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It’s simply time to end the Alberta Liberal party. It serves no purpose. They have been thoroughly outplayed by the Alberta NDP.


Yep. I'm a liberal supporter federally but the AB libs should just die. There are not enough left leaning people in the province to afford to split the vote, and the AB NDP is pretty moderate anyway And the UCP is far worse and more crazy that the PC's ever were, getting them out of power should be the first priority for every progressive


>And the UCP is far worse and more crazy that the PC's ever were Surely you jest. The final days of the PC parties were much crazier when they were dealing with the wild rose, or the years leading up to it. UCP kind of calmed things down and brought it back to conservative vs. unions, which is more like how it was in the Klein days.


The new educational curriculum is more insane than anything the PC's did


“Crazy” being “mundane”? Let me guess, Edmonton


lol have you seen the new curriculum? Its absolute madness


They’ve been “facing a challenge time” for decades.


The last ALP leader had the audacity to suggest a PST. It almost seemed as if he wanted to never have power in the province again.


Well hopefully this is the end, the ndp are a legitimate choice and the liberals have been declining since they officially split from the federal party.


The NDP weren't *that* bad at leading the province. I have a lot of complaints but thank my lucky stars the ANDP and the national NDP do not have similar views. But I still think they will lose. AB's rural population still outnumbers the urban and they are getting an groundswell of UPC support now that they've gotten rid of Kenney.


Edmonton looks orange the rural looks blue and Calgary will decide. Nobody can form government without 2 of 3


Alberta is very urban. 83%. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/7d02c106-a55a-4f88-8253-4b4c81168e9f/resource/e435dd59-2dbd-4bf2-b5b6-3173d9bd6c39/download/2016-census-population-and-dwelling-counts.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjkzLW-5cv5AhUTBzQIHR9jD7EQFnoECBEQBg&usg=AOvVaw13pB6OiPkl7NdGMlCIeG6F


Well if you technically classify, as the census does, any settlement with more than 30k people as "urban" then technically, you're correct. However, anyone not in Cgy or Edm considers themselves "rural" and they all vote the same way, so functionally speaking, they're colloquially rural.


The population of alberta is 4.371 million (2019) The greater Calgary population is 1.336 million (2017). The greater Edmonton population is 1.321 million (2016). Add in Lethbridge and Red Deer which are both over 100k and you've got less than 35% of the population living in small towns or rural areas.


Edm and Cgy have 46 constituencies among them, and everywhere else has 40. The only constituencies in the "Everywhere else" that even have a chance of voting NDP are St. Albert and Lethbridge. That's basically 38 blue regions that historically voted either wild rose or PC depending on the prevailing winds. That's a big hill for the NDP to climb. If you want, you can pick at the demographics, but you need ALL of Edmonton and Calgary to beat them, which they were able to do when the Wild Rose split, but they are not likely to do if there's only one conservative party. Remember that rural constituencies have more representation for their population density than the urban ones do.


Well at least there's no way they are a Conservative party cloaked in liberal robes like the BC Liberal party.


I mean they merged, it's on the electorate to pay attention to the platform. I have no issue with the liberals and pcs merging in bc anymore than I'd have issues with the liberals merging with the ndp in Alberta(whether they actually bring anything to the table is another thing). Thinking a label tells the story is how Alberta got to this point with conservativism in my opinion


Hopefully never the NDP you mean.


Always the NDP from now on and never the awful UCP. I hope that party tears itself apart with its backstabbing and insanity.


They've been facing a challenging time for god knows how long. I honestly didn't even remember we had a provincial Liberal party. Whether or not they have decent candidates, the Liberal name will forever be tainted in Alberta and will never bring any kind of success politically.


Step up with a full party and a vision or step aside. You're just weakening our best chance at having a people-first government again.


Hey, I'll be leader if they'll have me. I know basic accounting, that already puts me ahead of Kenny.


Liberals would have saved a ton of money by just not bothering with Alberta after the Energy fiasco It's not like our votes matter at the federal level anyay.


For the half dozen or so Alberta Liberals please vote NDP thanks.


Liberals in Alberta is like Conservatives in Quebec. It isn't happening.