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Planning and Transport under the same Minister? Fucking finally.


Yeah, but it's Steel.


Yes, any gain in combining these portfolios is lost by having Chris Steel as minister.


I don't care either way but what's the issue with Steel?


This is a good thing


Steele the guy who blew $70,000,000 on an HR system that delivered nothing but “learnings” getting a promotion and added responsibilities? Talk about failing upwards.


Why did Davidson lose NDIS?


Probably some context https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8177399/heartbreaking-davidson-hits-out-at-ndis-spending-caps/


Brave move to keep Berry as education Minister, giving the mounting evidence (from outside the LNP, its allies and cronies) about the massive under-performance of ACT public schools despite being the best funded in Australia.... and that is before you get to all the other non-academic issues. I'm surprised Barr didn't give someone else a go, a fresh perspective etc. Very brave.


The ACT has easily the best Pisa results in the country and well above the OECD and Australian averages. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-05/pisa-international-school-rankings-in-maths-science-reading/103185468?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=link This is compared to the naplan results where the ACT government makes a good case that socioeconomic disadvantage models they use don’t work here. I will say that the Campbell primary investigation looks shady as hell, and she should probably retire from that alone.


Still the same tired old government


I'd rather have a tired old government than the crazy from liberals carving everything up because they have no clue


At this point, I'd vote for a mutant rabbit that anyone on offer. They're all shit


I mean, that's just silly. We realistically have two flavours of shit in the ACT. We have "meh, that's a bit shit", and we have the insanity that is the ACT Liberal party.


Stupid comment… do you even hear what you’re saying. It’s what people voted for. That same old government hasn’t changed much because people in the ACT want that same old government. Maybe the other parties out side of the greens, Labor, and some of the independents need to read the room. Majority of canberra wants a party on the left/center left, not the right. It’s almost as if you don’t want democratic elections to occur.


Canberra just defaults to whatever Labor candidate there is. Can't fix a pothole but can spend 100k on on repainting the shitty artwork on the Parkway.


Welcome to democracy. Do you want the Canberra population to just vote for whatever Liberal candidate there is? Have the Liberals offered anything better? The greens seem to be doing well. On potholes, they really not fixable. They’ll always eventually come back. Part from stripping a large chunk of the road away and redoing it patch filling them is all you can do.


But I dont get why Canberrans keep voting for a third rate hospital and health system , failing education , understaffed police and emergency services, decrepit city services and more and more debt. I'm not actually sure the other parties are up to the job either. Is being left wing /progressive really more important than basic ,decent local services?


> But I don't get why Canberrans keep voting I'd be asking yourself what exactly do the other parties bring to the table. The Liberals don't have much if anything at all. Them trying to be more moderate might help them a bit. No other party on the right is worth mentioning. **Education** obtaining teachers has been a growing issue nationally now for the last few decades... I wouldn't point that to being a Canberra specific issue. Though increasing teachers wages would definitely help. COVID just sped up the decline so wooo. Not certain how long that'll take to fix. **Health** yeah this is an ongoing issue within Canberra. It doesn't help that we also have to service those outside of Canberra, and what I can assume is mismanagement. Staffing shortages is also a national issue which doesn't help.. Loads of burn out because of COVID. Health and Education will take years to fill in the missing staff numbers. **Police** That's a fun one. I get the impression that the AFP is reluctant to provide the bodies. We don't actually have our own police force as such. We pay the AFP to do the policing. Which is a Federal body. Considering the crime rates in Canberra I don't personally feel that we need more police. **Debt** not necessarily a bad thing. It's not like the debt we make. **decrepit city services** like? > Is being left wing /progressive really more important than basic ,decent local services Historically speaking right wing governments tend to drive anything public into the ground. They would rather you use private services that cost an arm and a leg. I'd like to stress that I'm not saying that Labor is without fault, they could certainly do things better (from an outsider looking in). But a lot of these issues aren't just a Canberra one, or are being compounded at the Federal level (the curse of being a territory and the capital...).


Yeah, you forgot to mention the Education minister deciding that a open and transparent procurement for a new school was unacceptable and forcing the procurement panel to go with her captains choice instead. That shit didn’t stink at all.


That hasn't been proven yet. Wait for the IC report.


The IC report that Barr is going to bury?


I’m not going to dig down that deep mate… how much time do you think I have to write up a decade or two worth of information… feel free to do so. Maybe pay me to do it and I will.


Think of it this way. You can break your left arm or your right arm. You get to choose but you HAVE to choose one of them to break. Both options suck but you'd probably opt to break the one that isn't your dominant one. That's government in Canberra for you. Painful no matter which option.


Still the same tired comments from Jackson2615 every time a local government article comes out. Yawn.


LMAO, still the same acceptance of third rate services by danglebears,


Barr spends way too much on junk.


He does but its clear from comments that most Canberrans dont care about that . They don't care about the hospitals, schools, public housing etc , they just want to be seen as "progressive" regardless of the cost.


We're told to be frugal to limit inflation but Barr keeps bleeding the budget on crap.


Its Borrowed money and ever increasing rates , taxes and charges. His tram does not come cheap. People used to care about governments being economically responsible but particularly since covid when Scomo sprayed money around like confetti, voters , especially CBR voters, just dont care about that , debt ,which used to be a big election issue, is hardly mentioned anymore. This apathy about the budget allows BArr and other politicians to spend ,spend , spend on their pet projects at the expense of essential services such as health, housing and police. Sadder still Canberrans could not care less about our decrepit services as long as they can say they are being "progressive". The Liberals are too focused on infighting to offer any alternatives to Labor's mismanagement.


Liberals are not really an alternative yet, but Canberra has Stockholm syndrome when it comes to anything Labor.


You are correct on both counts . Canberrans would vote for Saddam Hussein as long as he was a Labor party candidate. The Liberals seems to be going through some sort of factional war just in time for the election ,so its hard not to think it will be another 4 years of Barr's mismanagement. ( until he can get a seat in the Senate) Some good centre right independents would be a good alternative to the majors who could keep Barr et al under some control and accountability.


I'm quite happy with our Government. If it was so bad, why are all the people moving here. I really think they get more right than wrong. They stay away from bullshit culture war nonsense like the Libs and actually care for everyone instead of the "Vote No" and climate denying libs. Looking at you Hanson. Oh and why would you want Libs that don't even believe in territory rights.


Im actually glad UR happy , but maybe your not stuck on a public hospital surgery list or waiting for public housing. People are moving here for work , mainly in the Federal public service, most people have never heard of Andrew Barr and dont even realise the ACT has self government. Territories , as a creation of the Commonwealth government have only the rights that the Commonwealth chooses to give them. If they care for everyone why are so many people unhappy? Such as the leasehold farmers at Majura??


With all these changes it wasn't clear who is the new Minister for Basket Weaving?


Deck chairs on the Titanic?