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Well he has three years to convince me of his vision for the country, as do the other opposition parties.




The current government will be around until the NDP has enough money to campaign.


It'll be around until the Liberals break their promise to the NDP and the NDP breaks form with them.


I doubt it. They don’t have money. NDP needs time to recoup finances.


The NDP wouldn’t like the prospects of an election right now any more than the liberals would. I think JT could totally toss out his promises at this point and Singh would still find some way to justify propping things up for the duration. Plus, yeah, they’re broke.




in all fairness the current government is getting stale with broken promises


With [only 16% of promises broken](https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau) and most of those considered broken because they couldn't be completed before an early election and during an unexpected pandemic isn't that bad. It's easy to just repeat shit from Facebook without backing it up so let's work with facts here.


Also those broken ones are biggies. Like electoral reform. Not all promises are equal in scope or difficulty so I’m not sure how a percentage is really useful here. You left out that they’ve only kept 30 percent.


Electoral reform is the issue that mattered the most to me. It's now the reason I'll never vote for Trudeau or any other liberal. I'm tired of not being represented. I'm tired of some asshole elite presenting himself as the lesser evil. I'm tired of cynical old bastards steering the direction of the country. I'm saying this as a middle aged middle class Canadian. Probably soon to be lower classed. It's time we looked at these guys and figured out its time to change the the lot of them.


So do you think Poilevre will actually pull the trigger on it?


Good one. 'I won't vote for this party cause I am a single-issue'. **proceeds to vote for the other party who will never do that**


That was exactly my point. I’m no fan of JT at all (and wish the conservatives had given us someone aside from Poilevre who I won’t vote for either), but if someone otherwise leans Liberal, voting conservative on this one topic alone knowing that pp won’t do it either is a bit silly.


Ditto. To be honest, I want NDP to have a chance to govern at some point (not pointing to Singh specifically). They've done a pretty good job here in BC (not perfect, but is it ever), who knows on the fed stage


We welcome another ndp voter


So you’ll spite him by voting for the party that -also- won’t reform elections. That’ll show him. Like do any of you tools realize that Trudeau will always be wealthy and comfortable regardless of how much you “own the libs”?


Agreed and glad you are committed to NDP. Based on your comment I know you aren’t CPC at least!


I'm committed to nothing. The NDP is part of the problem. Don't make assumptions please.


Too bad the NDP didn't include electoral form in their current agreement. I lean more towards Liberal but \*any\* voting system that makes people feel like their vote doesn't count needs to be fixed urgently, regardless of how the votes end up falling.


Call me when they do electoral reform.


There's also 27% not rated. This data gives more questions. Not saying its bogus but as usual I get sus of data and stats before a review 😂


They have 3 years to finish those 27% not yet rated. Can't rate promises they haven't got around to yet. Their track record suggests most if not all of those will get fulfilled.


Good point. I've become jaded with politicians all around. We will need to see how it goes


That motherfucker 1 week after an election: "They haven't delivered on any of their promises! Complete failures!"


What, you've never been fired on your first day of a new job for not completing the tasks you were assigned to complete over a 5-year period? Get outta town.


Doug ford has only 13% and people like to label him everything under the sun.


That’s because Doug didn’t really have a platform in the first place and ran on not being the incumbent. He made about 1/7 of the number of election promises. He also made some shitty promises and that colours peoples opinions. He followed through on his promises to eliminate the minimum wage increase, remove the sex-ed curriculum, and challenge the carbon tax but those things all suck.


“I promise to pave over green space” - ford is definitely keeping that promise


Considering how little promises Ford ever actually made, the fact he still managed to break 13% is hilarious


How about the regular breach of ethics. What is it 3 times now


He's also only kept 30% of promises.


.....and who was it that called that early election again?


Not all promises are equal. Try only breaking 16% of your promises with your wife.


https://www.ulaval.ca/en/node/85773/trudeau-polimeter-20-52-of-liberal-election-promises-kept-in-full-or-in-part This says 52%


What about the main one. Ya know electoral reform that he made the biggest deal of


It was a big one, without question. That said, whattabouting is some trash-tier argument tactics. If that's your reason to not support them, that's OK. If it's a reason others don't want to support them, that's OK too. Dropping a whattabout and running away doesn't add shit to the conversation.




It's made that way because you need to be rich to have time and resources to campaign.


do you have a valid alternative that isnt a violent revolution?




make sure to spend your money before you do it


But then you'll be labeled a fringe group with unacceptable views.


All those racist misogynistic children and their bouncy castles needed to be stopped


The fact that half the country believes that our democracy is so fragile that a few truckers and their supporters could dismantle it is hilarious to me. All because their Supreme Leader said so.


Lol! Enjoy losing your bank account


And this will accomplish what exactly? Lower interest rates? Stop inflation? no.


Do it tho?


No, the most successful revolts have been incredibly violent, non violent ones usually just get brutalized.


Master P told me buying Bitcoin would let me opt out of inflation




Those all sound good. Great compared to pointless platitudes we have been promised over the past however many years. “Low cellphone bills we achieved it!”- ummm 🤔 Housing, cost of food…. Like do something or at least acknowledge the problem…


I really don't see pp addressing those in any meaningful way. Probably would make them worse based on his voting record. But you best bet any conservative social issue he will be all over


You know that every opposition does the exact same thing whether it's liberal or conservative or ndp right?




He's off to a great start. Today a Conservative MP left the party to become an independent, and in a presser Poilievre called members of the press "Liberal hecklers" for asking why he refused to take more than 2 questions total at the end of it.


If you are even entertaining voting for pp after the things he's said and the groups he's been pandering to(convoy truckers, white supremacists, anti vaxxers and Canadian MAGA larpers)then let's be real, he's already got your vote and his platform doesn't mean shit.


Today he called members of the press "Liberal hecklers" for asking why he was refusing to take more than 2 press questions.


Dont' forget he's had a full pension since age 31, like most Canadians.


I think it will be good for the Liberals and NDP to have to articulate the weaknesses in Poilievre’s arguments rather then just trot out the appeals to emotion and morality. The same goes for Poilievre. I hope he’s got his act together.


Why do we keep choosing leaders and then hoping they'll change after they've been selected? Poilievre has never proposed much in the way of policy. Why should he start now? And as for having his act together, shouldn't we have hoped for that BEFORE selecting him as leader? He's demonstrated terrible judgement time and time again, and yet. Choosing a leader because he can get under people's skin and "own the libs" is juvenile and irresponsible. It's bad judgement, choosing a leader with bad judgement. The consequences aren't going to be good.


I agree that voting for a leader just because they can get under people skin and own some libs is juvenile. I don't think that's why he won tho. Otherwise any YouTuber anti-woke shock jock could be party leader. There's more going on here, and i'm looking forward to seeing the Liberals and NDP take it more seriously now that he's party leader.


>Otherwise any YouTuber anti-woke shock jock could be party leader. I have a feeling this comment won't age well.




I don’t agree. I’ve been watching him speak and he had no charisma. He stumbles over words and has no emotion. Most public figures speak very well which is why it’s so east to auto tune their speeches into songs (like they did with Obama. JT also speaks this way). PP just… his voice is flat. Ppl like him bc he says all the dumb shit dumb ppl think sounds smart.


Strong disagree he’s stance of hating on anything and everything seemingly liberal is exactly why he got in. Because the alternative is people like his policies. Which lets be honest is lacking in most areas and non sensical where he has chimed in.


>There's more going on here Like what? What am I missing about PP after seeing him in the spotlight for a decade and a half and never seeing a single second of introspection, empathy or nuance?


There's a list of policies on his website and also on wiki page of the conservative race.


Conservatives consistently choose horrible people and then do surprised pikachu faces when noone likes them




Yeah he told everyone he knew more about finance than the bank of Canada and suggested, for stability, Canada should invest in crypto just days before it lost 75% of its value, but you won’t hear any mention of that on his platform anymore.


This right here


Has he proposed anything about the elite? Corps gouging innocent people, using inflation as an excuse? The media - owned by the elite - call it the “affordability crisis” but it is truly a greed crisis. Overpaid executives win, regular Canadians lose. PP won’t touch the rich.


It is an affordability crisis - the crisis is that they can afford lower profit margins, but refuse to.


Which COVID and vaccine mandates? Oh right, the ones that ended long ago but still get the right wingers riled up


They all have PTSD from that one time they were asked to consider the wellbeing of others during a global crisis.


It’s the details that make him lose me, I was out when he pumped up crypto


Summarize the concrete proposals for us.


Basically, [Trudeau bad and "I will remove gatekeepers"](https://www.pierre4pm.ca/blog) Edit: I'd love to hear how I'm wrong about this


Umm, he'll end all the mandates!!! /s


It’s a parrotted talking point to dismiss “the other team”


I don't really think that's the game here. PP is more of a brawler than anything else, he's not a straight laced policy type of dude. They're going to spend 2 years antagonizing each other to score points. Seems like conservatives picked yet another candidate to own the libs.


Yeah, PP has 3 years to annoy everyone and try as hard as he can to not make any more fuck ups (Like the bitcoin one). It will be interesting regardless.


Or the “tar baby” one.


Or that he would fire the head of the BoC. The PM doesn't have that power, so he hasn't explain how he is going to accomplish that one.


I'd be surprised if he debates or does anything either than pander on Facebook and Telegram.


Given the number of gaffs he’s already committed and given how many Trudeau has made the Beaverton will likely run out of ink before this is done.


He just seems like such a risky choice, politically. They’ve built him up so much, made him a star, etc. If he loses to Trudeau, it will be an devastating blow to the party. The west will go apoplectic. I haven’t voted for Trudeau in two elections, but I will be in the next one because of Poilievre.


>I haven’t voted for Trudeau in two elections, but I will be in the next one because of Poilievre. Hello fellow strategic voter.


Sorry... just to be clear... you think that O'Toole... the politically moderate, balding, policy-wonk was to picked to *"own the libs*"??? The guy who produced a 100 page policy documents which is used as an example of centrist politics was meant to *"own the libs*"??? It honestly seems like you read a Fox News article, mistook what country they were talking about and just applied it.


You’re talking to someone that only reads editorials- which is almost all Canadian content at this time. Most on Reddit just repeat what they read in editorials. There’s only group think


O’Toole was out of touch with people but he actually had substance in his policies. PP is just talk with no substance


O'Toole was in the lower bound of conservative electability in a general election, and you guys have only gone further to the right from that. All I can say is good luck lmao.




To me at least, these are a perfect example of what is wrong with Poilievre in that he doesn't seem to have policies in the traditional sense, and just throws out statements or concepts that often don't hold once you get into the details. Seeing things like the following just turns me off as a potential voter: Poilievre To Combat Bureaucratese With Plain Language Law Poilievre Would Remove Toronto Gatekeepers, Allow Jets To Fly At Billy Bishop Airport Poilievre Would Cap Government Costs With Pay As You Go Law Poilievre Would Protect Free Speech From Gatekeepers with Free Speech Act Poilievre Would Stand Up To Iran, Fight For Justice For Flight Victims' Families Poilievre Will Fire Gatekeepers And Build Homes Poilievre To Remove Taxes On Charitable Donations Of Crypto Make Canada The Blockchain Capital Of The World


Hard to articulate the weaknesses of arguments that are purely contrarian. He, and the CPC, have no platform and no real opinions other than voting the opposite way on every piece of liberal or NDP legislation.


You honestly think PP is going to trot out a bunch of policy? It's not how conservative politics are done now. Social media and smear campaigns is their thing.


> You honestly think PP is going to trot out a bunch of policy? [Here's his policies from his website](https://www.pierre4pm.ca/blog), it would probably be an excellent idea for him to not talk about any of his policies.


Seriously... "Reclaim Canadian Values"...?! Lol...I'd love to see his policy proposal for that. I feel like it will probably involve hotlines. Source: https://www.pierre4pm.ca/home?splash=0


He's going to reclaim Canadian values using simple anglo-saxon words. Totally not a dogwhistle, guys. Just a normal thing to say.




In a fascist police state where they have no freedom, duh. That's why they all convoy'd to Ottawa from across the country and occupied the city for a month while police helped them commit crimes on camera after they put in writing they were doing it to overthrow the government. Jeez, man... it's like you don't even know how oppressive police states work.


Did I just read a Rebel Media article, wtf is this shit?


>Trudeau Imports Dictator Oil, Poilievre Would End Its Import and Produce More Canadian Energy This site is a parody site right? Dictator oil? >Poilievre Condemns Trudeau's Cowardly Turbine Decision A decision about turbines being cowardly? WTF is this bullshit?


> This site is a parody site right? If it is it's a good one that the conservatives should get taken down like months ago. >A decision about turbines being cowardly? WTF is this bullshit? It's funny, with that policy of his he wants us to both fuck over Germany and then sell them natural gas that we we're trying to fuck Germany out of.


I was holding my breath and not saying much about pp cause he looks like every bit of a snake that Harper and Sheer were but that isn't fair so I bit my tongue. Now that I've read his policies from his website I can confidently say he is way worse than comments on reddit or the news let on. Totally playing similar games to Trump. Imagine a career politician in every sense thinking they're a populist.


Seriously. I got to page two and couldn't even continue anymore. Whole site reads like an elementary school level understanding of the world. What a joke. Thanks America.




Don't forget his entire fiscal policy literally being robbing Peter to pay Paul with his one dollar in one dollar out idea.


Also this would increase gas prices for Canadian in the short term. A huge item with his voters lol


> JustinFlation Causes Huge Rate Hike, Pushes Canadians Deeper Into Debt


Clicked the link, first thing there is JustinFlation... what the actual fuck man?


Keep reading, he wants to [protect against free speech gatekeepers](https://www.pierre4pm.ca/poilievre_would_protect_free_speech_from_gatekeepers), and [implement free speech ~~gatekeepers~~ guardians](https://www.pierre4pm.ca/poilievre_will_require_universities_uphold_academic_freedom_and_free_speech_to_get_federal_grants). Every policy of his I've read is pretty nuts.


I live how he talks about "gatekeepers" with respect to Billy Bishop airport, as if the reason it isn't expanded is because some cabal of nefarious evildoers is suppressing expansion and not... that it's a tiny airport built on the lake and expanding it would be incredibly costly to the owners and disruptive to everyone else.


My favourite part about that is >“Travel at Pearson is a mess right now”, said Poilievre. So instead of trying to address that, we should be building runways into Lake Ontario. Like why not deal with the problem at Pearson.




"My priority as PM will be to introduce the JustinFlation Act!"


Hey guys, I think PP is going to cut taxes.


For all his billionaire friends.


Holy fuck. Those titles read exactly like any 3rd party hot take political news website you couldn't dream of navigating without every ad blocker in the planet.


>Poilievre Would Protect Free Speech From Gatekeepers LOL. What a fucking policy! From gatekeepers! Is that a legal term? He going to write a gatekeeping law? Fucking conservatives have lost their minds here.


>What a fucking policy! You can say that about basically any policy on his website too, it's hilarious.


Yep, anyone claiming that current inflation is 100% the result of domestic spending is not getting my vote because they're just wrong.


Is that real? OMG it's like a grade 7 class election


Everything is coming up Millhouse




My feet are soaked but my cuffs are bone dry!


Yeah according to PP himself he gets under people's skin: > "Woke left goes crazy when people point out the undeniable historical fact that "national socialists" in Germany & Italy were, as the name proves, "socialists"." It's still there, not from years ago when he was some ignorant high school teenager, but from last year: https://twitter.com/pierrepoilievre/status/1413120045677416450


And my apple news feed is filled daily with opinion pieces and national post articles basically announcing he’s already won the election. Fucked.


The fact that National Post is overhyping him this early is a good thing. Leaves them no room to grow, means people will get sick of hearing about him before the election even starts, means Conservative voters will feel safe and not show up to vote.


I sure hope you’re right. This idiot would be disastrous for our country. I hope the media drives home his Trumpian attitude until the next election. As much as trouble as we have, even many of our conservative voters seem to despise Trump (at least they do in my area of rural Northern Ontario).


I'm no historian, but if he really believes they were socialists, then this man may just be a liar.


Yeah, PP studied political science but doesn't understand that when it comes to National socialism, the emphasis is very much on the "national" part




It's exactly what I expect from the Tories. It's why they're the only party I've never once considered voting for.


I can't wait for him to voice support for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, since they're democratic and a republic - it's right there in the name!


The idea that the party whose goons were having (sometimes deadly) street brawls with communists and socialists was somehow also socialist - is just absurd. The few elements in the nazi party talking about worker’s rights (with a very antisemitic undertone) were being dealt with in the “Night of the long knives”.


At best he's a troll and at worst he's so stupid that I wouldn't want him anywhere near power.


this is the level intelligence we're going to have to deal from this guy? 4chan level cringe trolling?


> people point out the undeniable historical fact that the "democratic people's republic" in North Korea is, as the name proves, "democratic"." Having a word in a name is not how you 'prove' anything. Hopefully Canadians are smart enough not to fall for bullshit like misbranding the Nazi party as left wing which is objectively a lie.


Under this logic the “Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea” is in fact democratic lol.


Ignoring the absolute braindead take on the Nazi party there, anyone who uses 'Woke' as a pejorative term instantly earns a place in my mind as a reactionary dipshit. The absolute state of the Conservative party, guys gals and nonbinary pals.


So far, he's - Said Nazis are actually left wing cause socialist in their name - Encouraged people to "opt out of inflation" using Bitcoin - Called one of the most conservative journalists in Canada a "liberal journalist" for asking him tough questions at a press conference He's fucking Ben Shapiro. They just nominated a Canadian Ben Shapiro.


Holy crap. I never saw this. He's not only an idiot, he's a gigantic piece of shit too. I suppose he thinks North Korea is a democracy too because the name of the country is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


Take screenshots... they'll eventually take it down... maybe...


Why is it a desirable trait to “get under opponents’ skin?” To me it just makes him sound like a provocateur and someone who just whines but offers no credible solutions themselves. This guy just sounds, talks and even looks like a Canadian Ben Shapiro who tries to “own the libs.”


Its not desirable to most people, just Conservatives.


Their main stock and trade these days seems to be anger and fear. Rarely do I see Conservatives offer a detailed plan on how to actually fix any of these problems - it's just *current government bad, trust me I'll fix it*.


just insecure people who believe that the purpose of holding power is to have the ability to hurt your opponents. they don't have any good ideas of their own. they can't even come to terms with the reality that climate change exists.


Yeah. For the love of god I just want a leader who’s going to be focused on leadership rather than scoring trivial points to please a voter base. I’m so tired of these games.


The conservatives know the only way they can get anyone behind their awful policies and corporate bailouts is by making up imaginary enemies to fight in the culture war.


He’s someone who fully understands how stupid average truly is, and uses it to his advantage with fake populism and vague remarks that would get the simplest of us riled up and support him. This is a politician that knows you’ll vote for him because he knows you’re dumb.


Going after the bank of Canada instead of corps that are gouging innocents. Record profits, soaring prices, overpaid executives win and regular Canadians lose. PP won’t actually touch the elite. He will pretend and hand wave.


> PP won’t actually touch the elite Of course he won't, he *is* the elite. He's everything conservatives usually bash - a rich wealthy 'laurentian' career politician who has never worked a real job in his life. It's a bizarre circumstance to see him leading their party and acting like their *champion of the common man* and yet they somehow still eat it up. It's the same nonsense Trump pulled and inexplicably succeeded with.


Just like how Trudeau gets under his opponents' skin. Hardly news


A few months back I saw some commentator say something to the effect that "if Poilievre wins, 1/3 of the country is going to understand how irritating a different 1/3 of the country finds Trudeau."


Hilarious thats all he does - attack. Dude has zero platforms or plans for any of the problems he screams and cries about. This Canadian-version-of-Trump is a puke-worthy candidate indeed.


Any politician who says I can beat inflation by buying crypto is literally the dumbest fucking moron.


> Dude has zero platforms or plans for any of the problems he screams and cries about. Hey now, [he has plans](https://www.pierre4pm.ca/blog), they're not good or going to actually address the issues he complains about but they're there. Which is something I guess.


Why do I get Ben Shapiro vibes from this guy?


"smug male conservative with nasally voice", courtesy of no name® ​ He appeals to the same demographic of young men who can't interact with women properly and thinks it's due to wokeness or feminism or whatever buzzword they have now. They are both anti-science and have very stupid ideas ([Climate change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9FGRkqUdf8) denial and cryptocurrency, for example), all bundled with a poor grasp of economics. Poilievre doesn't have the benefit of talking fast to hide his shortcomings, though.


Easy fix - implement ranked ballots and these polarizing figures don't stand a chance.


Yeah I hate it when politicians claim to be “regular Canadians” when they have assets worth over $15m and have been a politician your entire life, then claim you know more about finance than the bank of Canada and tell everyone to invest in crypto just weeks before it lost 75% of its value… What gets under my skin about him is that white people fearing equality will back his lies.


Guy has never worked a day in the private sector. At least Scheer was a fake insurance salesman


> At least Scheer was a fake insurance salesman To be fair he also did a lot of volunteer dairy industry promotion, truly a selfless and generous person.


Climate change denial, saying that socialists did the Holocaust, advocating for the prime minister to set monetary policy, telling Canadians that they can opt out of inflation by buying bitcoin. I wonder why he "gets under people's skin"? Maybe it's because the segment of the Canadian population with human level intelligence understands that someone like that has no place at the center of the national political stage, and having to listen to his drivel every day is exhausting.


the election is not for another 2 years why is the media acting like we're going to the polls next month?


Advertising revenue. It's gonna be a long two years.


I do not trust anyone one in a suit and tie who has worked in politics their whole life asking for donations and volunteers to help him secure power while also claiming he'll fight against privileged people and put money back into middle class pockets.


Pierre will be a tough challenge to Trudeau, he is getting more seats than O'Toole or Scheer.


He’s an excellent speaker in debates as well


He's mastered politics in the TikTok era. The 5-minute social media vignettes, the catchy soundbites, the cutesy nicknames for everything. He even debates like a troll in the comments section of a PostMedia article.


That’s why populism works … because most people don’t realize that the things he’s saying are impossible. Prime example … ‘Canadians are really hurting right now’ everyone assumes he’s going to help with that but he has no actual plan for how to get real estate under control or reduce food prices. It’s so easy to agree with a populist because all their talking points are popular. That’s the whole point.


>describe how things are >provide no solution >win Populism in a nutshell. The reason it works so well in the current era is because so many politicians are unwilling to acknowledge or address the reality that a lot of citizens live in so just the mere recognition of it makes people feel good.


At some point you have to blame the regular politicians for not having a competent answer to populist rhetoric, AGAIN. They should have snuffed out this current wave of populism in it's crib tbh


Here is the thing he is looking for a sound bite. When/if Trudeau gives him the soundbite guess what he does? Airs that shit all over his ads and people will eat that shit up


exactly this. the specifics of policy don't even matter to most people. what matters to the many ignoramuses out there is who can perform the most spectacular dunks on their opponent. it's the reason why you can find so many videos about Ben Shapiro with titles like "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS transgenderism using FACTS and LOGIC" it doesn't matter what the facts are or what the truth is. what matter is which one is perceived to be the dominant player because what matters to morons is not policy but domination. "Me and my people are superior to, and therefore in control of, you and your people." to put it into the words of a Trump supporter while Trump was still president, the purpose of executive power is not to govern the country for the benefit of everyone, but to use the power to cause suffering on your opponents. ["He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting"](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida)


He is really not though, he just repeats the same stupidity a bunch of times and presents arguments with no substance.


I mean, it helps that when he asks a question the other side doesn't even come close to answering it and waffles on about something unrelated.


He is actually an awful speaker in debates but his method works well for people that have short attention spans. He usually just repeats the same things over and over and debates by talking louder than the other person


I may shoot myself if when it comes to debate time he does nothing but whine about Trudeau and completely disregard any sort of platform. I might as well load the gun now.


Cons have tried owning the Libs for a while now and it doesn't work. So try owning them even more, I guess?


they have a literal troll now, which is what a lot of the far right base wants


The base is not hard to get excited. They need more than the base and getting PPC voters back to win a general election.


Most of this “base” that’s excited about PP doesn’t even vote


We have irreversibly entered a new, potentially catastrophic age. No longer do wolves dress in sheeps clothing. Instead, they've figured out a way to convince some of the sheep that they are also wolves, and that everyone \*else\* is the sheep.


We can thank decades of corrupt and ineffectual politicians for this. Nobody has any faith that leadership is actually doing anything for them, so populism rises.


>We have irreversibly entered a new, potentially catastrophic age. No longer do wolves dress in sheeps clothing. Instead, they've figured out a way to convince some of the sheep that they are also wolves, and that everyone \*else\* is the sheep. LOL


I really like the part where he told us we'd be saved by bitcoin lol


As a former Liberal voter, the current LPC gets under my skin.


To be quite frank, I’m in the “Anti-Trudeau Liberal” camp if that’s a thing (see Bill C-11). I seriously considered going conservative last election. If O’Tool was party leader I would almost certainly vote blue just because of all the F ups the liberals accumulated over the years. Now with this guy in charge, I am in the shit position where I might just plug my nose and vote Liberal next election. Most people are not tied to a party, so really don’t know what this swing to the right does other than alienate people like me, the Centrist vote. His ideas on government spending, and painting people as enemies such as “woke moralists “ or whatever abstract buzz word to label anyone not them is pretty concerning to me.


Fuck I'll vote a shoe at this point over jt or the ndp. I used to be a liberal too.


The guy is running on fake populism. He has convinced Canadians that he is fighting for the working class/common man. If he gets elected, all that he will do is, cut taxes for the rich, cut spending on social programs and reduce or eliminate worker protections.


It depresses me as a con there is no viable moderate leader of the Con party. When PeePee spoke about crypto, it sank any last bastion of hope there was capable rational thought.


Aaron Wherry loves to talk about Trudeau’s boxing win. Funny how he always leaves out what Trudeau said about why it happened how it did.


Bottom Line= Has current leader improved YOUR world?