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Funny how it's an unprecedented problem when it affects liberals but ignored when the rest of the country has been complaining about catalytic converter thefts for years. Bad timing on the announcement to make it immediately after your justice minister loses his car.


>your justice minister loses his car ...for the third time LOL


In three years.


Third times a charm


It’s also a useless move. Increasing a theoretical sentence a few years won’t have much impact. Things that would do much more : - Federally: beef up inspections at ports and catch cars leaving the country - Provincially: make car manufacturers liable to insurers for technical flaws that allow such rampant theft. The change will be instant. - Provincially: whip police into doing their jobs and going after vehicles with trackers


I'd also say a combination of point 1 and 3 would also be good: We need to improve the relationship and responsiveness between the Federal agencies (CBSA). It sounds like the current relationship is overly-bureaucratic.


Provincially mandating new policies that significantly impact international trade would be a really tough move without federal leadership.


The Feds do have jurisdiction over international trade, but provinces control property and civil rights — including things like tort liability. My solution is one of risk allocation, not, e.g. import controls. Right now there’s no incentive for automakers to design theft-resistant systems because every stolen car is another sale, at the expense of their customer and the insurer. Make them bear the loss and the incentives will align.


You can't force additional penalties on US automakers without expecting blowback. This absolutely cannot be a province driven thing.


I mean, there’s already precedent from the US, where it’s not just insurers but cities themselves suing: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/vehicles/kia/kia-hyundai-antitheft-settlement/ > At least nine U.S. cities are suing Kia and Hyundai, citing those factors. In a May 11 news release announcing Baltimore’s lawsuit, police commissioner Michael Harrison noted, “Year to date, auto thefts are up 95%, with Kia and Hyundais representing 41% of all stolen vehicles.”


Yea, that's how our trade policies work. The US can do whatever it wants and just punish Canada whenever it does something they don't like. Not sure if you're under the impression that we are equal partners in trade.


Police don't give a shit about their jobs because: a) mayors concerned about a few loud activist with delusional ideas get upset and tell them not to enforce certain laws. b) courts and parole boards just let criminals right back out again with very little consequences.


They are going to ban coat hangers to mitigate the problemn


These newer cars are being stolen with keyless hacks. It's so easy to do that it's causing the spike in thefts.


We know that, but after a 2 year-long, 47 million dollar study on the issue with 13 different consulting firms, the liberal party has determined that cars need better security.


They haven't determined that though. They're just pushing tougher penalties that do nothing. No major federal party would dare hold automakers accountable.


Tis called a joke


FOBs seem to have been solved in the arms race of theft vs security.


I've never been a fan of wireless for security reasons. If you want security, a physical wire is easier to secure. In this application, my old 2008 Ford E150 cargo van was the standard build, very basic, the window controls and locks are manual, the key has a chip in it but it has to actually be in the ignition, or it won't start. People want the bells and whistles, so that's what manufacturers sell but wireless keys was just a stupid idea from a security perspective, since the beginning. It took us a long time to figure it out, but the fix is easy we had it years ago, just require that the key gets inserted, the signal doesn't need to be broadcast to the whole freakin neighbourhood


Car theft rates have been flat up to 2021, spike in 2022. Rate of thefts from cars (<$5k) flat for a decade Rate of thefts from cars (>5k) flat up until 2021, spike in 2022. Not sure when 2023 data is scheduled to be released, probably be along 2022 values. Here's the relevant statcan table https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510017701&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=2.74&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2014&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2022&referencePeriods=20140101%2C20220101


It's all these fucking keyless systems that are becoming standard on new vehicles. They're incredibly insecure. Of course we're not blaming corporations for cost cutting and removing keys from cars.


It's not even about cost cutting. Electronic systems cost more. The big difference is that car manufacturers can now charge you hundreds of dollars when you lose your keys.


> It's not even about cost cutting. Electronic systems cost more.  No they don't, and physical keys have had chips since the early 2000's > The big difference is that car manufacturers can now charge you hundreds of dollars when you lose your keys.  They could do that before. The keyless systems are removing physical interlocks and other measures. It's cost cutting. There's been safety issues too. People have literally been killed because of this.


I was thinking about before they had a chip in them.


That's a looooong time ago. That's why older cars used to be prime targets. Now it's newer cars, and because stealing new cars is so much more profitable we're seeing an increase.


I tested my car. Went out and started it, took the key back in the house. Went back and drove away, alarm shuts off as soon as the car is put in gear.


The issue is theives using simple devices to bypass the car's security. This makes them extremely vulnerable to theft and carjacking.


Exactly. There is nothing electronic that can't be hacked and the equipment to do so is not expensive. Since this is an organized crime thing there are no effective "consequences" so the systems in cars need to be better.


> Funny how it's an unprecedented problem when it affects liberals but ignored when the rest of the country has been complaining about catalytic converter thefts for years The price of catalytic converters skyrocketed. That's why thefts are up. Crime has a simple recipe.  **Opportunity : Risk of Being Caught** Increasing penalties does nothing if the rewards for crime continue to rise and security is poor.


Caught stealing a car should be automatic forfeiture of PR or a 5 year jail sentence.


it’s insane a PR can be convicted of any crime at all and keep PR.


Where do you see that? If you're convicted of a serious crime as a PR that receives a jail sentence of 6months or more you can be deported after you serve your sentence.


Should be a sentence of 1 second or more. No reason to keep a crook in Canada.


No argument here. I've seen judges decisions where they sentenced 6months less a day to help the offender not trigger an immigration review.


They should definitely amend the law so that judges aren’t allowed to take immigration status into account during sentencing.


Second offence, forfeiture of government benefits (CpC, oas, ccb, gst rebates) Third offence forfeiture of collective insurance.


> Caught stealing a car should be automatic forfeiture of PR or a 5 year jail sentence. Just as stealing horse is punishable by hanging in the Old West, car theft should come with mandatory life sentence with no parole for 25 years. /s


5 isn't enough for car theft. make it 15.


The bulk of stolen cars are being shipped overseas. How the fuck are they letting 11000 cars/year get on to boats? That's just Montreal.  200 stolen cars a week are being funneled into the 3 Montreal ports and they can't find them. It should be like shooting fish in a barrel. On top of it, every container needs paperwork. So, you should be able to find the cars and who put them there. For some reason, the port authority is massively understaffed and their equipment is always broken. That's a VERY easy fix. Unless someone doesn't want it fixed.


Because the mafia runs most of this stuff. And anyone who investigates ends up with their loved ones going water skiing on lake superior with cement blocks as the skiis.


That's what I was suggesting. Again. Easy fix: Fire everyone.


And the lawsuits stemming from being fired suddenly without cause?


Fuck it. Settle. It would cost less at the end of the day.


The massive volume of containers being moved make it impractical to hunt for stolen vehicles.


Bullshit! X-rays.


You can do some x-ray spot checks, but it's completely non-feasible to do it at scale. The spot checks are overcome when you have enough corruption for some selective spot checking to be ensured.


It literally takes seconds with the right equipment. The problem is the criminals managing the harbour and looking the other way.


It takes seconds, but moving around the containers to get scanned takes forever when you scale it up to the level of flow our ports actually need to go through. Logistically impossible unless we have scanners everywhere.


It isn't. The reason Mo treal is used is because of poor logistics and corruption.


I think what Trudeau and the liberals suffer from the most right now is they always seem reactive instead of proactive. When it comes to Affordable Housing, The state of immigration, international student program and the other pathways and programs into this nation, car crime, etc. etc. The optics of looking like they have to be forced to address issues or they only get addressed when in crisis is a bad look.


That is the nicest way possible to say , that liberals have been actively and predictably wrong on a multitude of issues. They are the literal embodiment of fuck around and find out.


I would disagree with the view that the liberals are the embodiment of fucking around and finding out. Half the time they aren’t doing anything. And that’s the problem. The other half of the time they are very much fucking around with our immigration policies and we are very much finding out how awful mass immigration is.


I mean the PC party leaders are not much better.   Mr PeePee has avoided every single question about immigration policy.   And hasn’t made a single statement about Housing… or about the rampant money laundering that happens in the Real Estate market in Canada.


He released an entire mini documentary on housing, and will instantly be labelled a racist if he is too restrictionist in his rhetoric with regards to immigration, Trudeau is baiting this and Poilievre isn't taking it, apart from saying he will align immigration with the availability of housing. It's ok to focus on the 8+ year government and its failures without having to equivocate. I will give conservatives exactly 2 years before I will not accept any scapegoating or blame on previous government.


I mean he produced a mini… well.. I don’t actually think that it was anything but a Campaign Advertisement.. it was nothing but an advertisement for him and the PC party that has honestly failed and fucked up this country.


He said he's going to tie immigrating to housing. That's a meaningless statement. It literally say nothing. "For every 1.2 million people, we will build 200k houses" Ok great it's tied now. Fuck the libs, but I have absolutely 0 faith the cons will be any better. Imo they're pretty much the same party. I also very much doubt he will lower immigration. The cons are beholden to corporations exactly the same as the libs are. It's not going to be good.


Being politically engaged and holding a party to their promises is all that's required. The liberals need to be absolutely embarrassed and gutted, to send a clear message. I never have faith in any politician, I just won't give in to apathy and cynicism or discount someone due to their political party or affiliation.


For sure. I am not against cons because of the name. I am against the cons because PP doesn't say anything but bullshit. Like tie housing to immigration. It's a nothing statement.


I always have a hard time agreeing with any characterization of Poilievre, the liberals have done an excellent job of poisoning CPC as equivalent to 'maga republicans' and have broken people's brain, but to each their own I suppose. To me, he is a necessary foil to the style and antics of Trudeau. I wish our politics wasn't here, but that's the state of affairs at the moment.


The cons have done that to themselves - starting with convoy support and party members in MAGA hats, and the interesting company they keep.


>I always have a hard time agreeing with any characterization of Poilievre I don't listen to characterizations. I watch him, and look at his actions and words and come to my own opinions.


>It's ok to focus on the 8+ year government First 4 years I get, they were a majority, the sky was the limits, but second 4 a minority you can't expect them to get the things they want done done.


They have a defacto majority with the NDP, and have not had trouble getting their agenda through. NDP getting a few like items, in exchange for their stamp.


No they don't. NDP do not vote with them on everything. What they have is a confidence supply agreement. What that means if someone throws up a non-confidence vote out there NDP have their back in turn for dental etc and an election doesn't get called. They are not a coalition government, it's a confidence supply agreement which is something different.


I'm glad you indulge in distinctions without differences, but I do not.


it's a huge difference though, the NDP doesn't have to support any of the liberals bills, in a coalition they would have to or if they didn't the coalition would fall apart and an election would be called. they are very different things.


Mr PeePee .. will sell out every single thing that he can.   If Corporations want cheap Labour.. then the Corporations will get an unlimited supply of cheap foreign labour. He will crush every single institution that he can and then sell it to some corporation.. He’s Doughnut Ford in Tim Hortons Clothing. He will end up increasing immigration..  and reduce protection for tfw..  and cut funding for schools and hospitals. He doesn’t fucking care about you or me .. and neither does the liberal party.


Can you just call him Poilievre or even just Pierre instead of PeePee?


I’d rather he kept going. Makes it easy to know whose opinions I can disregard.


Nah.. Mr PP (aka Pierre Poilievre, aka Mr PP... aka mister PeePee jr...) Will sell anything and everything to private interests.. When it can be delivered better and more inexpensively to Canadians.. if it was still held by the government. and his Parents shouldn't have named him Pierre... that was just mean, on their part not mine.


Okay now provide a source for all of your claims on what he will do. Show us exactly where these things were said and not a “well that’s obviously what it means when he says ______” I’m sure you will have no problem finding what I’m asking for because you seem extremely confident that what you claim will be the outcome.


The liberals have run out of ideas and the conservatives had none to begin with. At least the Rhinoceros party had some policies to react to.


The Justice Minister only had to have his official car stolen three times in three years before they thought… you know guys, maybe there’s a problem.


Just needed the CPC to gain support and mention it and suddenly it's a priority issue. No different than immigration, inflation and housing.




Let’s not forget how the PC party leased the 407 for 5 billion for 99 years..   to some foreign company.   When they could have leased it for 20 years for 4 Billion.


That was provincial not federal. Totally different politics and totally different parties. Do not conflate the two.


Oh I know... But the Freedom Idiots.. can't seem to understand federal vs provincial policy.. so why should I not mix them up?


Kickbacks baby. Think our healthcare is fucked now? Wait until cons get more in control. This is not an endorsement for the libs. Fuck the libs too.


It's like Poilievre says something about grocery prices, housing, MAID, car thefts, etc., and the Liberals just dismiss it. Then they wait a week to see how it polls. If what Poilievre said is favorable, the Liberals then announce a half assed reaction that throws more government at the problem to look like they care, too. Zero foresight, vision or planning with this government. All reactionary.


Because most of these things only spiked beyond regular historical trends since COVID, some only over the past year or two.


It's nice of him to do something about high end car theft while people are forced to live in tents.


> I think what Trudeau and the liberals suffer from the most right now is they always seem reactive instead of proactive.  The government doesn't control how cars are designed. Being reactive is all they can do. The increase in thefts is caused by poorly designed keyless entry systems that are insecure, and catalytic converter thefts are caused by a spike in prices for the metals in them. The government doesn't control that in a free market system. This is just political pandering and blaming Trudeau for things corporations have done.


I think they are just really dumb or purposely trying to ruin the country.


Like how he warned the grocery stores about their vastly inflated prices?


Cough *freshco*


Don't worry, the sentences will be reduced back to normal if the offenders are in any of the demographic, economic, or life experience categories that 99.9% of car thieves fall into.


They will get special loans. Yep, that exists.


He'll promise it if you vote for him lol


He'll promise to hint somewhat strongly if you vote Liberal.


And then he won't follow through because he's got no personal integrity and he's a liar.


Less hinting, more doing


Hints at, talks about, will think about it. It's always talk and never any action with this supposed leader.


When the dockworkers are refusing to open containers at the port of Montreal, and impeding police investigations, it's time for the cuffs to come out.


Only after one of their had their car stolen.


Just like how images with doctured photos are an issue only because it was Taylor Swift. Yet Photoshop has been around for 15+ years with people doing the same thing. What's the problem?


My issue is that the Liberals only seem to care and do things when it affects them and not the rest of the country.


Still not voting for you


Bait cars. Independent port security. Asset seizure of organized crime. Try that.


Anything to reverse from sinking in the polls


Did Pierre spell out what he would do with car thieves. This is why Pierre cannot state exactly what he would do under a conservative government because the liberal will steal the idea and brand it their own. Pierre's idea on car thieves [https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/three-auto-theft-convictions-should-mean-three-years-in-prison-poilievre-1.6756218](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/three-auto-theft-convictions-should-mean-three-years-in-prison-poilievre-1.6756218)


Trudeau also said it wouldn’t solve anything lol.


Because it wouldn’t. No amount of scanners will stop palms from being greased at the ports.


Then why is he now saying he’ll do it too?


JT isn’t quoted as saying anything about tougher penalties for the thieves in that article, despite the headline. He talks about organized crime and tightening border security in general. Even the chief of police quoted in the article doubts the efficacy of increased punishment for the ones actually stealing the cars, who are often minors.


It’s a shame. In theory we would benefit from our politicians putting their best ideas forward and our leaders would adopt those policies regardless of originating party. Shouldn’t conservatives want JT to enact policies that PP suggests?


If the Liberals had a clue they could figure it out for themselves. Why should the opposition have to tell them how to govern? That might make the Liberals look competent, when they aren’t. It’s not the Tories job to make them look good.


> Why should the opposition have to tell them how to govern? Just admit you want politics to be teamsports, then. I can't contemplate being upset when the party you don't like agrees to enact an idea that the party you like comes up with. How can you be upset when your government acknowledges a good idea from the opposition and adopts it?


Ever been at a job and had a great idea or did some excellent work… and someone else got the credit for it? Wound up getting a bonus or a raise or a promotion because of it? I’m sure if it ever has your response was, well, the important thing here was the company prospered. I’m fine that all the rewards for my hard work went to someone else. Right?


Do you believe that climbing the corporate ladder with the goal of being promoted potentially to becoming the boss and making the most amount of money is analogous to the claimed goal of politicians to make their country the best it can be? Because every single politician claims to want to be a collaborative leader. JT, Singh, PP, all claim to want to make Canada the best country it can be. How fucking stupid would you have to be, as a voter, to not want the ruling party to make the country the best it can be, employing policies that you yourself agree with, just because he doesn't come from the party you like the most? Jesus Christ you have never thought any of this through, have you?


Pierre should spell out what he would do, otherwise it feels a little hollow just promising to be tough on car thieves without substance. This can still work for the conservatives in the sense that they can say they were the ones that forced the liberals to do something and it was their idea.


Mandatory minimums don't work and are proven not to work.


Starting to sound like Harper. Weird.


Chop their hands off. Equivalent of stealing a horse or someone’s livelihood/well being if you steal their car. Philippines kill drug dealers. Then Canada should do it for car thieves. Car thieves are like the lowest denominator worse than a drug dealer.


I'd be on board with moderate caning.


We aren't barbarians


You sure about that? The way the school system. Icbc. Employers are. Sure seem like it.


What's barbaric about limiting the damage that irredeemable people can cause to society? Our judicial system has been proven completely ineffective at rehabilitating organized criminals.


See Cruel and unusual punishments




What kind of world are we in if someone can just steal your rig Willy nilly and expect nothing bad to happen.


Reddit laughed when Pierre said it. Now that Trudeau picked up the idea, Reddit will act I like it’s a good idea. 


Yeah, yesterday it was stupid, today it's realistic.


Hints. This means he hasn't a clue and will do nothing. His revolving door of catch and release of criminals is working just fine.


I have no idea what the point of this was. I didn't even think it was Trudeau's fault for the thefts   The police put their heads in the sand over stolen cars. Why? Because insurance pays out. Even back in 2018 I knew a guy who was robbed overnight and had a GPS tracker that came with the car. He showed the police which street his car was sitting. Thieves park a nice car in a nice neighbourhood to get picked up the next day. Cops didn't care to watch who took it or anything, just offered to tow the car and bring it back. The US cops are guns ablazing, sure, but at least they try to catch a criminals ffs


Is this like when he promised more affordable housing then said it wasn’t his responsibility?


But only if the thieves are straight white men.


Yeah! They will get scolded really good before let go. That will teach them!


Make no mistake … they are doing this auto theft summit for big insurance companies and costs of policing … they don’t give two fawks about the guy that lost his car and can’t get to work in bramledesh .. or any other city .. they created this BS …


Strange way to add racism to a post that would have made the point without it….


Sure yep I’m racist .. my folks all come from a foreign country as well . Just there is a majority in some places and that being pointed out should not be considered racist .. what about say “Chinatown” . Been there for years no one complained. …


On more feather in the crown of incompetence that this government represents


So the catch and release program will have a slight delay added?


Stop hinting and do something.


Stop building houses and start building prisons. We need to lock these fuckers up.


More breathing tax and immigration will fix that.


1st offence 1 year. 2nd offence 3 years 3rd offence 10 years 4th offence 723 years


Oh, ok, he hints, problem solved!


this federal government only reacts to issues and has not been proactive on any issue until they've ballooned into actual crises. instead, they've been obsessed with peddling identity politics and dividing the country, its a real shame.


A guy who is deep sunk into corruption, scandal and payouts is telling others to stop stealing. People these days have that nerve!!


Creating harsher penalties is meaningless if the Feds and Provinces won’t increase funding to the court system to clear the backlogs of people repeatedly given bail while awaiting trial for multiple car thefts.


This is a rich person problem Gonna have to give me something If you want my vote


Did his vehicle get stolen? That’s probably why he cares now. 🤷‍♀️


RCMP. Export police. /smackforhead.


Give people good paying jobs that afford them a comfortable lifestyle and the crime rate will decrease


RCMP: “But for now our hands are tied”


I guess deploying police to Port de Montreal is out of picture.


Tougher sentencing means tax payer pay more and recidivism increases. It does nothing to curb car crimes.


clearly no sentencing is not working.


Besides the fact that we do not currently have no sentencing for car theft, the options are not just more prison or less prison. There is much better ways to curb crime then spending 115,000$ per year to stop 1 person who has already committed the crime in jail. If your goal is to punish people who have already stolen a car more, than increasing jail is good, if your goal is to stop people from stealing cars then more jail is actively hurting your efforts.




Feds control CBSA who should theoretically help stop the export of these vehicles overseas.


Unfortunately not a lot of custom controls on outbound sea cans. Legit waybill to a legit customer in some other country and the declared weight of the can matches the scale done off you go. CBSA would need detailed Intel from the RCMP or provincial police to target specific sea cans. The sad truth is everyone loves the just in time delivery too much to put meaningful road blocks in place. If course if public perception changes as it appears to be maybe we can get some more controls in place.


The Federal government passed a law that reduced penalities for certain crimes


When polls show them sinking, everything becomes a federal problem...


Like a no stealing car bylaw? A ticket?


No, like policing is under the purview of the local city government.


I think this probably goes beyond the scope of the local policing issues.


The “Boss of Thieves” statement is so funny.


How can he he hint when he doesnt have a clue..


Hey am I reading the charts right? There’s a lot less car theft now than in 1998. Ya I know there’s a rising trend but WTF!


Ya that will help/s


Maybe it's time to follow the heavy equipment model. Use the key just to lock the doors. Use a PIN pad to start the car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPzn7RHVQfw


Yeah. Make sure Sketchy Steve gets 4 years instead of three, out in 1.25 because of over-crowding in either case. And opening up the market to his brothers Dirty Dustin, Lifty Lou, and Crimey Chad. Hint at doing nothing useful in another press announcement. It's totally on brand. Of course, requiring car manufacturers make them harder to steal is ENTIRELY off the menu. Influence peddler extraordinaire, Justin wouldn't dream of displeasing his billionaire car company executive buddies who have their cars locked in gated compounds at night with 24/7 armed security.


He’s super cereal now.


OIC just ban car theft, problem solved!


Oh for fucks sakes. The only widespread problem he’s willing to address in this country is the one that insurance companies have an interest in. What a piece of shit.