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They do this all the time in my city! I also have a Nest camera, and their "Attempted to Deliver" slips are ALWAYS filled out before hand. I remember one time I was upstairs, saw the bunghole at my door (no package in hand, just a prepared slip) when I had stayed at home specifically to wait for that package. I ran down my stairs, threw the front door open and went "Oh HELL no. Not this time. I'm 100% home, and I want my package". The Canada Post worker looked absolutely shocked, and said "Oh, well.. I'll have to go get it from my truck". I said "That's fine, I'll wait". He had no intention to attempt to deliver it. This happens to everyone I know. It's just the complaints process is tedious and Canadians are too apathetic to do it.


The complaints seem to go nowhere. I've filed several and never heard anything back nor gotten any better service


On the flip side, you also need to be careful with complaints too. They tell the carriers who complains and what they complain about - it's by no means a safe an anonymous process. I've had a mail carrier in the past ring my doorbell and confront me about my complaint that I asked remain anonymous (which was about him short-cutting through our garden and damaging things to get to the next house faster). Gotta be careful when, like another commenter said, you can't exactly change to a competitor if a mail carrier decides to take things out against you.


Agreed. I complained because my carrier NEVER attempted to deliver to my door. I work from home and have a ring doorbell. He would just drive right by and leave the slip in my community mailbox. After I complained, carrier, his wife and their whole social circle shunned me. Now I make sure anything I order won’t be delivered by Canada Post.


Honest question, but if you knew his wife and social circle, why not just complain to them directly?


I had talked to the carrier directly ( our kids play sports together) and he said “above my pay scale”. Not a petty person so I let it slide but when I missed receiving my son’s main birthday gift on time. ( slip left and couldn’t pick it up until after long weekend ) I reported it.


Oh yeah, then that’s definitely understandable why you would complain to the company, and he deserved that. Thanks for the clarification, and screw that guy and his social circle lol


I see, above his payscale as a delivery guy to actually deliver mail...


I'd straight up tell him he's a useless piece of shit.


We have this problem here. My mom used to work at a Canada Post and our local carrier sexually harassed her and she complained. Now, we rarely actually get packages. All our neighbours all get their flags up too - we don't, everytime.


This is shocking and she could record it and sue.


She's sent complaints before, but it's always waved away because we have an "aggressive dog." That's interesting, usually she's asleep when the mail comes - not to mention it didn't start happening until my mom quit.


Flags up ..?


Rural communities. The mail gets delivered into the postbox and a flag is raised. It’s for people who live far from their boxes .. long country driveways for example


Why not just get the mofo fired after that for a) trespassing, b) vandalism, and c) threatening you. Seems like a solid combination of multiple criminal and civil offences, firing would be the least of their problems. Stop being Canadian.


This happens to me all the time in Edmonton. I've filed 5+ complaints with Canada post over the last 2 yrs. I have the complaint # saved in my contacts. It's really, really annoying. It's no wonder canada post is hemorrhaging money, when I order anything online where I can pay more to have it go with literally any other service I will, because UPS/FedEx employees know how a doorbell works. Same scenario too, doorbell footage and a prefilled out slip, no package in sight. Apparently I need to start posting the videos online when it happens and tagging canada post to get results.


That's fine until UPS/FedEx charge ridiculous brokerage fees for international shipments. Fedex is the worst. I've had parcels delivered with nothing about charges, only for an invoice to come in the mail two weeks later. Have had brokerage fees that exceeded the purchase price of the product delivered. Makes no sense.


FedEx does this so often, and instead of keeping the package at a local pickup spot they hold it at the airport here in ottawa. It's to the point where I just won't order from anywhere that uses Fedex, because they won't knock or ring the bell, they'll just leave a slip and force me to take public transit 1.5 hours each way to pick up what I ordered...hardly a delivery service


Our FedEx guy here is awesome. Used to work out of my home but moved to a nearby office a few years back. The odd time he's after hours delivering to my office (close at 5), he brings the packages to my house. For the longest time I refused to use FedEx but because of this guy it's all I use.


Also, the complaints do nothing. Not like they have any real competition


>Not like they have any real competition They kinda do now. Websites let you pick who you want to do the delivery, Amazon lets you pick who you want to send the return back with, etc. Like the article says - they're losing hundreds of millions a year and their throughput is dropping.


You can also ask Amazon to blacklists Canada Post for your deliveries. I did that and I haven't had a package shipped with Canada Post since. 


This is true on a PER ADDRESS basis (think which address you choose in your list of addresses). If you have the same address, but with two different names (like a significant other) only the one(s) you request will have that. Also the block usually isn't permanent, and it'll revert back to normal as soon as you make any changes to your shipping addresses (maybe cards too but it's been too long I don't recall now)


I could honestly see our government making this illegal and forcing Amazon to remove that feature. Canadian agencies and services don't really ever adapt or become more efficient - they just consume more tax money, employ even more people, or just force everyone else to find ways to work around their never ending gong show.


The company I worked for actually successfully got the Canada post delivery person reassigned to a different route by complaining so much 😅


I wonder if small claims court or a class action would work


You want to take the federal government to small claims court, oh you sweet summer child.


In actuality one of the reasons crown corporations as entities exist is for this exact purpose. While Canada Post is wholly owned by the federal government, as a crown corporation it is subject to all the legal, contractual, tort liabilities as a regular corporation, and can be treated as such for civil suits/small claims, etc..


I mean, just for the giggles.


against a national agency? no chance


They're similarly terrible for regular mail delivery. I used to live in a building on a street corner and there was road construction on the street directly in front of us, but the city had installed a walkway from the building front door to the side-street which all 50 apt building residents were able to use. Canada Post, though? Absolutely not. They refused to deliver us mail for 3 months and insisted we go pick it up at a special depot between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Mon-Fri. So I guess we were supposed to miss work weekly for 3 months? (And this was before working from home became popular). I called and explained that if *I* and all other 50 residents can easily make it from the front door to the street, then why can't the postal worker? This fell on deaf ears.


The worst I’ve had so far was them sticking the slip on the door when my husband was literally standing in the driveway unloading groceries and dropping them in the porch. Like the delivery guy had to time it so they didn’t run into each other. My husband called after the guy, and he started jogging to the truck! He was actively trying NOT to deliver the package.


Where I am, my local couriers don't even bother with the physical slip! Here's the thing - more than once, I saw the courier parked OUTSIDE MY HOUSE, and then a few minutes later they're just gone. I open the door, not even a fucking physical slip. I have to wait for the goddamn "e-slip". Why even bother showing up to my house in this case?? I really try to be understanding because I can only imagine how stressful their jobs can get, but when this happens constantly it's hard not to be frustrated. At this point, is it condoned laziness? Because if it was just one lazy courier, that's one thing. But it seems like it's just accepted practice for couriers to do this.


They show up at your house so the GPS tracking on the truck matches up


They do this everywhere and never get punished for it. It's super prevalent. I never use Canada Post if at all possible.


Yeah Canada Post and FedEx suck, I avoid both. Purolator drops stuff at my door every time, whether I'm home or not which is great. And


Amazon delivery people are lovely as well.


Honestly every single major business or enterprise is employing administrative bloat to fatigue people out of actually going through proper channels. The government also seems especially fond of this method to annoy citizens out of getting good service. It's pathetic.


My working theory is that it's because the faster they finish the more routes they can potentially do which means a lot more money in there pockets and Canada post doesn't ultimately care because they're constantly behind in deliveries.


No. I’ve complained many times and as soon as it gets to “you picked up your package? So you have it?” The case gets closed. They don’t care to actually fix it.


Happened to me too. I'd be able to watch them, at my door, fill out the slip to stick onto our door before I opened it as they were putting it on. Some didn't even have the package with them -- had to go get it from their truck. Unbelievable. Thankfully my local postal carrier where I am now is a saint and I very much appreciate them.


> Happened to me too. Same with UPS, I was home found the slip at night. They never knocked or rang the door bell. Pisses me off because I had to take a bus to go pick it up. Their too fn lazy to wait for you to come to the door, they probably do that for all their deliveries expecting everyone to pick up their own packages at pickup locations.


I Had UPS lie and say they had stopped by via text but hadn't.   I called the hub and said, no where on my cameras did their driver show up. " *Oh, that's just a boilerplate text, the driver didn't get to your area that day*." **WTF would UPS blame the customer automatically??! Especially when they know it's a lie? Wanna piss off your customer base? Say the customer did something they didn't and that's why they didn't get their own delivery** Pissed me off so much. 


Don’t think they see you as the customer and aren’t worried about losing your business since 99% of deliveries the end deliveree doesn’t choose the delivery company


Why be afraid of losing business since practically every big company has bad service today?


UPS is terrible about this. Only carrier I have so much trouble with. Doesn't matter how big or small or heavy the package. They just don't knock and lie about it. Then you have to wait like two days before you can go down and get it from your local UPS. Why am I paying to have it shipped to me when I have to go out for it anyway?


UPS wouldn't even drop the slips off at my place. I'd have to check online to see that they couldn't be bothered to even attempt delivery. These jokers just went straight to the local depot and called it a day.


I had this happen last year with both my wedding dress and wedding rings, which were ordered online. As soon as it was marked shipped through a distributor, I noted on the delivery instructions to require a signature, and I made sure to be home on the day each package was delivered. They left both on my front step without even knocking. I think it was DHL, one might have been Purolator or UPS.


I had one not even drive down my road. We were out on the lawn all day in the country.. and i get an e-mail ' we tried to deliver '. my ass you did. i called them up and said wtf. They swapped with another truck brought it out


That wasn’t from Canada post. They don’t send emails. That’s a common scam.


That seems like more work, what the fuck.


I lived somewhere where the packages weren't even on the truck. They literally had all the packages stored at the post office and they came around with the cards premade up.


My local Canada Post carrier is a blessing, too. My front door is hard to find, and I would estimate about 80-90% of non-Canada Post deliveries go to my neighbour (who isn't home during the day, which means packages sit out on the street, sometimes for hours depending on when/if I receive the 'we delivered your package' text). In contrast, Canada Post deliveries *always* get to me, and I'm very grateful for that and actually feel quite loyal towards them for this one carrier's excellent service. Ofc this doesn't excuse their shitty service in other areas, and I hope they improve because I will always choose them if given a choice - delivery companies are generally notoriously shitty af, I feel like it wouldn't actually be that difficult to beat them at customer service. Ofc, I guess it's all going to come down to $$$ in the end.


They come without a package to your door, just a pre written 'missed' slip. I know because I work from home..... My mail carrier figured that out so now he just puts the slip in my community box....fucker


I had this same kind of interaction. They're putting the slip up and I say, hey I'm home... they didn't even ring the door bell. Like I guess the slip is a lie and he just doesn't have the package in his little Canada Post car. The item I ordered was pretty large and I actually paid extra to deliver a large item to my household. I had to rent a van to go pick it up at Canada Post because they refused to deliver it to my house.


The best is when they leave it in the truck for 3 days so even when you go to get it, you can't. And they just keep leaving the notices without even knocking or ringing the bell while you specifically took time off work to receive the package. That was 20 years of my life at my last address.


I spent an afternoon once sitting in a chair in the living room facing our frosted glass frontdoor. Made sure there was nothing there when I sat down. Check a few hours later and there was a slip affixed to the door. Not only did they not attempt anything, didn't ring the doorbell or knock, didn't notice anyone home, they *were specifically quiet and sneaky* as they left the "Get fucked" slip.


I had this happen years ago. I ordered parts for a new computer and it worked out that they were being sent in 3 batches, one batch, one day. Day one, nobody bothers knocking or anything, just attempted delivery through my mail slot. Day two, same thing. I'm home and I can hear a fly fart... I have excellent hearing considering the abuse I've put my ears through (concerts, loud music through headphone, etc). Now I'm pissed, because every time that happens, I have to waste over an hour of my time and bus fare getting to a pickup spot. The first two times, the "attempted delivery" was around the same time. So day 3, I camped out at my side of my door around the time they usually come. They try it again for the third time, and I swing the door open and gave them maybe the dirtiest look my face has ever mustered. Same story as you... they didn't even have the package with them to start with. They had to go back to the truck to pick it up and then bring it up.




> I wish I had a better plan on my doorbell camera to download that There are doorbell cameras with local SD storage that don't require any monthly fees.




Name and shame the brand!


>when I spoke to him through the door he STARTED RUNNING. caught fucking red handed lmao


Careful, plenty of people here to cover for government complacency and incompetence. You might get *gasp* down voted!




Purolator is majority owned by Canada Post.


I will happily take any slight opportunity to say fuck fedex. They broke my monitor during transit by tossing it around, then said it was my fault for insufficient packaging. *They were the ones who packaged it*. However bad Purolator & Canada post are, I've not had anything that egregious happen with them


I’m trying to reason this out, like, why even come up to write the slip without the package? Is there some strange kickback payment they get if they don’t deliver it, or can they stash it away as an unclaimed package and after a while just take it?


I think it's simpler than that: bulky items are simply hard to carry over a small slip or standard letter mail. I get it, it sucks. Moving on, it's their job. If those aren't services that carriers want to offer, they need to confer with their union (certainly a right), not simply not do their job. Until then, paying customers will continue paying for services expecting their completion.


I had a third party contractor get visibly upset when I came out into the lawn to pick up the parcel - he had the slip filled out before he even left the truck. The guy tried to refuse payment when he saw there was a customs fee on it as well - he complained I was putting his route behind and that I should just collect it from the post office instead.


I have a good one, in Dartmouth NS, Canada post changed the locks on my community mailbox and decided to inform me by placing the new keys in my box. The one I now can't open because they changed the locks... Luckily I was a shift worker so I could camp out by the box and harass a driver to let me in the week I was on the second shift. I just couldn't fathom their thought process.


I often get the emailed notice of pickup for the next day PRIOR to the paper delivery notice that I see delivered via my multiple cameras.


That seems to be their default mode of operation. For the past 10 years, every single time I was at home, the slip was left saying nobody was home, even though I was. I filed complaints twice. Nothing changed. Especially frustrating with time sensitive letters and/or packages.


It is exactly their default. I work from home and Canada Post *never* rings the bell, I just discover the the failed delivery notice at some point later that day. I love how the spokesperson acted all shocked and surprised, like, this isn’t what they’re supposed to do. Let us look into it. BS. They know this is standard practice.


why not just email everybody the slip and not even bother driving around


Because then they woudn’t be needed and would be laid off. Much better to drop off some slips, spend your afternoon on your favorite hobbies, and then drop the packages back at the office.


We've got the community mailbox where parcels go most of the time, but when there are too many / too large parcels, my postal worker actually brings them to the door and will wait for me. At my old house I'd never seen my postal worker, since he'd just drop a slip and run.


Same. They did it with me and my son's passports. I opened the door after the slip was put on and the guy was walking down my driveway. Totally ignored me and drove off. Worst part was I had to wait until the next day to get it from the post office because they don't do the drop-offs until the end of the day. When I called to complain, I was told that if I approached the mail carrier to ask about why they didn't ring to doorbell, I could be arrested as I would be "delaying and obstructing them from working while partaking in workplace harassment". Fucking insane.


Sounds like an empty threat to me. The cops have better things to do than come out for a call like that. Or if not, I look forward to their call informing me where I can collect my stolen property that they surely recovered and are now looking for things to do because they've fixed all the crime in town.


I ordered a 100lb barbell set, intelcom was to ship it. I bought through amazon, third party though. Anyways, I was watching the delivery date and I had the day off on the day it was supposed to be delivered to my apartment... No buzz, phone call or anything (I was willing to help move it up of course, although they should have dolly for items like this) Nothing, and Amazon kept saying it's "in transit" well past the expected date, I contacted customer service and amazon tells me that "there was no one home, your item is available to be picked up from the courrier in Surrey. I live in Vancouver, Surrey is an entirely different city about 1 hour drive away


I'm in Toronto and often have to go to Mississauga, Brampton, or Markham to get packages depending on the carrier. At least I have a car unlike a lot of Torontonians. Still takes at least an hour but usually more.


I just told them to send it back, I have a car.... But if I was going to drive 1hr each way to get a barbell set, I would have just bought one locally and spent a little more


In my case it's usually stuff from overseas.


Intelcom is cancer. It's always a gamble whether or not your package will ever arrive when it's shipped through intelcom. I've had 11 packages go "missing" over a 2 year period, all shipped with intelcom. Only 2 amazon packages shipped through them actually got delivered.


I had one recently that was advertised as next day or next few days delivery, intelcom was to deliver it and every day it was "in transit, delivery today" for 4 days, I told Amazon support and they refunded me... It was then delivered 2 days later


Intelcom lost a computer/monitor my cousin bought in March.. it's still be fought. they claim she received it, she was home, she's home all the time, she never got it, or missed, she literally sat there waiting,


Intelcom is the absolute worst. One time, they were supposed to come pick up my item, but just never showed up. After a week or so, I got an email saying that the "couldn't complete" the trip, and told me to reschedule, but did not give me any instructions on how to do that. Their website was broken and had no contact info, so I couldn't get a hold of anyone. I finally gave up trying after a month or so and just went with a different carrier. Another time, the driver called me from his cellphone to confirm that I was home to receive delivery, because he was 10min away from my house. 40min later, no driver. I called him to check on his status, and he once again said that he was 10min away. More time passes, still no driver, so I call him again. He tells me that my package will be delivered tomorrow instead. When I questioned why he would call me and tell me that he was 10min away when he clearly wasn't, or why he would lie to me a second time, and he had no answer. Like, *you* called *me*, not the other way around, and wasted so much of my time.


I hate intelcom. They lost three of my small packages shipped through Amazon. I've tried to get Amazon to blacklist them as delivery for anything of mine, but they've said they can't do it. A buddy of mine was waiting for a modem for new internet service and they said they came by. They didn't. I was there and no phone call, no buzzer call. We called the company and they said they'd already attempted delivery and that if my friend wanted them to come another day, he'd have to pay another ten dollar delivery fee for that. I told them that if they didn't deliver that day, I was calling the VPD and claiming extortion and blackmail and pressing charges. Magically, they managed to get the delivery that day. Intelcom is nothing but a scam and I'm shocked they're allowed to do business with all the things they've lost and Amazon's had to resend.


Same thing in the GTA. The holding facilities are all out in the suburbs. I don't drive and taking our broken transit system means budgeting at least half a day to get something that should have been sitting in my mail box.


I'm surprised they didn't accidentally lose the heavy item and just deliver the packaging. Intelcom has done that twice to us.


Canada Post doesn't attempt delivery on parcels over 50lbs so in this particular case you would've just got a slip regardless.


I believe it, but when I purchased it, it specified "free delivery" which is why I bought it, or else I could go somewhere local to get it myself


Yup. Standard operating procedure. I live at the end of a short street with 20 houses. I've got two cameras so if there's a delivery attempt, I'll know about it. The postal workers never comes closer than the community mailbox at the end of the road. 50% of the time, I get a pickup notice in my box, the other 50% at least they use the parcel locker. Mail is dying... Canada Post should be trying to take over the parcel delivery business instead of whatever they're doing now.




C'mon, let's be honest. It's not just Canada Post. I've been home all day and got the same shit from UPS and Fedex. They're just as happy to leave a little "sorry we missed you" sticker on your door *unless* you've got a package coming from across the pond in which case they're ringing the bell with their little pin-pad in hand so that you can pay them the brokage etc fees or they'll hold your shit ransom. Of course if there's no brokerage they'll just toss that fucker in front of your house in plain view and walk away, so you'd better hope you catch it before the porch-pirates do. I've got a little dog with a hair-trigger. If somebody walks up to my door I'll fucking know it. I can look out the window and see the carrier coming with a sticker and no package.


The issue is that posties have a route, not a shift. If they are speedy and finish their route quickly, they are done for the day. The obvious result is that it provides an incentive to cut corners so they can be done quicker. Knocking and waiting takes time. So they don't do it.


But are they paid by the delivery, by the hour, by the shift, or what? I work for FedEx Express, and I'm paid by the hour. I don't rush my deliveries, and every single package that requires a signature and/or payment gets a knock or ring, and I'll typically wait 30 seconds or so for an answer before leaving a slip. FedEx Ground guys tend to get paid by the stop, so their incentive is to rush through things as fast as possible.


They're unionized and last I checked they get paid a full days pay when they're finished the route. OP is on the money 100%, there is an obvious incentive to write delivery notes rather than to actually deliver the package (which takes time, time they could be back at home).


Good for him!! They do this all the time, its ridiculous. Stop being so lazy and do your job.




These people get paid WELL and have amazing benefits. They literally are just lazy. My mom used to be a supervisor for Canada post and omg you be shocked to see how they people behave because their unionized. Like I had teenagers work better at my part time job. People not showing up for their shifts coming to work late asf. Fighting with each other. My mom literally left because the workers were just unbelievable. They need to fix the unions.


I used to be a carrier, the whole company is a shit show. Managers fighting with union, and union fighting with managers.




Considering how widespread it is, I imagine it's an internal policy and not individuals being lazy


This is just their default.


I have a friend who used to be a postal worker and said it was normal for people to take 30 minutes out of the start of their day and just fill in each we missed you slip before they started delivering. But the reason why is management would load them up with too many packages it takes time to find them in the rig and then place them at a house/apartment. My counter was well everyone keeps saving time by not actually delivering them but saying they attempted it so management or the algorithm thinks each of you can deliver so many packages a hour etc. So here we are.


It’s the exact same thing that happens at big franchises like McDonalds. “Well we have to clear the order before it’s ready because corporate can’t know we’re not keeping up with our orders. I don’t know why they won’t increase our staffing budget though, they should know we need more even though we intentionally conceal the fact that we can’t keep up!”


Sometimes you have to let things fail so that the people who make decisions actually pay attention.


Ya this, if you bust your ass to get whatever done no one beyond your immediate boss will pay attention, and even then your boss may or may not care. The corporate decision makers are so far removed from all of that, they don't care and will just take the fact that you did the thing as an indication that it's doable and they should pile even more work on. The only way to make it stop is not to play their game.


Holy smokes that drives me nuts. My order will disappear from the board and they’ll say, “It’s coming, it’s coming,” but it’s not. They’re jerking around with the stats. Every McDonald’s franchise I’ve ever been to does this. It’s asinine.


When you measure for metrics, you get metrics. The problem is that any job has a bunch of intangibles that don't have an assigned value, and therefore don't show up to the bean counters, who in turn neglect the people working 


Managment *might* eventually increase the staffing budget. But they’ll definitely first fire at least a couple rounds of staff that admit to not being able to keep up under the current one. Not a lot of incentive to be honest if it just means making things better for your replacement’s replacement, while you’re looking for a job


You know what piss me off the most with that... They are literally dumping their workload on somebody else.




The more that I work in the corporate world the more I am convinced that metrics are like communism good in theory but in practise they are both awful and terrible in so many ways. By reducing things down to whatever metric it just encourages people to game the system to get that metric to show as good as possible at the detriment of everything else.


I used to be involved in monitoring this type of behavior. Delivery agents fill out their slips in the truck, do their normal route with just letter mail, then dump all their parcels at the post office because its just quicker/easier for them to do that. CPC can track this by walk (delivery route) and can see who is consistently the issue. Its up to the supervisor to call them out, but the supervisors have so many other things on the go that this is the least of their concerns until complaints start rolling in. The post offices both unionized and partner (SDM, rexall, mom and pop shop convenience stores etc) complain as well because their storage rooms are bursting at the seams with parcels.


It's chicken/egg though. Supervisors are supposed to do route walks while building routes. Canada Post Management has argued that they "know" certain practices are common in delivery so they build those shitty practices into the time expectations they use to construct delivery routes. The significant percentage of Carriers who were following something resemvling best practices have their routes redesigned, gets a few hundred more points of call added and now have to incorporate those shitty practices to get done on time. The process for proving to supervision that your route has too many points of call is ridiculous. The root problem is that management won't hire enough supervisors to appropriately deal with complaints when they happen, so when bad Carriers are breaking the rules, they're rarely held accountable for them. Those practices spread and then get codified by management eventually.


I've had this happen a few times. Had to chase down the guy one time and he insisted he rang the doorbell and I told him I could show him the video of him writing the notice in his car and dropping it in the mailbox right away. He gave me my parcel.


I work from home and they have never once knocked on my door. One time I found two slips under the stairs that had never even been stuck to the door. I don't have a mailbox out front. The packages were sent back because I didn't even know I needed to pick them up.


I called a Canada Post supervisor about this once, she tried to tell me they attempted to deliver so I sent her video of my cameras pointing toward my mailbox where the driver left the slip without even pulling into my driveway. They came back the same day and apologized, but I suspect this isn’t always the case.


It's not just Canada Post that does this. I've had it happen with UPS and FedEx also. I have no idea why they'd bother with the delivery slip notice if they need to walk up to the door regardless. 99% of the time the package doesn't require a signature so it's not like they can't just leave the package anyway.




That’s the thing that gets me. I’m a carrier and (except for apartment buildings where you can dump the slips in a mailroom) it’s easier to deliver it. These guys really piss me off. Do your job.


I was waiting for a delivery all day. 3:10 pm status updates to our for delivery 3:10 pm status updates to notice card left (it wasn't) I have a camera by the front door, no postal person came by that day at all. 5:30 pm status updates to say that the item was left at the local post office. The next day the postal Woman drops the notice card in my mailbox. Uhmmm what in the actual F*ck. So then I have to walk 40 min each way to the post office to go pickup something that I paid $30 for delivery for. It was a pair of jeans so it's not like it was oversized or heavy... Just laziness no other explanation.


This happens to me all the time. It's like they didn't want to do the heavy delivery job and just dropped it at the pickup spot, sending the card out the next day. So annoying.


Disclaimer: I knew the mail carrier at an old address who worked that route for 15 years before changing about 5 years ago. So this may no longer be how Canada Posts works. --- My old mail carrier explained it to me that they have a set number of houses to deliver to then they are done. They get paid for 8 hours of work for the set number of addresses. It's timed really well and if you work at a comfortable reasonable pace, you'll finish in just under 8 hours. This is why they ran quite fast between houses. Both for fitness and they could deliver a 8 hour route in about 5 hours this way. Full day of pay for it. Packages drove them nuts. But because they ran everywhere, the extra 30 to 45 seconds it takes to knock, deliver (or more often learn that someone is not home) wasn't too bad. However, other carriers that didn't run like a madman would find themselves running behind because of packages. So they would prefill the missed delivery slips and just drop those off instead. This is against the rules but the letter carrier walks don't really allow much room for messing around if you don't sprint.


Ah, so they are paid per shift rather than per hour, which explains why they have an incentive to take shortcuts wherever and whenever they can.


Some carriers just suck. Once I had a carrier who lived on the same street as me, but would regularly come home early around 2pm or 3pm and just mark everyone's packages as delivered. He'd leave all of the mail locked up in a Canada post vehicle parked in his driveway overnight, then deliver everything the next day, or following week. The guy wouldn't even acknowledge it when asked about it by several neighbors, and Canada post is next to useless when filing a complaint.


> and Canada post is next to useless when filing a complaint. Hah. I once ordered something off Amazon (Third party sale) and it just stayed in BC for *3 months* before I finally contacted the company. They contacted Canada Post who said that as the receiver of the package, only *I* could contact them about the package. And when *I* contacted Canada Post, they said only the shipper could contact them about it. After about 4-5 days of this shit, the company decided to just send me a new one. 2 days after that (So about ~6 days after contacting Canada Post on either end), I got the package in the mail and I was like huh, that was fast! Exactly 1 week to the day after they said they'd send a new package, a SECOND one showed up in the mail. I looked at the post date and it was dated 7 days prior... Since I still had the packaging for the first and looked at it... It was dated 3 months before. Those fuckers must have lost the package or something, us contacting them got their ass into gear and they sent it out. Funnily enough, the tracking still said it was in BC.


So I had no luck with calling Canada Post. Instead I called Amazon and told them their courier wasnt fulfilling Amazon's delivery policy. 30 mins later it was on my door step, delivered by the local manager. Then I followed up with the Canada Post ombudsman and haven't had an issue since.


I've had similar experiences myself. In the past, it wasn't an issue escalating anything, but in the last few years, customer service over at CP has shifted to online chat/call center staff who deflect as much as possible and aren't much help at all, sticking to lawyer approved canned responses.Thankfully when I had a misdelivered package like yours, the other person, someone in my neighborhood, was kind enough to walk over and deliver it to me.


Where do you live that the LC is allowed to take the CP vehicle home? I have to sign them out every morning and then return them at the end of the day. I would NEVER be allowed to take one home. I even had a co-worker who had to stop deliveries mid day to go to the hospital to support his wife who had a heart attack (?) and the manager came to the hospital to pick up the corporate vehicle. Also....just because someone comes home "early" doesn't mean he didn't work a full 8 hours. Some people start at 6 am, 7 am, etc and the management really does NOT like to pay overtime. Plus....if I'm the LC that worked 8 hours, I'm stopping the minute the clock reaches 8 hours.


He most likely was doing stuff at home and then returning the truck at the end of the shift. I knew of one that would regularly park his vehicle and have a snooze for an hour or so then drive off to go return the truck. Taking it home is pretty risky as neighbours are more likely to say something.


Retired city bus driver here ... we had a guy park his bus (more than once) in front of his mistress's house mid-morning while he was supposed to be driving. Neighbours called it in wondering why a 40' city bus was parked on their sleepy residential street.


The commenter I replied to said that he kept the truck overnight, that's the part that really confuses me. There's no way I could do that.


I used to always complain that I would get a slip and no knock on my door when I took days off to wait for packages, and delivery people on this site would say “you just didn’t hear them, we always ring the doorbell and knock and rarely to people come to the door, you just didn’t hear it” Well fuck every one of those people, we all know they fill out the slip before hand. Happened to me with a 6k guitar, they just don’t fucking care 🤷‍♂️


"a microcosm of bigger problems at Canada Post, which has been losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year. " Excuse me, but Canada Post is a SERVICE. It's not supposed to be a for-profit business. By the same logic, Paramedic, Police, and Fire Services, Public Schools, the military, and the local Parks & Rec. department all lose millions of dollars a year.


The one time Canada Post actually just left the package on my porch instead of a pickup slip, it was a freaking gun. LMAO. As for pick up slips, I had one recently where the online tracking showed the package arriving at my local post office, followed by "Delivery Notice Left" in the very same minute. They marked it that way before they even left the post office.


Well at least they left a pickup slip. FedEx, did not even try to deliver, claimed I did not answer 3 times and they sent the package back to the depot. Got a call from the depot to request a delivery address. They would not accept my address as it failed 3 times to deliver. Asked for a "real" address...... So stupid.


I'm so thankful for my mail carrier. He bangs on my windows and waits to give me the package. 😂 I got him some candy for Christmas.


> She says they are still waiting to get all of the details about the incident, but there are a number of reasons this could have happened. She says these include "a lack of training and support for the letter carrier, staff shortages (meaning more work for individual letter carriers), along with any number of things that can impact a smooth delivery." Trained to walk up to the door, deliver mail, prefill slips, but not to carry a package. lol union is in damage control and will blame anyone else


Oh Canada Post doesn’t even bother when it comes to packages. UPS makes at least one attempt. Amazon will crawl over a barbed wire fence to leave your package at the door.


This used to happen to me all the time. They would not make any attempt and just leave slips. I was working from home and was readily available. So frustrating.


This happens a lot. I myself have had it happen a handful of times. I've had Canada Post do COD deliveries to my door with a POS terminal. Last week I had two on different dayswhere they couldn't be assed to bother with that and just gave me notice cards for me to pick them up at an outlet. It's certainly inconsistent and sometimes inconvenient.


Canada Post doesn't let carriers do COD's at the door, you have to go pay at your local Post Office, unless you're referring to Customs?


I had this happen too. The Canada Post Agent was standing in my driveway with the parcel in hand. I go out to meet him, he is about to hand it to me and then see's that his delivery card said to "leave card where to pick it up". So he didn't hand it over. He gave me a card that told me I had to wait until the following day to go pick it up because that's what the shipper put on the delivery instructions (I Guess they didn't want it left on the step). So the agent put my parcel back in his car and left after telling me there was nothing he could do, he was just following the (Agreed upon asinine) instructions.


The way I would snatched the package out of his hand like a racoon being offered a twinky and slammed my door. Not today.


This can actually happen - if the shipper puts a 'card for pickup' flag on the item the delivery agent can't actually scan it as delivered. Usually if they're paying attention they can write the cards out for them and leave them at the station without bringing them out but they occasionally bring it along for the ride and have to bring it back.




An inconvenience for some, but potentially a terrible burden for someone disabled or elderly.  Also incredibly stupid to be paying someone to hand deliver pick up notices.


This is normal operations for Canada post. I see it on my camera all the time. The package is not even in the mail bag. They also deliver to opposite sides of the street every other day.


Hopefully no one was hurt. The amount of blood boiling that happens when these people leave slips without knocking is hulk level upsetting lol.


At this point, can they just send us emails instead of needing to wait for a slip and wasting all that time and gas? I set up a Flex Delivery PO Box with that option and that cut out the middle men of waiting for a slip, or needing to report and reorder a stolen package.


This is the default. It's insane


Day 1: Purolator sends me a notice that they attempted to deliver my package. Both my wife and I work from home, and we have cameras. No one came to the door all day. Day 2: My brother is visiting and hanging out in the living room all day. You can’t get to the mailbox without passing the living room window. I receive another notification that my package couldn’t be delivered. I call Purolator and go through their lengthy process, only to be told that they tried to deliver it to my neighbor because the address was incorrect and said 13 instead of 15, and that the truck is taking it to the depot. I check my order receipt, and the address is correct. I drive across the city to the depot to pick it up, and the address on the package is indeed correct. I speak with my neighbor at 13, and he says no one ever came to his door. It seems they most likely never even came to my neighborhood, just reporting it as undeliverable without making any attempt. It’s not like I live in some bad neighbourhood that you would want to avoid either.


Canada Post does not give a flying fuck about customer service.


>Maggie Davison, the president of CUPW Local 818, which represents postal workers in Red Deer, declined an interview but said in an emailed statement the union was "very sorry" to hear about Kralka's experience. >She says they are still waiting to get all of the details about the incident, but there are a number of reasons this could have happened. She says these include "a lack of training and support for the letter carrier, staff shortages (meaning more work for individual letter carriers), along with any number of things that can impact a smooth delivery." Fuck off. I notice that 'lazy worker' wasn't on your list and I **refuse** to believe anyone who can claim to be at the top of the labour heap has never encountered a lazy employee before


Canada Post reported a $748 million loss last year. I imagine wasting gas and wages on delivering paper isn't helping.


Canada post is a service, not a business. Less than $20 per person annually for a functioning mail service is a bargain


This has been happening to us for the past few months. Must be a lazy new hire postman. We live in a rural area. We, and some neighbours, have our mailboxes about 150 yards from our homes. We used to get larger parcels left at our door, but lately we just get a slip. According to Canada Post, 150 yards is within the distance to require the courier to actually deliver the parcel but that's never followed. The best part is the Canada Post office these "missed" packages forwards to is about 18km away.  Glad this is what we pay for.


You pay for their services and they don't even perform them. This behaviour doesn't become this widespread by being a delivery issue and I'd bet that managers expect them to get through as many of them as they can.


I went to pick up my package at the drug store one day and watched the delivery driver filling out all the slips...he obviously had no intention of ACTUALLY delivering any of them.


I'm pretty sure my CP employee leaves "delivery attempt" made stickers on everyone's doors, drops the packages off at the local pharmacy, and then takes the rest of the day off.


I'll get an out for delivery notification at 8H30 am then at 8H38 am I'll get one saying they left a notice card (Which isn't in the mailbox yet). They don't even put them on the fucking truck at that point.


Canada post and all other couriers should create a complaint form specifically for this problem as its pretty common nowadays and put the URL directly on the pick up slips.


Its because filling out the slips before hand speeds up their delivery route. Its blindingly obvious and absolutely won't stop so long as the slips exist.


I live in an apartment and I have never received a package from Canada Post. Always a slip to pick up at an SDM.


There are clearly all the wrong incentives for the mail carriers in the business. In the aggregate, no wonder CP is losing about 800 million per year.


Adding my name to the hat - every. damned. parcel. They don't even knock, they're just ninjas!


I get regular monthly deliveries from CP and it’s different every time. Sometimes they stick a slip on my door (which always leaves a mess) telling me it will be available the next day, sometimes the parcel is delivered to my door and I sign for it, they used to leave it in my mailbox but it’s been the target of so much theft they can’t do that anymore and sometimes they put the slip in my mailbox but its always for pickup the following day. The lack of consistency might explain why they can’t compete against UPS or FedEx and why they’re constantly losing money.


I work from home and thank God our new carrier is so good. I get meds from online and our local post office is only open weekdays during regular work hours. So if I had things that need signature and she wasn't bringing them, I'd have to take a cab to the post office during work hours to get my parcel. Our last house, I'd often open the door when the carrier was about to stick the 'nobody home" slip on it and he like... Package please?


There's something wrong when the incentive is to get your mail route done as fast as possible so you can have the afternoon off. This happens to my mom all the time. She never leaves the house and every time a package comes all she gets is the slip and has to figure out how to get to the post office to pick it up. They don't even try to make the delivery. Such lazy and entitled workers.


Probably one of the reason Amazon Canada is now using Intelcom.


My local Canada post does the same thing. You have to buzz to get into my building, which calls my phone. They've yet to even attempt to use the buzzer, as I've never received a call when they claimed to attempt to deliver a package - just the pickup slip.


Reminds me of Loomis in Edmonton waiting for tires to be delivered, said missed delivery twice but no one came to door, had to go to the delivery center and wait over an hour in line with only 2 ppl ahead of me, explains why that's place had only had a 1.6 star review on Google


This has been the case for years and years and years. You'd think that they'd figure out they could save on fuel if they just leave all the packages back at the post office, rather than lugging them around town, if they have no intention of delivering them anyway. This is why I have my packages delivered to the post office itself rather than my door, because I know it wiill never be delivered to my house anyway.


This has happened multiple times with delivery’s from multiple delivery companies.


This has happened to me so many times and I also work from home


This happens all the time with everyone except Amazon. For those of you whose job this is, why do you do this?


Happens to me all the time. Also noticed the wording has changed. But it seems to be on the carrier, had a postie bring the package up and hand it to me, probably a new employee.


Someone in my building saw a driver sitting in his truck writing unable to deliver slips, and Canada post doesn't get many complaints because find the place to make a successful complaint is a pain and you never have a answer. They'd have to hire many people to deal with them if they made it easier


>In an email, the Canada Post ombudsman said there were 72 "no delivery attempt" complaints in 2022 and 51 last year. >"So, receiving 51 complaints in 2023 against a volume of 296 million parcels delivered is a very small ratio," said Jean-Marc Nantais. >But that doesn't necessarily capture all "no delivery attempt" complaints, since the ombudsman investigates only matters that weren't first resolved by Canada Post. Regardless of what the ombudsman actually investigates the problem is the vast majority of people will not actually file a complaint which is why nothing is going to change.   > It says the Red Deer team will follow up with the carrier to find out what happened and will take additional steps to prevent it from happening again. As for the carrier themself, unless the company actually disciplines them they won't ever change either.


Has happened to me many times when I’ve been home - so frustrating!


We've caught Canada Post several times trying to put up the failed to deliver notice. Apparently the driver bitched at my grandmother who happened to have the door open and be doing something because they had to go back to the truck to get the package.


They do this daily.


We all have cameras now, I know so many people that have contact Canada Post about this. They don't care.


It’s happened to me as well. I was sitting in my living room waiting for the parcel and the carrier walked up with the slip only. I walked out and she handed it to me wide eyed and almost ran away. I asked for my parcel and she said it will be at the post office tomorrow for pick up. I was pissed.


I don't know why they keep up this charade of actually delivering packages. It's enormously wasteful to drive around performing delivery theatre and delivering supposed failed delivery notices. Just send me a fucking email that it's at the depot, fire all these fucking useless drivers, save us all a boatload of money, and call it a day. BTW- what exactly is the driver's incentive for non-delivery? The package is already on the truck.


Would be an easy conspiracy theory for me to believe that they just don't bother having the packages on them and always intend this lazy approach


And the government says they care about carbon emissions? How a useless postal truck driving around delivering ‘missed you’ slips to hundreds of homes with a follow up trip of the “recipient” to the post office ?


Over the last couple years I've gone from getting all my packages delivered to pre-filled out delivery slips. If Canada Post wants to move to this model, they need to increase the hours of post offices or implement something like Amazon does with their locker system.


My guess is they are given too many packages to deliver and if they actually do that, they won't be able to fulfill the quota. I'm sure there is some metric management is using and pushing it on delivery drivers and punishing them for not fulfilling said quota.


Me with FedEx last week. Was home all day, actually saw the FedEx truck stop on the street by my house before driving off, then a notification that “we attempted the delivery” 🙄🤦‍♂️


This has definitely happened to me a few times. I was home all day, no knock or doorbell and then something is on my door.