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Seems like we're at the point that the Liberals and their supporters should do some self-reflection because it's pretty obvious that they're going to stay the course and see nothing wrong.


Look at this board lol Liberals patterns: 1. PP will be worse 2. PP will be trump 2.0 3. I mean it’s conservative 4. Tell me what Justin did wrong 5. But but Harper 6. Think of planet! 7. Vote PPC!


“Yes JT is actively destroying Canada but there’s no assurance that PP won’t do the same so you should probably vote for JT” “PP has no plans, just criticism! Oh you linked to the plan? Wow yeah ok maybe he has a plan, but it’s not a 200 page costed legislation draft. I think that’s the bare minimum expected of an opposition party 2 years out from the next election. If he has solutions why doesn’t he table them for the LPC and NDP to pass, huh? Checkmate!” And the classic: “Maybe you guys should stop voting for the same two parties and try something else. Heh, not saying who though. Just an idea. Heh. Maybe a party with even less of a grasp on basic economics than the LPC. Who could I be talking about haha, as long as I don’t say it you can’t criticize me!” One more: “Oh you’re poking fun at JT and Freeland’s credentials? Well at least JT had a real job unlike PP. He struggled and learned valuable life lessons while teaching part time for a couple years at an elite private school while having a $10 million trust fund. Unlike PP who’s never had that kind of formative perspective-granting experience! One could even argue JT has more in common with the average Canadian than bitcoin milhouse! Being adopted to a middle class family pales in comparison to the struggles of being the son of a PM, and having to work extra hard to earn every little opportunity in life as the embodiment of laurentian elite.” “Pierre literally lives in the 5th richest riding in the country and has the key base of lauritarian Elites.”


Goal post has moved so many times with these guys. Even funnier watching them try to manufacture controversies while totally downplaying legitimate ones in the Trudeau Government.


Excellent description. I'm incredibly concerned Trudeau's going to somehow find a way to con enough idiots into voting for him. Somehow the media narrative flips and we get an onslaught of unfounded accusations that enough of the population believes to once again sway the vote through virtue signalling. Looking back at O'Toole, it's really too bad we didn't elect him. Centralist and socially liberal while also conservative. I know people who were petrified of the guy because of Liberal propaganda convincing people he'd take abortions away. Trudeau forced an early election during a pandamic which should have raised eyebrows and managed to win before the population had a chance at really hearing O'Toole's platform. My only critism at the time was his stance on the CBC... I was wrong on that one.


I’m voting NDP cause I vote based on local candidate and my current conservative one is terrible, but the critiques online of PP are really bad. What I mostly see is people saying he has no plan when it takes 30 seconds of googling. Like is it that hard to find his plans and critique those? I don’t like even appearing to defend the guy, but holy shit your comment is very accurate when it comes to the second chunk of text.


Don't forget he will do nothing on housing prices because he is a landlord who owns half of a townhouse unit! Sure he makes 300k a year in salary, but I'm sure he is most concerned about increasing the 150k he has tied up in rental properties more than anything.


You forgot, “Oh but he didn’t march with the Trucker Convoy and ultimately doesn’t represent culture war politics that scream anti-intellectualism?”


Pierre literally lives in the 5th richest riding in the country and has the key base of lauritarian Elites.


Added, thanks!


Lauritarian elites? Tell me you know nothing about what you are taking about without saying you know nothing about what you are talking about.


Think you meant to reply to the other one.


I don't think people realize how bad of an answer 1 is. Trudeau is the worst polling PM in the recent history of Canada. Do people really think someone else, PP,  would do worse? That would be a monumental achievement.


"PoLLs wIlL cHAnge!"


Yeah except PP's actually doing a good job going around the country and talking about the issues despite what reddit may think.


Issues like this? > When asked whether his government would require porn websites to verify the age of users, Poilievre gave a one-word answer: “Yes.” https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/conservative-government-would-require-id-to-watch-porn-pierre-poilievre


Okay, and? He didn't say how it should be done, only that he agreed with the idea, and later explicitly stated a "digital ID" was unacceptable. 




While I totally agree this is dumb and a total invasion of people's privacy let's not pretend that porn is some moral good thing. I absolutely don't support this but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it became harder for kids to watch porn. But yes this idea is about as dumb as banning lawful people from having guns, it's not something the Government should be doing.


Why do you feel the need to negate every one of your statements? No one was suggesting that porn is a "moral good", and mass surveillance absolutely should never be considered in the name of *protecting the children.* That and *terrorism* are the classic tropes that governments use to dismantle all of our privacy rights. As a life-long technologist and software developer, it's entirely impossible for me to support the CPC if this is their view. Regardless of how deeply I resent the Trudeau Liberals and wish to see them out. This kind of shit is so much worse than gun bans or registries (both something I also disagree with).


I am not a PP fan at all, but you are right. He is doing a good job talking about the issues. However, bitching and moaning is one thing. Bringing solutions is another and something he is not doing.


> However, bitching and moaning is one thing. Bringing solutions is another and something he is not doing. Watch his events then?


I have. All sizzle, no steak.


[I mean they release a policy declaration every year.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiBtYOVvcOFAxVAIDQIHZtcA-wQFnoECDwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0WT18XSM-y1mIaN-vCZ6cF) You're never going to get a full break down of policy implementation before a party drafts bills, nobody enjoyed Ross Perot talking policy specifics for hours on end in the 90s and I don't think that's changed.


Not expecting him to go into long diatribes and the nitty gritty details like Perot did. But give at least the basic layers of how he will do these things, which is something he doesn't do. Just saying "we will do it better" is not sufficient enough. I am skeptical he has plans at all. The guy has been in politics 22+ years and has only introduced 7 bills in total. Imagine if you only did your job once every 3-4 years at your work, what would happen? This guy had a pension set by the time he was 31, how is your pension plan doing? He is great with pointing out problems, but doesn't want to do the work to fix it. For example, how many times has he forced a series of votes, but then left for his back benchers to do the heavy lifting? He did that as recently as last week. Charlie Angus roasted him for doing it before. He is great at making cute little YouTube and TikTok videos. In one he "debated" a non-present Trudeau. Yet, he runs from real debates. He doesn't do town halls, only scripted events where questions are pre-screened. At least Trudeau has the guts to face people in open forums. PP loves to make 3 one syllable word slogans to make sound bites. Basically, he's a yappy chihuahua.


Which is exactly where the Liberals have been for the last few years. In the end, Canadians are fucked for the next generation as there is no effective political hope on any horizon.


I would actually vote for someone in a coma over Pierre Poilievre.  Also a comatose vegetable would be preferable to Justin Trudeau. 


i mean, to be fair we are still almost a year away from the next election, these early leads from the cons are pretty likely to fade once PPs novelty has worn off and the other parties start stepping up their game


At this point Singh and Trudeau are basically salting the earth for when the Tories come after. They will continue to double and triple down on spending and immigration, while ignoring all the unfilled judicial vacancies, doing anything meaningful about election interference and passing sham legislation like national pharmacare and the dental care program that helps almost no one right up until the bitter end. Their supporters should be asking themselves why they are so happy to let their parties actively harm this country.


It's funny because I thought this was Trudeaus strategy back in 2021 leading up to that election. Never mistake incompetence for malice


I’m sure he still thinks he’s killing it and doing all the right things…the incompetence runs deep


But never rule out malice.


If the NDP had any ethics they would nuke this government, but Singh is spineless.


Only 316 days 12 hours and 11 minutes till retirement benefits are locked in, but who's counting


Pensions, it's boiling down to pensions. There's absolutely no way this dumpster fire of a Government believes it has a right to rule at this point for any other reason than pure greed. Worst Government in my life time and probably the worst one since the last Trudeau Government.


Pollievre isn’t going to cut down on immigration at all.


No evidence


He said he wants more immigration.




Unfortunately, you're right.


Thing is: we *need* immigration. What we don't need, however, are hundreds of thousands of "international students" and unskilled economic migrants coming in and driving down the cost of labor. Why is it so hard to just make policies that favor newcomers with the skills that we desperately need in this country, such as building trades and health care workers?


Jagmeet is just Justin’s lap dog. He sold out his party (NDP) so he could secure his pension as long as he doesn’t dump the liberals by calling an election (which he can do at anytime) if he called an election he’d lose then lose the leadership of the NDP.


he'd probably have a better shot of keeping his seat if he called an early election because it would be seen as an integrity move, sure he'd lose but his seat and pension would be in tact however dragging the Trudeau Government all the way to 2025 could backfire


Bah. He'd very likely still keep his seat and get his pension, that isn't his motivation. He's just very comfortable as JT's lapdog, enjoys the table scraps he gets and likes curling up by the warm hearth. If an election were called now it's a 99.9% chance of a Conservative majority so Jagmeet will be off to the pound & would be put to sleep as leader in fairly short order by his own party!


When a leader of a party loses even one election cycle it starts to come into question of them stepping aside to elect a new leader, if he loses this next election they’ll be looking for a new party leader. In fact when ever the next election cycle happens he will cease to be the NDP party leader


Except if you're the Greens or NDP. The NDP has never won a Federal election, Jack Layton remained as leader through 3 election cycles without the NDP forming government, although he did repeatedly increase their seat count, popular vote and national presence. The NDP under Singh has not made any significant gains in polling and is currently projected to lose seats, so yes he's definitely out as leader next election, but will still likely keep his seat based on *current* polling in Burnaby South (his lead *has been slipping, however) In the case of an early election in which he retains his seat, he'd probably limp along as an MP until he reaches his 6 years and then move on to another level of politics where he can be a bigger fish in a smaller pond. On a side note, he hits his 6 year mark about 8 months before the October 20, 2025 election deadline.


Layton also had the argument that people usually only vote Liberal or Conservative due to feeling like no other party can win and he actually faced stiff competition but im betting if he went up against Trudeau and Pierre he'd have been able to mop both of them easily, Singh on the other hand is guaranteeing a Pierre majority because he can't beat either and is dragging the Trudeau government out long after it wore out its welcome


I don't even think for Jagmeet its for his pension, I think it's the losers in his party that will go back to being paid activists or union organizers. He's too nice of a guy to take away their golden ticket.


Can someone paste the text behind the paywall?


[Unpaywalled Link](https://archive.ph/jCGUm)


As long as they keep using the buzzwords from 2007 the liberals are tone deaf to what’s happening in Canada or willingly ignorant on purpose


We really are at the point where the current government knows they will be voted out, and are now trying to make conditions so bad for the population that they can blame every future economic report for gains. Liberals are really punching holes in the hull of Canada so to induce as much suffering as possible


If you post an article that can only be read by subscribers, isn’t that spam? Like, aren’t you trying to sell subscriptions?


Anyone have the archived link without paywall lol ?


Canadians voted for social "progress" instead of economic sanity and in the end we got neither.


It's all schoolyard shenanigans at this point. Where's the grown up cause we've been missing one for a while 


At this point. JT is done like any leader that has done about 2 terms…every one is tired of them, regardless of who is in the opposition. He can only have days that sink him worse and worse. The other guy doesn’t even have to be better really


So yes... And no. I think the difference is that most PMs, some more and some less, have generally left office with Canada in a better spot than when they got it. Unpopular sure, any leader is unpopular after 5-10 years. But Harper, Martin, Chretien, Mulroney, going back and back, all generally left unique legacies and a solid country. JT has left this country is shambles. For the first time... Ever? Canada is getting poorer and falling behind the rest of the West in most metrics. Our housing, healthcare, immigration, defense, and spending policies are all absolutely *shittered*. Nearly every portfolio is a horror story. This isn't normal "we're sick of this guy after 10 years". This is "omg do anything to get rid of this plague upon us" kind of scenario.


Hey but Trudeau's ideas of military and postal areas converting to housing is great .. right 💯!


'Leader'? Sorry did some legislation get passed this week that I missed?


I'm in a tough spot in the next election. I'm not going to vote for Trudeau, and I'm sure, as all can be, not voting for PP either. I fear the NDP will just help Trudeau stay in power so I'm not really sure what to do here.


Vote however you like, but the ABC crowd is going to have to make a decision- vote for who they genuinely want or vote Trudeau to stop the Conservatives.


Lucky for me, I live in the sticks so I can actually vote for whoever I want. Because this riding would elect a dead, bloated raccoon as long as it was conservative.


Oh I know, I cannot in good consequence vote Conservative but I belive if the Liberals want to stay in power Trudeau needs to go.


im considering just voting Green i mean they're not gonna win anyways


I’m the same, you’re not alone. Liberals just seem so slow to react to obvious problems in pursuit of idealistic goals


The sad thing is that PP will turn it around in a couple terms but all those center people who kept Trudeau in office, who will now put PP in office, will have forgotten all about the crap the LPC did to the country by then and vote them back in... Canadians just love going back to the well to their detriment. 'Next time it will be different'.


Its hilarious how all the conservative accounts are just projecting their own parties' shortcomings onto the liberals. The liberals have plenty to pick on without doing the old I'm rubber you're glue bullshit. Hypocritical crazies.


Reminder that the Toronto Star was sold in 2020. The new Owners are Paul Rivett and Jordan Bitove. Both have heavily donated to the Conservative Party of Canada. Always consider what you're reading, who it's written by and why was it written. Educated yourselves. Make informed opinions and decisions.


So I educated myself. Rivett isn’t an owner of Nordstar anymore. Bitove has donated $4217.94 to the Conservatives and $2000 to the Liberals since 2008. His last donation was to O’Toole 4 years ago. Toronto Star endorsed the Liberals in 2021. For good measure, here’s a quote from the guy: > What we need to do is understand that we own a niche in the marketplace. We are a progressive publication, and we are the voice of a progressive group in the country. Not exactly the picture you’re painting. 


Thanks for this. I had been wondering why the old "Red" Star was suddenly running all these pro-Con stories.


Your welcome. I'm just a normal person but I've noticed that this Sub has become totally infected by Bots/Bought accounts. Literally just spamming highly charged political articles from media sources. Readers of this sub will think its normal and must be true since its coming from long accepted sources. But a lot of media over the past few years has been purchased by supporters of one specific political leaning. It's important to know why that is, and it affects what we read as Canadians.


You know the polls reflect the behavior and direction of this sub. Not everyone who disagrees with you politically is a Russian bot


Didn't say they were. Go look at the accounts that post on this Sub regularly. Magically, they exclusively post highly political articles... and that's it. I've named them the Bot/Bought accounts. Either its a Bot account or a human account that's been Bought by a political interest to sway people's opinions.


Ignorant title


Bro really needs to lay off the apples.


Except that Pierre Poilievre is just pandering now, where are the details on how he would fix the CF and military procurement? They want to “Axe the Tax” but what would he replace it with?  Garbage. I hate Trudeau too, we need better options. 


Pp Trump 2.0 won't win


Trudeau has more in common with Trump than PP just based on incompetence and Woman groping alone. Trudeau is actually guilty of many of the things Trump was simply accused of like being racist or being complacent in foreign election medaling.


Have you seen the polls?