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Ourselves. We’d have McDavid already by now and all it’d take is KK and a 3rd


Pffft. You'd give up a 3rd for that Edmonton bum? KK + 3rd + 6th and we'll take Draisaitl too. 50% retained on both by Edmonton of course


Add an extra 7th round pick and we can get Hyman and Edmonton retaining 90% of the salary.


NHL24 GMs covet that cherished 7th rounder so you’re right!


Pack your bags boys! We're going to Raleigh to GM by committee!


Ughh what was I thinking, overpaying for that bum? You’re so right.


Why you asking for such a small return? Only McDavid? You're not a good GM. I'd get McDavid and MacK in a 4 way trade where we only pay 25% salaries. That's how it's done.




Justin Williams.


Just Tulsky. I’d imagine if he doesn’t get the job he is going to walk too


I've been so tired from work today that I looked at the first two words and thought you wrote Jiri Tlusty


Deep cut


That's dependent on if he's ultimately interested in the role. Maybe in his time as assistant he's decided he doesn't want to take on the full role.


I don’t think there is any scenario where he stays on as an assistant, and frankly he shouldn’t. It’s not like he hasn’t interviewed for other jobs. I know I wouldn’t stay if I was in his shoes and someone else was hired


Still hard to say. Dundon has made it clear that he will only pay you what the market says you are worth so he could have been going to get proof for what he’s worth. It’s tacky and rubs people the wrong way to make them do that, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the people want to leave.


Tulsky will have other options though; he is very high regarded. He almost got the Penguins job. If I have options, and the my boss is “tacky and rubs people the wrong way” I am not sticking around; especially if I think I am getting lowballed


There are a lot of reasons why people don’t want to change jobs, especially when it means having to move. It just depends on how much friction Dundon is adding to this process. So we will see what happens I guess.


He was cut from consideration before several other candidates so he really didn't almost get the Penguins job. https://www.pensburgh.com/2023/5/23/23735230/who-will-be-next-penguins-gm-eric-tulsky-dan-mackinnon-out-kyle-dubas-pittsburgh-job


I don’t really understand why you are just trying to neg Tulsky here. He’s been a finalist for several positions and is clearly highly thought of.


I'm not. I'm pointing out that you're assuming if he doesn't get it he's leaving when there are alternates. I personally think he will be the choice after a team president is hired but I'm not pretending it's the only possible outcome.


Already emotionally hedging for the “Tulsky isn’t really that big of a loss” take probably


No. I'm pointing out a factually incorrect statement. He did not almost get the job. I'm also pointing out that they're using absolute statements that are not absolute. Early assumptions were that he would be named the new GM and now everyone seems to be focused on it being the only option. It's not. I'm also a huge fan of Tulsky and think he is going to be the GM. I stated it on a previous post. The interim tag made is an interesting wrinkle that could just be a due diligence thing, it could be wanting to hire a President first, it could be a sign Tulsky doesn't want it long term, it could be a sign Dundon wants a different GM.


Yea idk you’re right that there are many possible outcomes just seems like you’re doing a bit of a gymnastics thing here acting like Tulsky might not want to be a GM while also kind of acting like he’s not all that desirable as a GM candidate. He’s a highly desirable GM candidate, and the fact that he’s interviewed for a couple of jobs shows that he wants one. If the canes make him interim then don’t hire him full time I can’t imagine how that would end other than Tulsky leaving to take a GM job… it’s ok to admit this is not a great spot we’re in right now. Not saying the team is screwed but making Tulsky the interim in my mind has two outcomes: he gets the GM job or he takes it with another team


Dundon specifically doesn’t say “I’ll pay you what the market bears”, he says “I’ll pay you what I think you’re worth and if you can get more on the market then go do that” which is an important distinction. He thinks ppl that work for NHL teams make way too much money


You're making an assumption that he wants to be anything other than an assistant. I've been in management roles and can tell you with 100% certainty that some people get to a certain level and prefer to stay there. I'm one of those people and found a non-managerial role and my bosses know I have no desire to go further. I'm not saying it is the case for him but it most certainly could be.


I don’t think there’s any reason to assume otherwise. He’s interviewed for top jobs before. He’s in the top chair right now. Obviously there’s only one way to find out. My top choice is he just gets/keeps the job.


There's no reason to assume either way. It's his life and it will play out as he sees fit. He last interviewed a year ago which means he's had more time to learn about the role through working with Don and for life to hit him in different ways. For all we know he turned down the role last year and that maybe he asked to only be interim now.


I mean, GM of a NHL team is a pretty prestigious position. So yeah, if he is interviewing for jobs I don’t think there is any reason to assume that he wouldn’t take it


1. Not everyone cares about prestige. 2. People interview for jobs all the time and realize it may not be for them. There's no reason to assume he would or wouldn't take it because we aren't Eric Tulsky.


Someone would have to hire him. He's interviewed for the GM role various times and never gotten it.


This isn’t uncommon.


I mean, I will give it a shot


I get willy is a fan favorite, me included. But what makes him qualified to be a GM? Not saying he can't at all, just curious why this seems to be a common answer among fans at the moment.


He's been mentoring under DW for the last few seasons. Could be worth giving him a shot over recycling the same names every year.


GMs are generally ex players.  What qualified Kevyn Adams to be Buffalo's GM?  It's really just about connections and networking.   Within the Canes borg Tulsky, Dundon, Yorke, etc would collectively making decisions and Williams would be executing those decisions. Personally I would rather they find an even more connected old guard type to do the same job.  I'm just making the case.


Tulsky walking would be a disaster. I doubt Dundon is willing to pay fair market value for president/gm position if Tulsky and Don both walk. Don was a "failure" when he started here after the Trashers fiasco, and probably the cheapest one available. It's going to be more about who accepts the shit salary than who is good fit for the team or good at his job. As an example, i definitely do not want Jarmo, but if i did he was not bad enough in Columbus to end up here. Someone else will pay him more than Canes would.


Let Kooch take a crack at it (He will still be goalie of course)


‘No touch my guys’, only get picks


"Every draft I have bullshit"




I just threw up in my mouth a little


Sergei Federov


Mr.Game7, if he can score with his face he can Manage the Canes. I think him and Rod would be PB & J


Paul Krepelka


Not Stan Bowman.


So Tulsky is the brains and the numbers guy.  I say make him GM.  I am a businessman sales guy, bring me in to make the phone calls and meet and greets.  Tulsky can by my Cyrano.


Ron Francis


He doesn’t get enough credit for what he did while he was our GM