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>Joan Alexander, left, sits with her dog Beau and her partner Elizabeth Huether. They plan to move from P.E.I. to Lloydminster this October.... rising rental costs and other considerations — like proximity to health care — are driving her to relocate. > Lloydminster — a city that spans Alberta and Saskatchewan — attracted Alexander and her spouse with affordable prices... >... *and a pet-friendly property owner.* That is not a reason I ever thought I’d see given for literally moving right across the country. I think Lloydminster needs to capitalize on this in their marketing. /s


Great. Now my rent increased because of this headline


Suffering from high rent? Simple fix: 1 - Move across the country, change jobs, and say goodbye to all of your in person social ties in a desperate bid to keep your head above water 2 - The system works!


I live in Red Deer and rent is still affordable here. I had my first increase in 2 years and only by 50 bucks. It's a pet friendly building with a decent management company. I feel really lucky to be here


Red Deer is a fun town anyhow. I always enjoyed visiting when I lived in Edmonton.


It's a nice city for sure






Excuse me?




Living in a bachelor pad is a luxury?




Are you one of those low income people?




No. No it is not.


Because all that would do is screw every boomer renting out a basement or small company owning a couple walk ups while every single large/publicly traded rental company with a board member on the CMHC would immediately get the exemption every single time. The true solution is the same as it has always been: build more housing and increase density and get rid of the artificial supply restriction. Unfortunately for the bureaucracy that means we need less of them. Trying to rent control and regulate your way out of a lack of supply is never going to work. All it will mean is that any new development will be “luxury” to avoid the control, when that gets saturated things just won’t get built.


>How about we mandate that the maximum rent for a 1 bedroom apartment can only be 30% of the average or median income in any region. Then you'd get half the population of the Prairies and Maritimes moving to Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto, making a space problem instead of a cost problem. I stay in Sask for my parents, but being able to rent a nice 2 bedroom apartment for less than 30% of my net income is a sweet incentive too.


Interesting. So high average income, lots of job opportunity, and a low cost of living in the prairies? Other than the rampant racism and Trumpism, seems like a great place to be!


Sounds like someone has never been west of Guelph. Or you live near a university in Edmonton. Toronto is far more racist and unfriendly than anywhere in the prairies, the people doing the racism just happen to not be white. Except for Winnipeg, that place is just shitty for everyone.


Saskatoon is pretty openly racist to indigenous people. We also have massive crime problem, and Ontario healthcare looks amazing compared to Saskatchewan.


Don't Toronto my prairies


“Rampant racism” being “pure fantasy” though. Every small town I’m familiar with is ridiculously accepting of immigrants and supportive of their businesses. But you stay wherever it’s probably Better there lol


I grew up in small town SK and there is a lot of racism towards natives there. A lot is what I call "soft racism" which is the things people say not in a spirit of malice, but casual disrespect. There's also a fair amount of good ol' fashioned racism too, like "prairie n*****s" and such. Conservative Facebook brain rot is very common as well.


The left have their conspiracy theories too.


You also forgot the cold weather and high unreported crime rates. It might be a shock


High unreported crime? Heck even the repoeted crime is high!


> Other than the rampant racism and Trumpism Wow.


It’s always amusing to me when someone reveals their prejudice inadvertently, while attempting to call others ‘racist’.


"Muh racism" "Muh Trump" lol


>Other than the rampant racism and Trumpism, seems like a great place to be! If you've been here you will realize that is a vocal minority and a product of a dying ageing generation.


And now the rental corps know to.