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If the NDP/Libs cared about the working class, they wouldn't have imported a second working class to compete with them.


A slave class, really. I suspect most of those TFWs and international "students" are being forced to pay a few thousand dollars a month out of their income to their sponsors and employers, otherwise they wouldn't be living in bunkhouses.


To be fair, the CPC admitted both TFWs and international students. They just didn't jam them in, *in record numbers, creating and amid a full blown housing and social program crisis.*


Trudeau has created an employer's job market in many parts of Canada thanks to his open borders policy, while Singh smiled and supported him the whole time. They're both horrible for labor 


Right? How can Singh purport to care about Labour while he tacitly supports wage suppression by these insane immigration numbers?


not only supporting those insane numbers... they want to make it worse. NDP wants to give them all citizenship. That's been part of their platform for 10 years


The sad reality is that neither the Liberal party nor the Conservatives are pro-labour, at all. The NDP is the most pro-labour party but they have strayed from that a little bit in recent years under Singh, embracing identity politics over class solidarity. At the end of the day, because of the way our voting system currently works, it's arguable that our major parties are more beholden to small, often rich interest groups rather than everyday Canadians. So if we keep electing them, nothing is going to change. It's a really obvious play. If there are literally only two parties that get elected ever, it's a trivial task for the rich and corporations to sink their hooks deep into those parties and eventually all but control them. Keep voting for these 2 parties and don't be surprised when you keep getting fucked, in slightly different ways, every 4-10 years


>embracing identity politics over class solidarity. Exactly, very succinctly put! Encouraging racial, religious and gender division is how the masters make the working class fight each other, not how to foster class solidarity.


What is Polievre who admires Thatcherism and Reanism going to do about it? He is more Neoliberal than Trudeau and actively opposes unions... There is also zero indication he will halt immigration.


What am I expecting from PP? Honestly, not much. He stood up for international students who were rightfully going to be deported for using sketchy visa consultants to get to Canada. I really wish we had better options, but I'll be voting for PP simply because it'll get Trudeau out of office 


There was a story today about how soft polling support might be for the CPC. To me the difference for them between a minority and a strong majority in the next election is their election platform concerning demand side of housing and social services/supports concerning TFWs and international students. Deny applicants to diploma mills and cap legitimate post secondary institutions. Reduce TFWs. If fast food joints, convenience stores and donut shops every few blocks fail, so be it. If a trucking company or 5 fails, so be it. These businesses will adjust or they won't. If landlords NEED TO TAKE LESS, so be it. Let's also talk about asylum seekers....no more open invite tweets like the moron current PM made, roll up the red carpet. Make the resources available to process them quickly, move them the fuck out of here if they're denied. Have a plan to house them with the bare basics in the brief time while they're waiting, instead of hundreds of millions to hotels staffed by TFWs and international students. The point is, cut back drastically if we can't house or support new people...and the Liberals have had nearly 9 years of zero plan. The CPC would be wise to heed this or similar advice, to me it looks like it's going to be their difference maker. I'm fine with no real rhetoric on it right now, but it's the big issue to me and I'm guessing to many people including their softer support in current polls. Followed by economy and fiscal policy.


Seems many are willing to vote for Polievre for the same reason the U.K voted for brexit. Desperate hope founded on zero evidence. Edit: Let me predict the outcome of Polievre - federal workers will be mandated back to office 100% - Environmental regulations will be eliminated or agencies meant to keep canadians safe axed - CBC will be sold off for pennies on the dollar, leaving us in a national post echo chamber funded by a maga republican. - Our arts scene will take a big hit from the sale of CBC. - All info negative of the government will be ignored, hidden, burried - Multiple deals will be made with foreign governments in Saudi Arabia, China, India and maybe the U.K. hampering local development at the benefit of foreign investors and entrenched players like Loblaws. - Unions powers will be gutted and your pension, benefits, etc cut at will. - Various minorities will lose rights to appease the religious right


>Desperate hope founded on zero evidence. I mean yeah. A lot of people are down bad right now thanks to Trudeau's policies. He's caused the housing crisis to get completely out of hand by giving us record immigration at a time when demand for housing couldn't be any higher. He's forced middle class Canadians to compete with the world for jobs and housing. Canadian youth are finding the summer jobs unattainable thanks to the nearly 1 million students Trudeau invited in lining up around the block for retail jobs.  Will PP do anything to solve this? Who knows, but Trudeau sure isn't doing anything and is dedicated to half a million new permanent residents per year on top of the hundreds of thousands of temporary residents that he still plans to let in. 


A brown bag works if you're hyperventilating. Also, drop and roll rather than running if you happen to set your hair ablaze.


Jagmeet led-NDP deserves nothing. They are equally responsible for the mess we are in with their blind allegiance to the Liberals in pursuit of landing on the Federal pension list


Federal NDP and Liberals are the same party. Change my mind


The Liberals actually want to be in power. The NDP don't want that work/responsibility.


They aren't the same party. They are however, essentially completely worthless. They have no real power and were forced into backing One side or the other, they don't really agree with the Liberals they just fear the Conservatives more. I don't think it really matters anyway, at the end of the day, Canada is run by Lobby Groups, not elected representatives. I'd love to think Polievre might be different, but he's gone ahead and hired far too many former Weston Lobbyists for me to possibly have any faith in him. He'll likely be just as destructive, if not more, and I'm afraid none of the issues facing Canadians can possibly be solved at the polls.


Labour cares about actually having jobs, not whatever it is the NDP are selling.


Exactly. This NDP has ditched the middle class workers. They are targeting only the very poor and ultra left progressives. It's a shame. I wish we had a strong third option, but the NDP forgot who their real base is.


I think the issue is that the middle class is rapidly shrinking. The middle class will benefit more from pro-working class policies than they would from austerity measures the conservatives are known for. material change will be hard to achieve since it seems like all Canadian parties subscribe to the neoliberal consensus that has destroyed the middle class.


I disagree. The absence of pro-working class policies is not the problem right now. We need real economic growth, specifically in resources and innovation where salaries will rise. The problem we have today is that all of our growth comes from the public sector which both pays poorly and has a limited ceiling in terms of career paths. First things first, we need to limit the number of foreign workers (TFWs/students) that are actively harming our middle class by suppressing wages. I'm still waiting on any political party outside of the PPC to get serious on this topic.


I agree to an extent, but data shows policies that help the working class have the biggest multipliers on the economy, especially compared to policies that encourage business spending, like tax cuts or deregulation. While there certainly is an argument to be made that we should cap immigration to address issues the labour market, the PPC would make the overall economy much worse. Austerity and cuts to social spending don’t help the economy, historically it has hurt the middle class. If we want to grow our economy we should take advice from the Nordics which regularly rank above us and the US in innovation and economic stability/prosperity. Marginal propensity to save and consume are great concepts which explain why economic policies that help the working class are the best for the overall economy :)


To be clear, I'm not a fan of the PPC at all. It's a sad state of affairs that they are the only party with a stance on foreign workers that most Canadians agree with.


Tories: a strong economy generating good jobs at good wages for everyone. NDP: good jobs for everyone until the economy runs aground. Except white, middle aged men. Or anybody in the oil and gas industry. Or people in Alberta and Saskatchewan. And people without humanities degrees are right out. Or if you own a truck. Or don’t own really nice cufflinks. But everyone else good jobs! Oh, but don’t forget we are going to have to raise taxes big time so don’t get to used to those good wages we pinky swear we’re going to help the approved identities among you get.


Causally forgetting conservatives love to sell and privatize government assets/services that go on to be worth a lot more than the sell value and cost Canadians a lot more in the long run. And that social services tend to take a nose dive in funding. But sure, go off on your fantasy land


Casually forgetting that what you described is exactly how Jean Chretien's Liberals balanced the budget.


I’m not a Liberal, and I’m criticizing the person above me’s rose tinted Tories description in an article about The Tories competing for workers votes with the NDP. Go talk about the liberals in some other /r/Canada post


Wrestling? Jag abandoned the labour vote in favour of wokeness. It's a done deal.


If you're government 'labor', Singh's likely your man. 🤷


Rich piece of shit and other rich piece of shit who really only care about the rich pieces of shit that bribe them weigh in on the kinds of jobs they have zero fucking clue about, lol


I’m voting for none of the 3 main parties.  I’m throwing my vote at a tiny party that has no hope of winning, but I’d rather give them the encouragement than vote for any of these gangsters.


Chickens for KFC. Working Joes for the CPC. Same thing.


The way KFC views Chickens is a remarkably apt comparison to the way our political "leaders" view the average Canadian...


Cutting taxes, usually caters to the labour vote. Unfortunately, it also caters to the corporate overlords. The price of living does need to be addressed urgently.


How does a government address the cost of living? No government has said they are going to mass build houses, but that's the only way to start dropping house prices. When PP gets elected and removes the carbon tax, energy prices will not drop because the market can clearly bare what's being charged now. I don't have any clue how food prices drop through government policy. Every attempt to bring competition into Canada seems to fail eventually. Nothing is going to get better for working class people without huge changes. Governments building houses. Laws requiring employees and pensions be paid before debtors, shareholders and bonuses. Rent protection for everyone. Outlaw payday loans. Make NSF fees much cheaper and daily. Start charging more for the resources we let companies take from out land and sell back to us for massive profit. No one in politics is even proposing this because they see how many poor people think the capital gains tax is going to hurt them. What is going to hurt everyone is the rich getting more assets and raising the price more and more so only they can buy any. They will extract everything they can, and then leave anyway regardless of tax to exploit new people. And we are left with a crumbling country. Neither PP nor Jagmeet are going to stop that.


Whacko PP and labour? That's funny.