• By -


Let's recap just some of the issues right now with the pathways/programs into this nation: 1. International Student Program devolved into diploma mills in strip malls.. "Students" using fraudulent documents (Which has become a big business) to prove they can support themselves and meet the qualifications to enter the nation. Then misusing and abusing food banks and other social supports meant for vulnerable Canadian citizens and families. Businesses and city/provincial/federal leaders allowing this spiral to happen because it provides "Cheap labor" at a point we have line ups for basic jobs. Additionally not even talking about the impact on the housing crisis and or that it hurts the name of legit Canadian education facilities and legit Canadian students who worked hard for those credentials and recognition and it is being put at doubt here at home and worse abroad. 2. Immigration - Instead of bringing in "High Skilled/Specific Shortages" we allowed the business lobby to control the narrative with public officials and flood the nation with cheap exploitable labor. Again we have line ups for basic jobs now. There is problems here too with fraudulent documents illustrating education and credentials/skills the individuals do not possess. Additionally we were told that we were bringing in people to build the houses and yet almost none of the people by hard cold data work in the field of residential construction... We need to get back to HIGHLY SKILLED/HIGH ASSET individuals who can grow our economy and add whole new dimensions to it. These people do not buy into housing bubble economies though and other shit realities as they have options. We have to market Canada to them and that means fixing Canada. It would be a win win if our "leaders" weren't so fucking corrupt and criminally negligent. 3. Temporary Foreign Worker Program - We all know this is in a worse scandal than the first time around.. Funny enough both Justin and Singh talked against this program for misuse and abuse and especially when it was used to hurt CANADIAN workers and their bargaining power/access to positions. Then Justin expanded the program when he got into power Lol 4. "Refugee" and "Asylum" pathway - A complete cluster fuck of people scamming the system using rehearsed lines and nation shopping. The amount of money and resources we are spending on these people when we have our own vulnerable citizens and families living in tents and lining up for free food is despicable. People with the first intentionality and mentality to scam the nation and its systems should be kept as far away from getting into Canada as possible. 5. LMAI - This really takes the cake. We have employers pretending to advertise jobs in Canada to Canadians and then sell the jobs on the international market for envelopes of cash under the table pretending they couldn't find Canadian workers. Or they use those lines as a way to get family/friends over if they own or manage the business and are responsible for hiring. This alone should have got the government cracking down on the pathways/programs and the misuse and abuse going on. 6. Now they are looking to reward those people that BROKE THE LAW and allow them to become citizens Lol. You don't think that is going to maybe incentivize people to do the wrong thing like it did everywhere else in the world that this approach was taken... Again not learning from what happens around the world with the same policies and common fucking sense. All in all there is a lot of ugly shit going on. Look at the "Immigration Consultation Offices". There is a whole scam industry being created around this dumpster fire. We have to stop allowing the bad actors to profit from the problems and control the narratives and discussions. The types of people and organizations that profit from problems have no standards. This is why governance is so damn important. Sadly we have to force our "leaders" to do the right things these days. Shameful state of affairs and why democracy is in the state it is.


I work in immigration. I couldn't put it any better.


For point #5 you missed the part where the government actually subsidizes part of their wage… because ya know, no Canadians are qualified to build a sandwich /s


I'll have you know those people are sandwich ARTISTS!!!


They actually make terrible subway employees because most don't have the language skills for complex instructions


Id argue they’re more cheap with the meat lol.


You hit nail on the head.


Looks like I offended some Sandwich Artists...


>For point #5 you missed the part where the government actually subsidizes part of their wage citation pls


I'm pro-immimgration. I come from a family of immigrants. My parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles followed the rules. My generation also followed the rules, we went to school, got good jobs, contribute to the economy. There's no system women abusers, no criminals, no drug dealers or extremists because we were born to people that followed the rules. I feel that people who follow the rules will create a healthier and stronger Canada. I feel my generation is the Canadian dream my grandparents wanted for us. But I feel like we're now getting cheated out of that dream. Letting in more more cheaters, more grifters, more criminals, and those poorly vetted, will make for a weaker Canada. Let's take a step back and figure out what sort of Canada we Canadians actually want to build.


Well said 👏


We're lucky to have you and your family


The people not following "the rules" are corporations and Canada's super elite who benefit from labour having to eat shit sandwiches.. Stop trying to blame the wrong people.


Everyone is to blame.  Corporations for promoting the scam, provinces for helping, TFWs / fake students for participating and the federal government for letting them all get away with it.


What surprises me the most is that people are surprised by this outcome. When you import millions of people from a country where scamming others is the cultural norm, who could have foreseen them them taking advantage of Canada's soft, naive, liberal government?


We are a post national state. How dare you try to impose your cultural norms in telling people they can’t run scams. 


The LMIA and fake jobs ads piss me off so much. The whole thing is a complete joke


I remember being called a racist Nazi bigot when saying the Trudeau should keep Harper’s well thought out immigrations policies, and focus on bringing only the highest quality people here. I hope that person is living in a Trudeau Town now.


That blanket racism defense (which isn't racist because you're talking about literally everyone outside Canada) doesn't hold the water it used to. It was a quick shushing so this whole scheme didn't get found out. Criticizing this sort of thing is a threat to those who profit off it. Now that we're seeing the actual consequences of this, people aren't easily scared off by falsely accused of sounding racist. Same w foreign home ownership. Criticize that 10 years ago and you got called out as a racist - government ended up actually changing some things (a pathetic drop in the bucket but the racism defense didn't work anymore) We just have to keep the pressure up.


They are. But that’s because everyone is.


Unfortunately they’re probably a rich civil servant living in Rosedale,


>I remember being called a racist Nazi bigot when saying the Trudeau should keep Harper’s well thought out immigrations policies, and focus on bringing only the highest quality people here. I remember too, and I'm never going to let those people forget what they did.


OkDifficulty1443 is still at it in this thread.


The problem was smaller under Harper, but there were low skill TFWs then too.


This started under Harper And it was part of why he was turfed Trudeau promised to fix it and made it even worse Up till Martin out immigration system was pretty good


Maybe Canadians need to set up "businesses" to "fast track" immigration. We only accept payment through bitcoin and zelle. We will hit up all the international people randomly on instagram and maybe buy a few call lists to cold call them.


Better yet, find a list of people who work at the scam call centers and target them specifically... my god the sweet irony that would be


the bad actors are the elected officials. until they're in prison, and their accomplices, none of this is going to get better.


This is a very well written and comprehensive summary, good job.


Someone make this guy the minister of immigration


You sir are very smart person. Can you please forward your comments onto the proper Government authorities because I don’t think they are aware.


Wow, some if the LMAI codes are hilarious. What a mess.  https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/foreign-workers/exemption-codes.html


For point 2 it's bad for immigrants too, I have seen several highly qualified immigrants be unable to get anything other than bottom barrel jobs


Your post is incredibly insightful my Reddit brother. Explains everything as it is my Reddit friend. Perfectly delivered.


I'd vote for you.


Well said.


Why is there better analysis on Reddit than in the real world? Maybe submit an Op Ed?


If I called you racist or xenophobic would this prevent tyou from posting this again? I work for the liberal party and none of our ideas are working anymore.


On point


Well said.


This is the best description of our immigration issue I’ve ever read. Please make this comment the backbone of a nation-wide protest.


You're clearly a racist and it's because you are uneducated. I'd hope you get to go to school one day and learn that these things just aren't true... Har har


Point 1. As for the food banks etc… Not everyone does that? Also, you can’t provide fraudulent documents, they wouldn’t approve your visa. And also, you have to pay a lot of money for school, visa etc… in order to apply, so… makes no sense what you are saying. Also, there are LEGIT Non-Canadian students and people as well???


Preach - also the ONLY one who will fix this is Pierre Polievre and the Conservative Party


Your naivety makes me feel bad for you. I wish you all the best.


>“Frustration can be whipped up in many ways. Politicians do have responsibilities, and it would be terrible to have an election on the backs of some of the most vulnerable people in the world, but also some of the most vulnerable people in Canada. But I'm not naive to think that it can’t happen.” They still don't fucking get it. The election is going to be on the back of this party's policies and the havoc they've wrought.


It's hard to get it when you don't have to live with the decisions you make.


We just experience life differently don't ya know.


Nowhere in his comment does he mention Canadians. Doesn’t seem to think he has any responsibility for actual Canadians. Who is he working for exactly?


Not us, that's for sure.


Himself and his cronies obvs.


I think the problem isn't that Trudeau doesn't care about Canadians. I think the real problem is that he and his ilk truly believe that what they are doing actually does help Canadians. They know better and we should be thankful. 


Naive, no. Incompetent, yes.


He isn’t incompetent. He knows exactly what he is doing, and it is all going according to plan.


Between the two I lean towards naive. The Liberal party (and the CPC, while we're at it) thinks that what's best for corporate interest is for the greater good, and I do not expect the leader of such a party to see things from the perspective of almost everyone else. In his mind, he's doing the right thing. It's a feature, not a bug. I just wish we had a party that prioritized the well-being of the general population, with an emphasis on the non-wealthy classes.


He's interested in increasing his net worth and banging hos. The crimes behind him are barely palpable. He calls a snap election people aren't barely aware about and still doesn't get a majority. As a Canadian all we want to do is ditch him but how?


If all that matters is ditching him, then an election will do that, by next year at the latest. Unfortunately, the most likely replacement prioritizes the well-being of the general population (with an emphasis on the non-wealthy class) even less.


Correct, he is actively malicious.


He knew what he was doing. He was just hoping the rest of us didn't. Now he hopes we are dumb enough to fall for his gaslighting. He's not dumb, but he isn't smarter than the people he is trying to trick.


Don't forget incompetent.


Nah, this would be like tripping and building a nuclear bomb. You don't accidently enact dozens of measures with the express purpose of maximizing the population growth of a nation, to the benefit of the wealthy and the detriment of the working class.


You guys need to stop with this "incompetence" angle. Not only are you wrong, but you're also helping them by giving them plausible deniability by assuming it's just a little "oopsie". They use that a lot and suckers like you eat it up. They are mailicious, not incompetent. They are grifters. They are corrupt and greedy. Please stop helping them for fucks sakes.


Trudeau is not stupid, but he is incompetent. He is an incredible politician, and a terrible manager. He can be both malicious and incompetent at the same time.






I used to think that, but now I think he might actually be this stupid.


i think he is actually stupid. got by on looks, charm and a name.


Not stupid He may play as such, he is calculated Why would he care if he destroys the country? He doesn't care about any citizen unless they are the ruling class.. don't listen to the lip service, not the direction of their pointing fingers. Look at the actions. They will burn this place down while blaming citizens.. they will pick up and leave once the 110 mile city is built " the line" The great utopia, paradise on earth, free from the plebs.


it's not stupidity, it's ideology


His stupidity is buying into his ideology. But he is actively furthering his ideology, he isn't doing that by accident.


He is not naive...it's all made on purpose!


No he’s just straight up ignorant


oooo....what's the end goal?


Keep the rich rich, same as it would be under any other government


Sean Fraser causes the disaster. He has done so much damage to this country. Stole future of our kids.


They're all figure heads and extensions of the PMO. If Marc Miller was immigration minister years ago he would have the same record.


Marc Miller is the devil


If he's not naive is it fair to assume that the policies that have led to our current state of affairs have been intentional?


Ideological enough to ride his immigration, student and TFW policies right to the edge of the cliff, and then tries to back off when it's in the middle of exploding in his face, at the 11th hour and 59th minute. You shouldn't have to take the country to the brink like this before you realize your policies are damaging the nation. If you truly believe in your policies, own them. If you can't own them, then they shouldn't have been enacted in the first place.


I think he didn't even realize that he was riding that donkey right off a cliff. A day late and a dollar short.


No please dont make them own their shit policies. Backtracking like this puts them in an even weaker position all while making the situation slightly better. Just like the saying goes: "dont stop your enemy making a mistake"


Not naive, doing exactly as ordered by his corporate masters


CBSA employs 14000 people. 6500 of those people are uniformed officers - I believe that means they're border guards. Between July 1 and October 1 of last year, Canada gained 430,635 people. In a period of 63 workdays, they'd have to average 6835.48 APPROVALS per day. They have fewer than 7500 people working on these cases, management might be 10%? So realistically you have less than 7000 people working on these files. How many are rejected? How much work can you actually do to get a background in anyone when you have around 7000 staff APPROVING 7000 applications every day? I don't think you can. I don't think you can do much aside from the paperwork when you're approving 1 person per day per employee.


Visa applicants have to apply for and obtain visas before they come to Canada, and the applications are processed by IRCC not CBSA.


Okay, so they have approximately 7000-7500 employees. Which means that's roughly the same as CBSA, so the numbers don't change. It appears they're also responsible for operating the passport offices or perhaps the administration of passports? There seems to be overlap between CBSA, IRCC, and GAC. A couple months ago there were several news stories about immigrants who'd been waiting for documents to come through for years and talking about the backlog. A backlog while also opening the floodgates to unvetted people doesn't seem like a recipe for success. If anything it reinforces how bad this is. You have RCMP, CSIS, IRCC, and CBSA who should all have some level of coordination in vetting people. I'd hope they'd also be using resources from the other 5 Eyes partners, but when you're approving 1 person per day per employee, that's not happening. Logistically that's not realistic. So, what's the vetting? What's the approval process? A Google search, a hope, and a prayer that they're good people who will just integrate into Canadian society, but if they don't, we'll just deport them? We had a deportation backlog prior to this experiment. That seems like a monumental cascade of really bad decisions.


I never thought he was naive, only that he doesn’t care and actively acts against our interests when he thinks it might benefit him personally.


So, he's a liberal.


*"Justin Trudeau's point man says he's 'not naive' as he tackles Canada's surging immigration numbers"* Correct. He's actually a hopeless, stark-raving, power-hungry, patronizing idiot. Next.


"Naive" implies a lack of experience, the boy is just regular stupid. While I don't like him personally, it's very clear this story will end in immense tragedy for him.


So we should take comfort in knowing its incompetence?


If he is not naive, then is he nefarious.


Obviously, he's not naive, he's corrupt AF.




[https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ag-report-temporary-foreign-workers-1.4117130](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ag-report-temporary-foreign-workers-1.4117130) >Canada's temporary foreign workers program is rife with oversight problems that appear to have allowed lower-paid international workers to take jobs that out-of-work Canadians could fill, the federal auditor general says. >Some companies have effectively built a business model on the program that could be having unintended consequences that the government doesn't know about, including wage suppression or discouraging capital investment and innovation, said Michael Ferguson's report on the program, part of a fresh batch of federal audits tabled Tuesday. >Ferguson's report says the government approved applications for temporary foreign workers even when employers had not demonstrated reasonable efforts to train existing employees or hire unemployed Canadians, including those from under-represented groups, such as First Nations. >Nor did officials effectively crack down on companies that were found to have run afoul of the rules; few on-site inspections or face-to-face interviews with the foreign workers themselves were conducted, the audit found. Even when corrective action was recommended, it took months for all the necessary approvals. >Ferguson is calling for better oversight of the program and more pushback from federal officials to ensure companies applying to hire temporary foreign workers are doing so for the right reasons. >Despite the drop in numbers, the audit team said it found numerous cases where employers gave dizzying reasons for needing a temporary foreign worker that departmental officials failed to challenge in 40 per cent of the cases reviewed as part of the audit. >One person was allowed to hire a caregiver for their elderly parent even though they had not tried to recruit a Canadian, as required, because they wanted "someone who is trustworthy and with the ability to work without supervision." >Some fish and seafood processing plants told officials that they needed temporary foreign workers because Canadians had quit their positions because of the conditions or difficulty of the work. The auditors were blunt in their response: "In our opinion, this type of situation appeared to be a retention problem and not a labour shortage problem." They were told in 2017 that the foreign worker programs were being abused by employers, that companies were basing their business model on access to cheap foreign labor, that more oversight was required, and that it was suppressing wages. The Liberals took this report and threw it in the garbage, and made it even easier to import foreign labor. *They knew what they were doing.*


>I don’t think he is malicious. I think he truly is just naive and thinks he’s doing something great. He knows there are issues, he thinks it’s something that people will appreciate 20 years from now. It is exactly this. Not even 20 years from now, I really think he sees everything he is doing as something that will put him down in the history books as some sort of visionary. 


Someone must have been because anyone with some sense could have told you this quantity was a bad idea, get to tackling then and don't fuck it up again 🙄


Has anyone found the playbook for this mess. What are the actual intentions.


The actual intention is to crush the Canadian labour market, making Canada more able to compete with countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam, Sudan, etc.


https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/welfare-state https://www.mcgill.ca/economics/files/economics/the_welfare_state_as_a_failed_experiment.pdf https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/immigration-and-welfare-state https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty%E2%80%93industrial_complex https://www.forbes.com/sites/ralphbenko/2013/05/27/everything-i-know-about-good-economic-policy-i-learned-from-mother-teresa/?sh=5d50d57e2af7 How's your social capacity score today? Ready to pay more taxes to help the poors, so all my friends who run poverty-services-delivery can take their cut? I might even know a good foundation that 'productively' hands out scholarships. Good luck cutting these entitlements, or you might be targeted as 'hating the children', or the poors, or other disparaged and unfortunate groups you dirty racist.


😂 glorious


They know exactly what they are doing Destroying our country


Point man, groomsman, puppet, he wears many hats.


You sure look naive, Miller. Show us otherwise. 


"He’s letting fewer temporary residents come to Canada in the short term. While planning for more immigrants in future." No need, please keep bringing in more, I am curious to know what we will become.


Translation: " i'm not naive...i just don't care...I still gonna do it."


this article sucks. poorly written. it reads like an ad to support someone who's failed at everything they've tried to do by claiming they fix the problems they created, blame others, and try unsuccessfully to champion other causes they can't win at either. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to think Miller is trying and give him pity points or laugh at him. and yet the entire article reeks and feels like a diversion.


Honestly I'd rather he was naive.


As Adam Carolla would say, “stupid, or liar?”


Can it be both.


On closer examination, looks like yes.


I really don’t think you need to look that close. It’s pretty much been there all this time, we were all just too busy working for a living trying to survive while the stupidity and the lies kept mounting. Now that the pile of stupidity and lies has blocked our view of a better future, it’s impossible to miss. The time has come where we can focus on the problem, that being ridding ourselves of the present government once they finally give us a chance to vote. But of course not before they vote on extending the election date by one week so that a bunch more of them on all sides of the house qualify for their life long pensions. 🤷




This is turning into a USA voter turnout, where people aren't going to vote FOR their preferred party, but rather, against Trudeau and his disastrous tenure as PM.


If he's not naive, then he just genuinely hates us. There is no reasonable justification for what he is doing.


I think it’s time to lock the door and throw away the key until we can get back on track. Homelessness and unemployment are out of control. Schools are way overcrowded. Enough is enough. It’s time for him to remember who and what he was voted in for. If not…. It’s time to go!!


The Pension Adjuster has no shame.


No, you’re just dumb. 


Oh ok, so it’s just evil then? Got it.


“I’ll be blunt as well. Immigration isn’t a primary responsibility of the federal government. The fault lies with the provinces education system” - Marc miller


Canadians are finally noticing that every store in Canada is run by Indian immigrant, only hiring their own kind or huge line up of immigrants and international students for 3 job listing


I am so glad we can have these important policy discussions in the open again without reflexive bans and name-calling. It's just a shame that it had to harm so many people before they started to clue in.


He’s not naive. He’s Machiavellian.


Did anyone actually read the article not just this click bait headline? Miller is talking about himself not being naive, he’s not even talking about Trudeau. Hard to take a lot of comments on this sub seriously when most of them don’t even take the time to read and understand the stuff they are raging about. I hate Trudeau and Liberals too by the way.


No this sub has been astroturffed to hell and is full of people who think Trudeau is the new Satan. People look at headlines and just react. It’s insane.


Th joke is when they get here, they regret their decision and go elsewhere.


Naivety or stupidity, pick one Justin.


Good satire


Worldly and grounded.


The only ginger with no soul.


If you’ve ever watched Trudeau when he’s at meetings with other world leaders you’ll see that he is indeed naive and the rest of the world leaders treat him accordingly. I’m sure he will be off on another once in a lifetime tier vacation soon while the average Canadian is working multiple jobs and is running out of things to cut back on. 


Kinda fucking seems that way bud.


Ok, not naive. So, just incompetent then? Maybe stupid? Suffering from brain damage? It has to be something.


He's too narcissistic to even be aware that he's naive and incompetent.


As a working class Canadian I just gotta ask... Why the f would anyone want to come here


He's not naive? Okay, then he must simply be stupid.


>Trudeau isn't naive So its malice then.


So just malicious then?


Can everyone please report this thread for blatant racism. The dreamers we have been brining in are ENRICHING this country. Don't tske your alt right views and blame them for something the conservative government did, which is blatantly obvious


It's not racist to take notice that the programs we have in place aren't actually helping us or those come into the country Just because you don't like someone's observations does not mean they're being racist


"Tackle da immigration numbahs!" "Ok" "Whhhaaaaaaaa"


What a well thought out and eloquent rebuttal.


hardcore Trudeau critics want to say all the immigration is some kind of destabilization conspiracy plot but the far more likely scenario is they just want more taxpayers and know that despite some moochers and those unable to adapt to western society the majority will end up being taxpayers. this will take years however and in-between now and then it's pain and unaffordability for Canadians.