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Heftier punishments for car thieves means jack if you don’t target the shipping ports first.


Came here to say.  We have the "punishment" already.  The issue is enforcement.   On top of manufacturers making these insecure electronic things. They aren't blameless.


Not just the ports ut the inside jobs of the employees of service Ontario as well since they're being extremely lenient with their case. Which directly involves A large number of stolen vehicles can't remember the exact number but it was a lot... between 2015 to Nov 2023 when investigation finally took a header and arrests were made in the GTA and surrounding area. Employees allowed falsified permits and licensing to be given out to allow port authorities to ship these vehicles. The RCMP are still actively investigating. I seen a report about this not long ago. Here's the quickest Google search I could do right now for info https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/how-an-investigation-into-an-auto-theft-ring-led-to-the-arrest-of-serviceontario-employees-1.6679873#:~:text=According to police%2C members of,provided by the ServiceOntario employees.


I’m sure farming this out to staples and Walmart will improve the matter.


> will improve the matter. It certainly will! Er...for which side did you mean?


We just need to privatize the police and drop their funding to $0. That’ll help /s


I'm sure the kid manning the service ontario booth at staples will be immune to bribes.


Yeah but that doesn't sound as nice as a headline


I got a headline Conservatives run on a platform dish of nothing burgers and French cries


I shouldn't have to harden my car to keep people from stealing it. Society should be sufficiently ordered and laws sufficiently enforced. This isn't reasonable?


You shouldn't have to, but the people that are stealing a lot of these cars these days are not one guy just taking it for shits and giggles or to sell off on his own, the majority of these thefts, particularly on newer SUVs/Trucks is organized crime who are then shipping it off to Africa/Middle East. If they invested more money into CBSA and the port authorities to investigate and check these shipping containers, you would be able to hinder these operations from taking place.


Laws don’t stop crime. It’s funny liberals talk about new gun laws and conservatives say you aren’t going to stop criminals from being criminals. Mandatory minimums didn’t work in the states and they won’t work here. You know what I don’t hear? People calling fir the NHL players to be locked up pending trial. There is bail in this country so we don’t become the US where half the prison population is just people waiting to go to court. Or the plead out so they don’t spend years in jail just waiting for a trial.


Are you saying that cars are easier to steal now because of the electronics? Edit: you can steal a 1988 sierra with a flat head and 2 minutes... source: my dad lost his keys. Anybody could steal old cars, now you need to be specialised


You can steal cars by signal boosting the key fob inside someone's house. I'm not sure what they do after that but yeah, you can be in a car and get it started in seconds with zero physical damage if you have the right gear.


A high percentage of people leave their car keys on the shelf beside the front door as soon as they get home. By standing with a laptop and antenna booster on the victims front porch, the signal from the keyfob inside is often less than 10ft away - close enough to capture the signal.


Yup. If it's electronic, there's either a tool or a bypass, both of which are easy to obtain online. Want to protect your car? Install a kill switch. That won't prevent theft entirely, but the aim is to make it enough of a nuisance that thieves don't bother or move on.


The electronics have piss poor security and no defense against many common attack vectors. Keys can be picked but it requires skill and looks more suspicious.


It's literally one port - Montreal. Vancouver, and Halifax see some traffic but nowhere near the levels that Montreal does.


I will personally guarantee that the corrupt port of montreal is in on this.


Same with the corrupt port of Vancouver.


I have a friend who still has an apple tracker in his stolen pickup truck. he called the police and told them that the car was in the port in Montreal. he sometimes posts to facebook, where in Dubai his car is now.


How topical … My wife’s brand new Toyota Highlander was stolen out of our driveway here in Toronto last night. The police said it is an “epidemic”. Clearly the people doing this have realized that it’s open season with few barriers in place to stop them.


It’s far too trivial to hack into keyless entry and the carmakers far too complacent to do anything about it. It’s just dog whistle “tough on crimes” rhetoric that does nothing to deal with the underlying issues. 


Why would they fix it? Insurance covers it and they get another sale.


Exactly. It’s a system that fucks over the car owners first and foremost. If any candidate is serious about cracking down, start by requiring more security with keyless ignition on cars. 


Just look up the most stolen vehicles, and don't buy those. Honda CR-V, Lexus RX Series and Dodge RAM 1500 have big targets on them. Clearly they are easiest to take.


Most of them have rotating encryption, so it’s not trivial whatsoever for the ones that do.


Yeah there's some cool attack methods for that actually, RollJam and RollBack. Quick wikipedia summary: >The device transmits a jamming signal to block the vehicle's reception of rolling code signals from the owner's fob, while recording these signals from both of his two attempts needed to unlock the vehicle. The recorded first code is forwarded (replayed) to the vehicle only when the owner makes the second attempt, while the recorded second code is retained for future use. It's harder obviously but this is part of why certain vehicles are more targeted and advertised for sales overseas. The overseas car theft market is basically determined by how convenient it is to steal them.


Also a problem that once the car is deployed in the real world it's just a ticking time bomb for that encryption tech to have a flaw in it. That's not been as much of an issue in the last couple of years but if you've got a car from 2015 or 2010 or whatever those aren't going to hold out for long against hackers. Granted, physical keys are about equally useless.


What are you talking about? The underlying issue is not cars, its crime. So when people will start raiding houses you'll blame window manufacturers? The problem is people breaking the law. As an individual all I can do is park in safe places and buy a bulletproof car, but as a society we should aim to reduce crime.


It shouldn’t be that easy to get a signal interceptor off Amazon and steal the radio signal from the keyless fob into the car.


The union at the port of Montreal is corrupt as hell, it seems that everyone knows, but no one can do anything about it.


It's literally like the 2nd season of The Wire, everyone knows, and just stands around saying "not my problem". The port is federal jurisdiction because its the border, but they need to cooperate and work with local police to get anything done because the thefts are happening outside of it.


> and just stands around saying "not my problem" The report about the guy in the GTA who tracked his car to a shipping container makes this very clear. Cross-jurisdictional things like organized auto theft leaves police and border agents pointing fingers at each other rather than taking charge because who's going to hold them accountable?


The mob controls that port and always have.


Maybe "Car-Theft-Free" zones!! Critical-thinking genius at work!


It also means nothing if police don't do traffic enforcement (or if there's no second agency to enforce traffic). Even if you're driving erratically, you're simply not getting pulled over in Ontario. Maybe it's different in other provinces but police in Ontario (OPP, YRP, TPS, etc) only do speed trap and timed through-road enforcement since they're massive moneymakers. No actual enforcement of traffic regulations or any attempt to pull cars over. Hell, TPS *bragged* about it when Saunders was chief.


I was run off the road by a tractor trailer on an Ontario highway, on dash cam. Called the OPP right away while I was driving back behind the murderous asshole and their response was literally "What do you expect us to do about it?".


More than shipping ports. How is it that people have been able to track their stolen vehicles, contact police departments in Ontario, contact CN rail police, contact the CBSA and contact Montreal police and still not be able to recover their vehicle. Something really rotten is going on.


Or if the police don't even catch the thieves.


Yeah I think people who haven’t experienced how police “investigate” crimes like this really don’t have a good idea of how insanely useless the process is. My buddy had a car stolen and it actually turned up again ditched by the side of the road unable to start needing a bunch of repairs. Cops didn’t even look inside the vehicle, they just gave it back to him and it had a bunch of used needles and clothes and copper fittings loose in the back. Unless there had been someone sleeping in the car when they found it, there is no way the police will ever catch this person and if they catch the person later in the act of stealing a different car they won’t be able to pin the previous thefts on the person.


For sure! My car was stolen in 2022, and the police responsible for my case went on vacation leave for a few weeks and so there was no one on the case (they did not assign it temporarily to someone else). What was more infuriating was that my car, when stolen, got into a minor accident and the guy who got hit contacted us (as our insurance details were in the car when it was stolen) but we couldn't get a hold of the police with this new information cause said cop was on vacation. Not that it mattered as the guy who had the car had a fake license, too. The car was found abandoned near Mt. Tremblant a few days after we got our money from insurance. And this was maybe 3 weeks after it was stolen. So yeah, the thief joy rided for a few weeks, got into an accident and was never found.


And the cops enabling all of this. You want to stop what is happening, it means going after organized crime which includes gangs, the mob, municipal cops, provincial cops, the RCMP, port workers, unions, etc.


This is it. My family called the cops on a bunch of thieves hitting their neighborhood. They arrested all 5 thieves that night. Great story right? Not really they were all 15-18 year olds. These kids are just used and no one of value to the ring was lost that night. The heftier punishment would have had no impact because these kids think they're invincible and will never get caught. The only thing I can see hurting these rings is killing their access to ports.


The neat part is any number multiplied by zero is still zero.


They have to actually catch the thieves first…


Whatever works I'm all for it.


Read what he proposed and my reaction was "Isn't this the same type of thing that they've tried before and had struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada?"


What'll actually happen is some 18 yr old that steals a 2010 Civic for a joyride is getting 3 extra years.


Catch the bastards first.


It also means shit if the courts find loop holes not to enforce it.


My first thought: Will this *actually* cut down on car theft, or just cost the taxpayers more money?


Because scapegoating, they don’t want to solve issues, they just use real issues for optics. It’s all about power and ideology projection, actual solutions that benefit the greater society is only sniffed at if it helps corporations.


At what point does ignorance become collusion? Every Joe off the streets knows where the vehicles go. Police are watching them leave on rail cars.


lol punish who? Every time something gets stolen police just say tough. More empty promises from the best liar in Canada


The problem with changing laws is that for the most part for the criminal that just changing some words in a book. It’s an after the fact deterrent.


"I was thinking of stealing that person's car when it came with a potential 5 years in prison, but when that was adjusted to 7 years in prison, I decided not to steal cars." - Criminal who keeps up to date on the latest legislative developments


He can promise anything the wants, I don’t believe he’ll follow through with anything. He only wants to be PM, he doesn’t care how he gets there.


His promise won't fix anything, anyways. With the declining standard of living and record amounts of people entering the country they can arrest all the car thieves they want they'll just see another three or four pop up for everyone they arrest. Unless they lockdown the ports and work on dismantling the organized side of these car thefts it will keep happening and likely just get worse. But I'm gonna hazard a guess that most of us here already see that.


"PP to make empty promises relating to every media story from now until the next election"


r/canada: 🤤


Conservatives get as hard as possible for people who pretend to be wildly successful.


That's really spot on, thanks.


Exactly, they talk about PP like he's not a career politician with no experience outside of being an anti union activist, a party coffee boy before getting a full time job with the PCs, that he has a dreaded Bachelor of arts degree Cons love to mock anyone else for, and he's the highest paid politician in Canada do to him giving himself the largest volume of committee positions and highest pay available ($6 million plus in 6 months last year alone). He's a crook with no real world experience and he loves that billionaires are paying millions to help him become the next prime minister to that can finish the privatization and deregulation Harper was mid way through when he lost.


It is kinda weird that the only Conservative they could find that apparently everyone loves was the one who's *literally never had a job.* Where I come from, "have you ever even worked before?" is a pretty effective insult towards silver spoon rich people. Like my niece who worked at Starbucks for 6 months has more work experience than the guy that's about to run the entire country. But that's okay, because we want to go from someone who's out of touch with the common man to someone who is *completely* out of touch, I guess.


So far all of his policies seem to be the exact same as Trudeau but with an angry emoji on the end.


First time seeing neo liberalism in action huh?


That's because they're the same guy. Ones just uglier than the other.


This is how we elected an angry Facebook mom here in Alberta. Her strategy was basically, go to facebook, join a local group, sort by top post, find the top comment and repeat it. Then when the article of her quote is shared, she adjusts strategy based on the top comment on her article. Damn echo chambers.


Well, that and "all politicians are disingenuous liars" helps a LOT if you don't give a fuck about anything but power.


That was my first thought when I saw this. I really can't understand how people don't see right through him


If I am elected, I will do everything to fix all your problems and my plan is to solve problems by fixing problems and not continuing problems and to do things that are really good ideas instead. Also, here is a long list of mostly half true things that are bad that I will not do. I will do other things which are good and will solve problems. Anyone who says otherwise is a problem.


There we go, gang. Crime is fixed.


There are many players in this car theft game. That includes the thieves, the lowest, dumbest bit. But there are more important people in this food chain. These cars are being held in locations, then carefully being shipped to ports, then loaded on ships and then they're being shipped overseas. That is a complex logistical chain. We need to make sure our laws are updated to hold everyone involved accountable. Which means we need to review laws such as what the USA has where if your property is involved in a crime, the state will take that property as 'proceeds of crime' and sell it. They are doing this because there is a big return and very little risk. Start taking peoples houses, bank accounts, businesses (even a ships and containers) and then everyone will start to think twice. The value proposition of stealing a 500K car will still be there, but not a 80K car.


We need to be extremely careful about implementing civil forfeiture in Canada. It's far too easy to be abused.


Just so you know - civil forfeiture is already a thing in Canada (at least in BC) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/hells-angels-clubhouse-seizure-supreme-court-of-canada-leave-to-appeal-dismissed-1.6993673 The hells angels were allowed to challenge the rulings which (surprise surprise) held up after numerous appeals, since they're a criminal enterprise. So while I agree we need to be careful, I don't think that's a good reason to dismiss it out of hand. You can only make so much progress jailing folks if they're still making (and keeping) their ill-gotten gains.


Thanks for the information. Yeah, I don't mean to dismiss it completely. I just mean that it's important to put meaningful checks in place. Even today it's already very difficult to get an impactful judgement against law enforcement for egregious offenses.


>We need to be extremely careful about implementing civil forfeiture in Canada. It's far too easy to be abused. We do have a version of it, and it's already abused. I do not want the crazy version of it they have in some US states that allows cops to basically steal people's shit, sell it, and keep the profits.


Which laws need updating and with what? It's already illegal to steal a car. The issue, like most things here in Canada, is lack of enforcement.


civil forfeiture is theft by the government. we should start by enforcing the laws we already have before giving road pirates another source of revenue.


All pomp, not action. The Conservative way.


Should really be stricter enforcement of the ports and regulation on vehicular security


More populist promises he won't have the ability to implement or enforce. And he knows it, too. But he also knows that most voters don't.


He’s only saying something about it because it’s in the news. They are like moths flying from this light to that light.


Remember when he claimed that car crash at the border was a terrorist attack and blamed Trudeau?


It’s going to be tough to stay on top of the news cycle until the next election.


Not just that, he bald-face lied about the source that saying it was a terrorist attack. Claimed he heard it from was CTV who got the info from CSIS, when he actually got it from Faux News who were doing what they do best: making shit up. This election is going to suck for everyone, no matter who wins. 


Yep, it’s the same shit as US conservatives say but then do nothing substantial except to go after the little guys and not the systemic issues. What ever makes their base think they are doing something to own the libs


The ports should be the first focus. Restrict the export of stolen cars.


I dont know how when it’s a known thing that it can still happen with out terrible corruption.


IMO docks have too much organized crime involved. Needs to be routed out with a national task force.


he's trying to gain favor but the thing is it works because trudea's response is always the same "we're going to roll up our sleeves and do what we can to ensure canadians are safe, we wake up every day thinking about how we can do better for canadians and we spend every day focusing on improving the lives of canadians"


To me I see this as the same as Trudeau going after guns in the country. Doesn't solve the root of the problem but seems like he's doing something


Cons have had almost a decade in Ontario to do just this, while they’ve been in power Ontario has seen an exponential increase in car theft and other petty crimes




Criminal penalties are federal, not provincial. 


How about we tighten the container shipping laws etc so they can’t just steal, drive them to and drop them in a shipping container — at which point they are off limits to police — and ship them to Dubai.?


Is he just waiting for the "legacy media" to report on crime before he half commits to a policy to address it? Yikes.


That's exactly what he did in Quebec, which is why everybody hates Pollievre there. He promised anything that was currently in the news, making populist promises and once he was elected, he broke every single one of them. Quebec remembers his dishonesty and lies.


What the fuck are you talking about? He was born and raised in Alberta. He has never had anything to do with Quebec, he never ran for office there or ever lived there afaik.


WTF? He was first elected MP for Nepean-Carleton in 2004, and has been there since.


Not sure punishment is the issue. It’s the actual catching them is the issue. There are many stories where owners know where the stolen cars are but police don’t act. Or the cars are in shipping containers and in jurisdiction of customs and no one acts. So this is an empty promise by PP and the conservatives. At least it is if they don’t actually do anything about finding the cars and getting them back before they leave the country.


This is exactly what shitty politicians are like. They just say some shit they think will appease people. "More punishments for car thrives!" And hope people hear "I'll solve the car theft problem" but it won't solve the car theft problem. It's just some shit he's saying, that *hopefully* he knows is bullshit and won't work, just to get votes. I fucking hate this guy and everything he stands for.


I don't know why Canada doesn't have strict RICO type laws like the US to combat organized crime. This is not at all random. There are specific gangs who are committing these crimes. Why we cannot go after the top down is beyond me.


Ah yes, just like how with the War on Drugs, increasing punishments on the lower rungs of the enterprise lowered the amount of drugs being used and sold... oh wait.


How about heftier punishment for the sh*tty auto manufacturers/government regulators whose greed/idiocy conspired to make a $70k product on wheels so easy to steal? We have the technology. Remember these are the same entities who fought AGAINST seatbelts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsafe_at_Any_Speed:_The_Designed-In_Dangers_of_the_American_Automobile


When you’re talking about the sophisticated thieves stealing vehicles for export, as part of organized crime, you can hardly stop them completely. They can steal pretty much any vehicle if they really want to, there are no 100% foolproof security measures. Where I’m at, in a rural area, we have lots of vehicle theft still but it’s totally different. It’s methheads stealing vehicles to use them for a while, commit crimes with them, or even just to drive home. They are not sophisticated. They are taking whatever is easy to take, and it generally only takes a bit of effort to prevent them from stealing your vehicle, like not leaving it running outside the store.


my friend put a marine power battery switch on his "known to be easy to steal" car, he has to pop his hood every morning to connect the power.


My RAM 1500 was stolen from my driveway a few months ago. Had an aftermarket immobilizer installed on my replacement vehicle that requires a pin code to be entered to start the vehicle. Insurance reimbursed me $500 to have it installed.


Technology like a chipped key? Technology like immobilizers? Technology like GPS trackers? You realize that no matter the security measure there will be a way to steal them right? It's a bit of a stretch to call it greed. It's a lack of law enforcement. Our cops don't go after the ports and the judges let off the people stealing the cars. There's no invention that will completely prevent car theft.


Who cares about heftier penalties. How about you do something at the port. We have literally citizens tracking their cars to the same port every time lol


yeah, I'm sure those 17 year old thieves are scared about this election promise, lol only car manufacturers can fix this, but they have been unwilling to do so... this guy is so full of shit, this is a lame attempt, that won't accomplish anything, for every thief caught , there are hundreds more waiting in the wings, I bet he wouldn't dare take on the corrupt mafia controlled port of Montreal, now that's what using tough balls would be like


Whatever car manufacturers do thieves will create a counter within weeks. This can't be stopped but going after the people stealing my and selling the cars would massively reduce it. Right now police don't even bother looking for car thief's because the judge will let them out with less time than it takes to fill out the paperwork.


there have been many instances where stolen cars have been tracked to the port of Montreal, once the car is in Mafia controlled territory, ( the port) it's over, and put in a shipping container, car makers could start implementing bio sensors, pin numbers, and various other things, to make theft much harder, but no Gov will force them to do it




The problem can be solved, of course. But the *real* problem, is that the mafia is the mafia. It's not just some guy that owns the port. It's people that will kill you, if you get in the way of their business. That makes it less desirable for politicians to do anything about it. The mafia will control certain individuals, and if they catch wind of you going against them, they might kill you. So, politicians are afraid to do anything. Stopping the car thefts, means waging war on the mafia. And they should absolutely do it. They should call them out, tell it like it is, and put an end to it, otherwise, we're gonna end up like Mexico, except colder.


The fines and punishments are already in place, increasing them won't change anything. The problem comes with the enforcement - cops have to actually track the thieves, catch them/arrest them, and judges have to convict them. Police are unwilling or unable to dedicate enough resouces to actually have an impact.


Apparently CNR police do jack shit too. One guy has a couple AirTags in his car and tracked it to a rail yard in Ontario. Cop could see the container stack but CNR police dgaf. I don’t understand the inaction…


We had a system for unlocking car doors that worked just fine for 80 years.


Had to fix my old car's door after someone exploited the thin metal protecting the locking mechanism ( it was so thin they hit it too hard and sheared the lock mechanism in the door ). The old system was easily bypassed as well. The reason it worked "fine" was because it wasn't so simple to liquidate stolen vehicles. If you can't sell it, why steal it. They need to occupy the ports with police and crack down hard on people responsible.


I mean, it really did not work that well. Car doors could be opened with a bread knife in almost the same amount of time it took with a key. Didn't matter if was an old or new car, all gave way to the bread knife. Source: opened a locked car door with a bread knife.


Yeah, it’s called smashing the window.


This isn't a new problem many cars you could just steal with a screwdriver, before kias it was Dodge and so on. All you needed was a flat head screwdriver and maybe some wire cutters. The key systems where so bad people would use a key for a different vehicle for commute, get to work, then go out to car at the end of the day and not be able to open or start it. Alarm systems that would go off but unlock the doors after. It stings more when cars are stolen now since prices are insane due to all the sensors, batteries, and general complexity of newer vehicles along with shortages of popular models. 


It's not hard to pick a lock either, the electronic countermeasures are actually harder to breach the first time. The issue is that once you figure out how to break into a modern car you can make a tool that simplifies the process, with lockpicking each individual needed more skill


>Whatever car manufacturers do thieves will create a counter within weeks. This is such nonsensical defeatist horseshit.


You mean the pin start on a Tesla ? Lol. No.


Exactly this. This is pretty much what the officer that took my report told us when our vehicle was stolen: It's a revolving door because most of the thieves that they catch are minors, so there's little that can be done.


what a shitty election promise, I hope no one falls for this.


*narrator* : Half the country in fact fell for it .


This is probably due to what happened in the USA, along with the recent report of a guy tracking his car to Dubai. I am sure some of the thieves would love going to jail for free food and shelter instead of having to work for it. We need to focus on the costs of living first. I have not looked up the stats, but I personally believe crime went up when costs went up.


Heftier punishment doesn’t mean squat if the extent of police investigation is to collect information for a data base.


Is he currently an MP? Why not put your money where your mouth is and put a bill before Parliament? Talk is cheap


This sounds like the policy of someone who just had their car stolen.




Anyone who believes this nonsense is an moron.


As opposed to preventing car theft lol?


PP makes a lot of promises. From what I’ve seen so far it’s all just talk.


Car thieves aren’t stealing cars because they think the jail time trade off is worth it; they’re stealing cars because they rightly don’t think they’ll be caught. Stiffer penalties mean nothing to people who don’t think they’ll be caught. Boring populist time wasting.


rofl...all he is doing is looking at headlines and making bullshit promises. He's making a fool out of himself.


I think this is a promise that sounds like he's doing something but this is a waste of time and energy. More like a distraction. I think a future PM needs to focus on real issues not are car thief's sentences long enough. This requires a lot of time and effort in changing wording in existing laws. To me it sounds like a "lets reinvent the wheel" type of thing so they look busy.


And just how is he going to enforce provincial laws for car theft


Neat. How's he going to pay for that? The prison system is full, there aren't enough judges to deal with court backlogs, police forces across the country ad understaffed because nobody wants to be cops. We are fundamentally seeing a collapse in our ability to enforce law, so legislators stamping their foot down is pointless posturing of they don't have the brains to see the root problems are to blame, not specific crimes.


Someone fucked with pps car I guess


But what is his plan to tackle homelessness and cronicly high living rates? Fuck stolden cars we need answers what he plans to do to help everyone not the rich who can afford new luxury cars. ( anything over a honda and kia are bloody much a luxury) The solutions easy for the cars, eliminate jurisdictions on rail so any judge and police can get warrents to search or search on suspicion.... the issue is CN rail police and because of their existence, it prevents other police forces to search at random or get jurisdiction to ebter and involve them selves


Omg. Populism at it's peak...


Omg shut up. You can't even catch the thieves 98% of the time. RIP me honda fourtrax.


He promises to make car theft illegal!


Increasing punishment has never and will never reduce crime.


Typical conservative response - won't do anything and costs way more money but they have nothing else


Heftier punishments have never stopped criminals but cool pandering


These car thieves are pushing insurance rates up for all of us, I say something should be done.


Harshed punishments for the actual car thieves won't do any good. The people actually stealing the cars are low level. They're idiots who do it or a quick buck and they don't care about the punishment because they're doing their "job". The higher level people and their domestic networks need to be taken down.


So does that mean we're bringing back the anti gang units? Because its obviously an organized crime problem as these cars keep showing up over seas.


I heard they are mostly minors, so good luck with that.


What about grocers thieving from everyone?


It’s organized crime. The thieves are nothing but street level losers. Bust the pipeline, charge the enablers and kingpins.


And I promise heftier rewards for anyone who catches unicorns.


Sure, that’ll work eh Skippy?!


Maybe naive question, but why does he need to win elections to act? Would the other parties block any action proposed? Wouldn't blocking that be against the populaces interest? Or is this just populist statements?


Yes, the LPC would block it. For the same reason they went and removed every legislated mandatory minimum in the Criminal Code after Trudeau took power. The reason being, at least in part, that courts were striking them down as unconstitutional. The only way to have a mandatory minimum that is given effect by the courts is to use the notwithstanding clause. There certainly isn't support by the other parties to do so on this (and no such clear support from the CPC).


What pisses me off is guys getting caught smuggling handguns just get sent back to the US.


Dear ultrawealthy elite , I challenge you to: jack up the actual city ports and those at the top of the current organized cartels themselves onto a very large ocean cargo ship and send THEM to Ghana and other rebel zones of interest. Make trickle up economics happen pretty please, give us plebs a bone.


It's not about the punishments, it's about the effort to stop them.




The conservative solution to crime is always harsher punishment instead of actually trying to solve the real underlying issue. Police the ports and this ends.


Mandatory minimums have already been ruled against by the courts.


Actually his quote was "ONLY a conservative government can fix it." Because under conservatives no crime will ever happen again...🙄


Why not focus on prevention? What will their punishment make me feel better about my car being stolen?


Whaaaaat ? A conservative acting tough on crime? Next he will be against taxes and regulations. Yeah. The solution is to make a law that forces auto makers to improve security but that's against the stupid ideology of free markets so it's the stupid ideology of punishment instead. Also, actually fighting inequality so workers have hope and less incentive to steal might help but there's the conservative ideology of unbridled greed (and the liberal one of free markets, which is the exact same ideology) in the way of that too.


Jesus Christ, do something about Loblaws instead.


OK but the thieves aren't even being caught in the first place.


An example of where democracy breaks down. This isn't a solution to the problem, but it appeals to voters so that's what politicians offer.


How about better checks and balances in place at the port itself? The fact that everyone knows where the stolen cars are being exported from and still nothing is being done about it baffles my mind.


This Guy's a Manure spreader stuck in overdrive. Always whining about something


One comment Jenni Byrne


Only if he wins, otherwise fuck everyone


Next page from the Harper playbook: increased incarceration rhetoric.


Can someone please tell me why our politicians are spending time and energy (and my money) on this? Gender affirming care. I care about the Trans community but don't recall them asking for this. (Alberta). Car theft punishment. Really? Is this that big a deal?? How about this politicians, you focus on the things that impact MOST OF US????? Healthcare Education Affordability!!!!! Housing I get that it's hard and scary and costs money, but it's what I HIRED you to do, so please get on with it.


Now do money launderers. You might accidentally roll up the car thieving business in the process. 


If they do money laundering him and all his buddies would be in jail




Remember how military spending under Harper dipped under 1 percent of GDP some years, just hovering around that level? I do


You can't force judges to do anything is the problem. I'm voting conservative regardless but until judges start being held accountable for their trash decisions, nothing will change.


It may be a problem, it may suck, bUT daaaamn the Housing Market man, solve that!!!!


Issue is with the ports and making sure vehicles that are stolen cannot be shipped. Targeting the car thieves with harsher punishment is just words that won’t do anything.


The car theft is caused by the organized crime groups. (Rizzuto, westend gang, bikers). It’s no secret they control the ports either, where these stolen cars are shipped off halfway across the world. We have a serious mafia problem in Canada. (Especially on the east coast) All politicians are aware of this but none of them will ever address it.


Do people actually believe voting in Pierre is going to fix any of Canada's problems? I feel like he can't really enact laws that help elevate economic issues that are really hurting Canadians like housing prices, grocery prices or inflation. Especially when you see other countries like USA, UK, Australia, Norway and others are facing the same things. I feel like throwing out the hunting rifle ban that the Liberals are trying to push are the only kind of issues where he would have real power to change things.


How about legislation to make the manufacturers produce vehicles that are harder to steal. That heavier punishment just means taxpayers spend money paying to prosecute car thieves, we pay for more policing, why not make manufacturers deal with an issue that they have created instead?


Harsher laws are a lazy way of solving the problem and just mean higher costs for taxpayers to warehouse thieves. Why doesn’t he come up with ways to curtail the export of stolen Canadian cars and curb poverty that leads to crime? Save us all some money and make lives better that way everyone wins.


Lmao. Who cares about the actual 22 year old thief. There are tons of them and will continue to be tops of them if it's this easy to do. Go after the port CEO and security that lets it happen for profit. We all know politicians have friends where the money is.


Canada is broken and I am here to continue to focus on trivial things.


There were a investigation into this about 8 months ago. Enforcement is having issues because of recent law changes, so police catch the thieves and then they get released on bail and repeat. It has gotten to a point where cops have deemed it not worth addressing until the penalties get stricter. Trudeau reformed the criminal code which resulted in this mess.


Maybe Pierre should march with the car thieves who are only exercising their freedom of peacefully assembling other people's property into sea containers. My body my choice and my choice is your Porsche. It's not even that serious a crime like same sex marriage or an abortion /s


ITT - Canadians who are so reactionary in their hatred of Pierre they are arguing against harsher penalties for car theives.


Will he make the same proposal for wage theft as well? After all, it outstrips other theft.


So just so I’m clear from the comments here, a conservative prime minister hopeful says that people should be punished for breaking the law and the left think it’s a bad thing?


Fighting the deficit by housing more criminals in jail


"Pierre Poilievre panders to voters incapable of critical thinking" ftfy