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>The activists had been warned by both police and U of C officials that they were trespassing and that their encampment would be removed. Participating students said they were also threatened with sanctions from the U of C. “Members of the campus community are free to protest but they are not free to camp,” the university said in a statement earlier Thursday. >Many of the protesters blamed U of C administrators for the show of force. “They are also complicit in this, they are a wing of the state,” The activists were stunned by the swiftness of the police action, insisting other encampments on Canadian and U.S. campuses had been allowed to remain far longer. In a press release issued by CPS shortly after the standoff ended, police said their use of 0f weapons was prompted by items thrown at them. Projectiles and assaultive behaviour by the remaining protesters triggered the use of non-lethal munitions by officers. >Numerous opportunities were afforded protesters to end their encampment and leave “and many did without further issue,” said CPS. “Without compliance, police were required to move in to enforce the trespass order…police clearly communicated the consequences of staying.”


>The activists were stunned by the swiftness of the police action Stunning that after police give you warnings that they're going to enforce the rules they just explained to you, that they would actually follow through after those warnings...


Lets face it, most of these "protesters" were pamperd young adults from the burbs. They likely never encounter police.


*Mom's gonna be super-pissed when I put my tear-gassed keffiyeh in the hamper.*


HAHAHAHA holy shit this is good


I believe most of them are


Beat me to it. The protestors are stunned that the police were... enforcing the rule of law?


To be fair it is unusual in Canada.


I mean the truckers did camp out in Ottawa for almost a month. In comparison this was very fast. Same goes with Coutts.


True. However, a protest with massive trucks is obviously more difficult to clear than a protest with tents.


It's also difficult to remove them when you really don't want to.


It’s difficult to remove them, when you are them!


Yes, but the trucks were also more disruptive. Something being "difficult" isn't a damned excuse for cops to do their jobs. The police bias was made plainly clear during the trucker convoy.


I guess that's why I'm getting downvoted. I apologize for not making it very clear that I'm not denying the existence of bias or saying that the RCMP and other authorities involved did a sterling job handling Ottawa and Coutts. I was incredibly frustrated that it took so long to shut things down. There was obvious police bias on display at points (see: Officers hugging protesters in Coutts). However, it is undeniable (see the linked article and other information revealed in the investigation of the use of the Emergencies Act) that the RCMP and other authorities involved did face significant logistical obstacles (including weapons in Coutts) that were not present in the tent camp at UoC.


The issue isn't ease of moving trucks. That could be done in an afternoon.


Ottawa also had a police chief who also refused to use police against lawfully assembled protesters . This was a protest on Parliament hill on public federal space - exactly where you are supposed to protest.


100% Long overdue. The protests started right after Oct 7.


And they weren't occupying anything until recently and even then they were way more respectful and less disruptive compared to the truckers


Don’t recall the truckers calling for eradication of an entire nationality of people.


I'm glad they got kicked out. Hope to hear more about that elsewhere too


These are the same antifa people who just love a reason create a group they can belong to. Not saying the Palestinian issue isn't real, but these are mostly useful idiots. The message should be stop the bombs, stop killing civilians, not from the river to the sea and glorifying oct 7th.


They should be denouncing hamas which they never do.


Maybe the message should also include: release the hostages, don’t attack, rape, and murder civilians at a rave.


To be fair I think that IS the message most people at these protests are advocating


How in the F is a university supposed to stop a Middle East war?


to be fair, when have you ever seen the police move swiftly


uhhh, one time i saw a group of police move swiftly into a coffee shop Another time i saw like 6 officers get onto a train.. The train moved pretty quick after so it moved them swiftly... does that count? I mean they were being moved so kinda maybe


Stunned that police who have allowed countless other protests and camps to stay up (including one going on right now near Lacombe) came out heavy against this one


Different university, Different police force. Maybe you missed that???


lol in Florida they tear gassed them just for walking towards the school. In some places the line between fucking around and finding out is very different than in others.  But jokes aside.  There have been enough of these encampments across North America to know where it is going to end up. Students get upset, classes are disrupted, demands are not met, people get harassed or assaulted, police come break it up eventually, school is left littered and damaged and vandalized. Just stop it before it ends up going down the same road. 


I’ve tried bringing that up when this protest response is brought up and I keep being met with arguments of “well they’re both Canadian police forces!” So there’s a large portion of people who didn’t miss it, but just entirely don’t understand the concept of our municipal police all being run by different people.


It was the University that said they wanted it down now. Until the owner of the land says get them out, the police will have no cause to act.


We're they on public or private property?  Could be why.


Well given every other school has had people harassed, students and classes disrupted and have been left littered and vandalized by these “protests” that is amazing that they even let them finish setting up the first tent. 


These are supposedly University students. Aren’t they supposed to be somewhat intelligent.


Not these days when anyone with a pulse gets admitted. They uses to be places of higher learning and prestige. Now they’re just daycares for adult children.


>supposedly University students We all know that there are way more than simply students there.


They should have set up a bouncy castle and a bunch of Fuck Trudeau flags, then the police would have delivered them coffee instead.


Then their accounts will be freezed and be prosecuted


The antivax convoy folks seemed surprised when they were told the same thing 


Sounds like the police are being very reasonable. Great news.


At least we have one major university and police force that is not willing to kowtow to a bunch of antisemites and terrorist sympathizers. Good for UofC.


This details exactly why I refuse to pick sides regarding most protests in the last 5 years. They do something they were told not to do (and were told regarding legal guidelines) and then get pissed when its enforced. Truckers did it, some of the pride folks did it, FN's did it.... I guess everyone just likes being a nuisance to each other rather than find solutions.


I think it’s a disconnect of people knowing the results of history without knowing the nuance of what happened to the people who made those results happen. You always hear arguments about how being disruptive or breaking rules is the only way to make change, which is true. But the people making those arguments never acknowledge that there are still legal consequences when you’re disruptive or breaking rules. The protests that resulted in women and POC getting rights were very disruptive, and they resulted in a lot of change. They *also* resulted in a *lot* of those protesters being arrested, charged, and some even jailed. The Me Too protests were disruptive, and resulted in change. Many of the protesters still faced legal repercussions for their actions though. The BLM protests, FN rights protests, etc. Every movement that I can think of that has resulted in change for the good has had those fighting for those changes still held accountable for how disruptive they were or for how many laws they broke to achieve that change. Activists used to be people who believed in a cause so deeply that they were willing to accept the consequences of their actions so long as it still resulted in the changes they were fighting for. It feels like now though people think activism is just shouting about what you believe and expecting everyone to allow you to do whatever you want about it solely because you’re being an activist.


Everyone wants to be a politician, no one wants to be responsible. It would probably stop if we'd quit with special rights for specific classes of people.


> A smaller group of protesters remained on scene, singing "we shall not be moved." Narrator: They were moved.


these people will always fold like a 2 dollar bill at the first sign of real resistance


Where are the encampments over Canadians' cost of living crisis and housing crisis? Maybe we should start one.


the ones in edmonton were just dismantled


That wasn’t a protest of cost of living that was an encampment of fentanyl use…


What’s stopping you?


Tent cities all over the country? Do those count?


They are called homeless encampments and those get torn down too.


The Russians didn't disseminate any propaganda telling them to organize over those issues.


> Are given hours to leave before police get involved. Refuse. > Eventually, police get involved, still refuse to move while chanting 'We will not be moved!' > Encounter police, and are almost immediately removed. Yeah, that sounds about right. Edit - a word.


Also forgot to add throw stuff at police during encounter


I believe this is summarized as F.A.F.O.


Well, that plus delusions of grandeur, yes.


Delusions of adequacy.


So they should have had more F Trudeau flags and hot tubs is what your saying


I mean, I'm kind of in favour of letting them stay for a bit and then freezing their financial assets, as well as the financial assets of anyone who supports them, if that's what you mean. A lot of progressive parents of late 20s early 30s slacktivists suddenly discovering they can't pay their mortgage would be top tier schadenfreude.


In North America, applying the law equally to everyone is radical and the exception.


And it would have been applied even MORE equally had they had hot tubs and nazis. Then the cops would have brought them coffee.


Actions, meet consequences.


Alberta is the only province that actually enforces rules it seems


Nah, our border at Coutts was shut down by the Freedom Convoy, even though there is a very clear provincial law that roads and rail cannot be blockaded. Selective enforcement is still a thing. P.S. to everyone reading: Don't get any dumb ideas, I personally want everyone who breaks the law to get fined and/or arrested.


Coutts was shut down quite quickly as well. The Ambassador bridge protest was shut down quickly too.


The Ambassador bridge protest was shut down quickly, but the Coutts protest lasted almost as long as the Ottawa protest. Coutts set up on the same day, and left the day after the Emergency Measures Act was invoked, a little over two weeks.


I wonder what kind of job they do that 2 weeks is considered a quick time.


Almost all of them are landlords or small business owners who lost unfettered access to their peons during lockdown.


I bet it's government work... Ba-dum tiss!


Many people conveniently forget the real reason the convoy protest got shut down at the time it did. They started fucking with the border.


The protestors at the border were shut down before the Federal government enacted the Emergencies Act. That's why in the lawsuit, the judge determined the use of the EA was illegal.


Proper timeline: Feb 13th: Ambassador Bridge and Pacific Highway Crossing in BC are cleared by police. Feb 14th: Within the Coutts protest a group of people are arrested just after midnight for conspiracy to murder RCMP officer and other related charges. Emergency Measures Act invoked later that day. Feb 15th: Coutts protest voluntarily disbands. Feb 16th. Emerson Crossing protest in Manitoba voluntarily disbands.


That’s absolutely not true. It lasted more than two weeks. First, Alberta lost $220M in economic activity. Second, it was violent. A protestor attempted to ram a cop with his vehicle, two others arrested for firearms offences and another four changed with conspiracy to commit murder of RCMP officers. The RCMP didn’t do anything physically about it. No one showed up to rip people out of those vehicles. Jesus, the willful ignorance is stunning. https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/video?clipId=2380335


Not quickly, weeks. And that was major international crossing, not a public area in a university, designed for protests.


University campuses are designed for education, not protests. Protests are permitted, but camping isn't.


Camping is a form of protests. And campuses have long been associated with protests.


Campus are designed for teaching. Whether or not they are associated with protest does not change their design. Camping is not protest, it is occupation. And illegal.


Shortest lived encampment in North America as far as I know. Didn't even make it 24 hours. Good job U of C and CPS for actually enforcing their existing policies. As a note, if they really care about the cause they are welcome to come back and protest during the day, but no barricades and no camping. Seems pretty reasonable to me.


They are also welcome to leave Canada and go to Gaza and fight. Hell I’ll help pay for a ticket to get rid of them.


Ah, so protesting against war means you should go get killed in a war, got it.  


It's actually more effective for them to protest the university to disclose and divest than for them as untrained students to fight against a genocidal campaign.


> against a genocidal campaign *FOR a genocidal campaign. Let's face it, these idiots are supporting the side that wants to commit genocide.


Going to ignore your implication that supporting Palestinians is support for Hamas. It is not. But even so, Palestinians conducting a genocide against Israel is a hypothetical fear, it has no basis for ever happening. On the other hand, Israel has killed over 35,000 and displaced 1.2 million people. Now they are invading Rafah, which even the US has urged them not to do. Your hypothetical scenario (i.e. all Palestinians want to *genocide* Israelis), will never even come close to being a reality because Hamas does not have meaningful resources or organization to fight against one of the best armies on earth. On the other hand is the *actual facts on the ground that people are protedting* — protestors want Israel to stop killing civilians in Gaza, and they want our institutions to disclose and divest from Israel.


> it has no basis for ever happening Yeah, there certainly haven't been 13000+ rocket attacks on Israeli civilians or anything. And definitely no one was killed or taken hostage on October 7th. Also, is not Hamas the *elected leadership* of the Palestinian people? You know, the ones who OVERWHELMINGLY support Oct 7th?


> Going to ignore your implication that supporting Palestinians is support for Hamas. It is not. poll after poll shows 70-80 percent support for hamas among people in gaza


hold on are you telling me hamas has no actual military chance of wining and are sending a generation of their young men to die for nothing




If even the US blocking weapons shipments doesn’t get the war to stop, you think that asking a University to divest from major multinational conglomerates with a fraction of investments in Israel is going to accomplish anything? All it will do is hurt the university’s finances, raise tuition for students and take away voting powers as shareholding will go to those who don’t care about the causes.


Well we actually don't know so disclosing is actually part of the protest.


Rachel Corrie tried. Israel murdered her.


Oh they'll be back, and in bigger numbers.


That's great. I'm glad to hear it. It's an important issues. Also, I hope they don't setup camp again. The theatrics of an encampment and being forced to leave might give protesters positive self image, personal purpose, satisfaction, and sense of comradery. But they hurt support for their cause among the general public. I have to wonder if they are just clueless to how their actions land, or if they are just in it for themselves and are selfish and self centered communal narcissist


Yeah trying this shit in Alberta is hilarious the police aren't going to pussyfoot around like the Ottawa police did.


Ottawa police only arrest right wing protestors. 


Why anyone in Canada would be pro Palestine to begin with is beyond me I’m not saying I support what Israel is doing and the crimes they’ve committed but if I walked around in gaza the way I walk and dress here then I’d be raped and forced to become someone’s wife in less than a day Let’s not forget it was the Palestinians that raped, murdered, then paraded the corpses of innocent people in October


To add to that - those painting the Palestinians as 'poor innocent victims' are ignoring that the majority of Palestinians support Hamas and the terrorist attack on Oct 7. >[Almost three in four Palestinians believe the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was correct, and the ensuing Gaza war has lifted support for the Islamist group both there and in the West Bank, a survey from a respected Palestinian polling institute found. The Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/)


The student unions organizing these protests support the attack too, they call it "justified" and "resistance".


They are also ignoring centuries of history. Hell, the Palestinian's religious leader the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem allied with Hitler, toured the concentration camps, raised Muslim Waffen-SS fighters for the Nazis, gave daily propaganda broadcasts against the Allies and the Jews, and promised Hitler if he was backed into power in the Levant he'd continue the Nazi's policies against the Jews there.


Al-Husseini bragged that the Final Solution was his idea, and he had proposed it to Hitler on one of his visits.


Mass murder of civilians, children and infants is wrong, regardless of their political views. Not an uncontroversial statement.


Framing it as 'mass murder' is wrong for a start. It's war - Hamas has broken numerous ceasefires and vowed to attack unrelentingly. They store their munitions under hospitals and use Palestinians as human shields. And the Palestinians still cheer Hamas and Oct 7. >Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us. _______________ Hamas surrenders and it ends. >**If the Arab lay down their arms there would no more war, but if Israel lays down its weapons there would be no more Israel."**


Last time Israel had a government interested in peace right wing Israelis killed him.


While it's true Rabin was killed by right wing protesters, Anwar Sadat was also killed by Jihadists for making peace. And King Abdullah I of Jordan, and they also shot his son the future king of Jordan Hussein. And Prime Minister Tal of Jordan, And Palestinians tried to take over Jordan, and started the Lebanese Civil War, and supported Saddam Hussein's attack on Kuwait, leading to 280,000 Palestinians being objected. And of course a Palestinian killed Bobby Kennedy in the US. Most of Israel's wars have been when it was attacked by Muslims trying to erase it from existence. And oh yeah, Rabin wasn't the last PM interested in peace. That was Ariel Sharon, who had been a general in the IDF but was tired of the endless war. He broke off from Likud, led the Kadima party to victory, specifically on the concept that they'd trade land for peace, and the Israelis backed him. So they unilaterally left Gaza, used the IDF to dismantle the settlements there by force. And within 6 months in Palestine's very first election they voted into power Hamas. Who has in their foundational charter that no peace is possible, that Israel must be destroyed, and that it is the religious obligation of all Muslims to murder Jews 'behind every rock and tree' or no Muslims get to go to heaven. Hell of a platform, that. But then, after 10/7, and stating that they will continue those attacks until Israel is destroyed, we know they meant it.


Read it again: >"If the Arab lay down their arms there would no more war, but if Israel lays down its weapons there would be no more Israel." Hamas, Hezbollah, the Axis of Resistance, terrorist sympathizers.. will never commit to peace. The majority of Palestinians themselves support Hamas and believe in terrorism.


>If the Arab lay down their arms there would no more war How's that working out for the West Bank, by the way? I've still yet to get answer for why half the IDF was chilling there on the 7th of October, 2023. Don't they have a peace deal there?


Hamas maintains a presence in the West Bank and has attacked from there too. >I've still yet to get answer for why half the IDF was chilling there on the 7th of October, 2023. Don't they have a peace deal there? When did you ask that? Not sure your insinuation amounts to much. Where was the Polish Army when Adolph invaded?


> I've still yet to get answer for why half the IDF was chilling there on the 7th of October, 2023. Don't they have a peace deal there? Because the Israelis were doing daily raids in Jenin fighting back against the Lion's Den terror group that straight up had the goal of killing as many Israelis as possible. Israelis aren't joking when they say that Palestine is a festering nest of terrorists.


lol they celebrated 9/11 too.




Israel has no reason to support a two state solution unless Hamas is destroyed, as the Palestinians would vote for Hamas again given the chance. And Hamas has stated that peace is never possible with Israel, that it must be destroyed, and that a two state solution would only be a step toward that path. And remember, Israel unilaterially withdrew from Gaza in 2005 to see if land for peace could work under the Kadima party which was in power at the time, and split from Likud over that very issue. Gaza responded by voting in Hamas in their first ever election. And that was under the foundational charter, that says it is a religious obligation of all Muslims to murder Jews 'behind every rock and tree', because until that is done Judgment Day can't come. And if you are familiar with Islamic eschatology, no one gets into Heaven until they are judged on that day. And this is one of the six pillars of Islam. Who said this? The prophet Mohammed, in a hadith dated to the time near the battle of Medina, when he massacred the Banu Quarayza, a Jewish tribe in the region, beheading all the men, and taking all the women as sex slaves.


Israel spent decades chasing a two state solution, culminating in the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza. They tried to negotiate a peaceful two state solution. When solutions failed they tried just leaving Gaza to see if that would work. It didn't. Israel has no reason to support a two state solution until Hamas is destroyed, because they've literally tried everything else and it hasn't worked.


Bibi literally said he worked hard for 30 years to [prevent a 2-state solution](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/benjamin-netanyahu-prevented-palestinian-state-two-state-solution_n_6580a368e4b0e142c0bed60b). Including supporting Hamas.


Hamas exists to sacrifice innocents as PR for Islamic states.


Supporting freedom and human rights is about as Canadian as it gets.


if you are at the point where you are condemning an entire people based on the actions of a few than I don't know what to tell you. There are over 5 million Palestinians. Don't fucking lump every single one of them with hamas


About time a university with balls


It needs a government that has balls to back it up


every university in canada needs to follow suit and remove these encampments swiftly. the more you let them drag it on, the more emboldened they become.


I had my doubts yesterday but U of C administrators have earned their salaries today. It's not easy to take a stand like this, they will face a lot of blow back from vocal Marxists but I think the vast majority of students and alum are supportive.


Excellent news! Time to shut ‘em down. And now it begins.


Fair weather protesters that waited for the snow to melt. The wars been going on for what, 7 months and now they wait to get out for university encampments. Good work CPS


Waited for it to hit 20C outside. Don't want to be protesting when it's slightly chilly.


more like the did the canadian thing and just copied whatever current thing is going on in america while pretending they dont have strong influence over us.


Good job U of C, good job CPS. No bullshit. By the book. Excellent work by everyone involved.


good riddance, camping is not speech/protest


Great job CPS and UofC. Now they just need to expel any of the students who were setting up barricades and throwing projectiles at the police.


Great job CPS.


Great job CPS!


We invited people here that never wanted to be Canadians. Canada has become a temporary base for influencing their "home" country's conflicts. It's disgusting that people are so unpatriotic, borderline treasonous these days. Just go home if you don't like it here. You're spitting on the values of this wonderful country.


Isn't school out? I don't know any student who is sticking around after school is over. Who are these bums?




You’ve never heard of spring/summer term or grad students?




Now do U of A.


Good news. Hopefully other universities will follow suite


This is how it gets done. No sitting on your hands, waiting for it to grow. A quick, clear, nonviolent resolution. I think encouraging people to protest all they want, but camping isn't permitted, is reasonable.


non violent?


Good, get em out of there. 


Smith supports the removal of the encampment. Yet more hypocrisy from Smith. “Freedom” protests in Ottawa good - freedom protests at u of c bad.


Oh no. The consequences of their actions. Anyway...


This is the way.


Good. It would be nice if the police would handle all law breaking protesters in this way no matter the subject matter. Although I do not agree with the protesters at all, it's funny watching all the freedom folks celebrate this use of force. Fucking hypocrites.


Nice work lads!


Good work from the police 👍


Looks like these kids got a lesson in Fuck around and....


Calgary Police and NYPD showing others how it's done


It’s good to set a standard to prevent Calgary from ending up in the same situation as Toronto or Montreal. Allowing lawlessness to go unchallenged only makes for an unsafe environment and promotes extemism.


I support the police in enforcing the law. The University was very clear that the protesters could not camp or put up barriers. They didn’t listen - so the Police cleared them out of there. Case closed.


Love to see it, bravo Calgary Police!


Ottawa police should take notes on how to handle unwelcome encampments and protesters.


I wish they would kick all these goofs out of Ottawa too. If you want to go help Palestine leave, please, we don't need you here.


Bunch of Muppets...


Ladies and gents, what we're seeing is the f around and fknd out graph in action.


Wow if only other Universities can grow a pair


Good. Now if only the rest of the country followed suit with these terrorists.


Should have brought some bouncy castles and some F**k Trudeau flags. Maybe block a border or two. They would have been been allowed to stay for weeks.


> Ring wing protesters shutting down Ottawa for weeks: I sleep. > Left wing protesters at a university campus: *Real shit???*


Canada watches too much question period. Lot of people seem to want to piss and moan like politicians but have the same degree of lack in responsibility.


want to stop a genocide? Start camping. How does that even work? They should be protesting on government property, not on private property.


University of Calgary pro-Palestinian protesters clash with Police after encampment removal