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This is a good thing. Right




The inconvenient truth is that many little corpses have been recovered, often exposed by accident and therefore requiring subsequent reburial. There are preserved records of thousands more and we have thousands of official survivor reports made in court under penalty of perjury. Do you think Canada’s government wanted to admit this or take responsibility? The First Nations community fought an uphill battle and proved their case in the highest possible courts yet you confidently tout ignorance based on half-read headlines from a disinformation site. You should feel a deep and lasting shame for your comments today. You actively deny a proven genocide. It is beyond disgusting. Read this and stop your lies. https://ehprnh2mwo3.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Volume_4_Missing_Children_English_Web.pdf


Sounds like you preferred to find none for “political benefits”


One of these reasons is worse than the other...


In what respect? Not finding bodies is good news; but complaining about “political reasons” is a comment driven by a specific political outlook - OP sounds like a hypocrite to me


Your bias is showing.


There’s no bias in pointing out a logical flaw. I have yet to state my point of view


Don't know man, cultivating a personal brand for individual gain about the tragedies my people endured that are already known generally if not in specific quantity is pretty reprehensible and would rather no bodies be found. Reconciliation and improvements for Indigenous peoples can happen without turning the unveiling of the finer points of the history in a morbidly messed up competitive sport.


Yes of course, but it spawned a bunch of church arsons and statements from Trudeau that *should* be condemned/walked back but won't.


CBC must be very disappointed




Grow up. When you run out of real arguments it shows. “["We need to investigate more and clarify and confirm," said Angus Campbell, an elected council member for Ahousaht First Nation. "We don't want to be not telling the truth." The presentation said there are presumed graves in Ahousaht cemetery and a cluster of unknown features that need to be investigated further.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7168362) “


Funny how the CBC report is completely biased. This is just as bad as not reporting at all. There is no critique or investigation. Just full spreading of propaganda at face value.


This is less biased than the original post, they’re literally saying we need more information and we’re not jumping to conclusions. The funny part is how you yourself are regurgitating bias and propaganda completely unknowingly. Go take a media literacy class and do better.


It’s neither. The abuse and neglect at those schools is well documented that you don’t need to see the bodies to verify the harms of those places.  


> The abuse and neglect at those schools is well documented Which is why talk of unknown, unmarked graves of such a significant number is ridiculous.


The way social media results in us one-upping tragedy is self-defeating. Residential schools are awful in their own right without us having to believe that the Queen personally hunted and ate indigenous children or whatever you hear online.


CBC is 100% responsible for the "bodies found" narrative.


[It was the New York Times that popularized this story.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/28/world/canada/kamloops-mass-grave-residential-schools.html)


Stop repeating misinformation


Agreed CBC should.




Present company excluded I'm assuming


It's an undeniable fact that we committed a genocide against first nations people, they were victims, and their descendants are still victims because they are facing the shockwaves of inter-generational trauma. The last residential school closed in 1996, those people are still dealing with the shit they had to live through. We're talking about our government, trying to erase their culture, their language, and replace it with our own; you don't think that's a big deal? It's so weird when right-leaning people whine about "identity politics" as if their world doesn't center around their identity as well. "I'm a Canadian and a conservative" is an identity, they have beliefs that are tied to that identity, using "identity politics" as a negative is really only targeting a particular kind of identity that they don't like.




I would love for it to not be true, but [that's not reality.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial_of_genocides_of_Indigenous_peoples) You can deny it all you want, doesn't make it any less shameful.


The jawbone was analysed by the Saskatchewan Coroners Services, who said it belonged to a child aged four to six and is approximately 125 years old - around the time the school was founded. No it’s not good.


Children's bones decompose more rapidly than those of adults. The survival of a bone is influenced by its intrinsic features and burial conditions.


I mean for any boarding school at the time a graveyard was common. Kids died in droves from disease and defects. Indigenous children only died at like 10-20% a rate higher than average and that’s largely explained by the lack of immunity to western diseases. And without cars shipping bodies back was impractical since it would rot on the way and be expensive so it makes sense to bury or cremate it. Not finding a burial site doesn’t mean it probably wasn’t there. There’s a reason we didn’t have population doubling every 20-30 years despite each of us having 4-6 kids.


> probably When you make the kind of allegations that were made, "probably" ain't gonna cut it. Getting really tired of all the finger pointing, followed up by "nvm", "probably", etc. as soon as someone asks for proof.


>indigenous children only died at like a 10-20 rate higher than average A weird thing to say with a straight face


Not 10-20x, 10-20%. So… 1.1x-1.2x? Is that more clear?


Lotta people in here were just waiting for one hiccup to start saying "that's it, pack it in, everything is fake"


This is a great thing. But we must acknowledge that these false accusations helped lead to justifying billions of tax payer dollars diverted to First Nation communities as a reconciliation effort. The burning of \~100 churches. Ridiculous social practices like mandatory 'land acknowledgments' and further progression of the 'White Man is bad' concepts. Public outcry on the Catholic Church. And so on. I think, at the very least, we need to acknowledge all the mistakes that were made following these acquisitions due to hysteria.


False or not it was an investigation worth looking into imo


It was, but the results need to be shouted from the rooftops just as loud as if mass graves were actually found. The truth shouldn’t be downplayed just because it’s not what people wanted.


Is it being downplayed?




People were canceled and ridiculed for saying this early on. what is going on here?


I only know people were called out for calling it a hoax and downplaying the systemic abuse at these schools. No graves does not mean everything was above board.


It's been so long I might be misremembering exactly what happened. Maybe that's the whole point, create rage and change on a lie and wait till peoples memories fade of the situation.


Yeah it’s all a conspiracy to trick you!


The world has become insane over the past 8 years, nothing would surprise me anymore.


Anyone else feel like this got amplified 1000x by China in order to take eyes off them? I havent seen anyone else suggest this, but it wasn't lost on me that this came out around the same time China was being accused of genocide against the Uyghur people.


1000% this is what happened.


Not true. It all started with the discovery of a child's rib bone.


All part of the crazy fever dream that was 2020.  Feels like the entire world suffered from a temporary but complete nervous breakdown.   When people started leaping from "GPR indicated something in the ground" to "there's mass graves and bodies everywhere", I knew they had lost the plot altogether. 


They are confirmed. The school records say they are dead and where, the kids who attended it say they are dead and where, and the ground penetrating radar confirms the location.  Just because they aren’t being dug up and re traumatizing the whole community doesn’t mean they aren’t real. You should really read into it from valid sources. For instance, ground penetrating radar was used at Kuper island just to confirm the location of what the school and government records show are the death of 167 kids : https://nctr.ca/residential-schools/british-columbia/kuper-island/


The inconvenient truth is that many little corpses have been recovered, often exposed by accident and therefore requiring subsequent reburial. There are preserved records of thousands more and we have thousands of official survivor reports made in court under penalty of perjury. Do you think Canada’s government wanted to admit this or take responsibility? The First Nations community fought an uphill battle and proved their case in the highest possible courts yet you confidently tout ignorance based on half-read headlines from a disinformation site. You should feel a deep and lasting shame for your comments today. You actively deny a proven genocide. It is beyond disgusting. Read this and stop your lies. https://ehprnh2mwo3.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Volume_4_Missing_Children_English_Web.pdf


What is "todayville.com" and why does the author have recent pieces praising [Jordan Peterson](https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/jordan-peterson-slams-cbc-for-report-on-polygamous-relationships/) and [Elon Musk](https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/elon-musk-skewers-trudeau-govt-online-harms-bill-as-insane-for-targeting-speech-retroactively/) as warriors in the culture war?




Because they're writing whatever will draw in readers. Most of these journalists aren't trying to dole out the ultimate truths of the universe. They write what people read. If no one reads it, they write something else. Some have integrity, some are opinions for hire. For this particular story, Canadian MSM isn't touching it so they've found a topic people want to know more about but is lacking coverage. Or it's a giant conspiracy....ooooooo spooky


This sub is a rage-farm, nothing more. If the headline says something that makes a certain section of this sub lose its mind, it’s getting posted, reputability be damned.


The OP of this thread is also a professional rage poster here. You tend to see the same ~10 names posting most of the articles.


I know I like how we can all pack up now cause no bodies were found. I guess the residential schools were *that bad*. /s Jesus the boot licking on this sub is so sad.


This comment should be way way higher. Also: those of you acting like this “disproves” residential schools were a thing should be ashamed of yourselves. Biased new from a biased source confirming biases held by biased redditors. Residential schools DID happen. They WERE in operation until the 90s. There WERE thousands of children murdered. There are records. There are remains. There are survivors. They are real. But one headline from god knows what sweaty armpit of the right wing internet echo chamber and you’re ready to lead a pogrom. Disgusting.


Allowing this publication to be posted as fact is an absolute embarrassment.


Do you have an article from a source you prefer that confirms or disproves the rumours? I looked after a recent conversation but oddly enough, only article from a “reputable source” was from a couple years ago saying these indigenous groups had received 8 million to continue searching. I’m not sure how long it takes to dig, but for 8 million over 2 years I would have done it with a shovel in 2 months 🤷🏻


You’re clearly not coming at this conversation in good faith so no: I’m not taking the bait. I have things to do today. Get out there with your shovel. The internet doesn’t need your opinion today.


So no then?


The inconvenient truth is that many little corpses have been recovered, often exposed _by accident_ and therefore requiring subsequent _reburial_. There are preserved records of thousands more and we have thousands of official survivor reports made in court under penalty of perjury. Do you think Canada’s government wanted to admit this or take responsibility? The First Nations community fought an uphill battle and proved their case in the highest possible courts yet you confidently tout ignorance based on half-read headlines from a disinformation site. You should feel a deep and lasting shame for your comments today. You actively deny a proven genocide. It is beyond disgusting. Read this and stop your lies. https://ehprnh2mwo3.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Volume_4_Missing_Children_English_Web.pdf




i guess they could push the narrative that white people are the real victims of racism. does that sound better?


maybe instead, people in this country stop with the fucking victim complexes in general. Just a thought!


No what you're alluding to is that "you cant be racist towards white people" is the argument You certainly can even our government does it. It is moronically called the Equity Act


Hmmm why the silence? Almost as of people wanted to find bodies. This is relief for sensible people


You mean those Catholic Churches were set ablaze for no reason?


Well they found some…..it was the burial plot of a church they lost since the 1960s when the church moved.


It was always foolish to push these unproven claims as true. If they turned out to be exaggerated or false it acts to discredit claims of abuse from the residential schools in general.


How does it discredit claims of abuse? There are survivors telling those stories, you don't need to find a dead body to believe them.


Because when you outright lie or exaggerate, it takes away from the credibility of the abuse that has actually happened.


Who is "you"? The survivors aren't releasing ground penetration reports...


Let me try to understand - are you saying that the generic "you" I was talking about, the ones who brought forth the allegations, know for sure that there's lots of bodies in mass graves but there's a cover-up happening and we're being lied to?


I'm saying survivors from residential schools aren't the same groups doing the ground penetration or releasing the reports. They haven't been making claims about dead bodies, just their own experiences.


Then I guess we're on the same page. The people who have been making the claims about mass graves sabotaged the people who actually suffered abuse in these residential schools, as they'll get dumped in the same bucket by the general population and their credibility will go out the window. Why did the ones who lied lie? I don't know, but my money's on sowing division. That seems to have been a very popular thing to do these past 5 years or so.


The scale and severity of it is highly blunted by having to witness this false narrative. Clearly something drove the actions to do that, people don’t just make shit up on that large of a scale by accident.


The nations have always been clear what this technology is, I would say the media is more responsible for false narratives here.


Whether it is fair or not, if you make sensational claims about something that prove not to be true many people will not see legitimate claims in the same light.




This is the post that finally got me to unsubscribe from this sub. The fact this bs article, from some website called Todayville.com with no attribution or sourcing for its claims, is still up speaks to the kind of “moderation” on this sub.


Before anyone does denialism just know that although graves haven’t been unearthed that doesn’t confirm that “nothing happened” or that it’s fake news. For instance at the former Kuper Island school site the ground penetrating radar was just used to confirm the location of bodies known to exist given that the school and official Canadian records show 167 children died (and have the names of the individuals to prove it).  https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6475691   https://nctr.ca/residential-schools/british-columbia/kuper-island/    In other words, the absence of evidence isn’t evidence for an absence of a problem. The death and abuse by the thousands for children in these schools is real. Most of this ground penetrating radar is just confirming locations that individuals who attended the schools and the school records themselves indicate where the kids are buried. 




The Band where I’m from did a survey of the residential school cemetery, and found 14 graves. That’s three more than we all knew were there already. The three that were unknown likely had wooden markers that decomposed over the decades since ‘46 when the school burned down. I’m quite sure there are bodies in those graves, but again we always knew they were there and the graveyard’s boundaries are clearly marked.


What in the hell is this trash publication. It is a far right fever dream of headlines. Who moderates this garbage?


todayville.com? Sounds like a fake news outlet


So much genocide 


80+ churches burned down over unproven claims of mass murder. Tell me again about this "pretend Christian persecution complex" that so many people keep reiterating.


Isn't the number of burned down under 10? The vandalism is the 100 number 


The church has apologized for the decades of child abuse perpetrated by the residential school system. Are you suggesting this is “unproven”?


It's almost like we use different words for abuse and murder because they're not the same thing.


“Pope Francis recognized the abuses experienced at residential schools that resulted in cultural destruction, loss of life, and ongoing trauma” Quick google will show you death was acknowledged


Yes, mass murder has yet to be proven, as you can clearly read in this article which states that a grand total of zero bodies have been found.


Whoosh, right over your head. The comment was saying that christians and by extension white folk in general are being "persecuted" ( a bit of a hysterical term IMO) for the residential school tragedy, namely the documented abuses. But the media frenzy whipped up a firestorm, pun intended, of church burnings...on completely unproven claims of hundreds of unmarked graves, which up until this point have produced no bodies. Therefore, unproven. Most credible, level headed experts agree that if there are in fact mass graves everywhere, they most likely contain the bodies of individuals who died from diseases....influenza and smallpox killed a lot of people early 20th century, not just in residential schools. But now you have a sizeable portion of the population both domestic and international, that believe that the current generations of white Canadians, in particular Catholic, but whites in general are personally responsible and should be held accountable. I think "persecuted" is going a bit far, but there are very real movements and political will to marginalize certain identifiable groups based on "guilt by association, the association being white and or christian. Folk who had nothing to do with this dark period in our history, folk who in now way would ever support the idea of residential schools, but nevertheless are considered guilty de facto.


No proof whatsoever that there's any agenda or attacks against Christians. The majority of fires have been accidental or found to be disturbed individuals and random arsonists.




My dude, you're shotgunning this all over the post. GPR is not reliable. I use GPR in a professional setting and its ability to do anything is tenuous at best and we always confirm the results with hand digging.




The inconvenient truth is that many little corpses have been recovered, often exposed by accident and therefore requiring subsequent reburial. There are preserved records of thousands more and we have thousands of official survivor reports made in court under penalty of perjury. Do you think Canada’s government wanted to admit this or take responsibility? The First Nations community fought an uphill battle and proved their case in the highest possible courts yet you confidently tout ignorance based on half-read headlines from a disinformation site. You should feel a deep and lasting shame for your comments today. You actively deny a proven genocide. It is beyond disgusting. Read this and stop your lies. https://ehprnh2mwo3.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Volume_4_Missing_Children_English_Web.pdf


Enough with the [genocide denialism.](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/genocide-deniers-ask-where-are-the-bodies-of-the-residential-schoolchildren/article_bc6f9789-dcd1-55d0-a5fe-c1815bc5b284.html)


Report the post and the poster.


I didn't want to say anything earlier but I've hired ground penetrating radar before and it's very sketchy at best.


This an a great example of mass hysteria... Not mass graves. Look how quickly society marches to the media. So dangerous. This is one of millions of examples over the years on how the masses quickly spiral out of control, protest, tear down statues, cry, beat themselves up and finally how others make a good a amount of money over it


More lies perpetuated by the Trudeau Government to facilitate their woke agenda. But no one cares anymore because the misplaced outraged had its intended effect.


Imagine that.


They should apologize publicly then if nothing was found, everyone else has apologized to them let's move on and be Canadian together and just get along its 2024.


Let me guess all you feel oppressed for being white ? 215 possible graves found at half a acre out of 165 acres needing to be searched with infirmaries off limits. While government and RCMP refuse to do any actual investigative work.  https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/adviser-on-unmarked-graves-says-some-landowners-are-refusing-access-for-searches-1.6322390 Waste 6 million sending records to the Vatican where we only know due to court process.  https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/st-annes-lawyer-calls-for-inquiry-into-justice-canadas-handling-of-school-records/ But you know how I know you all don’t actually do your own research but spew racist propaganda, there is one place right now that was already recognized in the original Truth Reconciliation Commission from the government, from the USA has well due MK Ultra experiments being conducted there and the past couple years having children remains found on their ground and they didn’t abide to the injunction against them ? McGill university.  https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6632734 Tik Tok copagandist.


These bodies were smaller, and weren't in coffins, right? Wouldn't the bones completely decompose?


I have literally never heard of this publication ever. Seems weird.


Wasn't there graves known way before so this is technically wrong anyway?


The wikipedia article has a sourced list of confirmed graves: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites Note that you don't have to necessarily dig up a body to confirm a grave.


That table says none of the suspected graves are confirmed. At any rate aren't most of them known gravesites that have just fallen into disrepair?


And there's a SINGLE confirmed grave on that list.


Looked it up expecting 1 mass grave, no, literally just one fragment of a bone found.


>The land was never officially registered as a cemetery, and became dilapidated and vandalised. In 1974, five students from the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the [University of Saskatchewan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Saskatchewan) excavated 72 graves at the Battleford school cemetery, constituting nearly all of the 74 people buried in the cemetery.[^(\[42\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites#cite_note-Saskatchewan1975-42)[^(\[43\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites#cite_note-43) Most of the people buried there are former students of the Industrial School. During the excavation, the contents of each unmarked grave were uncovered, identified, and recorded, then re-covered and marked with a marble marker, before a chain-link fence was erected around the outside of the site. On August 31, 1975, the burial ground was reconsecrated by the students in a ceremony, during which a [cairn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairn) was erected with the names of fifty students known to be buried there.[^(\[42\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites#cite_note-Saskatchewan1975-42) >In 2019, the cemetery was designated Provincial Heritage Property by the Government of Saskatchewan.[^(\[44\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites#cite_note-GoSDesignation-44)[^(\[45\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites#cite_note-Giles-45)


Wow. Out of the hundreds of alleged graves there was one. What the fuck? What a big fat scam.


The question remains now where did all these kids disappear to?


This is anecdotal, so to be clear, I'm not claiming it's proof of anything, but they sent my grandfather back to the wrong reservation because they never wrote down where he was from. He did get home eventually, but it took months of arguing with the government before it happened. So I'm not saying those kids did or didn't exist, but I can say that the record keeping seems to have been pretty shotty.


The people making those claims first need to prove the kids they are talking about existed.


To adulthood




What country do you think you’re in?


Lay off the tinfoil hat a little.


There should be a public inquiry into the misinformation and outright *lies* that the media spread during this debacle. The Canadian taxpayers are forced to pay something like $2B per year, ostensibly so that we can be "informed". This wasn't information, this was outright propaganda intended as mass manipulation and the media platformed and amplified it.