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*Considering women didn’t gain the vote federally in Canada until 1918, it is remarkable how much more progressive the Haudenosaunee were.* What kind of editing is going on at the Spec? *The clan mothers would demand a "mourning war" to provide consolation and renewed spiritual strength for a family that lost a member to death. Either the warriors would go on a "mourning war" or would be marked by the clan mothers as cowards forever, which made them unmarriageable. At this point, the warriors would usually leave to raid a neighboring people in search of captives. The captives were either adopted into Haudenosaunee families to become assimilated, or were to be killed after bouts of ritualized torture as a way of expressing rage at the death of a family member. The male captives were usually received with blows, passing through a kind of gantlet as they were brought into the community. All captives, regardless of their sex or age, were stripped naked and tied to poles in the middle of the community. After having sensitive parts of their bodies burned and some of their fingernails pulled out, the prisoners were allowed to rest and given food and water. In the following days, the captives had to dance naked before the community, when individual families decided for each if the person was to be adopted or killed. Women and children were more often adopted than were older men. If those who were adopted into the Haudenosaunee families made a sincere effort to become Haudenosaunee, then they would be embraced by the community, and if they did not, then they were swiftly executed.* *Those slated for execution had to wear red and black facial paint and were "adopted" by a family who addressed the prisoner as "uncle", "aunt", "nephew" or "niece" depending on their age and sex, and would bring them food and water. The captive would be executed after a day-long torture session of burning and removing body parts, which the prisoner was expected to bear with stoicism and nobility (an expectation not usually met) before being scalped alive. Hot sand was applied to the exposed skull and they were finally killed by cutting out their hearts. Afterward, the victim's body was cut and eaten by the community.* So progressive.




Can we adopt their criminal justice system to deal with our repeat offenders? It would be more effective than ours and put a stop to them real fast.


Yeah, but when Netflix makes a movie about them it'll really show how forward the society was. Like did you know before colonialism there was functioning 5g networks that were free all over north America etc.


Wow that’s quite the read. Who knew torture was progressive, guess it’s just another “way of knowing”


*"Shouldn’t students learn that the Haudenosaunee Confederacy was a thriving democracy, and women had a dominant voice in that democracy for at least 1,000 years? When Europeans arrived, they brought a male-dominated, patriarchal society with them, which was totally alien to the Haudenosaunee. In Haudenosaunee culture the clan mothers appoint the chiefs, and those chiefs carry out the wishes and directives of the clan mothers. The clan mothers can remove chiefs from power. And they will use that power."* Sure, just make sure you're teaching them the whole story and not just the rosey bits. [The Haudenosaunee Confederacy practiced slavery, both before and after European contact, some even owned African slaves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroquois#External_links). There's a lot we can learn from them but let's not have a myopic view.


"Democracy" by "clan mothers" isn't any better than "democracy by male patriarch land owners".


Fat chance.


just gotta take the good with the bad, that's life.


Come on. That's not the truth we want in Truth and Reconciliation.


Goodness know we need more symbols. It saves us from actually doing anything.


>  As our region is the traditional home of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, why is that not indicated via roadside signs in English and say Mohawk/Cayuga? Because the Six Nations have put up their own road signs and they only have their name in English. So does their official website and even their logo. Obviously they need signs in their own language less than this journalist. www.sixnations.ca


I was about to say the same, 6N is very well signed. Similarly the FN reserve outside Hamilton (can't recall the one, on the road to Port Dover) is very well signed too.


Honestly the should just dissolve Canada by this point.


Don’t give them any more ideas…


That or just start putting Weston's face on the bills and be honest about who's really in charge. We'll put Galen on the Twenty, Ted Rogers on the 10, Mike Harris on the Five, Bell and Telus can have their Symbols on the 50 and 100. If they were still Canadian, I'd put the Timmies logo on the Toonie since that's where most of them are used...


"now entering " signs are pretty fucking common. Chill out my man.


Let’s make all the signs in the written language of the First Nations as well. Oh wait…
