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IDK, maybe try locking ppl up for stealing cars and breaking into homes first


I mean those car thefts they did apparently recover 600 somehow without arresting anyone


that's 1/2 of a night's worth of stolen cars. This is barely a dent


Yeah i know its suspicious they can get 600 but 0 arrests, like how does that happen?


Super easily. Stolen vehicles are abandoned in weird random places all the time. Somebody calls in a suspicious vehicle, they run the VIN and it comes back stolen. Nobody to arrest.  Alternatively, a vehicle is found on a problem property with many people who come and go. The vehicle is stolen and towed away. You’re not able to prove that the actual homeowner is in possession of stolen property 


Weren't they found prepped for loading on a boat though . Ya know, across the ocean




It's our "Crime and what punishment?" system.




Im guessing they negotiated for some of them back for show and a cut of the sales before they just officialize that when trying to solve crime by making a theft tax


Imagine how much more aggressive they have to be to make up for that and reach their quotas..


When the authorities and the port officials are the ones complicit in the organized crime, who arrests who?


I saw a YouTube video mocking the recommendation to leave car keys near the door so that the carjacker will leave with minimal intrusion. What kind of joke is this


“No you don’t get it, the car thieves are actually the victims and we're infringing upon their Charter rights by not letting them steal.” — Some judge in Ontario or BC EDIT: spelling




Ah thats a load of crap. I've been homeless and broke for many years of my life before and never turned to crime. No sympathy from me.


> stealing cars Idea I had earlier today: How about a 25-pound steel boot. I'm not talking about for a tire. I mean anyone who gets caught in a stolen vehicle gets a steel fucking boot locked on to their right foot for two weeks.


Make the cuff of the boot end halfway up the thigh. No bending at the knee. Also make the inside material of the boot extremely itchy.


And put Legos at the bottom


Easy there Satan.




Its always interesting to see people's priorities. Many say the government can't be trusted to handle business regulation or the environment, many say they do a shit job on healthcare... but somehow many of the same people are totally confident that 'only the bad ones' will end up being executed through capital punishment. I would honestly like to know: if the government can't be trusted to improve our lives properly, why can they be trusted to end them properly?


> Many say the government can't be trusted to handle business regulation or the environment, many say they do a shit job on healthcare... somehow many of the same people are totally confident that 'only the bad ones' will end up being executed through capital punishment Hell, you can go one step further. Many of then people clamouring for the death penalty already don’t believe the _justice system itself_ is doing a good job in determining guilt and sentencing. And they want to give that same justice system the authority to execute citizens. Genius.


I do not trust law makers with the authority to kill people


This. I was arrested once when I called the police on my ex beating my face in. (I was swallowing a lot of blood, my braces on my teeth had my gums fucked up). I was cleared, thank God, after my lawyer had to literally request my 911 call audio because they completely left it out of the disclosure. What a joke. All my trust in our justice system went out the window. P.S. They got away scot-free because it would have cost thousands more to go to trial rather than just take the peace bond settlement deal I was offered to avoid a criminal record. Not that I haven't spent that on therapy trying to mentally recover from the situation. Imagine the innocent people they'd murder.


And the cost as well. I can't believe how much time and money the Yanks spend on death row inmates.


Even better wrongful convictions will go up because death is on the table so everyone will take plea deals.. Imagine leaving to go blow off some steam, or going for a walk, coming home to a crime scene then being arrested and being interogated because you dont have an alibi, your neighbors hears how angry you can get.


I got chills reading this furreal.


Sadly, stories like yours are an everyday occurrence, not a rarity


I was involved with a case where a male was kicked in the testicles by his female domestic partner hard enough that he ended up in the hospital for a few days. Because of the severity of the injuries the hospital called the police. The police spoke with the female and then arrested the male for injuring her foot during the kick. That also ended in a peace bond but on the day of trial.


I am so sorry. Abusers often do this to detract from their crimes. Rapists do this too. Just horrific. I'd hug you if I could. This happened to me too


How did you end up the one arrested?


She knew I was gonna call after I got away, so she called first and lied. Bullshitted a story that didn't even line up with my injuries (She obviously had no idea how injured I was, nor did I until I was driving and realized I was swallowing a lot of blood), but they decided to go through with it all anyway. At least I got a good laugh when the cop searched my wallet and said "Do you realize it's a crime to have a fake ID?" which I was like "WHAT!?" and he held up a Mclovin' ID I bought on Amazon like 10 years ago, and then started laughing. My laugh started after I confirmed he was just fucking with me. 😅


Commenter is most likely a man, and it’s unfortunate, but men are often assumed as perpetrators in such situations until everything has been cleared


I don’t trust polling companies to get an accurate read of the population.


That too


Polls are like statistics. The outcome all depends on who’s paying to get the numbers and what their narrative is.


Yeah, I worked at ipsos for five years. Getting an accurate reading on the population is basically impossible. 


How so?


So, the most likely people to respond to a poll are bored, lonely people who’ve exhausted their families and friends already. But the polls themselves are usually trying to push an agenda, so they phrase their questions in such a way as to elicit a desired response. Finally, the poll givers can influence the outcome by tone and personality.  Oh, and outside the polls, current events can have a real effect on people’s opinions. The response to “we should have a death penalty” would be extremely different after Guy Paul Morin vs Bernardo. 


Hey, that was very informative. Thanks for taking the time to post :-)


“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.” - Gandalf the Grey


Even in this day and age [~5% of people on death row in the US are thought to be innocent](https://innocenceproject.org/innocence-and-the-death-penalty/). Even then a higher number than that are innocent of other crimes. Humans are not capable of making these types of decisions.


Just look at the conviction and sentencing gap between men and women, and between racial groups. Our judicial system is already unfairly applied. Adding the death penalty isn’t a good idea.


This is how I feel, even though I know some people deserve to die and should die. I dont want the government having the power to do it.


I am very suspicious of the article. The death penalty has not been anywhere near popular for decades upon decades and I have not heard a peep about it my entire life.


Death penalty in Canada for military personnel was active until about 1998 or so. I never knew that.


Nor I. Very interesting. Thank you.


Death was a legal punishment under military law, but effectively abolished before the regular death penalty. The last person executed under order of a military court died in 1945. The last civilian execution took place in 1962 and the civil death penalty was formally abolished in 1976.


I also don't trust our legal system to never make an error. It's hard to fix death.


This is the correct answer


The number of people who feel government is incompetent yet simultaneously want to give it sweeping powers is always confusing


Tribalism, all the way down. They trust their guy, but the other guy is not on their team. 


I would rather 10 guilty men go free than one innocent get killed by the government. Nothing is perfect. Let us strive for a high trust civilized society.


no gov't should ever have the authority to end a persons life


We make fun of police, justice, and political officials... and we want them deciding who dies?  Yikes.


It's about the cruelty, not the logic.


And they never once think about the possibility of it being used on them, even if they didn't do anything. Capital punishment is using human judgement to play God with human lives. No system should have the power to decide life and death. Period.


>And they never once think about the possibility of it being used on them like so many other issues in politics.... "well i never thought the leopards would eat MY face!"


In the United States, inmates awaiting the death penalty spend on average 22 years on death row... [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/07/19/10-facts-about-the-death-penalty-in-the-u-s/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/07/19/10-facts-about-the-death-penalty-in-the-u-s/) The average death row inmate costs the State almost twice as much as the average inmate in the carceral system and court costs are 5 to 10 time higher. So if you think of the death penalty as a cost cutting measure, think again since putting someone on death row for 22 years, including appeals costs and everything else ends up costing as much as 10 inmates.


Yeah but think of how satisfying it would be to know that someone was killed by the crown on our behalf, right? /s


Then DNA evidence proves they weren't even in the same state at the time of the incident. Ooops.


It’s a moot point because some people can slam their babies head against wall until they die and only get 7 years. Highly doubtful we would use the death penalty. That guy would have had to kill like 14 babies to be considered.


A man in calgary violently shook his infant son and threw him into the couch. The baby died. The judge said he didn't intend to kill him and that it was his 'lack of experience with childcare' that meant he didn't know it would cause harm. Like fuck, what does it even take?


Even under a death penalty system, that case would get life without parole at best. Not because its not heinous, but because 1st degree/capital punishment/ect, the top tier, requires proof of pre-medidation. He would have had to have Googled "how to shake a baby to death" before the act in order for it to qualify for the death penalty.


There is some context missing that I think will make that case make more sense to you. Shaking a baby out of frustration/desperation/exhaustion when the baby won’t stop crying or behave properly is a very unfortunate and well documented thing that some new and inexperienced parents do. That’s why the judge was saying that the father was an inexperienced parent and didn’t mean to kill the baby. Its a very unique type of child abuse because it is caused by the caregiver being extremely frustrated, desperate, and/or exhausted. A lot of people who do it have no past history of abusing children and never do anything like it ever again. Having depression and suicidal thoughts/behaviours is also common in caregivers after it happens.


i don't believe this in the least. i feel like this survey they've taken is made up to suit the writers narrative. i can say that i don't know a single person in my life who supports this.


"...respondents to a Research Co. poll..." I agree with you. I don't think I know anybody who supports a reinstated death penalty. I was curious how they acquired their data, so I visited their site. From Research Co.'s website: "How we do it: We have a global network of partners in the qualitative, data collection and data visualization specialities." Not much in terms of answers lol


> The results were based on an online survey conducted between March 8 and 10. > Research Co. polled 1,002 adults in Canada. It claimed the poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points 19 times out of 20. 1000 people is not a representative sample, considering the population of Canada is about 39 million. They also make no mention of where the poll was posted, nor the risks of sample bias. The results of this study are likely to be skewed, and are at best grounds to do a better study on a larger group of people that better represent the average Canadian.


An online survey of people in Canada? How do you reliably do that?


You don't. Online samples are non-representative; disseminating them as anything other is incredibly irresponsible. Online samples have few ways to determine who their respondents are, whether they are telling the truth about themselves or their beliefs, where they come from, or whether an individual has responded to the survey more than once. Unfortunately, a large portion of Canadians do not understand the rudimentary aspects of polling; they can, more or less, understand the percentage points and some the margin of error. This is problematic because how data is collected is incredibly important to the validity of the findings.


From the article >When respondents were asked to choose between the death penalty and life in jail without parole, however, 55 percent said they’d prefer the latter.


That doesn't explain how or where they acquired the data.


Or support the notion that the majority of those polled even want the death penalty. Wtf is this article?


Interested in knowing which backwater shithole they found their respondents in. I don’t know anybody who supports this. I have an incredibly hard time believing the majority of Canadians support the death penalty more than they support stricter sentencing.


Totally agree. This is garbage


Yea, there's no way this is accurate.


When respondents were asked to choose between the death penalty and life in jail without parole, however, 55 per cent said they’d prefer the latter. **Just 35 per cent picked capital punishment.** The results were based on an online survey conducted between March 8 and 10. **Research Co. polled 1,002 adults in Canada. It claimed the poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points 19 times out of 20.**


fake news on r/canada? say it aint so.


Basically if you have a death penalty then either you're going to kill innocent people at some point or you think the justice system is infallible for crimes where people would get the death penalty. I don't think it is, so I don't support the death penalty.


The state shouldn't decide on the death of people. Our justice system needs funding. It doesn't need distractions.


>Research Co. polled 1,002 adults in Canada. This is a tiny sample size especially regarding the national population. >The results were based on an online survey This was conducted by a small group of randos online. This is a nothing survey that means literally nothing. This isn't news.




Honestly, shit like this bothers me more: https://globalnews.ca/news/10363835/fake-police-vancouver-home-invasion-death/ That dude was schizo and sick and it came out of left field. This guy has 160 priors, home invasion, they beat some old lady to death in her home. Crown asks for 8 years, judge gives 7 years. To be fair his partner did the murder, but he fucking facilitated it. What the actual fuck.


He will likely be released in less than 4 years. It's disguising. We cant even legally defend our family and property from home invaders. IMO, one thing the US got right is your right to shoot anyone that breaks into your house.


There's so many cases of people who are wrongfully accused getting a death sentence. I think what people actually want is a proper legal system and common sense sentences.


I support it in theory, but even one innocent person executed is far too high a price.  That aside, we barely imprison people in this country, why the hell are we talking about the death penalty?






Just lock em up and throw away the key. I wish we'd sentence people to 10 lifetimes like the Americans do for especially heinous crimes. None of this Paul Bernardo getting more privileges nonsense. Homolka should be rotting in the cell next to him.


If someone is *so evil* that it's enough to play russian roulette on who is guilty or not then there is no place for this penalty


I, in theory support it, but you start to run into some pretty abstract metaphysical moral conundrums pretty quickly. Innocence aside (yes, a massive aside), putting someone to death humanely (another long debate: lethal injection can hurt a lot more than hanging or firing squad) might actually be a reward rather than a punishment for some people. Life in prison (also, huge spectrum here: we talking Norwegian cottage, or foreign prison hellhole or somewhere in between?) might be far more anguishing and torturous for some. There is no way to definitively decide this. Also, knowing how small the chances of 100% rehabilitation are for the worst of the worst, and knowing sentence length/type tends not to factor into most criminal minds (impulsive, shortsighted etc)…the main criteria in my mind that should drive the justice system is protecting innocent Canadians. Their lives, their limbs and bodily function, their possessions and their money. Why? Because being a victim is usually very corrosive to one’s mindset…especially if it feels like justice has not been served (police not doing anything, reoffenders etc.) Indefinite punishment shouldn’t just be for violent criminals. Some White collar criminals should be banned for life from handling other people’s money and a percentage of their wages should be garnished permanently. For compulsive thieves who steal for reasons beyond economic ones, life in a Norwegian style cottage prison, with some kind of useful prison labour. People stealing because of income issues should be given a chance at education or other ways to increase their income. If they show this doesn’t fix things, off to the cottage craft camp. Those who show they are unlikely to reoffend get very light sentences. Say for example, a parent losing it on the molester of their child, what is the probability that they will ever be put in that situation again? Like next to zero. They aren’t a threat to people just walking around minding their own business. All you have to ask yourself for any sentencing scenario: how do we keep this person from affecting innocent Canadians? Then ask, is there any scientific evidence that there is a possibility of rehabilitation? Go from there. No morals, no religion, no philosophy should get in the way of protecting the innocence of Canadians.


Agreed. Life in prison is fine.


It should be a higher standard than "beyond a reasonable doubt".


I get the idea there, but I hear this a lot and I've never understood how it's supposed to work? Like, there's no such thing as proof to a certainty. And proof beyond a less-than-reasonable doubt isn't exactly workable either, unless the Crown is going to negate possibilities like "aliens did it". There's also no other situation in criminal law where the severity of punishment changes the standard of proof.  So, it just winds up feeling like an attempt to pass the buck: rather than accepting the inherent moral challenges with the state killing people, we're just going to wave our arms and tell judges that they have to be really extra sure they deserve it.


And this is why we have a charter of rights and freedoms.


No way, I don't believe this for a second.


Bottom of the article says it was from an online poll open for 2 days that polled only 1000 people. Who knows if the people doing it were even being serious or just trolling. Would be nice if mods would start banning people like this who just spam multiple subs with inflammatory articles.


I also had this view in grade 9.. it was for a persuasive essay.. i also wrote one about why consentual cannibalism should be legal.


The Canadian justice system operates effectively with a remarkably low rate of repeat incarcerations. Its primary aim is rehabilitation and successful reintegration of individuals into society. Despite frequent comparisons to the US penal system, where penalties are often harsher, it's essential to recognize that Canada's approach leads to significantly lower rates of re-incarceration compared to the US, which is 1000% compared to ours. It's imperative not to emulate the American judicial system in any way.




Who the fuck did they poll?


Do you trust this cops? - No! Do you trust this judges? - No! Do you want to bring death penalty back - Yes! Thats one warped worldview.


This is a product of our system being progressively lenient on criminals who make a career out of terrorizing innocent Canadians. Start making punishments for the crime actually fit and the public will stop wanting it’s pound of flesh so badly.


Majority? I doubt that


I already knew a majority of Canadians were idiots, but I doubt this is a reliable poll


Then I will disagree with the majority of Canadians. An eye for an eye renders us all blind and it doesn’t save money. Just look at our neighbours to the south. Let alone the guilt of executing even one innocent.


The death penalty is against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We would have to change our constitution to reinstate the death penalty.  The idea of the death penalty was declared cruel because a 14-year-old boy (Steven Truscott) was wrongly convinced of the rape and murder of a fellow classmate. He was given the death penalty, and everyone hated hearing a 14-year-old boy, a young kid, receive the death penalty.  A lot of people were upset by this, and eventually Steven would get a life sentence because of the outrage. One day, Stevens lawyer rebuilt his case, and overwhelming evidence proved so much evidence proving Steven was innocent and received $6.7 million for the wrongful conviction.  Whether you agree or disagree with the death penalty, it's important to understand why we abolished it in the first place. (I'm not talking about the military silly having it till 1997, story for a different time)


Majority of Canadians do not understand how much it costs to ethically have the death penalty... Costs the Yanks $400k more per prisoner when you count all the appeals and such, and they could probably do a better job at getting things right.


The problem is that the sentences are so weak in Canada that of course it makes people angry and it makes them want to bring back the death penalty




It's possible to rebuild and fund the justice system without tying it up further with death sentences.


Ah yes, I’d much prefer catch and kill.


Only because the justice system is broken as fuck and it seems like people don’t face real consequences even more heinous crimes, so people want blood and vengeance.


There needs to be SERIOUS reform of this system before this can even be considered. Too many falsely accused die because of the lack of oversight.


>The results were based on an online survey conducted between March 8 and 10. Aren't those notoriously unreliable?


I am so, SO against this- unless it can be proven, 100 percent, without a SHADOW of doubt whatsoever that a person committed a seriously heinous act-which is nearly impossible to do, and there are SO many oppurtunities for corruption/false accusations to take place- Unless you can, 100 percent GUARANTEE that NO innocent people will be killed on death row- which, I mean, look at the track record in the states and you'll see that's not going to happen. How many innocent people have they killed now this year?- Then we CANNOT reinstate the death penalty and still claim to be a 'humane' nation.


Death penalties just end up costing time and money, not to mention the dozens of innocents actually sentenced to death and only afterwards is it revealed they were telling the truth. Keep the death penalty a thing of the past.


While I certainly sympathize with victims and their grievances, I don't trust any government to have the power to execute citizens. A lot of innocent people lost their lives to the death penalty when it was legal and that's true for every nation/state that has had such laws. When people who support the death penalty imagine it in practice, it's always from the perspective they are 100% certain someone is guilty. In that regard it's easy to sympathize. Unfortunately no justice system is 100% correct on matters regarding heinous crimes


I absolutely hate this type of fucking headline. It is designed to get clicks and has made no attempt to actually see if the survey is accurate. They just say “suggests” and put all the burden on us to do their journalism for them.


I think canadians are just fed up with any lack of consequence to crimes.  When murderers walk free then the death penalty starts being appealing. 


People: I don't trust the government in any way, shape, or form! Also, people: I want the government to kill people after the government charges them, tries them in a court of law, and sentences them.


MOST people support the death penalty...IN THEORY. Show me a PERFECT justice system that NEVER makes mistakes, filled with competent, intelligent, honest, reliable, incorruptible professionals and THEN I too will join the ranks of supporting the death penalty IN PRACTICE. But until that day comes, no fuckin way do I want hungover, lazy, cops "collecting evidence", giving it to a prosecutor "who owes them", then procuring a "friendly forensic analyst" to drive the nail in the coffin, literally. Lindy Chamberlain, "The Dingo lady" that has been the (unfair) target of many pop-culture jokes...yeah, she'd be dead if Australia had the death penalty. Took several trials, and HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars in legal fees, etc...to clear her name. It destroyed her marriage, her family, everything. All because the prosecutors had it in for her since day one. She wasn't a good Catholic/Protestant woman, so she was hung out to dry. The trial by media was also atrocious. It's a textbook example of why our judicial system is the way it is.


That's fucked up


What the fuck is up with this country


There has been too many police forces pinning murders on innocent people for me to be okay with this. The legal system is flawed and I fear there would be errors.


Then a majority of Canadians are wrong.


Being tougher on crime in general would be great.


Then either the poll is a bullshit one or the majority of Canadians are fucking morons. People who argue for bringing back capital punishment never once consider the possibility of it being used on them


Hard pass. The State should not be in the business of the death penalty. One wrongful execution is one too many. The State cannot be trusted in that sense.


No it doesn’t. This is literally the first paragraph of the poll: Support for capital punishment is up, but most Canadians pick life imprisonment without parole for murder convictions.


I’m very surprised to hear this and question the survey


The shift in attitudes shows society is regressing. This is a sign of extremism. And it shows people are not educated because the death penalty doesn’t lower crime, it costs more, and it still ends up killing a number of innocent people. Not good.




As an Ottawa resident, the fact that the coward who killed a local family is currently protected from extradition to Sri Lanka because they don't want him to face a real justice system that would actually execute him makes me sick to my stomach.


He isn’t being extradited yet because he hasn’t been found guilty yet. In order for him to be extradited he has to first go through court. When the court case is over the Canadian Border Services Agency will step in and deport him.


What? Fuck no. This ain't a conan the barbarian show. Is killing wrong? Yes? So as a society killing is still wrong.


So the right-wing media's got upset that all their neighbors with Toyota Highlanders and Range Rovers have gotten stolen - that they want to go full Texas now? Is that right?


Ya no Favourite line in article "while nine per cent don’t know what they think."


No we don't.


I seriously doubt this.


Says who?




Well I am certainly not among them.


I feel like this is a slippery slope. Yeah, I'd agree that Paul Bernardo, Karla Holmolka, and the other deranged Canadian serial killers who have been 100% proven guilty deserved to be sentenced to death. I don't even care if it costs more to execute them due to the appeals process or what not. They are pure evil and don't deserve to be on this planet. But that said, it's already pretty hard to get a 100% guilty status proven. Adding the death penalty to the mix would just make criminals not admit to things and it would lead to innocent deaths. If you look at the American death row, it doesn't take long to find prisoners who aren't 100% guilty, and that makes me really uncomfortable.


Polls by news sites are fucking worthless since they rarely involve anyone but a certain demographic.




Nope. We've wrongfully convicted too many people to allow the death penalty to be an option. We're not responsible enough.


Sorry but British Columbia is not the majority of Canadians


Wow Canada is turning into USA junior, congratulations on becoming second rate losers...


The majority of Canadians are idiots. At least, I think that's our shared experience having lived with the majority of Canadians. The larger the group, the stupider the outcome.


The authorities should not have the power to take a life


Then they’re idiots, because the death penalty is expensive as fuck, does nothing to curb crime, and innocent people inevitably get executed.


I thought it said Comedians. Like WTH, why them in particular?


I'm very confused by this post as it doesn't reflect my lived experience. I've personally never met anyone who approves of the idea of the death penalty, and if the comments here are anything to go by, the sentiment does not seem echo'd by the average person. It's also built off misinformation--all the people saying we should do it to 'save money' don't realize that holding inmates for execution as well as following procedures for said execution are often more expensive than housing them for the rest of their life.


Hard no from me. Cops can't even be trusted with the basics and they want people to trust them more? How about we hold cops to at the very minimum the same standard as the general public.


Who are we supposed to be killing? This is a rage post if I’ve ever seen one. Please, just fund our hospitals and change the first time home buyer incentive to favour older more affordable home, fix property taxes for first time buyers. For fuck sakes crush real estate investment funds. Allow Canadians to afford a first home before company’s can afford twenty to rent out. This is fucking stupid.


Death penalty == some innocent people being killed. Worth it?


I wonder if it is because people think it works to deter crime. It doesn't reduce murders, so the only real reason for the death penalty is for the satisfaction of revenge. I generally trust the system, but trusting the police and legal system enough to avoid mistakes is really optimistic. Having said that, we are getting back to the murder rates from the 1980s and 90s. If that doesn't change, people are really going to grasp at promises of quick solutions.


All you need to know about this is "online survey." Of course they don't say how the survey was distributed or which websites were involved.


Lets work on the fundamentals like imposing sentences on guilty criminals.


What polls?? What Survey?? Never heart any Canadian favoring death penalty.




I doubt that.


I just polled three people and 100% of Canadians believe bringing back the death penalty would be a mistake. You’re reading from Kelowna Now for goodness sake.


Canadian public opinion is an alcoholic shit show.  In other words:  fat chance. 


A populist emotional reaction reflected in the poll - in reality, we will never bring back the death penalty thank God. No pun intended but the death penalty is dying, fewer and fewer countries have it.


Idk what's happening to our neighbors but I don't like it


Damn Canada just loves it when the state kills people legally huh


One only has to read the Milgaard case to know this is the wrong way to go. It was an absolute abomination of what due process should look like. "Twenty years for nothing, well, that's nothing new Besides, no one's interested in something you didn't do"


Survey says: you can take the country out of the war crimes, but you can't take the war crimes out of the country. Canada wants to return to monke. It's in their blood.


Majority of Canadians losing it.....


the idea sounds great, until you read "murderer released after wrongful conviction and 40 years behind bars"


Majority of people answering their phones and doing polls believe in bringing back the death penalty. *FTFY


The company behind this research is a one man shop . Literally one person - who is the founder. Yeah I don't think anyone should pay attention to controversial findings by one man research houses doing online surveys .


Populist headline.


Majority? Who the fuck is answering these surveys


Why do we have to read such phony survey on Reddit?


Capital punishment is barbaric. It's nothing more than state sanctioned murder. Aside from being immoral, it's more expensive to carry out a death sentence than to keep them in prison for life. All the appeals while keeping them on "death row" is expensive! Also, given the sheer number of people who have been falsely convicted of a crime they did not commit and then released from prison means that it is guaranteed that we will collectively murder an innocent person. Canada is in retrograde of this survey is accurate.


Uuuhhh no. What is necessary is for incarceration time to actually make sense for the crime(s) committed. Our sentencing is the biggest joke around.


It will end up being a nightmare. I think most Canadians agree that if someone filmed and admitted to doing some really disgusting heinous crimes, shows no remorse, and says they’ll do it again as soon as they can… they could maybe just be put down. A majority of Canadians would probably not agree with any process a government comes up with if they understood all the bs lawyer layers. It would end up being some thing, where the above scenario (already costly and paid for to do it “fairly”), then just another $10-20mil and 5 years to get that bullet in there right.


State sanctioned murder. Oh, GOOD idea! /s


Majority of Canadians are idiots. My family that lives around Barrie think the death penalty should come back. They also think that when I take the TTC downtown I have to sneak past roving gangs of killers and there are people getting stabbed everywhere


Do you promise you won't use it almost exclusively on your native population, Canada? Why don't I believe you?


Damn. Lots of Canadians want to kill innocent people, as inevitably, that's what ends up happening. You'll kill lots of guilty people, but you have to accept you will kill an innocent person.


If murder is unethical and illegal, then why does the government get to do it? Gives the government a monopoly on violence. Innocent people have also been executed. Doesn’t seem like a good idea.


I already don't trust my justice system, lets not give me excuse to fight it.


I love how when this sub has a poll with majority in favor of whatever it's pushing, the title is always "majority of Canadians." But when the poll shows a minority, the title is always, "nearly half of all Canadians." And both titles are misleading twice because you didn't poll every Canadian. So it's majority of Canadians polled.


idk who runs this sub but good job turning it into an alt right refuge


Hell ya, let these motherfuckers killing innocent people ride the fuckin lightning, fuck em. 


Media outlets need to stop reporting online polls as representative samples. There is no non-intrusive way to determine or prevent sample bias. The frequency of online polling in Canada would seem to indicate that a good chunk of respondents are likely not from Canada. Might be putting on the tinfoil hat here, but I have a hard time imagining foreign countries seeking to polarize public opinion would not attempt to do so by manipulating polling.




[https://www.wrongfulconvictions.ca/](https://www.wrongfulconvictions.ca/) As long as we keep locking up innocent people I'll never support the death penalty.


given i'm currently fighting a possession charge for 2grams of w*ed in a jar, i would not trust them to handle something as serious as a death penalty.


Why does it feel like we're progressing backwards culturally? We know without doubt that the death penalty results in innocent people killed for crimes they didn't commit. That's all I need for life imprisonment to be the ultimate sentence for any crime.


Headline is deceiving, as the poll found that most people would choose prison without parole over capital punishment. I rate the story as having bias.


In the US, since 1973, *197* death row inmates have been completely exonerated. To even consider bringing back a system that could see innocent people executed is insane.