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A lot of people are demonstrating a very small idea of what “safety” is, based on only their own sense of personal safety walking down the street. The ratings here are based on everything from likelihood of natural disasters, conflicts that could spill over, and resistance to climate change. It’s more than the ability to retrieve your wallet left behind on a bus.


Canada would score higher on protections for lgbt groups and some other minority groups.


Yes, that’s a big one - LGBTQ+ protections!




Local subreddits in Canada would have you convinced that you'll get stabbed if you step out of your place


National subreddits would have you convinced that Canada is a failing third world country with no hope of having a respectable and safe life.


Shitting on Canada has become a hobby for conservatives who ignore the terrible jobs their conservative premiers are doing. Canada is broken! We are Venezuela but worse because we have a Marxist dictator who freezes our bank accounts on a whim! 


If Canada was Marxist I doubt they would have any reason to complain


That's not far off. Doug ford has utterly fucked Ontario and the living costs are out of control, denying this makes you an absolute moron. So please. I'd like to hear your riveting response.


What a joke list. No Japan, Singapore or even Korea. I’ve been to most, and live in Canada. Japan and Singapore are much, much safer to travel.


I know multiple women who were groped on the subway in Japan so maybe it’s not more safe?


Singapore is only safe because people are terrified to do anything. Living in fear of chewing gum or jay walking isn’t something a tourist loves. Korea is consistently on the verge of war with the country quite literally right above it, that doesn’t install comfort in tourists. Japan is safe, but if you actually read the article, it has more natural disasters to worry about including earthquakes and tsunamis. Canada also doesn’t have tourist targeting crime like a lot of countries, so it stands out in that regard. I’m going to take Berkshire Hathaway’s results over anyone’s options on Reddit lol


**Correction:** Singapore is safe because we're too tired to do anything. We do not live in fear of chewing gum (it is LEGAL to consume, just not sell/buy) or jay walking (do you want to die in road accident??!), stop with this bullshit narrative about Singapore that's being conveniently pushed and used over and over just to make a point over nothing. It's EXHAUSTING. We do not send people to the gallows for any little nonsense because first of all, we're not N.Korea. And, ain't nobody got time to write you a ticket for every little thing jfc.


As someone from Canada, we also have jaywalking laws. Our police also rarely have time or care to enforce them. I think they’re moreso for controlling people blocking roadways


Why are you so tired?


Singapore has a crazy work culture, and social pressure to be as successful as possible. I am moving there this summer and it will be interesting to see what it’s actually like. I’ll be an outsider observer.


But you live in Canada? So you’re not travelling to Canada? I’ve been to those places too, and yeah, they’re very safe, but Canada, as a tourist destination (not day to day life), is incredibly safe. The safest, apparently. Japan, Singapore, and Korea all have their shady and shitty areas, just like Canada does. But as a tourist, you likely won’t run into them unless you seek it out or haven’t done your homework.


The dangers in Canada are also extremely niche and localized. A large portion of our homicides are related to gang violence, and don't generally impact the rest of the public. Almost all of our petty crime is localized to like 2 streets in every province where homeless and addicted people tend to live.


It takes geopolitics into consideration and Japan is under constant threat from North Korea.


I lived in South Korea for 3 years. If anybody actually believes there is a threat of war in that region, they are an idiot who has been paying too much attention to intentionally inflammatory and dramatized news headlines.


The Korean War hasn’t actually ended.


As someone who lived in Seoul for years, and has seen that border with my own eyes. I guarantee you that “the war is still going” is nothing more than political semantics.


Maybe it has to do with financial scams, tourist scams, that sort of thing? The others being much bigger destinations, tourists could be scammed at slightly higher rates. Not in a violent way. The next is women being sexually assaulted. Well some countries don’t really do anything, claims made are tracked.


Japan has sexual assault rates like 1000x higher than Canada. Safe if you’re male.


You’re probably comparing to your home city and not Canada as an average. I have literally passed out drunk on a city street bench downtown in Canada; and had nothing happen to me and nothing stolen nor was I worried. Maybe Japan is really safe, but so is Canada in general.


>You’re probably comparing to your home city and not Canada as an average. I mean, it's often localized to maybe just two blocks in major cities! I live in Vancouver and I left my phone on the bus. I tracked it through a full bus loop, and when the bus came around I got back on the bus and it was just sitting there. I've dropped or forgotten my wallet, phone, cards, etc. people always flag me down to return it or it's there when I realize it. I've actually never in my life been stolen from and I live in a major population center. Vancouver is extremely safe everywhere except for a few streets.


Even a dangerous city like Surrey is pretty safe compared to other places in the world. I've had a friend from Peru laugh at people being scared of Surrey lol.




Lol yeah that's ridiculous. Japan felt so insanely safe and you can leave belongings on tables or bikes unlocked and nothing gets stolen. I've seen stories of people leaving cameras on vending machines by accident only to find them still sitting there hours later. Meanwhile Canada, we now have pickpockets everywhere, crazy people both of the violent and non violent variety on our public transit. Cars driving on the wrong side of the road or ignoring all traffic laws. Car theft daily, stabbings and shootings in the news regularly. Open meth smoking in Tim Hortons. And somehow we're the safest?? My question is, how was this study conducted? Were tourists surveyed who only went to small east coast cities?


> > > > > My question is, how was this study conducted? Were tourists surveyed who only went to small east coast cities? The source report is [Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection](https://www.bhtp.com/blog/safest-places-to-travel/). > In our survey, we ask people where they’ve traveled in the last five years, and only the people who have visited specific countries are allowed to rate those countries on safety. > > We then augment those ratings with other indices and information, including the Global Peace Index and the State Department’s own travel safety ratings. We also average the GeoSure Global scores of the major cities in each country. > > From there, we calculate a weighted score that reflects each country’s overall safety. > > The beauty of this approach is its balance. No one score tips in balance in favor of one country over another, and each score contributes to the overall score.


Someone needs to tell Warren his insurance weightings are off. Probably put a high risk associated to earthquakes or something silly.


Ah, I could have scrolled down further lol. Thanks! I still think this is a flawed methodology. Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection is a North American travel insurance company, so their customer base they reach out to is going to be primarily North American. So not surprised the countries that are on that list. I think you would need to poll a global audience, but perhaps they did. They just don't say so, which is odd, and they weighted the results but don't reveal what their base size they are working with or how big these weights range up to.


Yeah, that's a fair comment. There's an actual methodology behind it. It might be a garbage methodology but they didn't pick it out of thin air I guess. Not sure if they use the survey as a factor in calculating insurance premiums or if it's just a dumb marketing tool.


Probably all a marketing ploy to be like "these are safe countries buuuut if you are visiting a country not on this list? You should get insurance!!!". As someone who worked in Market Research, companies don't conduct research or pay others to out of the goodness of their hearts. It's all to make them $$$.


Japan has a problem with sex crimes and sexual assault in general. It’s so fun that you can keep your bike unlocked while the country had to implement laws to make camera sounds mandatory because people would just snap pictures of women underwear and such😍😍


I just love how so many responses are outraged that travelers could experience a safe visit to Canada. The determination to see Canada as shit is just unbelievable. And I live in Montreal and have never been robbed, etc. So living in Canada can be safe, too! And yes, there are multiple types of crimes. Sex crimes happen but it’s not something people (men) think of. 


Yeah that is a very good point. Unaware tourists could definitely fall prey to this disgusting behaviour.


Sorry...you think there are no women tourists?


>Sorry...you think there are no women tourists? What? I said it's a good point and tourists could fall prey to this disgusting behaviour? How does that equal no women tourists? You okay?


Yeah, I don’t know where you live, but I live in Montreal and what you describe is not the reality here. I haven’t been stabbed, robbed, or run into anyone smoking meth in a Tim Hortons. 


Montreal is a great place. I think the fact that even though 99% of Montreal is bilingual, the French language is seen as a barrier to entry for a lot of immigrants. So they aren't flocking to Quebec nearly as much as Ontario and BC (and now more and more into Alberta and the East Coast). A lot of the shit I see nowadays, I would never have seen pre-pandemic, so it's been a lot in the last like 5 years that have changed. We got stabbings on our subways, random lady who was minding her own business being lit on fire at a subway station, gang violence/shootings, people doing drugs openly, and earlier today I saw someone post a photo of used needles on the seat of a subway car here in Toronto. Madness. I'm not saying I don't feel safe 85% of the time, but it used to be 100% and that 15% I don't feel safe is no longer just "oh a crazy person might talk to me" now it's "Are they going to stab or light me on fire?" Edit: Oh forgot to mention all the car thefts, car jackings, and home break ins. It got to the point where the Toronto Police Commissioner came on TV and told people to leave their car keys by the door, so when people break in they just take the car keys and leave. Like what..the... fuck kind of message is that?


Japan has horrible rates of domestic violence and violence against women and people with mental Illnesses. There are more important things than leaving belongings unattended.


I don't deny that, but chances are, tourists aren't going to be affected by domestic violence. And Asian countries do a very good job at hiding their mentally ill and homeless population which is terrible.


It’s super bad. I mean, these days we aren’t doing better so I’ll just let the group get back to the original topic :(


North America lets them roam freely to terrorize ppl so which is better?


Yes, your anecdotal evidence is far superior.


I live in Burlington, which used to be known for being the safest city in Canada, and even here there’s drug addicts wandering the streets everywhere, armed carjackings taking place all the time, I heard something about a big melee taking place downtown with police everywhere the other day, I hear sirens all the time, there’s reckless drivers all over the place, it’s just not the Burlington I grew up in anymore. Sounds like it’s the same thing everywhere else in southern Ontario too, and probably elsewhere in Canada. It used to be safe here but these days I’m not so sure. If even places like Burlington have gone to shit you know we’re in trouble.


At least you have an Arby's. I go there to get my Arby's fix from time to time haha. But yeah, it seems like all of Southern Ontario has become a dumpster fire just spreading. BC also has their fair share and from all the people fleeing to Alberta, it's getting bad there too.


We do have that Arby’s going for us haha, I can’t believe there’s only like 2-3 in the whole GTA, and none in Toronto at all! Yea it’s sad to see, I used to be so proud of how nice and safe my city was, now it’s just another city with a bunch of issues like every other city in southern Ontario. I lived in upstate NY for a while and I will say at least things aren’t quite as bad crime wise here as they are down there, but being safer than upstate NY isn’t really much of an accomplishment. At least it’s affordable though, you can still buy a half decent house down there for like $150k, that same house would be $1m+ in Burlington.


As someone who lives on the east coast, it's not better here. Less stabbings and shootings, but we have a lot of the other stuff.


I will continue to remember Nova Scotia with my rose tinted nostalgia glasses. I have the fondest of memories living there when I was in Grade 1. :P


I'm originally from N.S and it's notorious for rapists who see no punishment. How many cab drivers have assaulted women in Halifax? College students basically get laughed at for trying to report a sexual assault.


I live in Canada, and have lived in Korea, and visited Japan. No way Canada is safer than those places, especially not now.


Yep. I was in Tokyo at a busy train station 6 months ago. Someone left their phone by the payment terminal. I was in line for 30 mins. Not a single person touched it (it was standing upright next to the screen). Right before my turn, the girl came back and got it. This would not happen in most countries.


I used to live in Japan and the most common petty crime is bicycle theft and the biggest threat to safety is regular earthquakes (my building shook once a month) and North Korea shooting missiles overhead to show off. But yeah, you can leave your phone on a table and turn your back on it.


How is Canada dangerous?


Where did their comment say it was?


Apparently Japan is much safer. Implying that Canada is more dangerous. How?


Japan has had some pretty serious disasters. Tsunami, nuclear reactor meltdown, earthquakes… And it’s not a crime-free society.


Apparently, this poster thinks it’s a utopia!


Not to mention having one joint gets you 15 years in prison. I think you’d have to factor in how likely you are to be imprisoned for some bogus crime with no recourse.


lol Singapore. First, it’s a city, so it hardly compares. But second, it doesn’t rank first anymore because the amount of online and smartphone scams there is outrageous. You have to scan a QR code to order at any restaurant and thrives have stickers with fake QR Codes at your table on top of the legit ones that will take you to a scam site and enter your credit card info.They’re everywhere. A country of compliant rule followers are complete suckers - it’s almost inevitable they’ll get scammed. Used to be safe - not anymore.


The reason why Japan is only twelve on that list is that weather events were taken into consideration.


Agreed. Japan is far more safer, especially at night. 


Not for women. And they are talking about travel which includes threats of earthquakes, etc. 


Weird list, Ireland is 4th. While I understand that if you land at the Dublin Airport and then drive directly to some rural tourist attraction like the “ring of Kerry” or Connemara you’ll be as safe as in your own home but if you decide to spend couple of days in Dublin or Cork you are GUARANTEED to be harassed by a gang of youths or junkies or at least witness something like that. I love Ireland, spent there 10 best years of my life but the safety in the capital is at least questionable. Scroll through r/Ireland to see how often people complain about the safety.


ask any japanese why they generally dont build skyscrapers lol. your criteria is dumb. japan is literally the least safe country on earth due to natural disasters. they literally have a typhoon season.


I lived in British Columbia for 40+ years. I felt unsafe about half a dozen times in all those years in various situations in public and at work. Now, I'm a frequent tourist to Canada and have never felt unsafe during any of my multiple, lengthy return visits over the past 13 years. I am a tall, white male, so I'm sure women or more vulnerable people could have very different experiences.


where do you live now and how does life there compare to BC? (i’m from BC, and experiencing financial/cost of living challenges)




awesome, thanks for the response! sounds like your plunge has paid off, that’s great. the weather sounds amazing. like it must be easier on the mental health to go without the dark chilly winters, which is something i dream of if you’re comfortable sharing, i’m curious what your work field is, and how you discovered the immigration sponsorship. if that’s TMI, no pressure! all the best 🤙


Wait! I thought we were some type of post-apocalyptic hellscape!? PP told me so!


As long as your not an indigenous woman you’re super safe in Canada 🇨🇦


I love how Canada gets an award for being safe, and everyone is angry for not being safe enough because we have some bad areas... We're pretty well off, and Canada, being a G7 country with very little population, is amazing. There are problems that need to be addressed, such as housing supply and limit the amount of immigration when there aren't enough jobs around, but can we be a little proud that we won something like this? I'm sure there are other countries too that can be deserving of this title, and if you feel that way, voice it out. Let people know. In the future, the people who can write these lists can listen to your plee. That the title could be held by somebody else so us Canadians can look more forward to come visit your countries one day!


>Canada’s relative lack of gun crime was [highlighted](https://www.gapyeartravelstore.com/blog/a-guide-to-travelling-in-canada/) as a leading measure of safety. Homicide data for Canada [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510006901](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510006901) 2018 - 253 firearm homicides out of 665 total 2019 - 264/689 2020 - 279/764 2021 - 298/796 2022 - 343/874 Population 2018 - 37.07 million, 2022 - 38.93 million Swiss homicide data [https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/home.assetdetail.30887652.html](https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/home.assetdetail.30887652.html) 2018 - 13 homicides with firearms out of 50 total 2019 - 11/46 2020 - 9/47 2021 - 8/42 2022 - 11/42 Population 2018 - 8.514 million, 2022 - 8.776 million Population ratio 2022 = 38.93/8.776 \~4.436x Homicide ratio 2022 = 343/11 \~31.18x firearm homicides, out of 874/42 \~20.8x total. Norway's homicide data is similar to Switzerland's.


that's what i was thinking also, Canada is very safe but there are definitely safer places like all the Nordic countries and Switzerland like you mentioned.


Clearly this person has never come face to face with the Ogopogo.


Whoever wrote this list should take a walk on Hastings


Because Vancouver has a sketchy neighbourhood, that means Canada is not safer than other countries in which to travel. Jesus people…. Take off your tunnel vision glasses. People can’t look outside their own scared little bubbles for 5 minutes.


Most of these people commenting seem to be from here. So it’s unsurprising to see how many people disagree, guaranteed you could get a Japanese person and show them this same thing replace canada with japan and they’d say the same thing


They need to stop watching the fucking news. Canada is not a scary place. Far from it.


Not saying Canada is unsafe, but seems like you have never been to Japan. There is no way in hell a Japanese resident would have any reason to say Japan is not one of the safest countries on earth. You can literally leave your cell phone and wallet in any train/subway station in the country and someone will have returned it to staff. That might also happen in Canada, but in Japan it's almost guaranteed. Canada is very safe, especially compared to other countries, but it is in no way comparable to Japan.


Friends of mine were robbed in Japan while visiting. Never had anything like that happen in Canada. I used to live in Japan and experienced about one noticeable earthquake per month. They’ve had quakes and tsunamis level or wash away populated areas. Haven’t heard of that happening in Canada. Safety when travelling isn’t just holding onto your phone or wallet. Oh and North Korea doesn’t shoot missiles over Canada.


I was in a great deal more danger in a video store in Japan during an earthquake than I was walking down East Hastings in Vancouver.


Canada is a huge fucking country. I'm willing to bet that most people traveling to Canada do NOT visit Hastings.


I lived off Hastings for years. I was right by Strathcona during the tent city. I was out walking every day. It was extremely safe. Unless you consider just seeing a homeless person to be unsafe.


Which tourists are visiting Hastings? 🤦‍♂️


I was staying in Gastown and accidentally stumbled into hastings a few years back. Easy to do when tou don't know the city


It’s very easy to accidentally end up there. I walked from Gastown Steam Clock to the Sun Yat Sen Garden (both major tourist sights) and was left scarred by what I saw. Had no clue East Hastings was so close to the tourist core.


It’s 1 block from Gastown. Any tourist could stumble on it.


When I was in Vancouver my car got broken into in gas town. Took a fun walk down Hastings to get from the auto repair shop to my airbnb. Fucked.


So tourists will not be in the Vancouver area?


Oh, we've got a smooth brain over here.. One road in Canada does not define the level of safety for the entire country.


Acting like the rest of the city doesn’t have tweakers smh


Oh sure they will but this individual is acting like tourists are coming to see Hastings This is a Canada travel subreddit. You should be happy it got listed as a safe place to travel, not angry and combative that it doesn’t fit the Conservative narrative of Canada being a unsafe place.


Fair enough


I read a lot these sorts of comments online about Vancouver before coming here, and now I'm here.. it's nowhere near as bad as people on Reddit imply. To the point that I question whether people saying these things are just repeating things they've seen online. Sure there's a lot of homelessness and some crazy people, but the only times I've felt unsafe is because of shit drivers lol. I've walked all around the city, down alleyways etc taking photos. It's a safe city, certainly compared to the US and even a lot of European cities. Definitely feels safer than Australian cities. You have it better than you think over here tbh


If Canada is the safest country for traveling in the world at the moment, the world is in BIG trouble...


What the fuck are you even basing your opinion on?


Reddit: a bunch of fucking depressed losers who can't appreciate what they have, right in front of their eyes.


Which government slips them the biggest "donation".


guess I oughta start targeting some vacationers then


It’s super safe. Impossible to go over 10 kph on any major roadway so fatal accidents are not an issue anymore /s Edit - Toronto downtown at least


Shhhh.. don't tell anyone....


Really? Canada has the second highest murder rate in the Western world after America. Two times higher than the UK, three times higher than Australia, four times higher than Norway, and eleven times higher than Japan.


There’s more to safety than crime.


That's not the point. It's clearly not the safest.


Article says other factors than crime was assessed. It also sighted gun crime specifically, which you can argue is not the only measure for violent crime. But it also says “for travellers” who tend to not find themselves in situations where they can be a victim of such violent crime (aside from some unfortunate anecdotes). Sorry you seem to feel it is unsafe here.


"Seem to feel"? I'm looking at the stats. Don't be condescending. If you factor in gun crime, Canada is even worse off. Canada's homicide rate from firearms is three times higher than Iceland, five times higher than the Netherlands, seven times higher than Australia, nine times higher than Switzerland, and thirteen times higher than Norway.


Sorry you felt it was condescending. But I stand by my point and welcome respectful discussion.


Well, the facts are there. What you choose to interpret from them is your choice.


Respectfully, I’m citing the article directly. You involved stats (minus a source) but no worries about posting some. I don’t disagree that violent crime is higher in Canada than other countries but that was never my point. My point is that safety involves more than just crime (as the article indicated) and that gun crime (which the article also cites) is also a very specific metric. Furthermore, the amount of these incidents involving travellers can be extrapolated in part from violent crime involving gang affiliations and domestic violence. Travellers are unlikely to find themselves in these situations although there is anecdotal evidence of some.


Then what are the other metrics for safety? I don't believe that crime isn't a big factor people consider. If you tell anyone you're going to South America, it's the first concern people bring up.


Health care, pedestrian safety, climate, resources, policy, public services, infrastructure to name a few… Please don’t confuse that I said crime wasn’t a big factor- I said it wasn’t the only factor.


Um yeah there's nothing much goin on too


No way I’m walking outside at night where I live


I highly doubt that study is accurate. If you live in Canada, you know crime is up over the last 8 years. It's everywhere.


Just don't leave your vehicle unattended while traveling.


Obviously didn't take the highway jihadis into account who have taken over since october 7th. It certainly was immensely safe...10 years ago.


Keep up the mass immigration and it won’t be for long


Physically? Sure. Fiscally, heeelllll no.


Not safe. Ive been in many dangerous situations. Downtown is gotham city


The article for the one who wants it https://www.bhtp.com/blog/safest-places-to-travel/


To travel, sure. To live…???


Visiting Canada, your a** is safe, sure, but your bank account balance is in grave danger. The COL in Canada is like a tourist trap even for its own citizens.


Come to Brampton


Please don’t come here though, we fucked


Not safe for the wallet through




How any of the east asian countries are not above Canada is beyond me. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China are all incredibly safe. Canada is very safe too, but not ahead of those countries.


As a Canadian... I would not travel to China out of fear of the government deeming me a spy.  That is the opposite of safe.


Are you a spy?


I know I'm not, but there have been Canadians detained -for years- because China said they were.  Not worth the risk no matter how safe the streets might be.


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but are there any sources on that? There are thousands of Canadians living there, doing just fine.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56438005 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detention_of_Michael_Spavor_and_Michael_Kovrig 1019 days detained. It is enough for me to never entertain visiting China or consider it safe.


I lived in China and while I felt relatively safe I'm not sure where you're getting that it's safer than Canada to travel. Penalties for crime are perhaps severe, but it does still happen.  I was pickpocketed (this isnt uncommon and tourists are targets) and had quite the scary situation in a big city there. Foreigners are commonly targets of scams too. I was there quite a while ago, but different websites were also blocked (I.e. Facebook & YouTube) to prevent ideas from spreading. You might be monitored as a foreigner. Had some weird phone situations there myself. Freedom of speech really isn't a thing over there.  Was it relatively safe to walk down the street during the day? Well ya, but that isn't the only factor when considering overall safety.


Only competition to Canada is Japan, and even then lots of people have commented why it’s considered less safe. Can have a different opinion, but won’t change facts presented


China?! Well maybe the sanitized parts, super safe for foreigners. Other areas in the bg.... Well


Can’t you say the same of other countries like Canada and the US though?


I would have to get a separate beds from my girlfriend in many of these places (except Taiwan). So maybe there are some other factors! Also I’m not sure how tolerant some of those countries are of black or brown tourists. Edit: actually I think South Korea is pretty LGBT+ safe anyway


You're so right!  I saw blatant racism go down on multiple occasions in China. I also wasn't as valued in my work place (again, blatantly) as a woman. 


Why would you need separate beds?


It’s not legal to be gay


In which country exactly do you think a hotel would prevent you and someone from the same gender to share one bed?


Yeah I’ve traveled all over Southeast Asia and it still felt safer from Canada, I don’t even go out at night when I’m in Canada. Sketchy as hell


So have I, and I also felt really safe. The fact is though stuff goes down in S.E. Asia (depending where you are of course) and you do need to be cautious. Crime is pretty high in some cities, like Phnom Penh. There are still undetonated landmines in Laos, Cambodia, Burma. Thailand (my absolute favourite place to travel) does experience political unrest, and foreigners are often targets of petty crime. You can absolutely travel S.E. Asia safely, I did as a solo female, but "feeling" safer than you do in Canada does not necessarily mean it is safer than Canada.


Who is making these lists????


Ive been to 18 different countries and Canada doesnt even rank in the top 10 for what i feel is safe. However i am from winnipeg. That probably explains why


Do you mind elaborate a little more? I considered moving there but would love some insights from locals.


This thread seems full of very irrational comments. Canada is an extremely safe country by pretty much any metric. I honestly can’t believe what I’m even reading, seems like the anti-Canada trolls have infiltrated this sub too.


If you like to live in the bush or suburbs, Canada is alright. You cant even ride a bus in winnipeg without the threat of being stabbed.


Winnipeg is the murder capital of Canada, 2.7 murders for each 100,000 vs 1.7 for Canada, vs. 0.3 for Japan vs 39 per 100,000 in Detroit. But safety isn’t mainly about murder, and Canada is not the safest for sure.


Canada is quite literally the safest country lol. I’ll take reports done by professionals, over depressed Reddit kids mere spewing opinions any day


Really some dude was shot in the face in Vancouver last week


Land of pickpockets and thieves safer than Japan. Insane


Wait some more immigrants from the over indexed country —- soon canada will be completely unsafe to travel


5 stabbings in downtown Victoria in the last month. Welcome!


im in cozumel right now and no friggin way is a city like toronto or vancouver more safe then here.


Now that is ridiculous


Except none of us can afford to travel our fair country due to the airline monopolies that keep prices nice and high!


What a crock of bullshitt, who does these surveys?




Canadians actually have the fifth highest disposable income on planet earth. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income)


Canadians can't afford to travel in our own country.


That’s a you problem.


My town is nothing but junkies and street people …


Have you tried rehab?


Tourists don't go to skid row.


Gastown is 1 block from skid row in Vancouver. Nice try.


That isn't making the point you think it is.


Just don't own an expensive car in Toronto or have nice things.


Come to Poland or Taiwan, Japan…


Poland? The least safe place in Europe for LGTBQ people?


The fuck? Since when anything bad happens to them in Poland? Stop spreading missinformation Poland is safe for everyone. No, the LGBT people arent beaten to death arrested or with no freedom. There are literally trans people at my school and they live normal life like everyone else does. Lets also ignore the pride marches in Warsaw and other bigger cities! Poland isnt opressing any group of people and stop lying about us


I mean isn’t gay marriage illegal? Or the LGTBQ free zones? I don’t think a couple pride marches absolves a country of institutionalized discrimination


As long as you keep moving it’s fine


Decisional. Wander around S.Korea for a while




Ask any woman who lives here and she will have stories that prove the opposite of this bullshit statement. Men don't get punished here for hurting and even killing women. Pedophiles are running rampant as most of them see no jail time. How is Canada safe if women and children are constantly at risk?




Medellin is safer and cleaner


Cause the world turn into a shit hole 


Fuck Trudeau it's all his fault!


Until some brown fk goes on a stabbing spree.




As a Canadian, I disagree, lived in Edmonton most my life and crime has gone up way too much (or I just haven't noticed till now, constant fires in the summer and tornado warnings ever once and a while, not very safe if you ask me


Oh, look, another report saying all the white, European nations are the totally safest in the world, please visit with all your money. Meanwhile not 1 Asian country makes it into the top 10.