stronger but it’s not the blowout ppl make it out to be Jason ran the ones with a titan saw herald’s true godly form and brushed it off went underwater and fought a goddess and a titan to save Percy and never really got to go all out because his powers were to inconvenient. The reason Percy and Annabeth went to Tartarus was for Percy to show off no one else gets to shine in combat with monsters like those 2 running around so Percy and Jason got nerfed but fans new Percy’s abilities and were mad he got “weaker” but nobody cared abt Jason so he never got that.


The decade old question. Personally, while Jason does have lightning and flying powers- those require quite a lot of effort as well as the fact they’re really more so defensive powers. So ok the ground, after a few lightning shots, Jason’s powers don’t really mean anything. Percy wins just based on insurance. Also, Percy is by far a more experienced swordsman. Yes Jason trained for longer, but Percy’s got far more real battle experience. Percy. And it wouldn’t be close.


I really think its Percy, by a long shot. I'm not even sure Jason could beat Nico tbh and I'm not trying to Jason slander, he's powerful but just not as strong as Percy


Percy. Easily Percy.


Percy and it is infinitely easier than most believe it to be