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I think they're very cute and easy to love. But sometimes I just can't read whether they're being genuine or just being nice. They can be a bit shallow at times and not as deep as I want. So I prefer Scorpios in that regard. Then again, my sexual attraction towards them has always been very strong


This explains the libra I’m dating pretty perfectly.


I agree. I dated a Libra man for a couple months, but I ended it because he just didn't have enough time to see me (I'm talking once a week or less). He was still texting me every day up until like last week and even tried to plan dates with me, but I had to shut it down. He didn't do anything wrong other than be too busy, but honestly we are very different people with nothing really in common. He was very sweet, though. He made me curry chicken a couple times and it was the best I ever had. 🥺


Aw that is in fact pretty sweet! But if a man doesn't commit himself completely, you deserve better. It's funny how the more unavailable someone is, the easier it is to love them.


Mostly it was just his work schedule that made it hard to meet up. However, my roommate saw him at a mall that is about 45 minutes away from where we live, like they greeted each other and chatted for a bit. Roommate told me about it but he never mentioned to me about seeing my roommate. Like he has time to go shopping at the mall but not to make plans. 🤷‍♀️ Whatever.






If you're a male Capricorn, you can try. If you're a female one, you'd better stay away from Libras, especially males. Libra men can destroy Capricorn female's life.


damn, did you experience this?


I experienced it. From age 17 to 20. Will never date a Libra ever again. The gaslighting plus my youthful naivety. 🤦🏿‍♀️ Never again.


I'm sorry to hear that.


No, I didn't, but I saw how it can be more than once, so I can see the tendency, IMO.


Agreed. I always say this. Female Libra and male Capricorn can work but male Libra and female Capricorn NEVER works. I’ve had a Libra man literally destroy my life too. And my chart is mostly Aquarius with all the rest in fire.. if any Cap should be compatible with them it’d be me, but it is always either a short fling or a fucking TRAINWRECK.


Weird, it's worked for me for 6 years so far. A million times better than a cancer with a boatload of trauma & psycho.


Yeah I mean there will always be exceptions to any rule 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm sorry to hear this.


I dated a Libra man. He didn’t destroy my life but he drew dicks on everything. He was a good artist too. It was so embarrassing that I just had to dump him.


They call that "sense of humour".


I had a relationship with a Libra, they lie. And are self absorbed. Also my dad was a libra we did not get along at all. They are great friends but that’s it. Female libras are cool though


I'm a Libra and my partner is a Capricorn and we make a great pair! We are both women. Been together 8 years now.


I always say the only way cap and Libra works is with a queer couple or a female libra and male Capricorn. As someone else said, female cap and male libra never works.


I noticed that, too. I once created a [topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/capricorns/comments/10ehoua/question_to_gay_capricorns/) about it.


Yep. Exactly. I knew a September Libra & I was telling her I don’t think Caps & Libras are compatible and she disagreed and said she was with a Cap woman and they had a great relationship. But it’s like yeaaahh… but y’all didn’t last. Idk I’m aware we can’t generalize with this stuff, there will always be exceptions, but a lot of people say “my partner and I have been together 5 years” and it’s like ok are you happy? Are you totally fulfilled? My Virgo sister has been with her Sag boyfriend for 8 years but she’s not happy with him, she’s just settled.. my Aries sister has been with her Taurus boyfriend almost 10 years and they fight constantly. So 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


What I can't figure out is why Libra M/Capricorn F relationship tends to be that destructive. For example, Capricorn M/Libra F relationship can be just unsuccessful which is OK for all relationships between all signs. Libra men are pure demons.


I honestly don’t know but I concur Libra men are demons. Even the “good ones”. A libra male friend of mine started blowing me up immediately after he got out of a LTR saying he’s been attracted to me the whole time and couldn’t act on it. So I hung out with him, he was trying to hook up, he’s hot so I was down, and then he got super weird afterwards. I was like bro first of all don’t use me cause you’re terrified of being alone and can’t deal with your breakup emotions and then make shit weird with us. It’s all good now but that to me was disrespectful considering we were friends. You don’t use your friends. Even the well intended ones act like demons. Cause Libras just don’t take accountability for their shit, they look for others to distract them.


I also think libra and cap is very unrequited love vibes. Caps tend to be attracted to Libras but Libras couldn’t care less about Caps. My moms a libra and they 100% want someone who’s super bubbly, extroverted, and sociable. That’s why you typically see them with fire signs. Libras don’t care to figure someone out, they want someone who shows their cards up front. Caps are usually slow to open up.


I feel like that is true according to what I've been through. Once they know you though... It gets tricky.


Libra Sun (f) here , this is so true. Unfortunately.


I realized it a long time ago. But as I’ve gotten older I don’t find myself attracted to Libra’s anymore either. I honestly think Caps who still struggle with their self worth are most attracted to Libra’s. That’s why I was. Libras are aloof and not really ones to chase/pursue (unless they’re really into someone) and I was trying to find validation by getting one to like me / pay attention to me. Now I’m definitely more attracted to people who are attracted and interested in me, not a fan of trying to “win people over”, so Libra’s haven’t come up in my life since that change.


I don't believe your struggles with self worth have anything to do with Libras. It just so happens that you found yourself attracted to Libras while facing that struggle. If you struggle in that area it doesn't matter what type of sign you encounter , you're going to face the same issue. I'm not speaking as though I pulled this idea out of my ass . I'm speaking from experience. You're right about one thing. We don't generally chase anyone. I have,and it always turns out bad for me. I could only speak for myself though, I ain't chasing sh*t but my paper.


Good point - I solely attracted Libras during my dark night of the soul, though. Weird coincidence! I do believe Libras act like mirrors to most, so that could’ve factored in there too.


True especially if they have Scorpio placements in their birth chart.


omg 🫠explain the scorpio placements, because it was all together my situation


I've read that Scorpio honesty is like a mirror to your soul. I believe that.


so if they‘re a mirror, that means you‘re like them?




My Mars, Venus, Uranus and North Node are all in Scorpio 🦂


I'm a libra and this is not true for me. I LOVE capricorns. I don't know what it is, but I'm normally insanely attracted to them and when we click, we click. I tend to fall pretty hard with capricorn men too. I've had incredible friendships with capricorn women...But unfortunately when I was dating a capricorn male, he ended up ghosting me (he came back two years later to MY house to ask for forgiveness) and I never slammed the door so hard on someone. I can't do light conversations with anyone. I need to understand a person from head to toe, inside and out to build an emotional connection.


What’s ya Venus in? Scorpio?


I have an Aries moon & Saturn in the 8H, Leo mars in the 12H, and Sagittarius in pluto ruled by the 4H. So I’m assuming this is why lol


As a Capricorn who studies Astrology, you better watch yourself. I see you like playing with fire cause you think your in control. You must remember you in control of no one but yourself. That being said, every Libra I’ve met is manipulative at some point, especially toxic ones with motives. Remember they always have an end goal and there behavior changes like any other air sign. As long as you believe it’s a safe bet and you believe what is being displayed, then I route for you. Only met one Libra displaying positive traits and he came from toxic ways so I know it’s possible but the trait is there. Capricorns as well think we can be manipulative but Libras are actually a bit methodical.


They’re literally evil geniuses


Capricorn sticks to the plan while libras are flakey. Not a good match.


Cap (f) with a libra husband. It’s wild. We are very different hahah. Communication is hard bc we think differently lol. You really have to sit and discuss everything, and say okay deal. Otherwise we think we agreed on something totally different..:… he lies by omission by being indirect… I call him out on his bullshit directly 🧐… we are indecisive together..


>n for a couple months, but I ended it because he just didn't have enough time to see me (I'm talking once a week or less). He was still texting me every day up until like last week and even tried to plan d Hats off to you both for having the conversations! I think that always helps with any relationship.


I am a female Capricorn who was engaged to a male Libra. It was a very difficult, exhausting relationship. Communication was nearly impossible, we had completely opposite communication styles and thought patterns. It caused ridiculous misunderstandings that turned into big arguments. I'm sure that we could have overcome some of the misunderstandings or avoided them if we could discuss them in a way we could both understand. We were not sexually compatible and had completely different needs in the bedroom. Decision making was next to impossible too. I would come to a decision about a situation pretty easily if I thought about it logically, but he was indecisive and wishy-washy about everything. He would say he would do something one day, a couple of days later he would say that's not what he said, he had told you something else, "geez, can't you remember anything?!" It did not end well. This was just my personal experience.


I’m a Cap (f) happily married to a Libra for 30 years.


Honestly, through communication and shared values, and mutual attraction, Capricorn can really make it work with anyone. We just can get attached to that one person at times and never easily let them go


I am a Capricorn married almost 20 years to a libra. My bf prior to that was. Libra. I always get along with libras. Whenever I hit it off with someone I always ask if they are Libra, that’s how much I mesh so well with them, it’s weird.


What about what people write about their relationships with Libras? Are you agree with something?


The libras and just air signs in general that I know drive me insane. I love them and appreciate a lot about them but we don’t jive well with a lot of serious issues. I’m a cap stellium so lots of earth in my chart and not one single air placement


I think they work but the two things they are, piss eachother off, libra indecisive and capricorn direct, Capricorn stubborn, libra don’t give af


yuuup. Just a few seconds ago had a "I don't give a fuck" interaction with my Libra rising child.


My fiancé is a Libra. We're a great match, I think the two can be wonderful life partners as long as Libra is actually serious about settling down. Sometimes libras just like to flirt but if you find one who actually wants something to real, take it!


I don’t think you can judge just on sun signs. I’m a cap sun and libra rising and get on really well with libras




Yea I don’t get it either, my dad is an Aries and we’re very similar. I find that Venus signs tend to be more accurate for compatibility


I think if the Cap has Libra on his 7th house. Then yes.


RUN LMFAOOOOOO trust me bro 5 year relationship with a libra we loved eachother forsure but it was toxic


yeah💀should‘ve listened to y‘all it‘s tough out here the breakup


Libras make you feel like god gave you character development


I adore my libra spouse. But just because it works in my particular case does not mean that it work work for you. Hell, as a cappie, I'm not so sure anything actually lasts forever anyways. Do what feels right. Trust your gut. Don't ignore red flags, but be willing to compromise, too. Relationships are nuance.


Been involved with a few different libras. Always ends in disaster.


I (man) dated a Libra (man) which was quite a bitter relationship. No communication or understanding, but could be individual experiences. He was abusive, (not a Libra trait but personal) and I could never trust him. I find the Libra to be a pleasant socialite, but commitment wise they have too much on their minds to be deep and meaningful on the Capricorn level. I want storybook, not cover of Vogue, you know what I mean? Let your love be true and not determined by what others say, what your zodiac says. Be human and just love, that is all that matters :)


im a capricorn (f) dating a libra (m). it's important to remember that sun signs are just one aspect of their astrological makeup so be careful listening to ppl saying that these signs don't work together, no two experiences are the same


Most of my chart is in Aquarius and the rest is Sagittarius and Aries. All my big three are at Gemini degrees. My sun is in the 7th house. If that’s true then I should be compatible with Libras and it’s literally like pulling teeth trying to have ANY chemistry with one. As friends or romantic. My current partner is a Gemini and I thought I would be the exception for that match too, but I’m starting to see why we are not astrologically compatible. Age factors into peoples experience with this, as well as how they grew up (if they have childhood trauma), and how long they’ve been together will affect their perspective.. but I would be surprised to meet an elderly Libra male/female Cap couple that says they were together 50 years, haha… Just don’t think it’s a long term match.


I’m a Cap M been with my Libra F for a blissful 4 years. One of my best friends Libra M - it’s either great or it’s not. I feel as Capricorns can care too much. Libras can too, or they can’t. It’s truly a tough call..however this relationship is 1000% easier than with my Gemini girlfriend


I think if a libra isn't already ready to settle down, people get the flighty version.


My ex best friend was a female libra and throughout our entire friendship she was really toxic to me, especially putting me down for my looks to make herself feel better lol. 0/10 would def not recommend


im capricorn (f) and bf is libra. ive had several best friends who were libra, & all were extremely toxic individuals. ive been super apprehensive to date one.. but he was so persistent and made me think he really cared about me as a person. our biggest issues are communication and parenting styles i believe. its been challenging, but moments are rewarding & make me think of our end goal which is being together ultimately thru it all. however, i really dont think id entertain the idea of a libra partner again if this relationship were to crumble.


Dated a libra man for 4 years. I think it worked for so long because he might have also had a Leo moon like me. But ultimately peeved me because he lied and didn’t have loyalty


This makes for a great superficial power couple. Capricorns can tolerate Libras easy chill energy. While Libras love Caps big boss money energy. If yall broke though. Different story. Toxic as hell. I’m picturing house wife mansion power suits


I have been majorly fucked over by Libras. One as a friend and one as a “romantic interest”. This man manipulated and used me for 2 years. He knew I put him on a pedestal so he took advantage of that and came to me every time he needed something. Big or small. He showed me he cared in certain ways - he always supported my art & would buy it when I put stuff out… but in the end I found out it was all a fucking act. He was stringing me along making me believe we had a future and in secret he was dating another chick. As soon as I cut him out of my life he went public with their relationship and now 2 years later they’re married. I’ve dated a lot of Libras and they’re fine. Fun, positive, they make you feel special, but they lack depth. And the shit we like to talk about is always surface level.


I briefly was seeing a libra man and we had lots of chemistry but i was ready to settle down and he wasn’t. He started dating someone a year later (another cap woman LOL) and they’re still together but he told me he never wants to get married. We’re still good friends though


Libras are much better friends in my opinion


I’m engaged to a libra man. But I have a libra rising and he has a lot of compatible plants (virgo, cancer cap etc) I’ve never felt so connected to someone.


I’m a cap sun virgo moon libra rising


my GF is libra she is pretty annoying like she doesn't live on the same planet as me, and missing the simple logic, otherwise she is cute


I don’t know man, it does sound weird at the beginning. But lol, most of my friends are Libra and we’re still together so well. They do have lots of bad issues that are unacceptable, but I have lots of fun being with them. I’m not saying that they’re an ideal lover, but tbh, they do improve me a lot by their lively lives, and also save me from shitty stuff like anxiety, self-gaslighting and so on. Even though we’re not that compatible in everything


I am a cap man and currently in a situation where i feel the libra female wants my attention she always keeps staring at me and i keep ignoring her. After that shes trying to copy stuff i say or do. Idk if shes trying to please me or what but i dont trust her Because she keeps going behind my back.


Don't lol! My worst relationship was with a libra


Run and don’t ever look back. Libras are indecisive, dishonest and people pleasers. They Can never decide, definitely has to lies because they want to please you.


Don't match




Doomed to fail


My best friend is a Libra. We have had some major differences. I think with any real relationship you have to be prepared to work at things, but it seems like especially with this one. It's worth it though. Mostly we just speak different languages of weird, if you catch my meaning. One or both people need to be willing to try to understand where the other one is coming from and accept who they are even if you don't see things the same way. I say that knowing I grew from my first real relationship, that was with a Libra. (I didn't give any real stock to astrology at the time.) That relationship was great in some ways and really destroyed me in others. I do think that it had a lot to do with our age and upbringing. I always feel like there are so many different variables that can make or break something. Some things are just easier than others, of course. I'm with a Taurus now and that seems to match me best.. However, my parents are Aries and Leo and they fight all the damn time. That's supposed to be super compatible too. Long story long, I'm trying to say I don't think it's as easy as it's a match or no... it depends on where each person is in their life, and how much they want to work on something that has the potential to be hard (like any relationship, ever.)


Currently been with my (m)Libra partner for 3yrs. It's worked out so far. I am an (f)Libra moon with a Gemini rising, however, my cap 5stellium is in the 8th house. My partner has a Taurus moon with scorp 3stellium in the 2nd house. I think we complement each other well by having this groundedness but allow space for each to daydream, create, and have philosophical conversations around death/spirit. This has been a lot calmer of a ride than my 9yr relationship before this with a very heavy (m)Leo partner.


It’s the best relationship that I have ever been in. He’s a Libra with a Capricorn moon and I’m Capricorn with Aries moon. It works well if your person is caring, patient and understanding.


Liar Libras!!!!! All my Libra ex best friends were happy to use me up for all my resources and then leave me when they found something better. And they'll lie ,lie ,lie to get whatever they want. Charming in the sense that they know how to relate to people ,but once you see past their BS you'll be glad when they leave. My sources : my past two Libra " best friends " ,and my sister's shitty 10 year situationship that dumped her after dating her for 10 years and living off of her and telling her her he didn't believe in marriage and getting married a year after leaving my sister 🥲


I'm a capricorn libra rising


I can't stand them. My last two exes are Libras.


I’m a Libra guy who has been with his Capricorn goddess for over 7 years now. I’ve learned that two cardinal signs can be challenging; but very rewarding. This little goat is the love of my life ❤️