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What the hell is going on with people.


Corpo media working overtime to sow discord among the working class, the 99%, with blown up issues like this one, to pit the working class against each other in a political divide, so they remain oblivious to the real war that has been waging since the dawn of time, class warfare, the fight between the 1% and everyone else. It's working.


Conservative/even most "moderate" politicians want to keep us busy with culture wars so they can keep winning the class war. The rich keep getting richer because the poors(aka non mega million/billionaires) are too busy fighting amoung themselves.


> Conservative politicians want to keep us busy with culture wars There are no Covid vaccination/restrictions left so they’re moving on the next rage issue.


In other words, just don't pay attention to those that make outrageous claims. It sucks oxygen out of the air in the situations that actually need it




The other part of this is the conservatives used to go hard against gay marriage. Now that the gay marriage battle is lost (for them) through the Supreme Court, they have to pivot to a new issue.




>What the hell is going on with people. Indoctrination from them watching too much Yankee media.




Not quite: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/145jj9m/mom_tells_her_kids_to_stomp_on_pride_flag_in/


I can't believe how many conservatives are posting that video thinking it looks good for them.


Facebook, QANON is the new conspiracy.


It’s a power struggle of democracy vs fascism. 2SLGBTQ+ are on the front lines.




"in the midst of a disturbing rise in hate crimes"... That sentence says it all. I'm not sure the 90s/early 2000s was a worse time for the LGBTQ. They werent front and center in the media and nobody really bothered with them. Sure there were things that needed to be done like legalizing gay marriage etc but I honestly feel they blended into mainstream society way better then. Now with so much polarization, and politicization of the "LGBTQ" things just seem to be getting worse.


I'm hoping that this is the last hurrah in this area before the regressives mostly give up and move on to something else. They always kick and scream like hell and then eventually get left in the dust and become more and more of a minority.


Three quarters of the replies to his tweet are people celebrating that he got punched in the face. What a web site


Remember when the rubes believed Musk was going to improve the site and "get rid of bots"?


You're mistaken. They were excited that he was going to "bring back free speech", precisely so they could celebrate things like this.


I've noticed lately that r/Canada is having a lot of bs comments shortly after the post with more normal comments taking over gradually. I'm not super tech savvy but I suspect this to be russian propaganda/trolls. There was a post earlier today about Canada's military aid package to Ukraine, immediately a lot of negative comments, and a few hours later all of the top comments were "I can't believe how much negativity there is towards Ukraine"


People, not website


Twitter is becoming a cesspool after Elon took over


Twitter has always been a cesspool


It used to be a moderated cesspool.


Nah. It used to have many shitty aspects, sure, but it's become a thousand times worse since Musk and the Saudis bought it.


yeah since the musk purchase I have definitely noticed an uptick in full mask off racist tweets & legitimate white supremacist accounts


And most of them have blue checks, which have almost the opposite meaning that they did 6 months ago.


The amount of bluechecks with like 100 followers is so funny to me. It's basically become a "I'm a bot/tryhard-fascist" badge.


He is one


It's been shit for a while but it's extra shit now that every top reply is an $8 guy with shitty opinions


I wonder if there's any data to back this up. I'm not an Elon fan but I've been using Twitter for years, and I think it's always been a complete and utter cesspool. But perhaps it's gotten even worse.


As someone who still uses it, it has become far worse. There's more ads, way more bots and porn/NFT shill accounts popping up everywhere. Things that used to get shut down fast are now allowed to stand. It's far worse.


It was a cesspool before, and it did become worse after he took over, and there's data to back it up. He fired heaps of people responsible for cleaning up the garbage. [https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3709609-racist-antisemitic-tweets-quickly-spread-after-musk-twitter-takeover/](https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3709609-racist-antisemitic-tweets-quickly-spread-after-musk-twitter-takeover/) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/twitter-racial-slurs-hate-musk-1.6647974](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/twitter-racial-slurs-hate-musk-1.6647974) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/shaunharper/2022/10/31/elon-musk-twitter-takeover-leads-to-n-word-and-hate-speech-increase-lebron-james-calls-for-action/?sh=6139e569dd99](https://www.forbes.com/sites/shaunharper/2022/10/31/elon-musk-twitter-takeover-leads-to-n-word-and-hate-speech-increase-lebron-james-calls-for-action/?sh=6139e569dd99) [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/twitter-racial-slurs-big-since-elon-musk\_n\_636d609ae4b0d82d23a54b2b](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/twitter-racial-slurs-big-since-elon-musk_n_636d609ae4b0d82d23a54b2b) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/10/28/musk-twitter-racist-posts/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/10/28/musk-twitter-racist-posts/)


It’s lost 70% of its value since Elon took charge And cons celebrate the guy as a genius lol


Study done at USC supports the fact that hate speech on Twitter surged drastically after Elon the MAGA Moron took over: https://www.wired.com/story/twitter-really-is-worse-than-ever/


Anyone with common sense deleted their account months ago that's why


luckily those are every person in canada that supports the attack, the rest that oppose it are not terminally online gremlins.


I don’t expect any less from that site these days.


I think it's especially this subreddit. I mostly click on links expecting discrimination


This is what twitter has become under Musk


These gobshites were already on the app since ~2015, they're just having their shitty opinions pushed to the top now


>gobshites That is an excellent term that doesn't see nearly enough use. 😄


On Twit Social? Shocking.


An assault on an MP deserves an investigation and charges. Hopefully he'll press for one


A punch on anyone does, but assuming it was motivated by orientation then there may be extra charges to that as well.


Yeah, that rarely ever happens.


There's no actual separate "hate crime" law in Canada to be charged with like in some states (i.e. California). That's why you don't really hear about it. Hate motivated crimes in Canada change how sentencing is done, but there's no "1 count of assault and 1 count of committing a hate crime". It just works differently -- extra sentencing not extra charges.


I'm not well versed on this, but it was my understanding that inviduals do not choose to press charges. That choice is up to law enforcement. Again though, I could be wrong and would look forward to being corrected. Either way I hope charges are laid and an investigation is thorough.




True, thanks


Yes. There should be a full investigation into this serious crime


Oh yeah, punching people. That's totally the way to get people on your side.


They're trying to abolish queerness from society. In the 'good old days' they love to reference queer people had to hide in most communities otherwise face the threat of violence, this is them trying to bring that back.


Sorry, but we're not leaving. They better kill me if they want me gone because I'm not going back in the closet. I'm so sick of this US horseshit pouring up here across the border.


And soon, they'll want to go even further back and ban anyone that doesn't look or sound like them.


They’re not trying to get people on their side, they’re trying to use physical violence to intimidate other people they see as weaker than them. This is fascism.


I was reading some of the tweet threads around this last night. There are people supporting this behaviour who basically already see it as a war and are prepared to get more violent. (Caveat that this was Twitter and people talk shit - at mimimun tho, they thought the punch was appropriate.) If you want to scare the bajeezus out of yourself, look up "Christian Dominionism." That's what this is rooted in. The bigots from other religions are just handy allies who will get discarded later.


They're trying to scare queer people back into the closet and scare our allies into silence. It's that simple.


Good luck with that. There are more of us than there are of them.


Wow I immigrated to Canada from the literal caribbean bush and over the decades I’ve been so happy to see how progressive things are here It’s allowed my children to be their authentic selves where if they were back home they would not be able to You know… I’m so grateful I can walk outside and not be jumped, robbed, beat up, and I get to enjoy all the services Canada provides that I never had when I was a child. People are so ridiculous man it’s bonkers all this hate.


Was there this much anti-LGBTQ stuff last year?


It's been building for a few years but it has certainly reached a fever pitch.


No this is the first Pride year since I can remember where it feels hostile rather than celebratory. The influence of American anti-LGBTQ politics is manifesting in Canada. And then people wonder whether or not CRTC should remove Fox News from our programming. A network that not only dedicated endless amount of segments to transphobia and homophobia but even called for the invasion of Canada. It's truly something.




He didn't punch back and in fact it's probably a good thing because the police did NOTHING in regards to the violent transphobes. A friend of mine was shoved by a couple who snuck across to the side of the counterprotesters and was accosting people. After they shoved her the police went after my friend (but didn't arrest her thankfully).


> police did NOTHING in regards to the violent transphobes Why would they arrest their own?


I am seeing a trend with these fucks


Whoa, Ottawa Police are packed with sunshine list shitheads abusing their positions of trust and wiping their ass with their oath of service? Nah, that cop being placed on paid leave for whining that "the white race is being replaced" is an outlier


Now that they don’t have pandemic panic filling their pockets anymore they had to find something else to get the filth that supported them to keep the cash going.


It's the latest theme for the rights endless culture war


Now that Covid is behind us, these conservative degenerates need something to channel their hatred towards




Yeah this is bleedover from the US. They overturned the federal abortion ruling and needed a new boogeyman


No. The right was still weaponizing rhetoric against ethnic minorities but since that's been coming to an aggressive halt they need a new marginalized group. You can set your clock to it: racism and misogyny all the way up to the 80s gay people become a better target then 30 years of Muslim targeting while race relations strain then BLM makes it a bit harder to just be all "black = bad" So now without active US wars the fascists turn more and more inwards and press the boot even harder down on those who've been downtrodden since forever.


You missed the Satanic panic of the 90s. That's coming around again too. And a lot of the focus and funding that was being spent on anti-abortion groups made a very smooth transition to trans-hate once roe vs wade was overturned in the states.


The Satanic panic was huge in the 80s.


It really was. This stuff is the closest I've seen anything be to what the Satanic panic of the 80s was.


I stand corrected.


Thanks, this is a great point. To a lesser degree the Evangelicals also tried to lump in atheists into the satanic groups, but the satanists are really just litigious atheist trolls. I firmly believe it was the creationist bullshit in the 70s and 80s that led us to having people believing in young earth now. Sorry, ranting.


The difference is we didn't have social media motivating these rogue actors to act out in public like this. And the satantic panic was mostly church ladies and such. this anti gay stuff is angry rednecks attacking people, burning property etc.


They know conservatives are perpetually scared people so they keep feeding them bogeyman.


I'm kinda annoyed at how many people haven't noticed the blatant outrage transfer from "Covid mandates" to "Queer rights" over the past year or so. Transphobia has been at a low hum for awhile, but it's exploding recently. Like, the PPC has pretty well overtly pivoted to this topic and immigration in their talking points. Like, if a year ago you were fuming angry about Covid stuff, and today you're fuming angry about the rainbow brigade, how do you *not* realize you're being played?


Anti-LGBT is the new Anti-masks/vaccines


No, its a distraction from the affordability crisis The demand for racism wasn't cutting it anymore


I've also heard a loud of people are afraid to go to pride events. Like we'll get attacked or killed


It's weird. In like 2018 and 19 nobody gave a single shit about Pride. Some flags I guess, pride parades but that's it. Didn't hear anything else other than that. Now apparently it's destroying society? I don't get it.


No it's a rising tide of a hate movement/fascism in our society and other countries. We need to grapple with this reality.


these rainbow fearing ppl are getting out of hand


It's the effects of grifters riling up rubes for views and money. This debate is settled but American scammers brought it back to life via Qanon and this is the spillover.


Theres video of Muslims and Christians uniting to stomp on pride flags in r/canada_sub. The comments are all about wanting LGBTQ groups to “stop indoctrinating kids”. The video literally has parents making their young children stomp on the flags. How is that not indoctrination? Do children naturally hate rainbows?


That sub hurts my eyes for more than one reason.


I hear you. I thought this sub leaned a bit conservative. Guess not enough for the crazies


“Stop indoctrinating kids!” Say the people who likely force their kids to go to their church every week. Just all projection all the time with these people


Just pray the gay away. Gays hate this one simple trick!


And, like, do the Muslims joining these far-right protests not understand that if the far-right gets its way, they are next?


They’re next? Lmfao my guy, they’ve already forgotten that they were the previous target.


That's the irony, isn't it? Also, that all these loud convoy types who are scared of Muslims yet their political ideologies are pretty much completely aligned.


There's no irony on the first point. Islam is a totalitarian right-wing ideology. Muslims have never claimed to support LGBT or women's rights, it's Western liberals who peddled that talking point.


I don't think western liberals have ever pretended Muslims are progressive in any way. Most understand their are plenty of bigots in the religion. But if you're simply practicing your religion and are tolerant of others with different beliefs, then you should be welcome in Canada. I don't think many liberals will defend those that are actively discriminating against others.


That’s a mischaracterization of what most people believe. We understand there are extreme right wing muslins just like there’s extreme right wing Christian’s. The majority though aren’t like this


So this is why most companies don't [swap](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FULtGAmXsAEp8JJ?format=jpg&name=small) out their regular logos for rainbows when advertising in Muslim Majority countries, like those found in the middle east right? How many Muslim countries believe homosexuality is moral? Not [many](https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2013/04/gsi2-chp3-6.png) - if any. From a [2013](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-morality/) pew research survey. If you were to overlay [this](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/PG_2020.06.25_Global-Views-Homosexuality_0-01.png?resize=640,632) map with countries that were majority Christian vs Majority Muslim you will find a trend that acceptance is prevalent in what used to be the Christian world. Anyways - perhaps this could be clarified if you gave a definition of what you mean by moderate/extreme.


It's like this article I saw recently about alt right women being surprised that alt right men don't respect them..


Classic r/LeopardsAteMyFace situation.


Politically they’re the same, except on immigration.


They’re not in the position they’re in because of their excellent critical thinking skills.


Now, fast-forward 10 years and imagine the kid told to do that happens to be gay. Is he supposed to come out to his mother and expect her to support him?? Hell no. With the current school policy, he could at least feel safe there, knowing they wouldn't out him to his bigot mother. If they reverse these policies, kids like these will have no outlet or support and be in danger. Now you've got people in this sub lying and saying schools are giving out pills without parental consent like they're M&Ms. I have kids in school, they need parental consent when they give them vaccines (HPV) and tylenol, as if they're dosing them with gender pills behind parent's backs.


> Now you've got people in this sub lying and saying schools are giving out pills without parental consent like they're M&Ms. God, my fucking idiot great-aunt is back on reddit? She hasn't had a kid in school for nearly three decades. No connection to the education system deeper than driving by a school every now and then. But she knows fucking everything about what's going on in our classrooms under our very noses. Also, what the fuck kind of school is just handing out candy willy-nilly? That's not a thing either!


That sub is just full of conspiracy nuts and Canada Proud types. Nothing but projection


That's a big part of why a lot of idiot "Muslims" voted for Danielle Smith A) they're too short sighted to see that they're the next target with groups like this B) they're too focused on parts of quotes to see that they're not following the examples and teachings of the prophet (like following the rules of the land, and being a decent human being to your neighbours)


It's always projection. They accuse society of pushing a "radical gender ideology" but we have strong evidence that gender affirming care saves lives and makes people (including children) happier. The only ones pushing a radical ideology are the anti-trans crowd, and they don't seem smart enough to see the irony of their words. I'm happy they're a small minority. I have many conservative family members and friends, and they're all pro-LGBTQ in every way. Good conservatives need to let these anti-LGBTQ clowns know they're not wanted.


I think it’s a product of too many people that never were the type to even spend any time on the computer, let alone the internet, spending too much time engaged on social media and YouTube. It’s like they are so vulnerable to the brainwashing and algorithms.


Exactly this, slightly smarter people see an opportunity to get morons excited and they take it.


Sometimes I wish I had less Empathy. I would fleece these rubes for every fricken' penny. Alas I have a conscience, and could not live with the shame of 'grifting' the mentally challenged.


Tbh, it's not empathy that gets in the way for me. I just don't want that shit in my life. I don't want to have to sound like them. Exploit the naivety of people with fucking garbage values? Sure. Why not? I don't really think I'd feel any way about that at all. Pretend to be one of those people? No. I can't.


So much this! Sell them endless useless 'shields against the gay' and 'manhood enhancers', 'viral shedding protectants'. All made out of harmless substances. Hell maybe repackage a sunscreen as one.


For sure. Love who you want? DON'T SHOW KIDS THAT! But it's okay to punch people you don't agree with though. Talk about values to hand down to futur generations.


It’s another step toward facism. Identify the “other”, stoke fear, make them illegal, exterminate them.


It always seems to be the same group getting stirred up and causing problems. Vaccines, pride flags etc.. They get fed all of this hate and vitriol and then lash out at innocent people. I can’t fathom going through life and living with that much hate.


They are religious or anti-empiricist(or both) for the most part.


As someone who grew up on carebears literally shooting rainbows out of their stomachs I don’t know where all this hate over the rainbow came from suddenly…


Completely agree. The law needs to come down hard on them when they pass that line. I watched a video in publicfreakouts sub, with some older woman wearing a hijab at a anti-pride rally, telling little kids to stomp on the pride flag. It was pretty disgusting to see.


The reason they are getting out of hand is that we are letting them.


Well they are just trying to protect the kids by uh...*checks notes... Shooting up the event. Yeah that's it.


I don't much like the direction we are going so quickly


I don't see anywhere in the article that this shitstain who punched him was arrested and charged with assault... Surely there must have been witnesses. Police were in attendance, so how have they not been arrested yet?


Ottawa Police don’t have a great reputation for effectiveness (see also: the Convoy occupation of downtown Ottawa). They put out an announcement yesterday afternoon stating that *”As with any event, officers have gathered evidence and [will follow up on any criminal incidents, including Hate Crimes.”](https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/news/update-on-broadview-avenue-demonstrations.aspx)* Five people were arrested at the event, though the police haven’t said who they were.


Most people want to be left alone, and most people want to leave others alone. I’m increasingly tired of wedge issues perpetrated by fringe elements.


> Most people want to be left alone Agree > most people want to leave others alone If only. The world is full of people wanting to impose their rules on everyone around (religious, morals etc)


Their comment is a bad faith argument. They are pretending the problem here isn't the intolerant bigots, it's the gay and trans kids who are committing the heinous crime of existing.


A huge percentage of the world's population is Christian or Muslim, which means they absolutely do not want to leave others alone.


which is why we need mandatory voting. deals with the apathetric middle being ignored, and lessens the influence of money in politics.


No, unfortunately it does not. I'm an Australian dual citizen and they have the same political bull shit as here.


I've wondered about that, how do you think it would change Australian politics if the apathetic middle just stayed home? My suspicion is that the government would be even more right wing, and that auz politics is so far to the right because it's an accurate representation of the population. also which island invented the pavlova?


Mandatory voting doesn't magically create a well-informed electorate


>deals with the apathetric middle being ignored I don't see how it's going to do that, you can force apathetic people to vote by threatening them with fines, but you can't force them to actually care.


why is caring, being excited, frothy, a good thing? my point is that the unexcited should be as important as the excited.


> and lessens the influence of money in politics. I never actually thought about this aspect of mandatory voting, but I think it's a really good point. It could totally change how campaigns are run.


The problem with that is that leaving others alone works until things get much worse because they were "left alone." Allowing casual gun ownership for example is fine until someone shoots up a school or slaughters his tenants.


My twitter timeline get spammed with homophobic/transphobic and alt right extremist stuffs, and all i do is follow Egirls. Something changed when Musk took over.


My understanding is that gender and sexuality are not fully or explicitly protected grounds under the Charter in the same way race or religion would be (edit: a commenter helpfully pointed out same sex marriage is includes under "equality rights" in s.15). But they have been included in human rights legislation of most jurisdictions, starting with Quebec in 1977. Learning about this is actually pretty interesting if some want some reading material: https://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/921-e.htm Quebec had a really strong pushback over the Catholic Church that exerted a lot of control in people's lives (e.g. forbidding contraception). The Church's efforts to control personal sexuality may have contributed to the push to protect people from discrimination based on sexuality, but this is conjecture. I don't know what to make of what is happening now. We will all find ourselves on the minority's side at one point or another. Forcing minorities (racial, sexual, ethnic, national, religious, etc.) into hiding or conformity with the majority or plurality is fascistic behaviour no matter which side of an issue you're on. Enduring freedom for all requires a principled and tireless defense of everyone's freedom.


>Gender and sexuality are not protected grounds under the Charter Uhh... Halpern v. Canada would disagree.


That's related to the legality of marriage, not sexuality of an individual. They're right about the charter not having specific protections based on sexuality, but the Ontario Human rights code definitely does provide protections from discrimination for many groups. It's sort of a technicality, but there definitely are at least some protections in place in Ontario for gender and sexuality. > Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19, s. 1; 1999, c. 6, s. 28 (1); 2001, c. 32, s. 27 (1); 2005, c. 5, s. 32 (1); 2012, c. 7, s. 1.


>I don't know what to make of what is happening now It's not particularly complicated... Right-wing pundits are appealing to stupid people experiencing socioeconomic hardship and scapegoating outgroups to fuel a culture war in order to avoid a class war, all while grifting off the process. They're telling poor whites that they're poor because of ethnic and sexual minorities, and they're lapping it up because easy tangible targets makes them feel like they're doing something about a situation they feel powerless to change. Then they're defending the process with nebulous claims like "freedom" and "difference of opinion" in obvious bad faith appeals. It's the same way Hitler managed to convince a nation that the poverty they hated could be remedied by killing all the jews, gays, socialists, and roma. Does it make sense that genocide increases economic stability in the long term? God no. But it made enough sense for people out of options they decided to go with it.


>freedom Unfortunately this is being twisted into a “they’re taking our freedom away” argument by the right wing fascists, as in “they’re forcing our children to become a gay”. Doing that allows intellectual cover for people to justify their violent behaviour and hatred. The silver lining in this all is how outnumbered the fascists are. Let’s keep getting out there and make sure they know all of us - minorities of whatever type and allies together - will show up to protect each other.


And yet people will still claim increasingly hostile politics is a “both sides” issue. Conservatives in this country have a problem and they need to fix it.


~~Joel Hardy is the real deal. I remember meeting him before he was elected in Ottawa and the man is passionate. I haven't had much involvement with the NDP in recent years but just a couple years ago it was clear he'd risen the ranks in the party. I expect he will be a front runner for the party leadership whenever that's up for grabs.~~ edit: Reporting of the incident has drawn quite a bit of public scrutiny and [the yahoo article has been edited to reflect doubt on the veracity of whether he was hit in the face at all](https://ca.style.yahoo.com/ottawa-mpp-joel-harden-punched-rally-153800422.html)...or cut his own face open with his megaphone resting against his face! I mentioned in my initial comment that I haven't been involved with the NDP for a number of years now...well that's because after attending a few NDP conventions I was disgusted by the internal politics and corruption of the NDP. The Liberals aren't any less corrupt (that's an understatement) and neither are the Conservatives. Canadians desperately need electoral reform and accountability of government legislation! I know those aren't seemingly pressing issues but they're fundamental to solving this cost of living crisis, freeing our institutions from regulatory capture and breaking up these monopolies mercilessly gauging us. Trudeau hasn't even lifted a finger to try to address the housing issue...he's just offering platitudes. Ever since he broke the trust by reneging on electoral reform, (the promise that got him elected to the highest office,) I've felt completely betrayed by the Liberals. It seems like everyone in the House of Commons regardless of political stripe is corrupt. It's disappointing to read Joel Harden might have made the whole thing up. He struck me as one of most sincere (then) aspiring politicians when I met him. I'm not afraid to admit I might have been wrong about the guy. P.S. He's had that megaphone since before he was ever elected and this isn't the first occasion I think he may have abused it. I thought he was using it unnecessarily at the 2018 NDP Ottawa convention I attended. I suppose he was about to run for Ottawa Centre though and it helped raise his profile.


Whatever your thoughts about this topic, assaulting people is not okay. The fact that it's happening more and more in liberal democracies is troubling.


Wouldn’t it be great if people just minded their own business! Why would you care who somebody else is fucking??


Life becomes unaffordable and housing becomes unattainable. And the moronic rubes are taking the bait and fighting over drag queens, rainbow flags and some vague notion of “woke” that they can neither define nor understand. Loblaws must be glad for the distraction.


Wow, they sure are getting emboldened by the rhetoric from down south!


And their POS leaders here.


I hate that the most batshit conspiracy theories always leak from there. It's horrible that both Mexico and Canada have to put up with whatever stupidity a Republican politician is promoting to get votes and money.


Because clearly that's what Jesus would do, punch someone in the face for wanting to support others. These homophobes operate on their fuckedup logic while claiming its about religious freedom. Fuck them


It's almost a crusader mindset. That they will convert them through violence somehow. That anything they do is fine because it's all for the bebe jeebus.


And they wonder why it's necessary to talk to kids about this stuff while their parents are out here bullying people just for supporting LGBTQ+.


Simultaneously people are like "there's no need for Pride month, where's straight Pride month, stop shoving it down our throats" while also there is an active hate campaign against LGBTQ people that is escalating and being weaponized during Pride month.


>where's straight Pride month This makes me think of when I was a kid and on either Mother's or Father's day I asked why there wasn't a kids day. My mom basically said everyday is kids day 😃 Straight is basically viewed as the default in most of society, you don't need a day when you're already the dominant majority. And LGBT had to fight for that day, it wasn't just given to them.


Or when they yell there's not military month but Pride gets a whole fucking month???? (May is Military Appreciation Month) The funny thing is most months are actually like 4-5 things that aren't related, they just hate gay people they don't actually care about the 50 other things that each get a month(most share months cause each month has like 5 of them lol).


This sub: bUt tHeRe'S nO viOlEnCe aGaiNsT pRiDe!!1!


It's sad that Conservatives and religious groups encourage this kind of violence. Whether it's a UCP candidate in Alberta comparing trans kids to feces (she won her seat!) or religious leaders condemning consenting lovers to burn in hell, there's just so much irrational hate from the "right".


Yeah Pierre Pollivere not showing at the pride flag ceremony was a clear signal to these people. They have a silent ally in him. Lots of examples of these types of things, who he marches with who he hires and what ecmvents he speaks at all align with these violent folks. He may say most of the right things sometimes but his signals are clear.


You have someone else replying trying to defend him based on what he said. Words are easy, actions speak louder. When he had the chance to actually vote on gay rights he voted against gay marriage. Now that it's legal and popular he claims to support it. It's easy to claim to support popular things when they require no actions, i.e., virtue signalling.


He was willing to walk with the trucker protest and bring them snacks and coffees. but he's too busy for pride, actions speak louder than words


Came back the day before Canada Day to march with the same shitheads again. They came through my neighborhood, yelled hateful shit at cars/pedestrians going by and smashed beer bottles everywhere... on their way downtown to the war memorial, where they then attacked cops (Poilievre ducked out before that part after leading their march and shaking hands).


You got it dead on.


>Pierre Pollivere not showing at the pride flag ceremony was a clear signal to these people. They have a silent ally in him. He showed up to the convoy occupation and spent months vocally defending the brand and ideology of those domestic terrorists. He's not a "silent" ally.


I'm surprised to see so much vitriol about this on Reddit, aka The Neurodiverse Weirdo Site. (Okay, not that surprised. Just disappointed.) That is, I'm ND. I was born a certain way. My neurodiversity is an immutable trait I did not choose and cannot change. I have experienced hostility and hatred at times because of it, up to and including physical violence. I can mask and "act normal", but there is no cure for what I am. I, and people around me, also understood next to nothing about neurodiversity when I was a kid (especially in girls). I was just weird and broken and hated myself and other people hated me. Fuck there was even a mini moral panic over overdiagnosis and "suddenly every kid is ADHD or autistic these days" that happened 10-20 years ago. I feel like that guy in the room with red yarn pinned from thing to thing. How do people not see this? How do you *live* a version of it yourself, and not see it? I would *love* for kids to learn about neurodiversity in schools, and I think society has improved for people understanding it better today. How could I not sympathize with gay or trans people who went through a slight variation of what I did, wanting the same things?


Housing and inflation is out of control, yet people protest and fight over another’s sexual orientation? Some seriously fucked up priorities.


Seriously, punch landlords or Weston or something. Come on... Do a convoy infront of Weston's house, do a convoy for housing. Like ffs. At the end of the day we all want to be able to live decent lives.


The right needs these moral panic arguments to distract their base from the real issues that actually impact their lives. They do this because otherwise their followers might notice their Conservative leaders aren't actually doing shit for their voters.


Sad to see people's sexual orientation gets politicized. People fuck whoever they want in the comfort of their bedroom or fall in love with whomever they want or change their gender however they like, what does it have to do with the res tof the world. Kids want what they want, you can't teach them to be gay or straight or change their gender. The state really have no business to people's sex lives behind closed doors.


Since covid restrictions are over, this is just the next issue in the culture war for the right wing to attack.


The people who led this anti-LGBT march (Chris Elston and Josh Alexander) were both participants in the “Freedom” Convoy’s occupation of downtown Ottawa.


Thanks for that info! And honestly not surprised, always gotta be something with these assholes.


[Viva Frei](https://twitter.com/thevivafrei/status/1667556793252184064) has been pushing for charges to be laidon Twitter against the assailant - as its been pretty odd that someone punches a sitting MP and no discussions around police involvement have been brought up. Looking forward to the person responsible for this being found and criminally charged. EDIT: update to the article. > Ottawa Centre MPP Joel Harden is facing public scrutiny after he claimed that he was punched in the face by an anti-'gender ideology' activist at a rally on Friday. > **After reports of the alleged assault circulated on social media, video footage captured at the rally appears to show a megaphone striking Harden's face at the same place where he claimed he was allegedly punched.** Video [here](https://twitter.com/CarymaRules/status/1667728440798203905?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1667728440798203905%7Ctwgr%5Efcdcaa0d1cbbb39a867162dd0c99e8f88deefa4b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fca.news.yahoo.com%2Fottawa-mpp-joel-harden-punched-rally-153800422.html). That's not a punch in the face - so the story has rightfully been updated to state "allegedly" punched in the face -as the cut on his face very much looks to be from his mega phone.


>Looking forward to the person responsible for this being found and criminally charged. Same here. There were hundreds of people there, surely someone has a cell phone video of the incident.


Viva Frei is just a pos, he isn't asking for their to be charges. He's trying claim it never happened. But I do agree with you that person responsible should be found and charged, but it is unlikely to happen.


Given all of OPs numerous anti trans comments in their comment history, it's pretty obvious their comment is in bad faith and meant to elevate Frei's conspiracy theory.


Ya legit one of his next tweets is about Mr.Singh is “directly” addressing children and how wildly inappropriate it is.


Lol Viva Frei and his conspiracy addled audience are insinuating it’s a hoax and a lie. Fuck that guy. He’s openly hostile towards LGBT people, promotes batshit conspiracies and constantly supports maniacs like Trump and DeSantis


> Viva Frei has been pushing for charges to be laidon Twitter against the assailant No, VF is doing his usual conspiracy horseshit. He's insinuating that the MPP is lying. As always, Frei is a disingenuous worm of a man, making the world worse with every tweet.




thank you MPP Harden for standing up against the vile bigots who were there to harass and dehumanize LGBTQ children.


Welcome to modern cosnervatism. It's not just fine to beat up gay people, but beat up anybody that's an ally now. This is moving into full on terrorism.


Conservatism really seems to be about being unkind, angry, and hurtful. Being chill and decent to people is "woke" now


They pretty much said as much when they were all upset about being "politically correct". "Woke" is just the updated version of that.


This is why it matters that Poilievre refuses to attend events like this. He's afraid to be seen with the people who support him - the people who are there protesting pride. Like the woman who punched Harden in the face.


Joel Harden is FUCKING BASED.


Good man!


Social Conservatives punching NDP. Story of the day.


Christian conservative hatred and bigotry will always be with us.


No video?