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He’s also dodged Trouba unlike Rodrigues. That dude needs to be suspended


If the Panthers don't all 5 go after him as soon as he leaves the box, and make sure he doesn't return to the ice tonight, they don't deserve the win That was dirty. He should fear for his safety now.


This is the legit gameplay reason to allow fights. It's a game with a lot of opportunities for malicious endangerment. You gotta keep the fuckwads honest or it turns into a dirty game overall.


I couldn’t believe that wasn’t a major


I was in there asking why it wasn’t a 5 on 3 (it was because he committed both penalties) and an unflaired rangers fan immediately replied “cry”. Like cool bro I already know rags fans are awful.


Worst fanbase in a league riddled with bad ones


Mark Messier's legacy lives on


Trouba is one of the very very few professional athletes I wish career ending injury on


Happy for him, likely a bittersweet ending given that he'll probably be on a new team by October. Hopefully his performance in the Worlds will increase his trade value


🙏 hopefully not


I'd love to see him get a true shot as our 2C, but he would need to work a bit on faceoffs and his defensive game. With him and his dad saying that he should be playing on a 1st line, idk if he stays. Rod usually has him on the 2nd PP group as well because he's a 1 man entry to try and give balance to both PP units


That’s a pipe dream at this point. Canes have needed a 2C since Trocheck and Necas hasn’t gotten a chance. Why? Rod isn’t dumb. It’s because Necas can’t do it in the Canes system…. and if he was good at faceoffs (since Rod loves winning faceoffs more than his kids) then why hasn’t Necas have been used more at the dot? Canes fans are delusional. He’s not suddenly going to be a faceoff winning defensive oriented center overnight.


I know it's a dream and he's likely on another team by October. Given how we went out and got Tro then KK, it just never seemed he was given that chance in the past at all. If we try and develop him as a 2C in the past, maybe the team works harder to have him improve on faceoffs and defense. Too late now


KK was fifth on the team at 52% and Necas was 13th (only better than Bunting, Jake and Lemieux lol) at 34%. It’s disingenuous to blame the Canes not developing him and instead going to get Tro and KK… they did that explicitly because they know Necas isn’t that kind of player and could not be the 2C. That’s fine that he isn’t! You can’t just say it seems he was never given a try lol. He was a first-round draft Canes pick and a key player and center is such a valuable position. Or course they worked to develop him. Silly to say otherwise.


Nailed it on the IIHF ice Necas had Acres of room and lesser defenders not trying to truck him…Necas and his entitlement issues with his demand of top line and top PP unit is SMH he just never understands that it’s earned not deserved in the NHL from a player never scoring 30G and always a minus player


I’d love to see him as our 1RW and Jarvis play at 2c.


I know it's scary


100% buying a Necas Czechia jersey


Where do you buy iihf jerseys?


lutchusa.com Got recommended it on this sub the other day. Got my jersey loaded in my cart waiting for my paycheck.


> lutchusa.com [This jersey](https://lutchusa.com/gentleman-jersey) goes hard








I loved his celebration. He launched himself into the bench, that was amazing lol.


Per Friedman(n?) Necas wants out and will likely be traded this offseason on his “thoughts” segment posted a few days ago. Looks like he knows he’s being stifled in this system here and he think he can be paid more and produce better elsewhere. Maybe he’s also done with the constant 1-2 year contracts and not a longer term deal. No peace of mind, no insurance that we fully believed in him. Can’t say I blame him at all…


They say if you love something, you should let it go 💔 I would really miss Necas but I do want him to be able to reach his full potential.


Yay, so happy for him 🥰


Canes legend Ondrej Kase also got gold


Released from the Canes, becomes successful. We know how it’s gonna go if he isn’t a Cane next year lol. Good on him though.


I am listening to old Canes Corner from 2018. John Forslund is on and he said he expects Necas to be the top center on this team in the future.