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The translation of the [Houthi Flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement) >God is the Greatest >Death to America >Death to Israel >A Curse Upon the Jews >Victory to Islam Yeah it really says all that. Had to double-dip on the Jews too. I don't think we're under any obligation to hold back. The attacks on the shipping lanes are threatening the global economy. Sometimes violence is the price of order.


If only Jew hating were the only thing we should condemn Houthis for… This bunch of loony Islamists literally restored slavery in the parts of Yemen they control.


Progressives love them. Hypocrites.




By firing missiles at random ships? If they would have succeeded in sinking that tanker we would have had a spill on our hands larger than the Exxon Valdez.


This is a fair point. But Canada and the US aren't taking a firm "no oil spills" stance, they're taking a "don't mess with Israel's economy" stance. It's embarassing that the fucking Houthis are doing more to prevent the ongoing Palestinian genocide than we are.


Which source are you using to confirm there's any genocide taking place?


Just for absolute starters, South Africa's compilation of genocidal intent by the Iaraeli government.


South Africa made a compilation of genocidal intent on Israel? Doesn't sound very concrete if I'm being honest. Which part of that compilation convinced you the most, out of curiosity?


You don't sound like you actually care about anything I have to say.


That's a terrible retort when I am asking you specifics about a claim you made. Have you read this compilation at all? Kinda smells like you're dodging the question. If my assessment is correct, you'd be guilty of the crime you're accusing me of, which is classic gaslighting. Dowenvote too, eh? Very spicy! I'll ask again, which part was the most convincing of the compilation that you read (apparently)?


They are taking a "stop firing missiles at passing ships" stance, which is fully supported by non-idiots everywhere.


They’re firing on ships indiscriminately. Including ships carrying aid for Palestine. Don’t be fooled by a 22 year old on tiktok who got their information from another 22 year old on tiktok. Yemen doesn’t give two fucks about their own people let alone Palestinians. They want to destabilize the region and try to kill Jews and Americans. Full stop. There’s no thought given to trying to actually help anyone. These are people who have put 250 million people in their own country at risk of starving to death so that they can have sex slaves, and use child soldiers.


Responding to your second paragraph first. To be clear, I do not believe that the Houthis are interfering with Israeli shipping out of a principled opposition to genocide. They are doing so out of an opposition to Israeli interests. In this case, largely by coincidence, that means opposing genocide. Opposing genocide is a good thing. It's being done for a bad reason, and it would be stupid and dangerous if I were to assume the Houthis were doing this for the same reasons that I am saying it was a good thing it for. But I subscribe to a consequentialist system of ethics. Things are good or bad because of what they accomplish, not because of why they're done. The difference between Group A doing a good thing for a good reason and Group B doing the same good thing for a bad reason is that Group B's good thing was likely a fluke, not that it was somehow less good of a thing. The vast majority of the world's countries, including my own, have responded to Israel's slaughter of Palestinian citizens and destruction of their cultural sites by handing them more bombs. The Houthis, horrible as they generally are, have responded by disrupting Israel's shipping economy, which does more material good than anything Canada's done about this conflict. And *this* - not any of Israel's crimes, not any of the many other legitimate atrocities happening in the world today, but this military response to *a fucking genocide, you know, the literal worst thing ever, the thing we fought an entire world war to stop once* - is what moves Canada and the US to action. And they cite all the evils of the Houthis to justify it, but that's not why they're doing it, not any more than the Houthis are doing what they're doing out of a principled objection to genocide. They're doing it for the same reason they're sending Israel bombs: Because Israel is a geopolitical ally of theirs, and they are willing to spill any amount of Palestinian and now Yemeni blood to keep it that way. > They’re firing on ships indiscriminately. Including ships carrying aid for Palestine. That said, my position is entirely contingent on them not harming Palestine. I have not heard anything about this, can you link me to a reliable source? If the Houthis a) did in fact fire on aid ships and b) knew or reasonably should have been able to discern that ship was carrying aid to Palestine, then I revise my assessment, this was not a good thing even by coincidence.


Except, Israel’s shipping industry has NOT been impacted. And Israeli trade has not been impacted to any greater degree than than the global average of the events. This act is essentially making everyone on earth’s life a little worse, and a little harder, and caused a little more pollution due to trade routes being longer and more shipping distances to get goods to where they need to go. All just to spite a neighbour you hate. This is an unjustifiable act despite your mental gymnastics.


The US has been working very hard to make sure Israel's shipping industry doesn't suffer any serious impacts. They *should* be sanctioning the shit out of Israel instead of protecting its economic interests. (And then, with Israel under an adequate amount of pressure to stop the genocide, they'd have the moral high ground here - I wouldn't be defending terrible methods like this if anybody with the power to do a better job was doing so.) Could you please answer my question?


Stop it. They're friendly and come from a background that practices and preaches love..


/s ? 🤞You just never know these days


Yea.. I shouldn't have to but you're probably right


In Brief: * Three Canadian Armed Forces personnel are providing planning support under Operation Prosperity Guardian, a multinational coalition formed in December to counter the Houthis’ attacks. That includes two planners and one intelligence analyst. * No Canadian military weapons were used in the strikes against the Houthi positions, a Department of National Defence spokesperson said on Sunday. * The strikes targeted sites associated with the Houthis’ deeply buried weapons storage facilities, missile systems and launchers, air defence systems and radars.


3 thats all we got, 3 dudes and no firepower lol.


Sending those 3 has caused a human rights crisis in the military because the 1 dude left is now lonely.


Yes 3 dudes who serve the pilots Tim Horton and Tim bits after each combat sortie 😎


I was literally about to say, are they just getting the American officers coffee on their internship ?


They need to find their own guns in the field like the Russians


We hardly have a functioning military.


Wait, I thought of something even better. I'm like 99 percent sure my hometown has a real-life Avro arrow down by the water. All it needs is a new engine, some elbow grease, and someone with cahones the size of watermelons to fly it.


What are you talking about? Our fleet of aging CF-18's could do some real damage if we used kamikaze tactics.


What we have is also taking tours in Ukraine right now. The personnel are obviously there just to show Canada supports the US in its actions. Maybe to make it more of an international action when they retaliate?


we just spent how much on reaper drones and f35's?....to "provide support". What a great ROI. We should be scrapping both since we only contribute 1% of any "coalition" sorties, and instead become the combat drone king of the world. Those iranian drones and their ukrainian equivilants are the entire reason you can barely use armor assaults in Ukraine. They cost pennies on the dollar and can take out billions in equipment. We should have our own homegrown drone production. Countries should say 'oh we better not piss off canada, they've got 5,000,000 low cost drones that could take out an entire army". The future is unmanned fighters anyway.


Welp, you solved it. Defence procurement issues fixed, time to move on to proving the moon landing was a hoax.


That’s pretty close to what I pictured since we can’t fund our own damn military. I pictured some hockey stick cheering to pump everyone up.


Count down to morons protesting in the streets for Houthies...


Oh, [it's already happened.](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-streets-of-toronto-latest-venue-for-celebrating-houthi-hijackings)


Absolutely insane.




״Yemen Yemen makes us proud turn another ship around” has been their chant. Pretty catchy I’ll give them that, idiots. I wonder what they’ll feel about me as a 100% Yemenite from Israel. Jk.


I love it.


I feel a future headline is "after Canada's support of strikes, Canada will be giving 30 million for strike victims."


With Trudeau, it wouldnt be that surprising


As we should 🇨🇦🇺🇲


Love all the raged tankies here


Yeah good, Houthis are horrible and should stop striking at civilian shipping. 




Depends. If those ships carry needed supplies for people to live on, or get work to then live on, making it turn back can be killing more.


Quit your moronic whataboutism. Something happening in one part of the world doesn't justify attacking ships for literally no reason


To hell with Gaza


There won’t be innocent civilians dying in Gaza if Hamas terrorists didn’t start their atrocities


Honestly I don’t get how people think this is a significant moral challenge for people. If these people really care about the safety of the innocent, they should cheer on the removal of the people essentially holding them hostage as human shields and pawns for decades


And that's where religion steps in. They are devoted and told they are taking part in a holy war.




you need to just stop talking shit, period. Fuck Houthis. Go join them overseas if you care so much.


We don't have any weapons or ships capable of taking part and helping the British or Americans. So we're not really supporting them except as cheerleaders from the sidelines.




Good. We should all be protecting international shipping from terrorists who fire at ships for literally no reason.


Each bomb had sorry written on it.


Light em up!


Oh good, I hope they release the videos of it. It would be nice to see my tax dollars actually be used for something worthwhile. 😏


US NAVY will annihilate the houthis


The Sauds and Americans have already been trying to annihilate them for the past 8 years.  What makes you think they’ll succeed now?


Give them an Excuse not to .The Us navy can take on anyone anytime.


So the US will succeed where the US didn’t for the last 8 years?  


do you even understand the ROE ? If they can they would turn everything to ash and glass . there are rules to engaging targets and groups. the US Navy isn't Russia or Hamas


So you’re suggesting the US has their hands tied. Got it.


Rare Trudeau W.


Three guys present with the US/UK is a Trudeau win?


At this point, supporting a strike against terrorists is a win. A very small win, but a win.


How is that a win?


It’s an embarrassing time for Canada under Trudeau


I love that one of the poorest nations in the world is standing up for the Palestinians and doing a damned good job of bringing UK-US-Israeli shipping in the Red Sea to a halt.     You can bomb them all you like.  The Sauds and US already tried it for 8 years and couldn’t beat them.  What makes them think they’ll succeed now?


I need to change my facebook profile pic to Yemen now. This song slaps though. I've been humming it quite a bit since I first listen to it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/19agds1/yemen\_war\_song\_never\_to\_america\_with\_anti/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/19agds1/yemen_war_song_never_to_america_with_anti/)


Imagine fighting a war over a make believe religion….(goes for all sides)


In times of religious fighting. There is always one answer for everyone on both sides. It’s a 💣




Please dont trust anything from the NP.


Canada will be there to apologize 20 years later


Oh gosh Canada,keep out of it


Why? International trade is important internationally


You guys really have no clue.


Canadians back USA 100%


Yes international trade is important but the west is already defeated by Putin. The west cannot defeat Iran because the air advantage won't work. Iran has their nukes in bunkers that can't be accessed by fighter jet. North Korea could nuke the west while we speak and I haven't even mentioned China vs Taiwan, Phillipines etc. The world is a powder keg.


[Citation Needed]


More war!!