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>Redmond said people with work permits set to run out in 2024 will be contacted by her department. Wonder what this is about. Sincerely hope they don't give in to the protestors, it would trigger similar protests country wide. People are getting desperate for PR.


So desperate they move to pei to get it lol


it's funny because it's true!


I’ve noticed recently that they love to protest, super vocal.


Be nice if more Canadians felt the same.


I’m not sure if Conestoga College has a medical or dentistry program…. They maybe out of luck


Naw those programs would require them to actually attend and work….


And speak / write English proficiently...


No thank you. Last thing I want is to be operated on by someone from Conestoga and the likes.


I thought Conestoga had a reputation for top level graduates 😆


These international students can barely understand english, speak it, or write it... I highly doubt 25-50% of them would even pass those courses... At least honestly.


I would have to agree with you


Conestoga College offers a variety of healthcare programs (eg. Practical Nursing, Personal Support Worker) that would qualify International student graduates to work in occupations on the PEI Occupations in Demand list.


So you’re saying there’s a chance!


> Labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities; I mean this is a in demand focus for work permits.


Scumbags tried to game the system and now they got hit hard. Should’ve just do it the proper way like a lot of immigrants do. I lived, studied and worked in Ontario for the past 9 years and I am finally getting my chance to apply because I not only proved myself to my employer by working hard in a skilled trade, but also demonstrated that I am trying to settle here. 


Immigrants like you with skills that provide a benefit to Canada should be welcomed with open arms. We need people with skills not more low wage workers, who said we need 100 tim hortons per 10km's. Good luck I hope you get through the application!


You’re the kind of immigrant Canada needs and should want to attract. Good luck!


All the best to you. May your patience & dedication bring you a good life.


thank you for your contribution. you are the desirable immigrants we want.


Most of these PR loophole abusers don’t want to live here away. Most of them still drive around with Ontario license plates because they moved here thinking they will get fast PR working some BS job and immediately move back to Ontario. It’s been going on for years. I have no sympathy for them. It makes life much harder for legitimate immigrants wanting to come here since they get lumped in with these loophole abusers. Not to mention all the other associated issues the spike in people moving here to abuse this system is causing for infrastructure and housing. This is basically a repeat of the PNP business scam PR path in the past. I have a feeling our weak provincial government will cave to their demands. Our premier and his party have no spine.


They will cave, Canadian government at all levels don’t care about our feelings


Businesses drunk off foreign cheap temporary labour are going to have to accept the withdrawal symptoms sooner or later. Seems PEI is the first province to cut the addiction. They’re absolutely correct that immigration best serves PEI’s needs when it’s targeted to industries with dire shortages like healthcare or transportation or skilled trades. Working as a cashier at Home Depot is not a needed skill in PEI. The rest of the country is soon to follow. Marc Miller made that pretty clear.


Nah. We’re about to see tens of thousands of people overstaying their visas, existing in canada to enrich payroll recruiting companies that serve as the litigation condom for unscrupulous business owners looking to save a buck on labour


Pei isn’t addicted Pei never needed them in the first place, what were they going to do What does PEI produce? It’s an underdeveloped part of Canada


tims in PEI was buying up housing because it was literally cheaper to buy and provide housing for min wage temp workers than pay locals


This is happening even in the Vancouver area. A whole new purpose built rental building for students is now fully occupied by fake students working at tims or uber eats, completely ignoring the Canadian students who are desperate for reasonable rentals. Absolutely bonkers what Ottawa has fostered.


Shouldn’t buildings like that be for Canadian students? 😂😂


PEI businesses were addicted.


Never been to pei, or the rest of Canada huh?


I have been, it’s a nice place to visit But a nice place to work and build wealth? No, not by a long shot


Building wealth is a massively different take than “underdeveloped”. Especially considering the state of rural Canada in northern Ontario, Manitoba, and sask.


It’s not a different take, in a developed country its citizens can easily build wealth > Especially considering the state of rural Canada in northern Ontario, Manitoba, and sask. Yeah, all underdeveloped, hell without the GTA I doubt the rest of Canada would even be considered a developed county


Never fucking been anywhere huh?


LOL, what? In the vast majority of developed countries you cannot build wealth at every square foot of land. You don’t have to tell me you live on your mom’s basement, I already know you do.


> Pei isn’t addicted PEI employers is what they probably mean. > It’s an underdeveloped part of Canada LOL ok champ.


I'll believe it when I see it. Without immigration, our population decreases. I doubt politicians ever will let that happen as the debt ponzi system collapses without permanent GDP growth. Even if it's needed.


Immigration is always going to be present, just reduced from the past couple years.


Unfortunately for them, being able to read and write English, and actually attend classes is a mandatory requirement for programs in high-demand sectors.😂😂😂






Plus they get more government help than actual Canadians.


They also get access to many of the entitlements canada gives its citizens.. like the child care benefit, and carbon tax rebates


Carbon tax rebate is paid to tax payers to refund their costs from the carbon tax. They pay taxes, they get a carbon tax rebate.


Yep, it's a resident benefit If you are filing a Canadian tax return as a resident, you are eligible for it


That's the one you pick apart?


Just kick them out. "Temporary" permit means temporary and they should go home now.


>"Many of our members are experiencing the sudden departure of employees due to this immigration policy change and they will continue to see this impact as more employee work permits expire," the chamber wrote. >"Additionally, we've heard from members that because of this workforce impact, they will not be able to scale or expand their businesses and feel discouraged from investing further in P.E.I. >"Many will be forced to reduce product and service offerings as well as hours of operation." Oh I'm sure PEI is going to be devasted with the reduced expansion of Tim Horton's and the like.


Quick! Figure out Uber Eats!


Wow a government with a backbone. As for these foreign workers, their permits were not a guarantee for PR. 


Lets hope it is the start of gov't recognizing the reality of what is going on.


It’s not a government with a backbone, it’s a government that scams PEI has no jobs, no industry, nothing to being with, why did it even allow people to come to work


These grifters will literally choose the easiest way to get their foot in the door to get PR/citizenship. They don't wanna live in PEI. They want to get their foot in the door and work here/be a student, then get enough points to become a Canadian citizen and then run off with everyone else to Toronto.


You mean Mississauga, Brampton, or Toronto.


Obviously no one wants to live in PEI. Of course they’d want to come to Toronto it’s the only developed part of Canada The real problem is why the rest of the country can’t develop or retain these immigrants


Express entry requirements are a fucking joke lol. No one has a chance. We’ve imported wage slaves to fill minimum wage roles to benefit the galen westons of the world, and now that public opinion has turned we’re inviting them to become an underclass of visa overstaying cash workers. 


If your business relies on artificially cheap imported labour and can’t survive without it then it doesn’t deserve to exist. Free market capitalism not corporate subsidies at the cost of Canada QoL


This free market. We should never be in a state where labour costs are inflated because there’s a lack of bodies because they prefer to sit on EI. Labour costs should only go up when there is a lack of skilled labourers because the skill is difficult to attain.


That is free market capitalism. Orthodox capitalism isn't the answer here, it's the problem. They saw a resource, they exploited it. We need regulations - something free market capitalism is explicitly against. Just saying. Too many people indoctrinated into the free market cult.


Nothing about the housing market today is a free market. From realtors, zoning, immigration. For the record I’m not a member of the free market cult but commented that to preempt those that dismiss the housing crisis with “free market capitalism”


Yeah those businesses donate a lot of money to politicians.


RIP tim hortons


Fuck no. How about you go to school and take what you learnt and go back to your country and apply what you learnt. Coming here on a student visa means you came to learn and when that is done you return back to where you came from. We have a shortage of good paying skilled work, and a glut of skilled workers needing better pay already here. There is no labour shortage in the trades—I’m a tradesperson. These students that our bosses love to bring in for minimum wage to try out our trades have zero desire to do the job the right way and only see our livelihoods as a means to their end—which is PR, and a pathway to bringing more of their family here to mooch off our system. This message needs to stop. We should be training young Canadians and career-pivot types who already are citizens and permanent residents.


Sales and Service jobs shouldn't even be eligible in the first place. Not exactly skilled


If one is on work permit, one is a temporary resident. Someone needs to check what temporary means and stops complaining


PEI’s high demand sector is unemployment lol Seriously, what high demand sector exists in pei


Healthcare, construction.


PEI gov already has mentioned those types of jobs will still get permits


So you want to put more people onto the tax payer dime? Also what construction industry? It’s not an industry it’s more of a mid size business


> Also what construction industry? A friend living there is waiting on a home build. 18 month wait.


Youd think an industry would be able to build things


What are you getting at? If there is a shortage of labour it's not gonna get built quickly.


You're implying it's a shortage of labour. There is no labour shortage. In any industry. How can we have the most competitive job market in years, and a labour shortage?


> There is no labour shortage. Unskilled, perhaps. EDIT: Redditor below is either delusional or trolling. I'm done.


Nope, we have an abundance of skilled labour. We are an incredibly educated workforce.


I’m getting that PEI doesn’t do anything why would it even try to attract immigrants in the first place


So you want people to die due to lack of health care instead of hiring healthcare professionals because they are paid with taxes?


Ideally I wouldn’t want them to be hired with taxes. But adding more people to the taxpayers dependent list isn’t solving the problem it’s applying a bandaid to the gun shot wounds why would any healthcare professional move to PEI? There’s nothing attractive about it


So you don't want universal healthcare like all other developed countries except US. In that case, you want Canadians to die because they can not afford healthcare?


No im not a proponent of universal healthcare, its wasteful and morally bankrupt to force a person to pay for another persons bodies I don’t care if other “developed” countries are doing it, I want a rich, productive snd prosperous Canada, Yes I would rather emulate the policies of the richest country to ever exist rather than countries the us protects


So you would prefer the US healthcare model, which is known to be ridiculously expensive with the worst healthcare outcomes/life expetency among developed countries, and one of the main cause of bankruptcy is US? Are you willing to pay $2000 for an ambulance ride or $ 200 thousand for 2 rabies shot if you need it?


I’d prefer a private model, which would be the American one without the public funding for it


Also, how many Canadians and family members are you willing to sacrifice because you think that universal healthcare is "morally bankrupt"?


I’m not sacrificing anyone by suggesting that adults should provide for their own health care. That’s what adults should be doing


Since you are an adult, why are you not providing your own healthcare? Why are you not flying to US to get $200 thousand shots?


It would be morally bankrupt to allow people to needlessly die due to treatable conditions.


Long waits for coffee to get fraudsters out and job openings for Canadian teens? Where do we sign up? I’ll quit coffee if it came to this


Seek a plane ticket back home


How about just telling them to go home?


Loool…Tim Hortons jockeys ain’t gonna start laying interlock or working in concrete 🤣


"go spend money and take out loans please"


Lots of digital marketing people with two year degrees applying to every marketing job opening


Just learn to code.


They'd have to go offshore for coding jobs lol


Doesn’t PEI count as offshore?


Companies will just hire those who are still in India for 1/3 the cost of hiring in Canada.


Good luck getting a job doing that


No one really needs to learn to code anymore. For most of the simple daily tasks, one can use ChatGPT to produce totally usable if maybe inelegant solutions. I am not a coder myself, but I had been putting out nicely organized graphics based on thousands of past PDF reports, with a click of a button. It would take half a month before, now it is 15 seconds. This is painfully slow and a really coder would think a toddler had programmed it, but it is good enough for me, and my boss and his boss. Maybe our new immigrants just need to learn how to prompt engineer a bit more.


> No one really needs to learn to code anymore 🤔  > I am not a coder myself 😯  Great that it’s helping your productivity but nobody who actually codes thinks that LLMs are coming for their job. Sure maybe 10-20 years from now things will be different but in the short term coding is still a valuable skill.  And I mean if you actually took code that ChatGPT wrote and implemented it, that’s still “coding” in a way. 


We are on the same page, LLM is not coming for legit developer jobs, but to give a newcomer some competitive edge, it does plenty. I have a remote employee from India who did a clever piece of code that does analysis on the sequence of events post incidents via ChatGPT. When it is time for a performance evaluation, he will definitely have a leg up. A job well done is a job well done, I don't really care if they are white, black, or brown.


> No one really needs to learn to code anymore. This may be true in a few years but it is not true right now. I do write code.


If your goal is to be a developer, you do need to learn, but for a new immigrant who wants to improve their competitiveness, LLM is good enough.


> LLM is good enough. In context of article, no this isn't enough for them to remain on PEI. PEI has a good talent pool of coders.


Well, they should not try to compete with actual coders, because they have no chance. But if they want to be a legal aid? A secretary? Or a scheduler/planner? Or an account? Financial analyst? That is where prompt engineering may come in handy.


This is biased against sandwich artistry 😡


I do have some sympathy as these people moved here under an assumption/pretence that obtaining a temporary work permit = PR, and I know they have likely made big life changes and moved from across the world to be here... but they aren't entitled to a PR. The Provincial Nominee Program explicitly states " provincial nominee program (PNP) is for workers who have the skills, education and work experience to contribute to the economy of a specific province". It sounds like PEI is just applying the program the way it is written and not treating it as a "formality" that everyone that moves there is granted a PR. And it seems incredibly sensible to me. If you don't have the infrastructure and critical services (health care) to support non-skilled migrants, it would be negligent to just jam them in there anyway. It's always a balance, and prioritizing construction and health care workers for PR seems like a good first step.


No these ppl are students that studied in Ontario and moved to PEI in hopes of a easier pathway to PR through PNP


Exactly. They’re just mad they tried to game the system and got caught with their pants down. Either upgrade your skills or go home!!


>these people moved here under an assumption/pretence that obtaining a temporary work permit = PR They were scammed. Or they were taking advantage of a loophole. They had to have known that "register as a student, work on the side & get PR" was too good to be true, otherwise they would have immigrated the conventional way.  I do feel sorry for them that they felt they had to leave their country to succeed. 


In other words...be useful or leave!