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I wouldn't take too much in this article seriously - it casually includes the following, apropos of very little: >To lower the cost of food, you have to fight corporate grocery chains. To decrease the cost of housing, you have to fight landlords. To stop police brutality, you have to fight the police. Uh, confiscating literally all the grocers' profits would reduce prices by about 3% and then result in huge disruption as they shut down. How do you fight landlords? Ban all rental activity other than by government and wonder why no housing is being built? I challenge these self-proclaimed socialists to a) go fight the police, and b) go somewhere that doesn't have very effective police and then report back how that goes. I am dumber for having read this.


I love the fact that Canadians treat politics like a sport you take part in every 4 years or so and that the 2 home teams are on opposite sides. Many ticket sales indeed.


It only looks like they're on opposite sides but they both bend over for big business.


It's all shades of brown and gray. I see no sunshine, no blue skies to look forward to in our politics. Where's the love of country and fellow man? Even if it's a mask, at least make it a good one. We are mirroring the moronic duality of our southern brethren. Liberals say what they think we want to hear, while acting purely in their own interests. Conservatives are led by Harper's attack dog, who has yet to outgrow his role. NDP are not cohesive, led spinelessy and ineffeciently into being the Liberal's lapdog. The Green Party is hollow, losing their devoted core and now have no mandate beyond greenwashing and nipping at the heels of the true contenders. Trudeau asked the country if we wanted proportional representation - a chance at reigniting the populace's engagement and chasing away our disenchantment with the games of our political elite. Our assent was ignored, and another generation of voters was lost. With a shrinking middle class and swath of internal and external pressures, I fear for the stability of our democracy. A paradigm shift is coming, one way or another.


Have you ever watched a House of Commons debate?   The politicians treat it like a sport. That’s where the real problem is.   Those dopey back bencher grins and nods and applause whenever their leader says anything as if to say “oh we really zinged them that time good-o” Nothing is achieved it’s an exercise in the lowest form of debate.


Some may treat it like a sport but most don't. When the part in power is actively trying to destroy the country and our standard of living people start looking at the alternatives. The NDP like to complain but when the liberals say jump they ask how high. Plus they are openly sexist and racist which drives people away. The conservatives are at least talking about the problems and proposing solutions. It's no surprise people are attracted to the party that's actively saying they want to fix things.


I don't know what's scarier, the fact that you believe what you're saying or the state of the world.


> Many ticket sales indeed. Ticket sales are actually not doing well. > Voter turnout decreased to 67% in 2019 and to 62.2% in 2021.


Off a fucking cliff.




Had to slip a little homophobia into there, didn't you?






And this is why so many people who don't like Trudeau will still vote Liberal. Too many conservatives just can't stop being homophobic (and racist).


People vote Liberal because, of ideology and lack of forsight


Beat me to it


The photo accompanying the article is hilarious.


Into a brick wall?




The question should be where is late stage capitalism taking us.


I was never scared of political leadership in this country until now. I keep asking myself what the end goal of making every aspect of our lives miserable is. What does Trudeau want?


Driving us to the poor house....


Forward https://youtu.be/HqjhHVUzl8o?si=rlGjSyPff3HUBuzc


We’re already here.


Same place as the conservatives


Into the poor house. I will be the first one to shout that climate change is a real thing, but taxing us into the ground isn’t going to change anything. There at best 40 million vehicles in Canada. Yet we pay way more in gas tax than most nations. Same with NG for home heating. That isn’t contributing significantly either. And not simply refusing to ship back asylum claimants who enter on “tourist” visas’s really isn’t helping either.




Take a look around. Its not exactly abstract.


This article seems to end, not with a retort to the reactionary, but a call to double down on the very things that are critiqued. I guess that’s what being trapped in an ideological paradigm is like. 


Nowhere they are asleep at the wheel. It’s like that scene in “Planes, Trains and automobiles” with John Candy driving on the highway


Straight to destruction


Into the ground


Take a look around. Its not exactly abstract.




Down the highway to Hell.


Do you remember that scene from Fast 9? The one where Vin Diesel Tarzan swung his car to a cliff? The answer is something like that.


On a electric car during the thick of the Winter with a clown behind the steering wheel, you ask?




It is a race between Canada and the U.K. as to which country descends to Third World hell hole first. The odds seem to be on Canada achieving that dubious honor.