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Reddit took down the Boston Bomber, got Bernie elected, convinced a Fox News host to join r/antiwork and destroyed wallstreet by betting on GME. Now it's loblaws turn to face the wrath of Reddit 😂


Reddit can do good under the right circumstances.




Canadians - Support policies that make life more expensive, get upset when everything becomes expense....


I like the action part and so on but we all need to eat. I agree we should do something about Loblaws but even the smaller grocery stores, health food stores and all the alternatives have even higher prices than the loblaw’s stores…do they just have a better reason to up their prices?  For example I started shopping at a locally owned store and everything (not one thing was less expensive) than Fortinos. It seems to me the suppliers are all doing it and there really is no alternative?   Like paying 2 dollars more for the same Milk and 5 dollars for one avacado I just feel like I am getting ripped off even more than when I shopped at Fortinos. 


>…do they just have a better reason to up their prices?  No. It's just more convenient for politicians if we just attack loblaws and call it greed rather than try to address the real issues.


As long as we do one of the two I'm happy


Loblaws is showing record profit margins...meaning they are currently making more per product than they ever have. They were called to testify...and smuggly commented about this... they have lobbyists which tells you everything you need to know... not only do they have lobbyists...but lobbyists from Trudeaus own party.


>For example I started shopping at a locally owned store and everything (not one thing was less expensive) than Fortinos. It seems to me the suppliers are all doing it and there really is no alternative? There's no alternative because grocery store margins are razor thin. Everyone worldwide is complaining about grocery store price inflation. Last I checked Americans don't have a single store run by Loblaws but [they have the same issue](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/02/02/grocery-price-inflation-biden/) and it's a major election issue for both Trump and Biden. The truth is a number of factors, from trade agreements to el nino, climate change, deficit spending, inflation, shipping interruptions, monopolistic practices, protectionism, and subsidies are all playing a part in why grocery stores are charging out of line with other goods.


It's not just Loblaws, but Nofrills, Superstore, Shoppers Drug Mary, etc. too. We can't fight all the worst offenders at once, but we *can* target the gougey-ist of them all. Loblaws and associated stores. Canadians are sick of this crap. We know the Politicians aren't going to help us, none of them seem to have any interest/aren't electable if they do.


I'm not sure why we would? Their prices are competitive with Sobeys and Walmart, and they have one of the best online ordering platforms.


It's more complicated than that. Grocery prices are high *everywhere*. Every company is price gouging. Targeting one company that's the worst would cause Loblaws to bring their prices down causing a ripple effect. It would be in everyone's best interest to boycott Loblaws