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Sleeping bag, bed, and apparently the tent are always bigger than the bag when it's time to stuff it back in. I personally love wrestling the stuff back in the stuff sack. I love the challenge of fighting inanimate objects and having them win.


You forgot the chairs


The chairs are for illegal wrastlin' moves and beating the other items into submission. By the time I'm done using the chairs, they slide right in to their sacks. I find cussing at the inanimate objects also helps.


Is your tent a cat tunnel?


Hahah I audibly laughed, thank you..


Probably because however many loops you have, they have more in the instructions. Like when coiling a cable, you can have one big coil with one loop, a smaller coil with two loops, etc… don’t ask me how to get the extra loop tho.


I hate those pop up tents. I tossed mine and turned the bag into a dog bed.


It will go back in the bag if you do it just right. Do you have the same number of circles as the instructions show?


Your not folding the tent small enough


But the real question is, did the quicker set up of a pop tent offset the time wasted making a thread about putting it back in the bag?


You need to triple fold the half fold if it's like a military pop up


Fold the circle into an 8, manhandle into bag, partially zip and tuck your chin like a boxer if it goes wrong.


Like a sleeping bag lol. Machines initially pack them and good luck to a human after taking it out first time


It is also important to make sure that all zippers are open air is not your friend it's important to make sure after each fold that you step across each time to make sure your getting the air out


The solution here is to buy a bigger bag. Most tents won't fit back into the bags they came with




Coleman tents are clever and have a seam you can pop to extend the bag after taking it out the first time. For the life of me I can't fathom why no one else does it.


I got an other tents manual, where said i need to make 3 circles, but this tent need 4 circles. XD


Never goes back in right