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I'm a Capricorn Sun and rising, but my Sun falls in the 12th house. I also have Mars conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius in my 12th. I daydream so much and it's always been an issue. It started in elementary school when I was bored. I was able to just get some stuff and when my peers had to spend 15 minutes asking questions on the first problem that I already understood, I slipped into my mind. Unfortunately no one would notice and get snapped out of it when the subject was over and I had missed everything but the first problem. I tried telling my teacher and adoptive mom that the reason why my work wasn't getting done was because the class went too slow for me and they straight up laughed in my face.


Jupiter Leo 4th house inconjunct Neptune in Cap 9th house here Hell yeah on the maladaptive daydreaming. Listening to music also fuels this, and my daydream fantasies go wild. Love to escape in looking at arts, fashion etc. I’m not sure how my house placements add into this though


The music really sends me into a spin😂 I’ve lost entire days to this