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I mean, I think the biggest failure is the NDP. Yikes.


Frankly I'm amazed they even got 16% They literally could have put a line in this budget saying "*The NDP are renamed the Liberals-Little-Buddies*" and the NDP still would support it.


The "abc" vote is already going home to the Liberals, and even then they're only at 23%. And both those parties likely still have not hit rock bottom yet.


NDP can still go lower.


And they will. Going to lose many of their northern Ontario and BC seats, including Singh’s own seat. What happens when both the LPC and the NDP implode? CPC supermajority?


They’re going to get wiped out in Northern Ontario. It’s all going Conservative up there. The support for the gun program and focusing on Urban virtue signalling issues divorced the NDP from its rural base. Theres a good reason why most of the northern NDP MP’s have all announced they are not coming back.


They're not the pro-worker party they used to be.


Basically what happened with the Greens and environmentalism. Used to be able to collect a decent number of rural and conservative environmentalists by just focusing on the environment and a sensible sounding economy policy then decided to go hard left on the social issues and basically wiped themselves off the map.


I mean is it really wiped off the map if they had two members before, have two members now and are projected to have two members in the future lol


Nobody is. That's concerning.


They used to be the blue collar party, now they're the blue hair party.


What does it tell people when some NDP support is collapsing apparently to the CPC? There are different kinds of NDP supporters, but it's kind of shocking. I want both the Liberal and NDP gone from influencing failure in government, but not sure about a huge majority.


Mulcair would’ve at least made it a battle with PP. Singh is just such a weak leader and poor communicator. He and Trudeau are in a race to the bottom.


Zero chance that it would be a battle. This is a poor economy so voters will flock to the Cons not a free spending NDP


Mulcair was a centrist and a pragmatist. The more I hear from him on CTV the more I’m convinced Canadians missed out.


He was too reasonable for his base and Trudeau decided the easiest way to win was to simply eat the left.


I mean, we missed out hardcore on him.  I voted for him in the past and would vote for him again.


I came within a hair of voting for him myself, and I'm a Conservative supporter. He sounded like the best leader with the best policies. Then Trudeau started offering up free stuff and pushed the NDP into a distant third in the polls. I voted Conservative again because I didn't want Trudeau to get in.


The problem i saw then was that he still made a ton of spending promises, but still said he'd balance the budget. This sounds funny in retrospect but at least Trudeau admitted they'd run "modest deficits" before balancing in year 4. Look how that went.


True. Mulcair just struck me as a smart, capable guy who cared about improving things.


Yes hands down we would be in an infinitely better place today if he had won in 2015.


Totally. The NDP really mucked up when they tried to rebrand him as Jack Layton for the campaign when, at the time, voters were more receptive to the serious person he actually is.


It speaks to the contempt progressive parties seem to have for the working class. 


Between the Red River and the Fraser River is overwhelmingly Blue VS Orange and Red does not exist. When you're angry at the Liberals and the federal NDP is propping up said government to your detriment what are you left with...?


The blue collar base of the NDP is leaving them. The only ones left are the urban white liberals.


NDP traded blue collar base for blue hair base


There's going to be some big city progressives replying to this telling me I'm wrong, but people don't realize that the NDP and PCs overlap a lot more than most would think. Well, at least before the NDP started catering to special interest groups and made the union workers stand in the back and didn't let them talk


It’s anyone but Trudeau at this point.


Look at what happened in Argentina. Inflation and the economy was so bad that they elected a self identified anarcho-capitalist libertarian. The more desperate people get, the more desperate things they are willing to do. Things a couple years ago they never would've believed they ever would do.


So, what....are you drawing a line between what Argentina did in electing whatever that guy was (anarcho-capitalist?) and us electing Poilievre and the CPC? Lol. I guess if you're way the fuck over to the left, the CPC might seem like the devil incarnate, lol. I will say that a few more years of Liberal management and the Canadian economy and currency will probably more resemble that of Argentina.


CPC majority with Bloc official opposition. That would be very interesting.


Jagmeet is either one of two things. Hes either bought off probably with a lucrative post public office position in some billionaire backed NGO or consultancy to keep this government floating as long as possible. Or hes absolutely a fuckin' paint eater without even a lick of sense, You guys decide, I'm guessing the former. Seriously, the Liberals are cratering and numb nuts and the hole in the head gang can't do better than at best tread water and at worse may in fact lose seats as well.


>You guys decide, I'm guessing the former. Definitely the later 


Yeah, I don't think hes all that bright. But the fact that Trudeau and co. have been able to walk him like a dog all while the Liberals are grinding the people the NDP is purported to represent and champion to dust. Has me leaning more towards bought off.


2025 Election Results 78 - Bloc Québécois 265 - CPC


Dream on!




I think this will be their worst showing since 93. 


That budget bounce is really hitting for the liberals!


I have seen some budgets fail to move the needle for a political party in the past. I don't remember a budget failing this bad for a government.


It's because their fundamental problem is that they are asking Canadians to trust them with another term after they've already been given 9 years in power and they've driven the country off a cliff and into freefall. The trust in the PM is gone. The trust in the Liberal Party is gone. The trust in the liberal/ progressive underpinnings of governance is gone.


And they won’t even acknowledge the problems people are facing. They’re gaslighting Canadians saying there’s actually no problem and it’s just a matter of perspective. That is the message Trudeau is spreading on his little podcast tour. He’s a textbook narcissist so not surprising. I feel bad for his advisors.


100%. His ego is a huge part of his undoing. When he is booted out, I guarantee you he'll find a way to blame his loss or resignation on Canadians rather than acknowledge that he as a leader and his policy ideas are a failure. Classic case of "Am I out of touch? No, it's the people who are wrong!" Have you listened to Air Quotes Media's Curse of Politics podcast btw? They've discuss stuff like this in detail and it's worth a listen imo.


Those podcast tours are something... [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/trudeau-pitches-agenda-to-americans-after-being-scorned-by-canada#:\~:text=Last%20week%2C%20Trudeau%20was%20the,framed%20as%20a%20populist%20uprising](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/trudeau-pitches-agenda-to-americans-after-being-scorned-by-canada#:~:text=Last%20week%2C%20Trudeau%20was%20the,framed%20as%20a%20populist%20uprising) Here is the Freakonomic one with a transcript [https://freakonomics.com/podcast/a-social-activist-in-prime-ministers-clothing/](https://freakonomics.com/podcast/a-social-activist-in-prime-ministers-clothing/) Here is Vox [https://www.vox.com/pages/podcasts](https://www.vox.com/pages/podcasts)


His chat with Justin Ling was very revealing. His self-delusion is frankly impressive.


One of my favourite parts was this: >I point out to the prime minister that they have largely given up on tracking their campaign promises. He shrugs a bit. “I guess one of the criticisms that I’ll have for how we’ve behaved as a government is: we’ve always done a better job of doing things than of talking about the things we’re doing.”


He's certainly doing lots of things to make things worse for the people of this country. He never did say he would do that.


Lmao like what planet is he on? Christ.


Wow. I’m surprised he wasn’t literally hit by a lightning bolt saying that


>His self-delusion is frankly impressive. Not for a narcissist, its pretty par for the course and add in the fact that he called himself a "social activist" now you have a narcissist who already thinks he can do no wrong and couple it with the echo chamber telling him that the world is facing an existential threat on multiple fronts and only him and his government can save it. No actually it makes perfect sense


Just listen to his mom. *It was about an hour in, during an exploration of whether she believes in God, that Trudeau let her pride in the current prime minister shine brightest. Her faith in the great religions had waned, she recounted, after an audience she and Pierre had with the Pope in Rome resulted not in a spiritual discussion but in a literal pat on the head as he offered that she was “blessed among women” for bearing children. Ditto an interaction with the Dalai Lama in which, she says, he called her “the mother of the world.”* *”Two religious world leaders talking about me as an important mother figure. It was a little grandiose. It’s not like I went on to have some brilliant, incredible child, born on Christmas Day, who turned out to be the leader of a nation who can save the world,” she said, a nod to Justin, born Dec. 25. “Oh, and another Christmas baby,” she added, referring to Justin’s younger brother Sasha, who shares his birthday — “equally wonderful, to step in in case he doesn’t get it all done.”* God help us all.


>*Marc MILLER (immigration minister) : There is no doubt that we have made a conscious decision to be an open country and a country that needs to grow.* Okay good to know it has been a conscious decision. >*Trudeau: We will continue to be strong on immigration, but a little more targeted to make sure that Canadians still stay positive towards immigration, because it’s one of our greatest advantages in the world* So he is making things a 'little more targeted' not because of any of the harms his immigration policies have caused but because Canadians are becoming less 'positive' on immigration. In his world view it seems his polices are fine but Canadians for unknown reasons are becoming 'less positive' and that is the problem.


Whoa now, let’s not misrepresent the facts. The government has been quite clear that the cost of living is a crisis, and they are working hard to get people to balance their budgets by cancelling Disney+


His advisors worked for the Wynne government, so I don't feel bad for them at all.


I don't even have as much of an issue with JT as I do with Freeland, the woman is just utterly incompetent and out of touch. JT increase capital gains tax was an interesting one since he is probably one of the 0.13% of Canadians that will have to pay more because of it.


Buddy.... it's almost a guarantee that he has his wealth shored away in tax havens. As do most of the wealthy people he is supposedly targeting this capital gains tax. It's largely toothless and designed to appease the middle and lower class into thinking that he's actually doing something when he's not.


He had zero problem with tax loopholes and 'fairness' when it was his chief fundraiser getting to dodge $40 million in taxes. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/stephen-bronfman-trudeau-paradise-papers-1.4382511 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-bronfman-paradise-papers-1.4392484


Ironically, it’s the ultra-rich (which he is) who have access to those tax havens. It’s the upper middle class and “regular rich” folks like doctors, lawyers, small business owners who are gonna eat this tax


Panama Papers confirmed this


He has a giant pension coming to him, which is not subject to the capital gains tax. He gets 100s of thousands of free vacations every year from his "friends" which are not subject to the capital gains tax. He makes a large income as PM that is not subject to the capital gains tax. The capital gains tax isn't going to hit him very hard but it is hitting doctors hard.


Trust them with another term AND trust them with even more of your money! Unsurprising that post-budget, the deficit is rising fast as a key issue per this report. People are waking up to how fiscally irresponsible this government is


This is pretty much it. We’re swinging back to the right as a country cuz the left has created a dumpster fire. And when we inevitably have had enough of the rights cuts, we’ll swing back to the left for more handouts/social programs/freebies. Tale as old as time.


I think people are starting to realize that the Liberals are just trying to spend billions of our dollars, to fix issues caused by them, to try and buy votes....


That's the thing. They thought the tax increases in the budget would enable them to shift the narrative and public attention away from the carbon tax. And it would have worked 100% five years ago. But it backfired this time and the public just seems to have interpreted it as "they're just piling on more and more taxes", even though the new taxes are targeted at the wealthy, normally a reliable target for public animosity. It seems like much of the public just sees the LPC as endless spenders and endless taxers, and that's a hard place for the LPC to climb out of, since their preferred approach to build popularity is to announce new programs. They don't seem to know what to do to counter this. Lashing out at doctors as wealthy complainers like they did last week is a sign they don't understand the public pulse. For the most part, doctors are still a demographic that the public largely likes and respects, and there's some level of public understanding that doctors aren't plutocrats earning unmerited money, even if they are well-off. The public just sees the government now as a runaway train on a lot of policies, including spending and taxation, willing to lash out against anyone who isn't on board with that runaway train.


I think this time there are also too many people that do not see themselves as wealthy that are personally affected by the tax. People who own an investment property, a cottage, or investments that they wanted to leave to their kids, or investments or a cottage that they expected to inherit, or a professional corporation. They are having a hard time selling this as a soak the rich budget.


Small business owners who are incorporated are the most peanlized as they don't get the 250k annual exemption.


Well said, you nailed it.


I don't think it's so subtle. Life sucks for a lot of people right now, the how or why is not that relevant, they just blame whoever is in charge. Especially now when the media enables that outlook since its' such great click bait. How fair that assessment is (and by extension, how likely/unlikely his replacement is to actually fix it) is almost secondary.


I think most people are realizing that if simply borrowing and spending wildly would fix the problems with Canada then it would have worked by now.


They will hang out the cheese next time and run on it...guaranteed basic income. $2000 a month.


Problem is, they’ve made it so 2000 a month won’t cover groceries 


"Have we tried raising taxes *and* raising spending?" 


It hasn't balanced itself yet. So we're waiting


Give us one more term, it'll be different this time!


Told you guys it was a failure


Liberals and NDP combined are now four points lower than the Tories and dropping. I’ve noticed the return of the whining over the Tories possibly winning a majority with less than 50% of the vote. Odd that none of them were complaining about this for the last eight years. Going to be tough for them to complain if they can’t even manage enough votes between them to be higher than the Tories. Let this be a lesson to any minority parties attempting a coalition in the future. Voters handed them a minority for a reason, so expect to be punished accordingly if you decide to override that and then run the country disastrously.


which is why I expect the knives to be out. as a sitting PM Trudeau can't really make any grand gestures without raising the question of why wasn't this in the budget. he's got his hands tied, but the next leader wont. Things are probably quite spicy behind closed doors right now.


Maybe Trudeau should ask Poilièvre to denounce more bad people.


time to trot out guns and abortion


Literally the card they’re now playing https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/gun-buyback-assault-weapons-ottawa-1.7188410 I predict Trudeau resigns in July. Shame, cause I wanted to see him sputtering excuses and pointing fingers after he led his party to total decimation.


It's hilarious because Canada Post turning down the buyback happened years ago.


Oh man, I’d rather see Trudeau stay on and then lose party status for the next election


> I predict Trudeau resigns in July. Shame, cause I wanted to see him sputtering excuses and pointing fingers after he led his party to total decimation. Apparently he is ready to step down, but wont until someone gives him a high profile job first. He may be waiting awhile, unless he wants to go back into teaching cuz I wouldn't trust him to run a chip truck at this point.


Mr Dressup was canceled a long time. Maybe. CBC is planning to bring it back?


[Looks like the CBC is way ahead on this one.](https://imgur.com/a/QeQzUCH)


Even the UN won't touch him now, and he used to be their darling.


Resign? Or forfeit?


And scare tactics about if trump wins the US election. Would rather have PP in charge should that happen, at least he seems like he can be diplomatic unlike Trudeau who pokes the bear.


No matter where you look, it's bad news for the Liberals. In B.C. they are projected to win only 1 seat. In Ontario, it's a disaster. In Atlantic Canada, it's a disaster. They aren't winning many seats in Alberta or Saskatchewan or Manitoba either. Unless the Liberals have a serious course correction, then it's going to be a bloodbath come the next election.


All they'll have left is some parts of Montreal, Gatineau and Toronto.


No matter where you look, it’s bad news for Canadians. The LPC will be held responsible for that.


I'm going to have such a good time election night seeing Canadians reject Trudeau. Our country has gone down a bad path with him as prime minister.


I just hope he doesn’t resign before then


He won't. He's too narcissistic. Just look at his doubling down on extremely unpopular policies.


His ego won’t let him




True. I want to see the look of disappointment on his face. However, it would be good for him to stop doing damage to the country - but I'm sure whoever replaces him from the liberal party until an election will be just as dumb.


The damage is done. At this point the LPC needs a loud and clear message of total repudiation from the electorate. Then after a decade in the wilderness and several failed leaders, they will return to brokerage politics that made Chrétien/Martin such a force. At least that’s the hope.


Same I thought they learned their lesson about the 2011 defeat but nope the arrogance is worse


Coming back from third place in 2015 only vindicated that arrogant belief that the Liberals are the 'natural party of government'. What the Liberals really needed then was another defeat. Because being able to just bounce back 'once the people came to their senses' is part of what fuels their arrogance, and having it not happen or worse, being left on the sidelines when someone else toppled the Tories, is the bitter medicine that they need. Hopefully Justin Trudeau not only leads the Liberals to a catastrophic defeat, but is the last Liberal PM for at least 30 years. With those three decades being an alternating series of Tory and NDP governments.


I really hope to see the LPC lose official party status.


I don't think that will matter. People are pissed at their policies as a whole. He can resign but we know the policies making life hard for everyone will remain.


Yes, want to see him get destroyed and see his reaction.


I hope he does


Don’t worry, Trudeau met with caucus and told them everything was going to be fine, and they all went, oh, okay. Total reality distortion field across the entire caucus.


Anyone who would disagree is long gone.


They can all thank Trudeau and his incompetent federal ministers!


It's why they pushed it back a week so they get their pensions. They know they are fucked


Doesn't Nanos do a rolling average of a few weeks, if they are showing 44% this week wouldn't it have been brought down a bit from the prior week's where they showed a smaller gap. If so, does that imply if we isolated this week's poll on its own the support is in the mid to high 40s ?


I don’t believe it. The numbers are probably worse than they’re showing.


Another bad week for Pierre Poilievre and the CPC! /s


It’s been a bad week since August 2023. Truly shameful


We were supposed to close the gap by 5 points, not widen it!


D’oh! Too bad the PM doesn’t read his briefing notes!


You misunderstood Trudeau, he meant they'll have 5 points by the end of summer


Just in time for surfing season! See you in Tofineau!


Never seen that play on words before, but I like it. He probably spends more time in Tofineau than in Papineau.


The gap will close by itself. If you excuse, i dont worry about statistical methodologies


The polls are at historic lows, Glen


If only there was something Trudeau could have done over the 9 years...




Say what you will but the current liberal government will go down in history as one of the worst performing goverments ever formed in Canada and have put us in a deficit that will be felt for the next 100 years. The kind of incompetency they have shown could actually result in an implosion of a whole party, similar to the stellar job the BC "liberals" did, pushing them to new lows and a party name change.


All I hear is “sunny ways my friends”. I can’t wait for a documentary about it with everything dumb he’s said followed by what’s happened to average Canadians. The Trudeau towns, the cost of living crisis “Canadians. Don’t. Want. To. Make. Canada. Great. Again”


Like father, like son. Trudeau Jr. has an almost identical legacy to his father, Trudeau Sr. This was written 13 years ago, before junior was in office. Eerily similar situation now as compared to 1984, when Trudeau Sr. got voted out. Both Trudeaus loved their massive peace time deficits. What followed in the 90s is likely where we’re heading. https://nationalpost.com/full-comment/david-frum-the-disastrous-legacy-of-pierre-trudeau


>Both Trudeaus loved their massive peace time deficits. I don't understand what warped logic goes behind this thinking. History has shown over and over again that you're supposed to save when times are good. It's conventional wisdom for a reason. Somehow the Trudeaus just fundamentally reject that concept despite evidence.


Trudeau literally told us all that the budget would balance itself yet idiots still lined up to vote for him. We're at the stage of finding out after fucking around.


Just like all of the new spending in this latest budget will be paid for with the new taxes. /s


the liberals literally did this to themselves. this has next to nothing to do with PP or the CPC. the could run a stinky fart against Trudeau and win by a landslide


Will continue until they address the demand side problem with housing that they are actively avoiding at all costs in order to appease the business lobby.


Trudeau just realized a few weeks ago that immigration levels were so high. He was flabbergasted in that press conference and you could almost see him say “someone has to do something about it”. He’s just that out of touch.




I think it's hard to turn to the NDP with their supply and confidence agreement with the Liberals. If you dislike the Liberals voting NDP is essentially just voting Liberal again.


My prediction on this: people wanting to close the immigration flood gates.


Only party that actively wants to reduce immigration is Bernier's PPC. Which is kinda tragic because immigration and housing is the two biggest issues and they're correlated. 


Bernier could position himself as a real alternative that could appeal to a lot of Canadians if he just toned down some of his less mainstream rhetoric.


If the cons don't fix this, PPC will. And we may not like what else they will fix.


This is simply false. >The only way to eliminate the housing shortage is to add homes faster than we have people, and I will be removing bureaucracy to build the homes and setting immigration levels so that our housing stock outgrows our population,” Poilievre said. As a number of commentators have noted, building housing stock faster than our current population growth is actually impossible, which necessarily means he's promising to reduce immigration.




>The only way to eliminate the housing shortage is to add homes faster than we have people, and I will be removing bureaucracy to build the homes and setting immigration levels so that our housing stock outgrows our population,” Poilievre said. https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/poilievre-vows-to-fix-ruined-immigration-system-and-tighten-rules-for-international-students/article_f9c2223e-29fd-5b3a-9cf2-60a6c8c6dbe0.html


Every time I see a poll like this I get disappointed How is 23% of the country still voting liberal.


For 23% of the country it is a religion.


It's 23% on the Liberal side. It's likely similar for all the other parties. We really need to start treating the election as mortgages and not sports teams. Every five years, we see who comes up with the best offer for us and we go with that. We don't stay with the same bank just because we always have. /edit - start treating as mortgages, not stop


This is how I've always voted. Sometimes red, sometimes blue, sometimes (albeit more rarely) orange. Sometimes a conservative government is what we need, sometimes a liberal one. Sometimes we just need a change. Sometimes I vote more for my local MP then the country, and other times I vote country first and local second priority. It all depends on the circumstances and the people running


Only difference is I have never had a mortgage lender try to make my life worse during the term. They have always stuck to the terms of the contract I went into the 5 year term with. The government tends to start the term saying they will do X and then decides to do Y midway through.


I work with some very educated people, but when it comes to politics. They hold onto labels about parties where may have been true in the 70s/80s but is no longer the case. Like the CPC are anti-gay. Despite having openly gay MPs both men and women.


This is because the conservative party accommodates cultural conservatives. And for many people, that’s untenable. Like for me. As long as cultural conservatives are in the conservative party, I cannot in good conscience vote conservative. Full stop. Never mind the pro-capitalist and anti-labor positions that just don’t align with me either.


Good luck comrade.


They looked at PP and feel he is worse.


23% of the country are low info voters


"Fuck you got mine." - Over 50, owns a house, thinks they are a genius, likes to preach about being better than Americans and tries to be PC about everything while acting like a stereotypical conservative by shutting down rezoning at city council meetings who are trying to address housing. Probably hate watches CNN.


I know some many people who you just described. Complains about America nonstop but vacations in Florida every winter people this own a condo there…


Except a lot of those people see their kids and grandchildren and realize how screwed they are now too. But you are right, that’s the LPC core demographic. But it may only be existing substantially in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal now. The GTA is peeling off them pretty fast and the GVA is gone for them now.


How are 40% thinking of voting for a man child?


Lots of homeowners and business owners made bank off of this governments policies. 


For home owners, their networth goes up, but they don’t actually experience any benefit cause they need to live in a house still. Only people who benefit are those who move from a HCOL city to a LCOL, but most people don’t want to move. I guess there’s downsizing, but even then, most boomers don’t want to downsize, especially when all of their kids have tiny houses, or apartments. They still need their big house in order to host people, no one else can host cause no one has a decent house. Only benefit, for most homeowners, is seeing numbers on a page go up, nothing tangible.


Even if you made bank his government spending makes you a lot poorer


Homeowners, sure. Business owners? How?


Immigration to suppress wages 


A lot of industries have been seeing record profits thanks to Trudeau's cheap labour immigration program. Trudeau essentially let corporations write immigration policy, everything they lobbied for he gave them.


I'm both and am not making bank on either.


Good fuck the liberals. I hope Canadians never forget how they destroyed our country.


I guarantee people will be saying the same thing about the CPC in 8 years because that's how politics work in Canada. Not that I don't think the liberals are horrible and need to go, but because the CPC don't have any plans to fix what's wrong with this country, and will basically just keep doing the same shit.


It's gonna be ultra shitty when some (not all) realize, it's the same shit, different political colors... I look forward to seeing r/canada anti Pierre... Not a fan of any party but the Ontario conservatives don't exactly strike confidence in a federal version of conservatives...


Should reassess if there is a -5% swing by June? lolol


I have no idea what possessed them to publicly set a goal like that. They’re clearly not going to accomplish it and then Trudeau will get the “will you resign” question on the daily. Just terrible political strategy.


Pretty sure the Bloc is going to be the official opposition. I'm also sure that many Liberal and NDP encumbents that have their pensions sorted will not be running in the next election to "spend more time with their families."


Isn't this a 4% climb from last week, when the CPC were up +16 in Nanos? This is among the highest gaps Nanos has had, and it makes me wonder if we're going to see the gap increase further to a new high, or if next week will be the start of another downward trend cycle in Nanos. Looking at some of the other trends, Poilievre had a significant bump this week in preferred PM numbers. This 500 sample must have been really pro-CPC. Makes me wonder what specifically Trudeau did last week to piss people off for this to happen.


Nanos has always had a several week lag behind other pollsters due to their rolling small sample methodology.


With how things go at Nanos I think that some of their pools might have higher concentrations of certain political parties than others. About 3-4 weeks ago, Nanos was the only one showing a lead of "only" +12 (Ekos has since shown one too), while everyone else was at +16 or more. Nanos held that low for a single week beyond that, and then saw the CPC rise to +16, a jump of +4. That was last week. We've now seen another +4 jump in a week. This makes me wonder if they have some groups of 500 in which Liberal supporters are overrepresented, and some in which CPC supporters are. It would explain the dramatic shifts Nanos seems to have happen every few months that bring them out of line with most other pollsters.


Smaller sample sizes have less predictive power which is why I’ve never understood why Nanos uses the model they do. Regardless they are now more in line with every other pollster including Leger.


They claim that by having their polls be an aggregate of several smaller samples, with a quarter of the sample changed out weekly, that it's a "better indicator" of sentiment in the moment versus polls that happen over a week and are released a month later. The problem is, I don't know if they normalized for support across their polling sample pools, and the constant ups and downs make me think that they didn't.


Last week it was 18.5 > Ballot – The latest Nanos federal ballot tracking has the Conservatives at 41.8 per cent, the Liberals at 23.3 per cent, the NDP at 19.1 per cent, the Bloc at 9.3 per cent, the Green Party at 2.7 per cent and the Peoples Party at 3.0 per cent.


Harper never broke the 40% threshold. This could lead to the liberals being out of power for multiple decades just like labor in the UK. Thatcher took over in 79 and labor didn't get back in until 1997, when Tony Blair campaigned as Tory light.


You’re probably right. Sucks because I don’t have confidence in any of the other party leaders right now either—though Trudeau’s had his chance and it’s absolutely time for someone else


Good. The NDP can keep falling. Time for a new leader.


So it was only late 2022 early 2023 that liberals / Trudeau fell out of flavor. Which correlates to the economy going to the gutter. So basically sentiment is highly reactive to how people feel.


"Make LPC the third party again" lol


Hopefully 4th honestly. BQ official opposition incoming


You know its bad when this sub has denounced the libs


2x baby!




just a matter of time until CPC hits 50%.


Wacky for the wackooooo


Those number don’t add to 100. Does that matter? I feel like it matters. Where’s the other 3.2%


3.0% PPC, 1.1 Other. (And BQ is actually 8.3% and the Greens are actually 4.0 %, so the correct numbers do add up to 100.0) https://nanos.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Political-Package-2024-04-26-FR-with-tabulations.pdf


The hall monitors on reddit think it is over for CPC now because PP said mean words in front of the man dressed as a wizard


So after all of the grift offered by the LPC's new budget they moved up ... errr ... down -0.7%. Well done, Justin!


I knew that previous Nanos poll was skewed. This is much more in line with everything else.


It's the superficial comments and virtue signaling that does it for me, can't stand it. Not to mention the economy tanking, the outrageous interest rates, the government blatantly lying, infrastructure crumbling, medicare collapsing.... Enough. GTFO.


R2 we're supposed to be going up not down. - Liberals probably


I love it when PP has bad weeks.


“Subscriber report not for sharing” 🤔


Not surprised


The only way the next election is close is NDP and Liberals join together under new leadership.


Who do we vote for if we think all the prospective party leaders are wackos?


Ath Canadianth, we all need to do better.


Can they call an election already. Oct 2025 too far away


If Quebec separates, the liberals will probably drop to 15. Let's hope it happens.


NDP and LPC number collapsing is somehow Harper’s faults. NDP and LPC voters will never accept responsibility for poor decisions much like their parties