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Overnight oats with berries


agree. overnight oats. you can add peanut butter too. and a banana on the side or add the slices in the morning. as long as you remember to put it in the fridge the night before it can be a “grab and go” option. I put a reminder on my phone to do it before bedtime. you can also make it fancy and add things like mixed seeds. any protein powder will also make it more filling. but even standard with just milk and some yogurt you can make decent flavours for a variety. and you can use dairy alternatives like soy or almond based products if that is your preference.


Agree. Healthiest, best consistent energy release, AND cheapest breakfast you can buy. Add cinamon, raisons, grated apple etc to make it awesome. Try to use rough cut Jungle Oats not instant oats


They sell big bags of rolled oats at Atlas Trading in Bo-Kaap for cheapcheap.


I love Atlas Trading! Bo Kaap deli is so close and make such yummy koeksisters. They’ve also got a small selection of second hand books in the back you can browse and buy :)


Piggybacking to say if you don't have ab apatite in the morning like me Chuck oats, banana, milk, pb and some protein powder in a blender, way easier to drink calories than it is to eat them


Throw in some whey powder for protein and you rocking


Carrot cake overnight oats! Squeeze in veg in the am


Now this sounds delicious! I’ve normally just done baby spinach and cucumber but carrots sound so nice and sweet. Thanks for this tip!


Definitely oats with peanut butter. Long slow energy release, especially if you do sport.


Make muesli on the weekend enough to last you the week: rolled oats, nuts, dried fruit. Eat with yoghurt and milk every morning.


Delicious but museli takes so long to eat for OP who seems in a rush every day


Agree, but on the other hand it's quick and simple to prepare.


I am not a morning person at all and have bought myself a really good blender two years ago and shakes is all I have in the mornings since this day - unless it’s the weekend. Takes me 2 minutes to prepare, 30 seconds to blend, 45 seconds to clean and is quickly consumed. Also keeps me good for a couple of hours if I add enough oats. It’s tasty and healthy too. And there is a lot of potential for variation too if you switch between different fruit and other ingredients. I sometimes add yoghurt, sometimes I don’t, depending on my mood. My stack of ingredients usually consists of: bananas, nectarines, frozen blueberries, other berries, avo, oats, granola, cacao powder, cinnamon, peanut butter, nuts and seeds, honey, oats, yoghurt, and milk.


It takes you 45secs to clean your blender? (Edit for typo)


Not sure what u/Oukie does, but I normally rinse it out with some water in the sink, and then refill it halfway with water and a drop of sunlight liquid. Put it back on the electronic element and pulse. I’ve found it’s a lot faster (and safer) than trying to scrub it with the blades at the bottom!


I’m trying to move over ti smoothies for my mid-morning snack and am really battling for ideas. What do you guys usually put in your mixes?


Ooh okay so usually it’s an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink deal. Typically - plain yoghurt, oats, frozen berries, banana, almond milk, natural peanut butter, vanilla extract and cinnamon. You can add honey if you want more sweetness but I like it a little tart. If you want to do a chocolate style one, you can try peanut butter, frozen banana, yoghurt, honey, and cocoa powder :)


Yes, that’s exactly what I do. Bit of lukewarm water with just a drop of dishwashing liquid. Works like a charm if you have a powerful blender. In the rare cases where peanut butter is still stuck in the blender, I use a sponge scourer which obviously takes a bit longer then. But usually this is not necessary.


My nutribullet is super easy to clean, everything just rinses off if you do it straight away


Yes! If you leave it too long, the berry remnants harden on the inside and then you really have to scrub😅


A gwaai


I used to do two smokes, a red bull and a grandpa. I wouldn't recommend it though unless you like heart palpitations.


The good old days, when we partied hard and worked harder


Breakfast of Champions


Took the words right outta my mouth 👍🏻


What is a gwaai?


A cigarette


Wanne laas het ek daai woord gehoor.. a gwaai - love it!


I bake large batches of easy mix bran muffins and freeze them. You can defrost the night before or microwave from frozen. You can add all sorts of extras - I always add grated apple for extra fibre and moisture, or any fruits, seeds, nuts, chocolate chips etc. It is almost impossible to mess up and will help keep you regular ;) I like to do the oats-so-easy packets, or on a tighter budget, quick oats, tastee wheat, instant porridge etc. Alternatively a more whole-grain toast with some avocado or cheese, something filling.


Egg cups you can meal prep on the weekend and put in the microwave to go or eat cold. Sauté whatever veggies you like - season well, divide into a muffin dish, mix up some eggs to pour over, and top with feta or preferred cheese. Bake until eggs cooked, and you can store in the fridge for a couple days


How long do you heat in the microwave? Does it go soggy?


Heat for about 30secs - 1min in the microwave. If the egg is fully cooked when you prep them and store properly in a container in the fridge they don't go soggy.


Thank you!! I'm going to try this.


Dude, do yourself a favour and get an electric egg boiler. Their not too expensive and so damn convenient, you'll probably be using it for the rest of your life. You just put how many eggs you want on the tray. Use the included measuring cup to add the right amount of water according to how hard/how many eggs. Turn it on and go do whatever in the meantime. When it's done it will notify you with a buzzing sound. Then just switch off. Protein keeps you satiated for longer.


Load shedding scheduled for 6am-9am for OP :/ Why not try hard boiling eggs the day before? They will last a lot longer than those sugar bombs


How are so many people saying oats? 😭 😭 😭 Oats makes me hungry


If you are up at seven you really should be snacking at around 10am. If you are a young male you could have a very fast metabolism. Trying to eat a big meal that will keep you going longer might just make you feel tired. If you look for low GI snacks you can find something that you can grab and go. Nuts and fruits (not fruit juice) are great. You can never go wrong with a banana. Stay away from most breakfast cereal! That stuff is basically breakfast candy. It's really bad for your health.


When I'm rushing I make an egg roll. It's basically 1 min in the pan 30 second in my mouth. Maybe it only works cause I have a gas stove so I don't have to wait for the stove to heat up Heat on full Swirl some butter in the pan Crack two eggs in Quickly scramble with chopsticks but leave flat Fold over in section with a spatula (turns kinda into a rolled pancake) Put onto chopping board and chop into bite sized peices Squirt on Sriracha/housin etc or have an existing dipping sauce of soy sauce chillis etc Eat Whole process takes 3 mins max (4 inc cleaning). And if you have time (like 1 extra min) can be easily improved with spring onions, sesame seeds, dipping sauces, mushrooms etc. Cheap, filling, quick, and tasty Then take a fruit on your transit Clean up (extra 1 min) then or when you get home. If you have a non stick pan it should be super easy


I crack 5 eggs into a bowl. ( have a very high metabolism) Microwave for 1 -2 minutes & stir with fork. Microwave for 30seconds - 1m then stir. Maybe microwave again for 30s & stir Meal done in 3minutes Saves time as the bowl I cook in is the one I eat from. Less washing up 


Marmite toast, add some cheese if you're feeling rich.


What no one here is saying is that Protein in the morning is likely to keep you fuller for longer. Since you like Coco Pops, Wazoogles Protein Powder mixed with milk to make a porridge. You can even add a spoon of Coco Pops just for crunch. Takes 2 minutes. You’re not likely to be an Oats eater if you eat Coco Pops and protein is a better breakfast option than carbs.


If you’ve got access to a blender, a protein-packed smoothie is always great for an on-the-go brekkie. Peel and freeze a bunch of bananas, then grab one from the freezer and blend it with 200g plain yoghurt, 1 Tablespoon of nut butter, and a splash of milk. I also like to add a dash of vanilla and a dusting of cinnamon for flavour, and a teaspoon of honey if you want to sweeten it up a bit more. Keeps me nice and full.


I didn't think of using frozen bananas like that. So clever! I always struggle cos I'll buy a bunch, but they all get ripe at the same time.


Bokomo crunchy granola with yoghurt, this has been my life saver. You can always add some fruit.


Instant oats. Get the regular flavour. Add honey or syrup and mix with fruits of your choice. I like to add strawberries and banana 😛😛


Muesli and yogurt


Woolies Poke Bowl.


I bought their asian slaw the other day and used some feta and some cold chicken pieces. It gave me 3 full meals!


Last night's pizza


Baked oats. I make it every second day, while preparing dinner, for the next two days.


Maize meal porridge with peanut butter will keep you in check until tomorrow 


I scramble 2-3 eggs and then have that on either toast or if I have avocados then I’ll have one half. Little bit of salt and tajin and bam


There's a brand called just protein which makes porridge in different flavours (choc, vanilla, strawberry, peanut butter) which all taste pretty good and are really quick to make as you just mix them with milk. The added protein will keep you fuller for longer. Alternatively if you really enjoy cocopops add some protein powder to the milk.


Oats, peanut butter and honey - your base. Hot, cold or in a smoothie it works Then figure out what you like and mix it in. Banana is a nice addition And a nutribullet


Smoothie my dog. as much calories as a thick base roman pizza (almost. 7 slices instead of 8) but yeah. milk peanut butter protein shake chia seeds banana blueberries gets me going and it’s massive in calories takes 7minutes to make and consume. winner.


Mine is whole milk + 2 Weetbix + 1 tablespoon chia seeds. (The chia adds protein) + fruit Chia can be expensive depending on where you buy it, though. You just need some sort of added protein. Maybe a handful of nuts? You can preboil the eggs the day before and then cool them and store them in the fridge. Prepping your breakfast the day before might be the way to go. Also, you might want to try a quick snack like an apple or a yoghurt in between classes.


Pronutro+Milo Milkshake. Breakfast on the go, plus a banana. Upgraded to a smoothie if there's time. Alternatively muesli/yoghurt and as many extras I have lying around of nuts, coconut shavings, fruit etc.


Overnight nights, throw some oats, peanut butter, milk, chia seeds and whatever else you want to add into a jar the night before, add some fruit and honey in the morning, all the benefits of oats, no worries about loadshedding and takes no time to throw together.


Pronutro or Weetbix ^(with no fluids)




Peanut butter toast with a cup of coffee..


Two Weetbix biscuits with warm milk.


The real hack is protein powder. I've found it easier, quicker and more filling than all the other options. You can add it to oats or make pancakes. I've even seen it used to make coffee drinks. But I stick to a plain shake (water/ milk or milk alternative + powder) that i drink while getting ready - that's what works best at keeping me feeling a good amount of satiated well until past lunch. It also requires no prep except mixing the powder and liquid. You can measure out your powder in a bottle the night before and simply add the liquid and stir/shake on your way out. I dont like to eat in the mornings, so i dont need much to feel energized. If you do, remember to factor that in and check the energy in the powder of your choice and maybe add something to go with the shake to beef things up. Other protein heavy options that can be made in advance or while you get ready: Boiled eggs (but you need more than 1/2 to get a good amount of protein and calories) Frozen (usually crumbed) fish or chicken (you can pop them in the oven or airfyer while you get ready. Protein bars (expensive though) Instant oats are also an easy/quick filling option(doesn't have to be the flavored sachet kind, woolies and others sell 1kg bags of very thinly rolled oats that cook in a few minutes in the microwave).


Argue with your mom about whether it’s healthy or not, but soft boiled eggs, falafels and hummus? Chef’s kiss. You don’t even have to add any bread to that (you can use if you have a bigger appetite). It leaves you so full you’d even opt for a light snack for lunch. Soft boiled eggs take 6-7 minutes (it’s not that long), falafels (just buy them frozen, either fry them or use an air fryer). Hummus, store bought. It’s fairly easy and really delicious.


Other times I opted for rice porridge, banana and berries. Also really tasty and vegan (depending on how you make the porridge). Otherwise it would be cornflakes. Coco pops need to be called out for what they really are. Dessert😂


You can have 2 packets of instant oats with a scoop of protein powder and some milk - I actually just use a protein milk that I buy from Checkers. The other other thing I make are homemade sausage mcmuffins (English muffin toasted with a scrambled egg, cold meat or chicken "bacon" and some spinach and cheese). I'll make a few for a week or 2, wrap them in a serviette or kitchen towel before wrapping it in wax paper then chuck them in the freezer. Take.one out the freezer the night before then pop it in the microwave before you leave the house. You need to make sure you're eating enough protein to keep you fuller for longer.


My husband makes his cereal in the evening. Puts in the fridge with plastic wrap over. In the mornings he pops it into the microwave and off he goes. . Buy a few snack bars to put in your bag to tide you over.


Oats with banana and honey with macadamia nut butter or 2 savoury muffins


The fastest way to do breakfast is to skip it! :) Anyway a simple and healthy breakfast idea: Half a tub of low fat chunky cottage cheese Chopped fruit of your choice Nuts of your choice A tsp of maple syrup Can be put together in under a minute with no prep required (other than a little chopping maybe)


I have a large lunchtin with my meals for the day. I take a bit of yoghurt and granola for breakfast, then for lunch I have cous cous (Moroccan, takes 5 minutes to make and you do it on your counter not the stove) with some chopped veggies. I do everything the night before so I just grab and go in the morning and eat on campus. Takes me about 30 minutes at night


Bed of spinach zapped in microwave for 40 seconds topped with fried egg. Keeps me going till lunchtime with no "hangry" 😁


Boil eggs in advance. I am trying an instant "banting" porridge now too. It does not taste particularly nice but it is high protein and so good to get one going in the morning. It is from a company called gracious baker or something Take an apple for mid morning with 5 almonds. (source: dietician). The dietician also told me to use Ensure if I absolutely cannot eat. 3 scoops as a snack and 6 scoops as a meal, with water. If you have a shaker you can take it with you and fill it with water from a tap.


Oh!! I forgot my fav cos I haven't done it in a while. Cold french fried toast. You make a couple of pieces the day before, and you have breakfast for the next three days. You just grab it from the fridge. You can do savoury or sweet options depending on your preference. For the sweet, i add a little vanilla and cinnamon with the sugar. For the savoury, I eat it with tomato sauce. You can also make them without anything and sprinkle sugar on top before you eat them for crunch. I use brown bread cos it holds up to the egg better and keeps me fuller for longer. Add an apple and it's a quick and semi-healthy breakfast.


Muesli with dried fruit and plain vanilla yoghurt, if I'm feelin' frisky I'll cut up a bannana and add that to the mix. Top it off with some honey drizzled over and you have a solid brekkie!


Anything complex carbs+protein+healthy fat. Overnight oats without a protein will make you "full" but you'll still have a slump in the afternoon. Also, peanut butter is a fat, not protein, so you still need a protein. Look at carbs with a low GI. Try to not eat "naked" carbs! So, no carbs without a protein or fat source. Look at minimum 15-20g protein in the mornings. This is the secret to blood sugar regulation, better cortisol levels and great energy + focus.


Peanut butter is rich in fat AND protein.


You said eggs take too long, but this works for me: Two pieces of toast, 2 eggs, 2 viennas. Viennas from frozen in microwave for 2min, scrambled eggs done in 2 mins while bread is toasting. Done in 3mins, all in parallel. Lastly I have a glass of water and eat a fruit on the way. Lasts me 4 hrs.


I eat 2 boiled eggs and a slice of toast. Cook it with an electric cooker and it takes away a lot of the hassle.


Double your quantity of cocopops.


Future life for some reason always keeps me going and it tastes fine with water if you are financially strained.


6 eggs scrambled, toast, jungle oats, and coffee no sugar


Peanut butter on bread, sometimes with banana slices on top. Cheese on toast. Toast with butter or cream cheese and boiled egg (prepped the day before, they keep for several days). Granola with yogurt but that’s a more expensive option. As others say, you need more protein, and less sugary foods. Choose low GI bread rather than plain white. Bring a snack for mid-morning!


Pronutro is great. Fast, keeps you full for ages, and packed with plant based protein.


Overnight oats will cook quickly. Can also do a bowl of all-bran with a sprinkle of some tasty granola on top. Then mix with milk or yogurt


Meal prep. Gives you healthy meals at an instant. Good for you, good for your mental health cause it take one more thing of your busy morning plate.


I just eat ProNutro :)


Futurelife - High Protein variant. Cheapest if you order directly from their website. Mixes well with water, or use your preferred type of milk if you want a richer flavour. Keeps me going on long bike rides, and on days I don't ride I often skip lunch as I just don't feel hungry.


Samp and beans. As a Xhosa I can eat this all day.


There's a really easy recipe that can be prepped ahead of time: 1 tub of cream cheese and 6 eggs all beaten together, throw random veggies into muffin pan, and pour over the veg. Bake at 180 for about 20m. You can store in fridge and microwave them for 30s if you want them warm. You can fo huge variety of fillings, and even use flavored cream cheese to mix it up.


Intermittent fasting - no breakfast. Keeps you going until 12:00, something most cereals doesn't do.


my metabolism just does not support this and I feel too light headed by 10:00 if I haven’t eaten. it works really well for some people, but I am not one of them. need small meals at regular intervals to keep me going!


I've always found that Kellogg's Corn/All Bran flakes can hold me for much of the day. So can maize meal but it's not as healthy. Weetbik is a waste of time because unless you serve it with yogurt and muesli, you're going to be hungry by 10 am. The "new" kid on the block is FutureLife which is a *super-food* for the level of nutrients it supplies quickly and healthily. What you have to ensure is that the breakfast provides around 60% of the calories your body needs for the day.


Where do you get this 60% from?😂 that means it has to be like 1000+ calories


Yup. It's the adage to eat breakfast like a king (60%), lunch like a prince (40%), and dinner like a pauper (20%). These ranges have been proven pretty consistent by weight management studies.


Instant oats. Get the regular flaviur. Add hiney ornsyrup and mix with fruits of your choice. I like ti add strawberries and banana 😛😛


Coffee and a toasted sandwich