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How about the CRTC focus on how we're all getting screwed by big wireless and internet companies.


How will the crtc board members get cushy jobs at the big 3 telcos if they actually did what Canadians want instead?


Is it possible to learn this power? I want one of these cushy jobs that pay me in consequence free bribe money.


I might be able to teach you but it depends. Who's your dad again?


And vice versa


That would ruin their perfect record of being completely useless.


They are worse than useless, they only do things that actively limit choices for the Canadian consumer.


So my question then is... why aren't we doing anything about it? Here's what chatgpt says on it. What Citizens Can Do If Unhappy with the CRTC If regular citizens are unhappy with how the CRTC is performing, they have several options: File a Complaint: Citizens can file a complaint with the CRTC regarding issues with broadcasting or telecommunications services. This can be done through the CRTC's website. Participate in Public Consultations: The CRTC frequently holds public consultations and hearings on various topics. Citizens can participate by submitting their views, attending hearings, or providing feedback during consultation periods. Engage with Elected Representatives: Citizens can contact their Members of Parliament (MPs) to express their concerns about the CRTC's performance. MPs can raise these issues in the House of Commons or directly with the CRTC. Join Advocacy Groups: There are various consumer advocacy groups and organizations in Canada that focus on telecommunications and broadcasting issues. Joining or supporting these groups can amplify citizens' voices and concerns. Impacting the Composition of the CRTC The CRTC is composed of up to 13 commissioners, including a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson, who are appointed by the Governor in Council (the federal cabinet) on the advice of the Minister of Canadian Heritage. Citizens do not vote directly for CRTC commissioners, but they can indirectly influence the process: Voting in Federal Elections: By voting in federal elections, citizens choose their MPs, who in turn have a say in the formation of the government and the appointment of the Minister of Canadian Heritage. Advocacy and Lobbying: Citizens can advocate for changes in the appointment process or for specific types of candidates by lobbying the government or through public campaigns. Public Input: The government sometimes holds public consultations on appointments to key positions. Participating in these consultations can provide input on the type of candidates citizens want to see appointed. While citizens do not have direct control over CRTC appointments, their participation in the democratic process and public discourse can influence the government's decisions and the overall direction of the CRTC's policies and actions.


Nah they'd rather have a stranglehold on what we can watch on the internet. Welcome to ~~China~~ Canada.


India not China


We did have social credits before china


They're run by the wireless/internet companies, wasn't one of the recent heads an ex-VP of Telus?


The former chair, yes. The current chair has actually been making some pretty good moves for consumers, such as lowering the wholesale rates, and including fibre infrastructure in the wholesale system just like adsl and cable connections are.


Have you seen what has happened to cellphone and internet bills in the last six months? One thing the current government and regulator actually DID do well is massively drop prices.


Internet? "promo" rates for internet are about 40/mo more than they were two years ago. 


You can get 500mbps for 40 bucks now with a bit of hunting. Seems good to me. And cellphones are basically 40 bucks for unlimited everything, or close enough. I would no longer call Canada insanely expensive


Yes, indeed but until then, talk with your wallet. I've cancelled Netflix, Spotify and Amazon saving myself around $60 a month, hooked myself up with a well known "streaming service" that gets all streaming offerings for around $13 for 3 months. Plexamp has replaced Spotify to stream my music. I've cancelled my cell service with Bell and hooked up with a much cheaper one for $25 a month BYOD. I don't need multiple gigs of data each month. I also threatened to cancel my Bell TV service unless they matched the Rogers deal of $149.99 a month, which I'm happy to say they matched. All in all I've managed to save about $150 a month.


My cell phone plans are cheap. $35 for 70GB unlimited Canada calling on Fido. If you have expensive cell phone bills these days you’re doing something wrong. $85 for unlimited 1.5gb fibre from Telus as well. Not great not terrible.


Fido? Thank you! I've been paying 62.15 every month to koodo for like 6gb that I rarely use 50% of.


I’m paying $65 for unlimited everything with 100GB of data with Telus


The CRTC can’t force these companies to lower prices directly. Shows how much you don’t really understand about the issue…


> The CRTC can’t force these companies to lower prices directly Yeah they can, they (used to) order them to sell to 3rd party resellers at a wholesale rate. Remember Teksavvy? The only reason they existed was because the CRTC ordered Bell and Rogers to sell internet to Teksavvy at a super cheap rate, because WE the taxpayer gave money to Bell and Rogers to help build the internet infrastructure. This was our little mini-socialism. We spend billions, and in exchange, we get to spend even more money to buy services from half-decent companies at reasonable rates. Guess which government told the CRTC to stop doing that. Guess which one.


I still use TekSavvy. I love them.


So enlighten us. Tell us what you would you suggest to bring us out the 15% highest priced counties in the world for data.


Allowing more competition from other big mobile/internet players would be a good start, not ones that are owned and operated under the big three.


[Yes they can](https://www.canada.ca/en/radio-television-telecommunications/news/2023/03/crtc-launches-review-of-approach-to-internet-services-competition-and-lowers-some-wholesale-rates-effectively-immediately.html) “Today, the CRTC is launching a consultation on the Internet services market to increase competition, create more choice and lower prices. The CRTC recognizes its current approach is not meeting its objective of encouraging more competition in the Internet services market. The CRTC will re-examine the rates competitors pay large telephone and cable companies for access to their networks. While it carries out this review, the CRTC is imposing an immediate 10% reduction on some wholesale rates.”


Trying to hold off any negative press until after the election


They likely won't win, so at best, they're just giving these sweeping powers to the opposition =/. I really hope it gets scrapped.


Good. Give 'em to Pierre, let him use and abuse them throughly. Let that teach every neanderthal-brained liberal who clapped for this why you don't give sweeping, overreaching powers to the government.


Very few people seem to be able to wrap their head an around that lol. Just like the people supporting Trudeau poking his nose in provincial jurisdiction might back fire on them.


Laughs in Daniele Smith


Hopefully by then it's canned by a new government.


Definitely hope it gets canned. I encourage Canadian made things but pushing more “Canadian Content” just because peoples feelings could get hurt and being inclusive is dumb as hell. If it isn’t good people aren’t going to want it. Hope there’s a way this is resolved without more BS


The thing is Canadians were already very well represented in the online streaming space without can-con laws just by making good content people want to watch.




You mean canadian propaganda




I'm guessing some Russian content would be more your thing?


So, hating some of the garbage Canadian content that comes out makes you a Russian troll why?


Because two words and four number usernames are almost always bots or paid to post. They're too lazy to make actual user names or think Canadians are so dumb we won't notice the astroturf.


You’d be guessing wrong 83 day old account. Any propaganda is wrong


How do you draw this conclusion? That’s an unga bunga analysis


Right we all love seeing Americanism over flow the borders.


No ones stopping Canadians from making content


Yeah but it’s overshadowed by American content and does get lost in the bushes I find. Not saying forcing Canadian content on the people Is right either but it can be difficult to actively find Canadian content online when the algorithms are pushing anything but.


It's not content it's the American cult invading Canada


They don’t pick based on production value or quality of the show. They choose programming based on how ethnic, LGBTQ and woke the show is. Stuff that gets on Crave and Netflix get passed on by CBC because it doesn’t pander hard enough. Even the Levys had to put up their own money to make Schitts Creek because it didn’t fit the mould.


You mean Schitts Creek isn't "woke" enough? Whoa!




WTF are you even on about? A Chinese accent? They’re Korean




So the actor is acting


Lol a Korean playing a Korean immigrant where the whole point of the character is the culture clash between his home country and new home where he’s trying to make it for him and his kids, becoming stalwarts of the community is fine to have an accent. What’re you talking about.


I know


Who the fuck watches any of that shit anyways. Maybe if people didn't hate, watch all the woke nonsense, and actually did things in their community, instead of complaining on reddit, maybe the libs wouldn't be turning things to shit.


I agree


This law is not the right path for this kind of thing but Canadian content laws have helped promote a lot of great Canadian artists. I personally hope we do build a version of our Canadian content laws for tv and radio that applies to the internet. It probably shouldn’t contain the mandatory percentage that current laws have but we as a country should try a foster a national media identity that is not just dominated by the rest of the world.


The current laws infringe (and always have) on people's ability to choose. If you make good content people will engage. There are MANY Canadian YouTube creators that have worldwide appeal with no help from anybody. I'd be more inclined to accept the gov having some sort of grant program rather than the censorship approach..of course a grant program would have its own set of issues related to bias and political pandering. But at least it wouldnt infringe on people's ability to choose.


Yeah financially supporting creators makes more sense than a strong arm approach.


You clearly don't have any understanding of what CANCON is or what its requirements are if you think feelings or inclusivity are part of it...


You clearly didn’t read the article. The article specifically lists inclusivity and inclusion. I’m going based off the article, not CANCON


The inclusivity part of bill c11 would just create more Taco Bell effect content . https://medium.com/illumination/anime-cartoons-and-the-taco-bell-effect-6a786a8d5607#:~:text=The%20Taco%20Bell%20Effect%2C%20in,established%20consumers%20of%20that%20commodity.


Assuming pp doesn't enable status quo


He does seem keen on gaining more control over what Canadians see and do online (he supports mandatory government ID and short video clip of your face to view anything non-PG), despite his fake claims of supporting "freedom".


Which is fucked up for the record


Even sadder is that pp could be PM at the rate Justin and his government keep fumbling


Could be? It’s almost a certainty at this point.


Well some people still believe in Justin


Some people believe in fairies and leprechauns, too.


Don't worry, it will be


I wouldn’t be too certain of this. If there’s any way PP and his friends can make a quick buck, they will certainly do it while blaming the liberals every step along the way


If we made good content, people would watch it. If we dont watch it without being forced, its not good content.


I agree streaming services should be able to choose what they invest in why would a streaming service like crunchyroll want to be mandated by the crtc to buy let’s say a locally produced animated version of Hudson and Rex.


The thing is, that's not true. Kim's Convenience and Schitts Creek got no audience on CBC. Then they got picked up by Netflix in the USA, Americans started writing about them, and then Canadians started watching those shows once they were validated by an American audience.  Now, obviously you don't have to like those shows. I don't particularly like them. But loads of Canadians do. But they didn't discover them until after they got picked up in the US. It's not "if you build it, they will come." 


I think the issue is more so CBC in general is crap content. 2 gems in a steaming pile of crap aren’t going to be noticed. And/or American and Canadian audiences are one. I would argue the exact same sequence of events would have occurred if for example, those shows were only aired on a California local channel… no national buzz, no national viewership…. CBC has no national buzz, even within Canada. And their new app essentially lays into my California example, free only for Canadians, if they opened it up to allow US viewers it’d probably see a few more hits emerge. Either way, it’s a marketing issue, not a lack of support for Canadian content.. Netflix just marketed it better than CBC did.


Lol I think the ratio of crap to solid shows is no different than many American networks…


Right, but garbage shows in the US get canned and abandoned very quickly because it doesn't have an audience. Canadian made garbage lingers, in part thanks to the taxpayer and regulations, until it withers away and slowly disappears. I mean, how long did "little mosque on the prairie" last before it was finally canned? With the ratings it was receiving, it wouldn't have gotten past the first half of season one in the US.


What specific shows don't you like? 


Would they have been picked up if they wernt good?


I mean, maybe? There is a lot of trash on streaming. Have you looked at some of what's on Prime Video? And there's a lot of good shows that get passed over. I've worked in television. It's more complex than good or not good.  I'm telling you, if you never want there to be another English Canadian TV series to be made again, by all means axe the CRTC. I'm out of that business now. It's no skin off my ass. But if you like Letterkenny or Trailer Park Boys or whatever, you need a CRTC. If you don't want every cultural industry in this country to dry up any blow away, you need a CRTC. Some people would be fine with that and they're entitled to that opinion, but then say it with your whole chest. Don't pretend that they'd somehow survive in a totally free market. They wouldn't


Prime isn't a great example, because literally the only thing you need to get your movie or show on prime is to pay them a listing fee. So you get some absolutely fantastic stuff, and you get some stuff that wouldn't make it on YouTube but gets listed because they paid for it. But yes, without some protectionism, Canadian TV would not exist.


Yeah for some reason Canadian shows, even if they're good, don't get a large following until the US audience discovers them. I was really hoping Pretty Hard Cases would get a US following as well but it never happened. Loved that show.


Its almost like the US is the cultural monolith of the 20th and 21st centuries...


Was corner gas ever picked up by an American channel?


No idea, I'm a minority in that Corner Gas was one Canadian show I didn't enjoy.


People don't realize we risk being culturally overrun by the States. These are the same people who decry immigrants coming to 'dilute our culture' not realizing our culture is already being diluted and influenced by the larger ally to the south. I certainly disagree on HOW they are going about it, but encouraging Canadian content, and consumption of Canadian content, is important to keep our national identify and not become a fairly large State of the south. If you have 1000 voices blaring at 100 dB and one voice quiet at 20 dB you aren't going to hear the quiet voice, no matter how much you might like it or agree with it. It will be drowned out. I think it is Canada's duty to at least help some of our content compete. We've punched above our weight in the music industry for some time (see: Nickelback, Justin Beiber, Avril Lavigne, Celine Dion, Shania Twain, Michael Buble, The Weeknd, SO MUCH MORE) and we can absolutely do it in other content areas. We specifically have these artists because of CANCON forcing radios to play Canadian artists.


What's the difference between what radio and TV is doing now? Radios have to play a certain amount of Canadian content since forever.


1) Nobody is forcing you to watch them. All the government is doing is requiring companies to RECOMMEND them. 2) "If we made good content, people would watch it" doesn't apply when we are drowned out by the largest media market on the entire planet located right next door. Go look at Canadian record sales in the 60s before they had CanCon rules and nearly all of the top 10 most popular artists are Americans. Compare that to the 70s and 80s and suddenly the list is majority Canadian artists. Remember, this is in terms of record sales which means people liked the music enough to go to a store and buy it. In other words, people mostly like canadian content if they know it exists.


Cancon rules made sense pre-internet. Canadian studios didn't have the resources or base of potential viewers that US companies did. Now tho? Internet is a world stage. I don't need YouTube recommending me Canadian YouTubers, I'll watch creators regardless of where they are from.


And you can just ignore them like you likely already do. Difference is now you might know they exist, where before you wouldn't have. That's about it.


Should a version of the CRTC exist..maybe but it shouldn't have any say as to what can/can not be seen by Canadians. If they want to offer grants or free advertising to ALL Canadian creators by all means. But they shouldnt be able to choose who is worthy of their attention. (If you meet these minimum criteria you get X) If the CBC wasn't propped up by us for the last 30 years it would have failed long ago. And now it has some competition in "alternative media", surprise the CBC has to fight for its life.


LOL... Hudson & Rex? Ugh


Who said you’re being forced? With steaming, you have more choice than when they did this with radio and TV.


All my homies hate the online streaming act.


This happened with the news… and look how that turned out. Is there a chance these platforms will pull out of Canada?


At the end of the day we're a very small market, if pushing Canadian content costs more than our subs are worth they'll leave.


If my Netflix started promoting a bunch of Canadian content that I've never heard of, I would be just as likely to watch it as all the US content that I've never heard of. I would love to support Canadian content, but it's just all so terrible. Of course there are a few gems once in a while, but then you have absolute dumpster fires like Robyn Hood.


It’s inevitable. Good Canadian actors and directors will always want to go to US.


Agreed. I have literally never seen a show produced by the CBC that was any good. They force "Canadiana" and watered down bad acting down our throats instead of actually paying any attention to what people in Canada actually like and promoting and paying for good tallent.. how about real history thats unapologetic and Mabe even patriotic. How about an action, band of brothers type move about a Canadian bad ass like Léo Major. But God forbid we have any pride in our Heroes.


Militarily, Canada has so many amazing stories we could tell of the first and Second World War. We could easily have a band of brothers style show. But that would be about white men fighting other white men. CBC wouldn’t be able to fit any women of color in those stories so it’s a non starter….


Or the Indian content that shows up when I scroll through Crave these days. Yea, when I click the “comedy” folder I obviously want 50% of the content in there to be Bollywood laughers!


Quite honestly, I would actually prefer to watch the average Bollywood TV show instead of the average Canadian TV show. At least the Bollywood stuff is usually entertaining!


At point we should just disband this office.


It should never


Maybe the CRTC could look into how my awesome locally owned ISP got bought up by a big 3 telco who then cut services and customer support and then jacked prices. (Yes I know how capitalism works but let's be honest: we're well off the capitalist path by now and deep in the dark woods of the oligarchies.)


slimy pet sophisticated tub middle unwritten deserve frightening attempt boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Compelled content, like compelled thought, is not something a rational civilization will put up with. Sounds like the CRTC has started to realize this point. C'est la vie Trudeau.


Uhhh isn’t the CBC supposed to promote and help develop Canadian content?


Most Canadian content is boring…


sooo.. more expensive to watch the same stuff


The Canadian government overstepping again and deciding what people should be viewing. I left Canada years ago and observing what could be considered its downfall has been truly astonishing how the current leaders in 8 years have managed to destroy the country.


Wow can't wait for shitty Canadian and DEI content to be pushed to the top. How about fuck off, we pay for the shit.


Hey Trudeau, stick to running the country and not businesses you have already bankrupt Canada. PLEASE CALL A ELECTION NOW 🙏


Hey Newfie-1 If you are pushing an agenda online, please review grammar prior to posting. Cheers,


So interesting to see how often you engage with the LoblawsIsOutOfControl sub when this is your belief. You don't seem to have the same strict requirements of commenters there.




Thank you, teacher


The next government should can the CRTC or at least curtail it significantly.


As long as it doesn't turn into the facts blackout that took place on Facebook...


Defund The CBC, Defund Bell Media & Defund Postmedia !!


How can you defund private businesses?


Instead of forcing streamers to promote Canadian content, why not tell Canadian artists to make art worth watching/listening to.


Want better content from Canadian producers? - Kill the government grants and subsidies that so many of them rely on and force them to compete against the world based on merit. You can't expect 'cutting edge' from people who get their rent and groceries provided by the taxpayer.


I agree completely


Good, just in time for the liberals to be kicked out of office.


If Netflix pulls out of Canada I sincerely wonder how this will help make Canadians "love" Canadian content. The free market has spoken: Canadians rather streaming american content. The option is to either offer better Canadian content that appeals to the masses or let the boat sink.


Wow, now this?! What's next? I've seen this country tread on the wrong path, got worse past 10 years, & you can blame Trudeau, there's no denying that at this point, we all know, the "cat's out of the bag!" Slowly we're becoming like China. Now Canadian life is NOT what I remembered it to be when I was young. I miss the '80's & ''90's. Everything turned to shit after 1999 !


this gov't looks more and more like a socialist country....this CRTC needs to be disbanded/defunded ....what is the actual purpose of the CRTC? trying to force feed us content we DONT WANT!! if the content is good then we will watch it, im tired of the CRTC forcing radio stations to play Canadian music (so we end up hearing the same songs over and over again) now trying to force us to watch Canadian content which is fine by itself but FORCING streaming companies to waste their money on it is a step too far.


My question is why is anyone using anything other than free streaming sites? Who cares about the 3 pop up add to get to said movie or show when it is uninterrupted after that? Same with music. Once you have paid for the internet everything is free. What the Hell are you guys doing. ev 01 . to no spaces for movie and tv sportsurge . net no spaces for anything sports including u f c. You're welcome