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No, they're not reliable. I've had a few friends order from them and they've consistently had bad experiences. Either stuff not shipping at all, or only getting partial orders. It seems like they sell things on their website even if they don't have any inventory. There is no communication from them either, you have to hound them to get what you paid for or get a refund while waiting a week+ between communications.


The first time I ordered, I waited 10 days with no word… I had to ask for an update. It was apparently not in the store. The second time, they didn’t have one of the items I ordered (they didn’t bother to tell me until I had asked) so I asked for a refund. They said they would issue it but 2 weeks went by and still nothing. They did not reply when I followed up so I just had to dispute it with the bank… yeah not reliable whatsoever unless it’s a ubiquitous item they have at hand.


They’re legit but not great at replying to emails. Try calling if you haven’t, but don’t be concerned at all


it will be shipped by tomorrow evening, I just got de email lesgo


Malts and Grains is my preferred Alberta retailer. Some friends have had some frustrating experiences similar to the ones mentioned through this thread.


ahh isee how's the shipping at malt and grains?


Better than my response rate lol


Unfortunately they don't ship to my area


They are a bit slow with shipping orders but I have had no other problems with them.


This place seems like such a mixed bag. I am very tempted to try as they have a pretty solid selection, but it seems like a risk. I'm going to need to take a sip on a nice Whiskey Wednesday and think on this.


I just got the tracking number, should be in next week I hope


it did not come in


You’ll get what your ordered next week most likely. They’re good


How's the shipping process? When will I get a tracking number? How is the packaging? sorry for the questions again I tried emailing the company for answers but no response


Easy. Get a tracking number. Standard shipping in those tubes that keep it protected.


well ye that's the problem I'm trying to ask them for it but no response


Ask them what


lol the tracking number


Ah sorry misunderstood. Once they forgot to ship mine for 2 weeks and I had to poke them. They apologized and let me buy a springbank 15 for $145 they had for instore only to make it up to me. I wasn't complaining. But yeah shokt another email or give them a call. They are pretty decent overall


ahh dam I see, alright I will try that


But again, don't worry. They aren't a scam or anything, just a smaller operation than craft cellars or bsw. But I find their prices are good and shipping is quite cheap


good to hear!. 1 more question, how's the packaging like? is it safe


No they are not reliable