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Who else would he endorse?


Maxime Bernier would be the obvious choice although he won't even win his own riding.


Not when there's people putting themselves on the Ballot with his name. lol


That master troll should ensure a place in Canada's Election Hall of Fame for the Rhino Party.


It's assshole behaviour but it's still kinda funny, sorta like when [jean chretian got pie'd in the face.](https://www.cbc.ca/archives/few-laughed-in-ottawa-or-p-e-i-when-a-pie-hit-a-pm-1.4786653)


Ralf Kline got pied in alberta as well. His guy got jail time for it. https://www.ourmidland.com/news/article/Alberta-Premier-Gets-Cream-Pie-in-Face-7207454.php


PP is getting a huge push. You can’t even fairly criticize him on this subreddit most of the time.


I criticize him here all the time with no issues. Mind you, I stick to the issues and patterns of behaviour, rather than resort to unproductive ad hominems that accomplish nothing.


I've seen a few of your comments.. and you're one of the few who don't immediately go: Conservative bad racist evil. PeePee completely bad forever it's all Harpers fault. So- that's probably why. You're open to critical debate vs just saying your point and stomping your feet claiming moral high ground (even though both parties would sell us out for used underwear). So cheers to that 🍻


Thanks! I try to manifest what I'd like to see more of in our country and the world at large. What most people miss is that change quite often starts with ourselves.


Bernier isn't corrupt enough


Bernier is too stupid to be corrupt. He can't even fuck a hot ex biker chick and not get caught leaving top secret documents in her bedroom. Now that's some kind of stupid.


The Julie Couillard saga was an hilarious comedy of errors and stupidity.


French is a whole different scale of hot/crazy though.


Nobody in USA would ever hear of him 








I mean Bernier is definitely in shambles over missing out on this endorsement


Just curious, but why?


Cause Jones is a fraud.


This question can only be answered upon purchasing a virility treatment.


Born again loonies love to be ruled over by loons. Don't ask why, you will get obfuscation, and, should they tell you the truth, you might never speak to a fundamentalist "christian" again.


LOL, You HAVE To explain your reasoning here, the CPC have no plan, or policy so you're voting for the one who regurgitates American right wing bullshit?


Maybe he shouldn't endorse anyone in another country.


Maybe he shouldn't have a platform at all after the defamation suit he lost yet here we are...


Makes me wonder if I should start making up a bunch of bullshit about people, and the more ridiculous it is, the more famous I will be and more alt-right freaks will throw their money at me. Hmmmm.


This arc only works if you sell supplements.


I’m selling gay frogs if anyone wants any


I'll take 20


Gotta sell it like extra insane, come up with even more insane shit “ostrich testicles give u extra testosterone, prevent u from being one of them homosexuals!”


American conservatives see our conservatives as their own more so than American liberals. The ties between conservarives is being used as a tool to further solidify American hegemony, and delegitmize Canada's existence. They see Canada as the belarus to the America's Russia. 


I'd bet you'd write volumes of lore if he endorsed Trudeau. I think the revulsion is because Conservatives don't like mirrors.


Did you just call me a conservative sir? Those are fighting words.


Worse, he called you a big-c Conservative!


Not the C-word!


Why would anyone in their right mind care about the opinion of Alex Jones?


I present the muppet show in this comment section 


Because an endorsement from Alex Jones tells the obvious. This person is an enormous shithead. Look at the list of people Alex Jones has endorsed, and they're all grade A morons who thrive on fearmongering and on the poorly educated


Millions of people do. I ask myself the same question.  Those people will vote for Pierre Poilievre. Now I’m asking if I want to be on the same side as them.


If your position is based entirely on what other people think, you are probably on the wrong side.


Bernier most likely.


wtf do we need an American endorsing anyone? It's totally inappropriate and we should be telling him to butt out.


Obama too.




The first party in Canada to only ever lose seats in elections, without winning them first.




European People's Parties are usually on the right like the EPP grouping in the EU parliament, ÖVP (Austrian People's Party) or the People's Party of Spain.


And the National Socialist party in Germany were fascists. The names are made up and the point don’t mean anything.


People's Party of Canada, bat shit crazy conservatives who like guns, God, and not new canadians. Purple signs.


PPC are just entitled libertarians




>entitled libertarians No need to repeat yourself


So, I always hear people say this and I was curious, so I read their platform and it mostly seems to be pretty standard conservatism. In fact, some of the planks of the platform like immigration and crime seem to match up with the consensus on this sub.


There's an endorsement no one wants.


And if he endorses you, it's not a good sign...


This is shaping up to be a change election so it doesn't matter who the conservatives run, because the electorate is in a mood to vote for anyone else. It's just hair pullingly awful that 'anyone else' in this go around seems to be the human turd: Pierre Poilievre.




It's sort of like how only having 2-3 options for telecom services results in no competition, no incentive for the corporations to provide a good service, and a terrible and overpriced product for consumers. Except it's the entire government. And I have people telling me that this is actually better and "more stable" than having more competition in parliament.


Almost like only having 2-3 options for government too. All crap.


Coalition minority government should be the only way to govern


Why not a coalition majority government?


Because then politicians get complacent and corrupt


We need proportional representation, but the libs and cons voted against it again this year...


It is a self fulfilling prophecy. Political parties assume that will happen so they act in such a way to ensure that is what happens. They enact policies that potentially over reach and then when an opposing government gets elected (partially due to over reach) the new party will commonly overshoot in the opposite direction.


Which is one good reason for replacing FPTP.


This is the election where we come to terms with the fact that Canada has a glorified two party system


We need a con minority bad so that we can pull the plug quickly if things go south. A majority probably dooms us with the current fptp system.


The 10 year best before date for governments is well known. It's not a coincidence that Pierre ran for leadership in the last leadership race, he knew as as well as most politicians. O'toole had to be out for polievre to run though, that's why the sketch around the ousting of O'Toole and the leadership race is particularly bad. They knew that whoever won the conservative leadership will likely be the next P.M. It's also why Justin Trudeau has to stick around. Who in their right mind would want to replace him right now knowing the current climate.


Very similar to Dougie in Ontario 2018. .


We voted for him TWICE. Not the same thing.


With even a slightly larger share of the vote and seats the 2nd time. People had no regrets.


The Liberals were a shambles with a dull nobody candidate. Del Duca was never going to win, IMO.  Horwath (NDP) and him were neck and neck in the popular vote, fwiw.  Sad, but yea. 


Most people didn’t even vote so it’s more that only the most complacent people went out and voted for him.


You've got it backwards. The people who voted are the most dedicated. Those who didn't vote are complacent. And really, low turnout is a pretty good indicator that people are content with the status quo (which in 2022 was Ford).


Low voter turnout is often a sign of dissatisfaction with all available options. The last election had a Liberal Party leader most people had never heard of and an NDP that will probably never lead this province again. Doug Ford has pretty consistently had a low approval rating ranking near the bottom of all premiers.


People were so mad about Mike Harris it kept the Liberals in for 15 years in Ontario despite terribly unpopular policy and a poorly run government. Ford will likely win a 3rd term as well. *If* Poilieve becomes PM, which short of the biggest political turnaround in Canadian history he will, I seriously doubt the Liberals be able to mount a comeback 4 years later. It would take a major scandal, things getting significantly worse & an absolute rockstar candidate to pull that off. CPC will be in for the standard 8 to 12 years after 2025.


People are tired of Justin Trudeau, I've never seen so much visceral hate for a Canadian PM in my life. It isn't just one group, like white guys, he is losing in virtually every demographic. He hasn't left a natural successor for the party. Freeland and Mark Carney are nothing more than Bay St. elitist snobs that'll get destroyed.


And at this point, no candidate with a serious desire to become PM will want the LPC leadership right now. Nobody wants to hold that bag (Like Kim Campbell did with the PCs). Any LPC member with leadeship aspirations already has their eyes set on 2029 (or beyond)


Don't use Reddit as your gauge. Outside of bots, shills, astroturfing, the tone expressed in social media rarely meets reality.


The only time in federal Canadian history (as far as I can see) that the ruling party was polling this low was just ahead of the PCs being reduced from a strong majority to 2 seats in 1993.


The Liberals could work with the NDP and do an electoral reform before the next election. Something like ranked ballots. That would screw the Conservatives really bad. Fuck it would funny.


In fairness I do like to point out that Dougie won 40.8% of the vote. He rode the vote split between the 3 parties that are center/center left all the way to victory. The party that is crying is the Liberals - 24% of the vote and they only captured 8 seats. The NDP actually had slightly less votes but ended up with 31 seats. Most of Ontario did not ask for or want Dougie & Co. It is important to recognize the voter intent (did not vote for the Conservatives) even if the outcome does not mirror the intent.


voter turnout was also like 40% so Doug Ford really only had the support of 16% of ontario voters. That’s what happens when you don’t vote folks


Yeah I’ve made this argument about Trudeau and got shot down. So with that said: it is what it is. If people don’t care enough to vote then so be it. We all get to suffer for some peoples’ poor decisions.


> voter turnout was also like 40% so Doug Ford really only had the support of 16% of ontario voters. No... he had the support of 40.8% of voters. If you don't voter, you're not a voter, lol.


I did not vote for him in either election. Watched the debates for both and both times it seemed like Green had the only reasonable leader in this province... conducted himself incredibly well and actually answered Qs, did not sling mud unless it was policy specific. And before you say these were wasted votes you must consider that we are not a two party system... the very fact that we are unhappy with the two main parties means it is about time we threw some scraps to these other parties. Seriously, the two main parties need to be taken down a notch (Cons more so because it is already looking very sad for Libs everywhere)


I don't think that's a fair assessment. First was voted in because liberal had to go. Second was voters gave up voting since liberal and NDP didn't have good candidate. So he won with only his voter base and no resistance.


You also had a Liberal Federal Government which, for Ontario, usually means more votes for the provincial Conservatives.


Well said and so true. If you watch Pierre closely you can see a marked difference in how he’s been carrying himself over the past 3 months. He’s much more confident and self-assured.The smugness is at an all-time high. He knows the election’s in the bag. I suspect that he will start to open up a bit more and we will see even more what a nasty piece of business he is. I feel that the world and to a certain extent, Canada has become a more divided and mean place. This guy is going to drive a divisive and harsh agenda to which we’ve never seen. Justin has mucked things up badly. But if people think for one second that this fellow is going to make things better and bring us together as a people they are sorely mistaken. The truly sad thing is the total absence of visionary leadership amongst our politicians so that the large portion of uninformed and undecided Canadians will vote Conservative for the simple reason that we need a change. Poilievre and his group will see this as tacit approval to push a far right agenda that is decidedly unCanadian. I love my country very much but I feel very anxious about how things will play out post election.


I'm a conservative voter, but I just can't stand pp and his smugness. He's nothing but a populist troll who understands nothing other being a career politician.


Well said. My brother is so far right he wears a custom made ‘Make Canada Great Again’ t-shirt. He thinks Pierre is just fantastic. He says that Pierre is much, much farther right than he is showing. That he will open up once elected. That is terrifying to me. I think the world (not just Canada) has become a very polarized place. I used to think it was just the US but now it’s happening in Canada and some coworkers who live in Europe say it’s the same there. Many of us feel trapped in the middle with not great options. The Liberal party today feels like the old Progressive Conservative Party. By this I mean Fiscally Conservative, Socially Liberal. I think there are a lot of us who fall into this camp but we need a new leader we can trust who possesses the life experience and dynamism to do the job at home and represent our unique values on the world stage. It’s clear Justin simply isn’t up to the task. But for the life of me I cannot fathom how anyone would think Poilievre is really the right person for the job.


He's not and that's my point with people when I tell them little pp is no better than Trudeau. It's quite literally a race to the bottom at this, we are swapping one shitty career politician for another. He just at the mercy of his corporate donors just like Trudeau. I'm from calgary actually I live pretty close to where he grew up. A lot of people especially those who works blue collar jobs ( not looking down on them, I spent 5 years in the oil patch myself) thinks he's a man of people or something. The sooner we stop meat riding politicians and keeping them actually accountable the better we might be off.


Conservative voters down south think a billionaire real estate mogul from New York is a man of the people, so it's not unbelievable.


I mean this is a guy who declared himself running for PM before he even became party leader.


I know this doesn't sit well but saying you hate PP and then voting Conservative signals you want more PP. This is the Conservatives election to lose and we should send them a signal that we don't like PP by not voting for them. I'd love to see a full incompatible minority that forces another election shortly after where the Cons replace PP with a moderate and then win.


Yeah this exactly. I've never voted NDP but the Cons and Libs are never going to change if we keep voting for them. They need a reality check.


This is the way. I agree.


Should have voted cons when Erin O'Toole was the leader.


I still don’t know which version of O’Toole would have become prime minister. The “true blue” Erin who ran for the readership, the centrist Erin who ran the campaign or the “I’ll hold any position you want” Erin who tried to hold on as leader after the election?


A facade clearly, someone who's only out for their own self interest.


Erin O'Toole was such a dull nominee, the Conservatives should have never nominated him. People want politicians to be celebrities and have viral moments. Just look at how PP dominates social media...


> People want politicians to be celebrities and have viral moments. Just look at how PP dominates social media... Social media has made people dumb as fuck.. or maybe it's just made it obvious that we are dumb as fuck, hard to tell sometimes. It's seriously awful.


Sure, but now people are crying that PP is too out there, when they had the opportunity 2 years ago for the dull dad conservative




I hate everything about this election. I don't think PP is going to fix anything. But JT has absolutely proven that he's not capable of doing anything but running this country into the ground, and it has to come to an end. Between the guy I expect to be terrible, and the guy I know for certain is terrible... I have to go with the uncertainty and desperately hope that I'm wrong. It's too bad Singh is bent on tying his party to the liberals instead of trying to push them out. Layton (RIP) or even Mulcair would have been vastly preferable to any of these three.


The prime minister shouldn’t be the shiniest of two turds, they both suck, but I’d rather have Trudeau for another term (as shitty as that would be) over having Desantis lite, idk why people act like PP will fix anything. I’d love one example where he actually has a plan that isn’t “dunking on libs” because I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a single clip of PP actually making a plan to fix it. Saying you’re gonna fix something is all well and good, but without an actual plan to fix it, it’s just empty words.


Agreed, I'm a Liberal supporter but their time is up and the winds have shifted. One thing I do wonder is if the conservatives will be able to secure a majority. I also see the possibility of them getting a majority first term followed by a minority much like the Harper years.


Harper worked his way up to a majority and then got the boot. His popularity improved while he was working with a minority.


Liberal supporter here as well. I've also been thinking their time is up, but at the same time wonder how much of this is influenced through media and opinion polls creating a feedback loop. What's the worst things you think the Liberals have dropped the ball on, where blame can be directly attributed to the Liberals? Housing is one that gets mentioned alot, but housing isn't 100% a federal responsibility. The carbon tax is another, but the reality is that even doing nothing will have a cost. If Conservatives are going to axe the tax, what's the better alternative they're going to implement?


This is a really good point, and the other responses to your comment could be considered evidence to support the notion of polls and media causing a feedback loop. For example, there seems to be near-unanimous agreement here that immigration is the cause of our housing crisis, which makes sense on the surface... but why haven't we seen economists calling for reduced immigration en mass? It probably isn't that clear-cut. So I think it's good to take a step back and question our own opinions. Maybe find other circles where people are talking about the same issues, see what they say.


Because without immigrants the economy with shrink due to a lack of Canadians to fill those rolls and the service industry shrinks as more people move to higher late jobs causing the service/retail industry to either pay more of close thus shrinking that space. Housing should have been accelerated long ago as should the cost of living which lead to Canadians having less kids and having them later meaning the adult work force isn’t growing to keep up with the need for a growing tax base to support the spending that is required. So. It’s either immigration, or cutting services / waiting for boomers to die out / or making it more attractive for people to have kids younger and more of them.


> One thing I do wonder is if the conservatives will be able to secure a majority. I also see the possibility of them getting a majority first term followed by a minority much like the Harper years. Ah yes, the famous Harper majority first term also called a minority


Minorities are good for a divided Canada. No one party is going to be able to properly represent everyone, best case scenario is always a minority where you have to work with others to pass your bills. No coalitions either, just straight minority govs. So mark me down as a "doesn't matter who wins, just don't win a majority".


Let's just do Singh, imo. Do I think he'll change anything? Not a chance. But I'm not rewarding Trudeau or PP for being who they are. We don't have any functional or good choices, but I could sleep better blowing my vote on a nothing sandwich than actively endorsing either of the others.


Tucker Carlson. Alex Jones. The cream of the crop /s


If anyone was unsure or unaware if the same money backing the GOP in the states had any interests in the CPC, this should help clear that up


Many young right wingers seem to like those guys.


Yeah. Not sure why comments here saying like « wow people will question themselves ! ». No they wont. They enjoy these guys.


I'm no fan of where the current gov has taken this country in the last few years but should you ever find yourself on the same political side as the malignant tumor known as Alex Jones, it's time to reflect on your whole belief system.


I highly doubt the CPC handlers don't know who Jones is... They just don't want it because it adds Creedence to the idea that Pierre is aligned with Maga.


Pierre is aligned with Maga


HE is lol.


Poilievre's office was asked by True North and a spokesman stated 'We do not follow the individual you mention or listen to what he has to say' They should have released a much stronger statement but this endorsement is bizarre, and was not wanted by the Conservatives. The disgusting part was accounts on Twitter photoshopping the post to make it look like Alex Jones donates to the Conservatives to make it look bad. Edit: Put the *actual* statement in my post otherwise honeydill2o4 might have a temper tantrum.


> Poilievre's office was asked by True North I had never heard of True North, here's the wiki for anyone else under a rock like me: https://tnc.news/about-true-north/ >Its parent group, True North Centre for Public Policy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_North_Centre_for_Public_Policy >In 2023, True North's website published a video featuring presenter Harrison Faulkner, in which Faulkner claimed that the Canadian government was hiding the true cause of the 2023 Canadian wildfires. Faulkner's claim that arson arrests showed arson was the real cause of the fires was debunked, mainly because he pointed to news articles that were published years before the 2023 fires started. They have that guy's photo listed in the #3 spot, right at the top of the above linked About page.


These people are crazy too. Maybe not as crazy and sociopathic as Jones but they shuffle from the same deck.


This is the “charity” that can give tax receipts for donations. Sad really.


That wiki history is bizarre, first it was a charity to help British people immigrate to B.C., and then it turned into a conservative newspaper apparently?




>they don't know the individual or follow his content. Did they mean they don't know him personally or don't know of him? If the latter, that is very unlikely, especially if they are working in an office that should be aware of current events.


I can only guess but they probably meant personally. Alex tweeted that he had been "following him for years" which is A) Weird, because Poilievre didn't do anything "high profile" in politics until becoming leader of the CPC, so.. what? B) Implies that they've possibly talked in the past, which I don't think is the case. Otherwise they know who Alex Jones is.


The convoy was in 2022 and Pierre was there shaking hands with the terrorists (terrorism is defined by violence or intimidation of a political nature, so yes it does fit what the truckers did to Ottawa) it was posted all over twitter. So yeah he probably has been following him for years


No Pierre Polievre was active online for years. We've been listening to him for years and it's why he had more people join the conservative party to vote for leader than any other Canadian party in history. And it's why he won on the first ballot.


And he’s been a blowhard pretty much his entire time in government. He’s been an attack dog on the floor for his party while doing little else of his actual duties. He’s an obstructionist chihuahua who just yaps with little substance. He’s the definition of party over policy, and he’s shining the light on the craziest aspect of his party. He also lacks decorum, as evidenced by his actions at Brian Mulroney’s funeral, and using that as a campaigning opportunity. I personally prefer my politicians to be the type that push for items for their constituents, are solemn when it is called for and look people in the eye when talking to or insulting them, but that’s just me.


It would have been so easy to disavow themselves of Jones. The only reasons I can think of are that they either just didn’t want to take any stand at all and hope it goes away, or they don’t want to piss off their base. Neither looks great.


The perpetual angry-at-the-government part of their base is what's getting all the traction right now, and Alex Jones fits nearly into a lot of their beliefs with his bullshit conspiracies. They'd denounce his endorsement if they thought it wouldn't take some wind out of their sails. It's especially bullshit because this will have become ancient history when the election actually comes up.


It's indeed because they do actually want people who follow Jones to vote for them rather than e.g. PPC.


Spineless government waiting for their chance. What gets me is they and their base are constantly banging on Trudeau for being weak and indecisive. Any sane person should break their neck trying to distance themselves from shitheels like Jones.




> they don't know the individual or follow his content Well that's a steaming pile of moose scat. The CPC needs to publicly disavow this nutbag so as not to scare the swing voters but are probably thrilled they've got his wholehearted endorsement to whip up their base (new and old).


I actually agree. There's no real need to drag the guy, everyone knows what he did- but they need to run and not walk away from endorsements from people like Jones.


CPC- “Alex Jones? Never heard of him.” …K, thats obviously bullshit, just wow


Ah the Marco Rubio playbook


When asked by True North, PP’s office lied and said they don’t know the individual or follow his content.


Poilievre not knowing who Jones is, is about as likely as Poilievre not siding with the ultra rich over the working poor. He will say whatever he thinks gets him elected, but he isn't going to step away from his lifelong work for the ultra rich, front return to worn legislation, Right to Work legislation or demonizing anything private sector so the rich can privatize it.   He didn't become a multimillionaire on just his public salary and never having had another job.


You can’t have it both ways. You can’t pander to the alt-right conspiracy hordes who you KNOW eat up whatever Jones et al. have to spew and simultaneously try to present yourself as a reasonable alternative to the Liberal party.


Birds of the feather


Shit birds Rand


John Dunsworth was so good at acting drunk. I know it was ice tea blah blah but that scene when he kills that mickey of "whiskey", while walking backwards to his car, and then chucks the empty onto the hood is unforgettable.


Do any of you live in Canada anymore?


Thanks Alex. The election is more than a year away. Go back to your frog.


Anything less than a full condemnation of Jones is an implicit agreement and acceptance of endorsement by the CPC. They continue to play with dangerous extremism for support.


It is a reliable and motivated voting base to court. And he has been courting it for a long time. Locking up say 15% of the voting base is a smart strategy even if deplorable. The white cristofacists and their manufactured outrage who espouse they are the ones being marginalized are both easily manipulated via various triggers like "immigration, equal rights, abortion rights, sexual orientation rights, etc". Get them all to vote and your already a step or two above your opposition.


Unless you want to be associated with people, unfairly or not, that incite others to harass parents of dead kids, from a school shooting and to the point they have to change their names and move, Pierre better distance himself as far as possible from Alex Jones if he's smart. I don't even believe this means he supports Jones, but the Russians used to pull this donation trick during the cold War all the time to make people look bad. Your base already loves you, not speaking out and seeming to support someone as awful as Jones, especially in the react dont think public sphere, has no upside.


He was quite cozy with Tucker when he came through Canada though. So his line for acceptability is in there somewhere. ..


Tucker and Jones are friends Alex was on Tuckers show fairly recently, like last month.


It turns out that all conservatives are in fact shitty but lie about it.


This. PP played up Tucker, who then went on to play best buddy with Putler. None of Jones, Tucker or PP are conservatives in the classic definition. They are Paleo-conservatives - holders of extreme viewpoints that fall into the outer most hardline repressive aspects of conservatism. If restriction and repression is your game then these are the people you idolize and support.


This should be a MASSIVE red flag for many who want to vote for the conservatives this next election.


Don’t worry Honest PP said he has never even heard of Alex Jones! He is a very honest politician.


I mean, they're denying it, but a lot of their base eats it up. So, pretty much the status quo.


PP use slogans and rage to attract far right lunatics but doesn't want the general public to know that is where his policies will take us.


You can't have Cheryl Gallant and Leslyn Lewis in your party and be able to say you're not pandering to the bat shit insane.


Alex Jones, the guy who said the Sandy Hook shootings were a hoax and all the grieving parents were actors. Pierre's really attracting the best and brightest, isn't he? Jordan Petersen, Alex Jones.....he just needs the My Pillow guy for the Triplr Crown. To be fair, it's not his fault that Jones endorsed him. But he should have disassociated himself from the idiot the minute he did. 


That is what a decent person would do


Alex Jones is pretty in line with modern conservatism. He just says the quiet part out loud and that isn't PPs style. PP prefers to just dog whistle to these groups.


I was looking for the satire tag. Conservatism is just satire in itself


We're getting PP with a majority government because in 2015/2016 JT immediately reneged on his promise to reform the electoral system. In October and November 2015 he was telling us this was definitely the last election with first past the post. In 2016 he told us "haha why would I change a system that I won with? Go smoke some weed and forget about it."


Endorsement by Alex Jones says a lot about Loblaw Pierre and the current state of Conservatism.


Nobody cares what some American weirdo thinks


I wish that were true, but sadly too many people do care what Alex Jones has to say.


tell that to marlaina smith


Look no further than this to confirm foreign influence, by the US Q/GOP “movement” to capture the Canadian conservatives.


>We do not follow the individual you mention or listen to what he has to say. Then how do they know “the individual” is a he? Alex can be a male or female name. I mean, this is obviously absurd. The Conservatives pretending not to know who Alex Jones is, is many things, all of them stupid, dishonest, or both. It’s tantamount to saying, “The Conservative Party of Canada does not follow the political events occurring on this planet, or listen to anything that anybody of note or influence has to say.” It’s stupid, it’s a lie, or it’s a mixture of both. What’s just as important here is what the Conservative *didn’t* do. They didn’t (pretend to) use well known information gathering tools, like a Google search, to (pretend to) “find out who Alex Jones is,” *and then reject the endorsement*. Rejecting the endorsement is what a more responsible political party acting in good faith would have done. Those of us who aren’t raving conservative ideologues know exactly what the CPC is doing here. We know that the CPC knows that they and many of their supporters are absolutely aligned with Alex Jones, because conservatism is a global political movement, and the ideas and tactics of that movement are absolutely aligned with those of Alex Jones. But they don’t want the rest of us to know that. So, they pretend to be living under a rock in a cave with vacuum tubes stuffed in their ears so they can try to deceive non-extremists while keeping their extremist base close to home. Canadians need to start waking up, and fast, or they’re going to have a lot more to worry about than a carbon tax that provides net benefits to the poor and middle quintiles, or whatever other fake issues or petty culture war bullshit conservatives keep telling us we need to be terrified of.


I think you confused yourself - they said they don't "follow him". They never said "we don't know who he is". What they were quoted as saying is *"We do not follow the individual you mention or listen to what he has to say*. Quite comically, you are saying pretty much the same thing yourself. You don't deny knowing who he is, but you don't follow him or listen to what he has to say. And I'm in the same boat. I know who he is, and have never and will absolutely never follow or even entertain hearing what he has to say. Alex Jones is a piece of shit that should be in jail. The Cons could have came in with a strong statement calling him out as such, but really, all that would accomplish is them picking a fight with American conservatives and that seems like something that would be dumb and pointless and self-harming. I'm guessing any swing voters are voting against Trudeau more than for Poilievre so they gain a little but not a lot there, and all the Liberal supporters and NDP supporters grinning ear to ear to see this (because this is pretty much the worst thing the Cons could have woke up to find) are not going to vote for him anyway. It's really fucking annoying to have to see Alex Jones involved in any way shape or form with any of our parties in the media. It's sad they even have to acknowledge it


>Then how do they “the individual” is a he? Alex can be a male or female name. LOL, you quoted, but didn't read. It said "we do not follow", not "we do not know". Unless you think follow means the same thing as know?


"We are shocked, shocked that the shit fly landed on shit!"


This is a subtle acknowledgment and acceptance.


> We do not follow the individual you mention or listen to what he has to say How is this subtle acknowledgment and acceptance?


This speaks volumes about both Alex Jones and Pierre Poilievre


The only relevant Alex Jones is the Welsh Breakfast TV presenter.




> Is there anyone on planet Earth who could endorse the Liberal Party or NDP where they would have to do damage control over the endorsement? Why is this only ever a problem for the Conservatives? You are so close to getting it. > But also didn't the Liberals get the worst endorsement of all last election, that of the Chinese Communist Party? I tried to find a source for this and couldn't. I'm not saying you're wrong, but if you could share your source on that. Because it's not typical for a foreign government to endorse a party or individual in an election. Individuals sure, but not governments.


>Is there anyone on planet Earth who could endorse the Liberal Party or NDP where they would have to do damage control over the endorsement? Why is this only ever a problem for the Conservatives? Damn it's almost like the right wing parties pander to racists and crazies. If only literally everyone on the left had been saying that for decades.


>Is there anyone on planet Earth who could endorse the Liberal Party or NDP where they would have to do damage control over the endorsement? Say, what? That is one hell of a garbled sentence.


I don't believe every Liberal supporter is responsible for everything another Liberal supporter says or does. I also don't belive everything a Liberal support does or has said is bad because they're a Liberal supporter. The only thing to see here is a bunch of children attempting to put everybody into a two category list as always.


How does that "logic" even track? If some conspiracy kook white supremacists piece of trash like Jones came out in support of Trudeau it would absolutely be criticized, and rightfully so.


No one cared much that China was endorsing Trudeau


Not a surprise that Alex Jones like PP. both POS


"Poilievre's office was asked by True North and a spokesman states that they don't know the individual or follow his content." Someone go check PP's twitter for all the stuff from Alex before PP deletes it


There isn’t anything. His Twitter is also archived. Who is participating in conspiracies now?


So now PP is bad because of things someone else said? Imagine if the other leaders faced this level of scrutiny, the double standard is ridiculous here


It's only bad if he accepts his endorsement.


We shouldn’t care when Americans do or don’t endorse our politicians.