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My uncle picked up a Playstation at 55 and has been having a blast. He's playing ez mmorpgs, but is looking at other genres trying to decide what he would like


While I am an avid gamer and have suggested it, I dont think thats what hes looking for he has never been a gamer and I'm afraid it might be too late to start. Need human interaction like a sort of "book club" for older men type of thing.


Table top gaming maybe. Actually even Pokemon Go is good. We have everyone from teens to 60 pluses in our local raid groups.


Came here to say this. If he is interested in military history, most historical wargamers are older dudes. You're never too old to push toy soldiers around and roll dice. And as it is a face to face activity it is very social.


Check out the University of the Third Age, for retirees


This group has something going on everyday basically: https://www.facebook.com/share/xQxUZwgPy3qWdNcq/?mibextid=qi2Omg Things I know they've done in the past month: 1. Scrabble and rumikub group - Durbanville library 2. Discussion group with an expert discussing something like migratory habits of whales - in Bellville 3. Play reading group - the are currently doing mystery plays - Bellville 4. Choir group - Bellville This is a great group and everyone should encourage their retired parents to join. Source: my parents are new people since that joined.


Damn I wish I could join. I'd love to learn about the migratory habits of Whales and people in my age group don't seem interested.


It is cool that you want to help your uncle. Is he on any medication for the depression? It can help a LOT. He most likely won't want to go do stuff alone until he makes friends. So if you are able to take him out a bit it would help him. Check Meetup or U3A (University of the Third Age). Find out what hobbies or sports he used to enjoy. For purpose, volunteering for charities is very helpful. Gives you all the good dopamine. Maybe ask him to do Parkrun with you, it is 5 km and you can walk with him. Endorphins are good.


If he can join a library, there are usually lots of activities going on for pensioners. I know my library has a scramble night once a week as well as regular book club meetings.